The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 24, 1896, Image 3

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Cioveinna ana Fngie
To the
We cordially invite you to come and examine
our stock of High-class Novelties, which we are now
showing. Our display, same as evening of the Open
ing, will be shown for the balance of the week.
The Dalles Dally Gnrbnieie.
nte red a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon
- as second-class matter.
MARCH 24, 1S96
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
Forecast Tonight occasional showers,
Wednesday fair, cooler, with frost.
Chas. Grabner and Emile Walther
were united in marriage yesterday after
noon bv .TnsticA T.. S. Davis.
. Mr. John Crate losNa valuahlw
shepherd dog yesterday bwftpisoning,
The animal was vain, d at $50. f
Tf TV T 1 .
justice uaviB is aqinna very gooa leap
year business, havinaSsmarried seven
couples in the last twelve days.
For your right-up-to-date street shoe,
either in tan or black, go to A. M. Will
iams & Co. Spring stock now in.
The mats to place under the trapeze
and turning bars at the gymnasium
have arrived and are now being used. .
Reserved seats 35 cents ; general admis
sion 25 cents and children 15 cents for the
Brownie entertainment Saturday even
ing. What do these warm, balmy winds
suggest to you vny, a new spring
suit of course. An endl'rs variety wait
ing for you at A. M. Williams & Co.
All members of the Degree of Honor,
A. O. U. W., are requested to be pres
ent at the meeting tomorrow evening,
ae business of unusual importance is to
come before the lodge.
'Was your father a monkey?" is the
question Roland D. Grant answered
last night to a Portland audience. The
bills requested the listeners to bring
cents and their family record.
Four vagrants and three drunk and
disorderlies were before the recorde
this morning, who administered to them
the proper medicine. Apropos, our
our streets are getting in very fair con
dition. The formal opening of the Commer
cial Club, an event long looked forward
to by its members, occurs tonight.
Every member and lady will be present,
unless prevented by accident. Tre
.Dalles Orchestra Union will furnish t' e
Several lady artists of The Dalles
have drawn some very good p'c
tures of "Brownies," which will l
placed in different public places in The
Dalles to advertise the Brownie enter
tainment Saturday evening at the Bald
win. Many people are anticipating (his
event with much pleasure.
V. Connelly was declared insane aftev
an examination yesterday by Dr. Hoi
lister, and was taken to Salem on the 3
o'clock train this morning. . His in
sanity takes a Buicidal tendency, and
was. induced by the excessive use of
morphine. The unfortunate man came
here from Idaho several months ago.- -.Twenty-three
hired men are now work
ing on . the Rattlesnake- road,- besides a
large number- doing subscription work
of The Dalles.
The road ia passable now, but is much
improved each day. Rock work is
steadily going on. . It is expected that it
will take two years before the road s
completed In every detail, bat some
yery good loads are being hauled over it
at the present time. V
The Populist state convention occurs
next Thursday at Portland. Seth Mor
gan and D. C. Weigei ot The Dalles, and
J. N. Rodh of Dnfur were passengers on
the Regulator this morning and are dele
gates to that convention. They will be
reinforced at Hood River by L. Henrich
and H. F. Davidson and at Cascade
Locks by J. H. Aldrich.
The highest shake on the poker ma
chine at the Umatilla house was four
deuces, which some lucky individual
drew Saturday, and won fifteen choice
cigars, which he passed around amon
his friends. It will take more than
fifteen nickels, though, before he doeB 89
well again. When he wins he may pass
the cigars, but when he loses, no one
passes nickels.
Tomorrow evening our citizens will
have a chance to listen to one of the
sweetest female voices, and one of the
best pianists that have ever appeared
in The Dalles. Miss Jones and Miss
StevenB have already proved their worth
to Dalles audiences, and should be
greeted with an overflowing house. The
young ladies deserve the' utmost en
couragement, and will give value r.
ceived for the low price of admission.
The concert takes place at 8 o'clock at
the Congregational church Wednesday
evening. Tickets at the drug store or of
Rev. W. C. Curtis ; price 50 cents.
onor of Mrs. DekamT
Mrs. Lord and Mrs Brooks gave at
charming party yesterday afternoon atU
tne nome oi me lormer in nonor of Mrs
Dekum of " Portland. Tho-;e who hai
previously accepted the hospitality o
those hostesses knew what a delightfi
afternoon was in store for them, a:
such it truly proved to be. At 4 o'cloi
an elaborate luncheon was served, t
which words cannot do' adequate justice!
When the ladies left fo home it was
the universal expression and feeling that
a more pleasant afternoon could not be
8 pent.
There was something fitting and
touching in thia enterta;nment as "
honor of one who in days past had he. -self
dispensed a gracious hospitality in
that very place. Like the music of
Ossiany the memories to some present
must have been "pleasant and mourn
full to the soul." There are no friends:
like old friends, though the new ones
may be the best of material out of whic
to make old friends, when one has ha
time enough.
'There' were present beside the gues
of honor, Mrs. Dekum, thd followin
ladies : - .Mrs.;. Curtis, .Mrs. . Schehcli,
Mrs. Wilson, Mrs.' Langhlin, Mrs. She' -don,
-Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Crowe, Mr i.
Garretson, Mrs. Shackelford, Mrs. Fisl ,
Mrs. Harris. Mrs. Houehton. Mrs. Mei -
efee, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Brooks and Mm
Lord. . ,...-)
Correspondent Who Is' Urging
Work -With Great "Vim.
A well-known citizen of Fossil writes
the following letter as an eye-opener to
what the citizens of Fossil want and
what they are doing:
Fossil, Ore., March 20, 1896.
Editoe Dalles Chronicle :
I wish to call attention to the opening
ef theproposed road from Fossil to the
head , of navigation, The Dalles. All
eyes 'are turned towards The Dalles from
all this section, and away to the south
and east of us. Last fall representative
citizens from here met Joe Sherar, who
represented the interests of The Dallcfa,
and with him they viewed out and
agreed upon a location of a road that
would give this section a direct route to
The Dalles. The citizens of Gilliam
county who were taking the initiative,
have petitioned our county court for the
location of a public highway on the pro
posed route so far as it applied to Gi'liam
county, leaving off at the John Day
river, just below the mouth of 30-Mile.
.Our part of this highway has been sur
veyed, what damages that were found
have been paid by the citizens of this
place, and the road has been ordered
opened. It will cost several thousand
dollars to build this road to the ter
minus at the John Day, but it can be
made a good road, and work will be
.lmenced by private subscription, as
boon as we know that a road and bridge
will. be built to there, from the other
side. The proposition, coming to
from your people, through Mr. Sher;
was to build the - road on the other side
of the John Day, and build a bridge over
the John Day.
This matter is of too much importance
to let it sleep much longer. The Dalles
will Boon be ia the situation to hold the
same relation to all this country that
she once held before the building of the
railroad the one great commercial
center, and while it will be to all of our
interests to get to The Dalles direct, and
we are willing to put in our time and
means, we expect The Dalles to pursue
the policy indicated last fall and meet
us half way with the expense. The un
dertaking is too great to do alone, and
unless The Dalles wakes up to her in
terests, we will be found working teeth
and toe nail to get .competing portage
and river communication to Arlington.
We would like to have this road to The
A local telephone system is now being
put in at Fossil. The very best in
struments that could be procured for
long distance lines only are being used.
We are starting with a twenty drop
switch board, the central office being'at
A. B. Lamb's drug store. It will con
nect with all the principal places of
business in our town, and run in various
directions into the country. The most
important local circuits will be the ones
running out to Gilman, French & Co.'s
ranches, twenty-five or. thirty miles ; a
line up the creek to the saw-mill, six
miles; aline up Cotton wocd to Chas.
Prinle's, three miles. . Others are talked
of, but these' have instruments pur
See the Cleveland and
Eagle before "buying; both
are high-grade and stand
ard Wheels. The Cleve
land has a wood rim, and
the Eagle has an alumi
num rim. See our stock
before you buy.
Sole Agents for the above
named "Wheels.
chased. Now if this wagon road goes to
The Dalles, we want this telephone line
to go there along the new road.
Fossil will have the biggest building
boom this season in its existence. The
principal buildings will be a two story
brick by the I. O. O. F. hall association,
about 30x65, and a two story brick by
Senator Steiwer, size about 32x80. Mr.
Gilmf n will build a residence here also
for his family. As Wood never does
anything by halves, it will likely be the
best dwelling in this neck of the
woods. ' XYZ.
The Opening.
Pease & Mays' store was thronged
last evening, and so was the sidewalk in
front of the store, with people, young
and old, to listen to the fine musical
program prepared by the Orchestral
Union for the annual opening of the
store. The several numbers were given
in a manner that did ample credit to
their composers, and they comprised
such world-renowned musicians as Pryor,
Keisler, Gounod, Morse and others.
Before the program commenced, the
large number of people were shown the
courtesies of the store by its genial pro
prietors and clerks. All of the different
departments were thrown open to visit
ors. The etore was as neat as a pin
throughout, and the goods were shown
to an excellent advantage. The follow
ing was the program: .
usttce of the Peace Resigns.
Judge Blakeley has received the fol
lowing resignation of the office of justice
of the peace for Mosier precinct.
Mosieb, March 23, 1896.
Son. Geo. Blakeley, County Judge, The
Dalles, Or.: -
Dear Sir : I herewith resign the
office of justice of the peace for Mosier
precinct, to take effect on April 4th next.
The office, in my judgment, is not pub
licly useful, and should not be main
tained. Very Kespectfully,
Thomas Harlan.
Important to Farmers.
Wakelee's squirrel exterminator, thz
original and only article of its kind giv
ing complete satisfaction. Now reduced
from 50 cts to 30 cts per can. For sale
by M. Z. Donnell, The Dalles.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
; Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
- Most Perfect Made; .' '.
40 Years the Standard.
Only a few more Bicycles left that
will be sold at the reduced prices. Ex
amine our Crescents $50 and $75, as
good as any wheel sold at $85. We
srivfi t.TYft Ramft e-nnrnntfifi .lin vnn ran
get on a $100 wheel.
Nolan's Book Store now located at
No. 54 Second Street, near Union.
Tfc" Tygh Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbibbef 8z Worsley for it.
45c. Every Square is Full Weight.
m . . m
Our entire stock of Pianos to be
sold "before April 1st. We must vacate
bur store building1, and anything' in
our line at cut prices. Rather than to
move our whole stock we will sell you
any thing you may want before we
move, AT COST.
lacobsen BqoR &
162 Second St rest,
Try a Bottle-
Atwood's Syrup of Tar, Horehound and Wild
Cherry for that Cough.
The Dalles Commission Co.,
CoalIce and ProJnce, Foreip aM BoinesHc Fniits and Vctals.
Oysters. Fish, Poultry and Came in Season.
NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for Its purity and lasting qualities.
rock spkikos: " &"9. 1
Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets.;
Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding.
oval Katice.
Tygh Valley
A. A. B.
Music Company.
. I M
1 11,1 "m
FOB . FTJKt and