lip if) lite ;:riiiidko VOL. IX " 1 'Is PRINCETON. We show special new features in our Men's Suits, such-as the new Seamless Safety Pocket in Trousers ; Trousers strapped for belt, &c. . IN NATIONAL POLITICS The A. P. A. to Take Part in Presidential Campaign. SUPREME ADVISORY BOARD TO MEET At This Meeting, Which Will Be In Washington Tuesday, the First Steps Will Be Taken. Washington, March 21. The Ameri can Protective Association, that has been a factor in the state and municipal politics of several states for a number of years, has announced its intention to enter the field of national politics in the coming , presidential campaign. ' ' ' Its first crusade will be taken at a meeting of the supreme advisory board of the or ganization, called to meet in Washing ton, Tuesday, March 24. This meeting is preliminary to the sessions of the su preme council, which will be held here in May. Prominent members from every congressional district in. the country will take part in the sessions of the supreme council, and will determine the part the organization will take in the campaign. It is a part of the program to in sist upon the re-enactment in party platforms this year of ' the plunks of the Democratic and Republican platforms of 1876, in which both parties declared against sectarian appropriations and emoluments from public money or prop erty. In that year Mr. Blaine proposed in congress an amendment to the con stitution aB follows : "Article 16. Neither congress nor any state shall pass any law respecting an eetalishmenjof religion or prohibiting the free exercise therof, or use the prop erty or credit of the United States, or of any state, or any "money raised by taxation, or authorize either to be used Highest of all in leavening Power. It I - 1 - L-!-U59 Don't '. fail to look over the largest r stock of Boys' 2 .;. piece S.nits ia the city. Pants made double knee.dou ble seat and elas tic waistband. for' the purpose Of founding, maintaining or aiding by appropriation, payment for services, expenses or otherwise, any church, religious denomination or relig ions society, or any institution, society or undertaking which is wholly or in part under sectarian or ecclesiastical control." During this congress Linton of Michi gan introduced the same amendment, and the A. P. A. will' endeavor to have the amendment made a part of the con stitution. Another feature of the program with which the advisory board ' will dec' is what the political leaders of the A. P. A. call a campaign of education. They declare their literature shall reach every poaiofEce and every voter beJore election day. . Senators and representatives have heard from the A. P. A. organizations of their Etates during the past month. The following is a copy of a letter which has come to nearly all of them : "At a recent meeting, of the state council of the A. P. A. a resolution was unanimously adopted that we request our senators and representatives in con gress to Work and vote for the following bills, now pending: . - "A bill to secure a just distribution of federal offices, known in the last con gress as house bill to establish a nation al university, known in the last session as house bill 8949; a' bill to restrict im migration and regulate naturalization, known as Linton's bill, house bill 8774; Linton's - joint1 resolution, No. Ill, mending the constitution and prohibit ing for all time sectarian appropriations; a bill to prohibit advertisers or others from using the national emblem as an advertising device. " "We hope this expression of the re presentatives of so manr of your consti tuents will meet your indorsement, as being in the interests of our country and in line with the ideas of the founders of our government. .'. "We also desire to respectfully call your attention to the fact that it is the Latest U. S. Gov't Report t i k - - ' , - - - -s. ri.-v THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 23. 1896. FOR ISTcrw Ready A.iM. WIliLIAMS & CO. You are invited to call and look over one of the handsomest and most ex- N tensive assortment of Gen tlemen's Spring and Sum mer Suits ever shown in The Dalles. We can suit you in goods, style, and most important of all, SEE OUR STOCK -BEFORE PURCHASING. design to place in statuary hall a statue of Pere Marquette. We regard this as a dangerous innovation. ,' The Jesuits have been banished from almost every Catholic country; and yet, herein Pro testant America, they are -not only to remain and plot against the liberties of our people, but it is even now proposed to farther violate the principles of church and state by the addition of the statue of one of these traitors to all govern ments among the statues of those pa triots who have given their Uvea th at the government by the people should be preserved ; and we appeal to you to use your ndeavors so that this idea shall not be carried out." , THE NAME OK HAKRISOX. It Will Be Presented Should His Kom : lnatlon Appear Probable. Chicago, March 21. A special to the Tribune from Washington says : Benjamin Harrison's name will be presented for the consideration of the Republican national convention. This announcement ia raade on the authority of prominent Indiana leaders, who have, within the.' last few days, written to members of the delegation here, and the story had been' confirmed by telegrams received explanatory of the results' in the congressional convention 8 of Thurs day. When ex-President Harrison's letter of withdrawal was printed, prominent members of the Indiana delegation de clared the letter would not prevent them from using Harrison's name if they saw fit. Since that time the situation has been canvassed' thoroughly and the re suit has been that the word was passed throughout Indiana that instructed del egates would be an unwise political step, and the state should be left free to take up Harrison's name if it seemed advisa ble. A concession, it is said, was made to the McKinley 'sentiment in the state in several districts by an agreement that McKinley men might be elected provided they agreed to vote for Harrison at any time when s majority of the delegation so decided. Talking of the situation, one of the strong Indiana leaders said : : "You are safe in announcing that ex President Harrison's name will be pre sented to the convention unless it should be demonstrated before the meeting it self that McKiale'y or some other candi date, is absolutely certain of a nomination.-1 We have resisted instructions to delegates quite generally throughout the etate, not in; opposition to BlcKinley or any othercandidate; but solely that we might be free to brine out our own can didate if we " had reasonable chance of success." .'. ',' 1896 for Inspection. PRICE. For Infants and Children. Castoria. promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour ; Stomach, Diarrhoea,' and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its ' sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. Castoria Is ro veil adapted to children Chat I recommend It aa superior to any prescription tnown to me." H. A. Akohkr, M. I)., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. For several years I have recommeilaed your Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results. " Edwix F. Pardkk, M. D., v 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York city. "The nse of 'Castoria' ig so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in. teUierent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." , Cabxos Uabttk, D. D., y New York City. Tm Cznzaub Otnoujrr, 77 Murray Street, N. T. No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic! "The Snipes Kinerely Drug Co..; Telephone No. 3. DRESS GOODS. Black and Colored Silks, , 5iac.K Dress G-oods, Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks, Linen Table Damasks. Towels and Toweling, Wnite Bed Spreads, Comforters and Blankets. Gents' Light Overcoats. . Gents' Underwear. Boys' Underwear. Hats and Caps, &c. UMlifiliiiiUI., BOSS CSH STORE. G STORES! - Iff In our 3 piece Suits for young men . and boys, we can . show eome ready surprises. Offer yon choice of 10 to' 25 suits1 of a . size. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. XKANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSIHES Letters of Credit issued available in the . Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Cbicaeo, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now be f on nd at 162 Second street. ' '''.'... Hay and Grain for Sale -AT- Ward, V Kerns & Robertson's Stable, . Corner Fourth and Federal Sts. dec4-lm , " . ' . "3 rpr "-a d. es3xa NO. 64 CAMBRIDGE. Special .:..,mmu To those wishing wide cut. Trousers, we offer our 22-in. knee, ready- 1 made; in suits, at $14, ' $15 and $16. 1 f i-i -e Snipes-Kinersly Drag 1 Co. Drugs Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St., THE DAULES, - - - OR. Trunks, Valises and Telescopes. Xace Curtains, Bed Tickings, Black Alpacas, ' Bleached Muslins, Bleached Sheetings, 7 " - ... Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Ladies' Hosiery, Ladies' Corsets, Ladies' Umbrellas, Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Velvets, &c, &c. HONYWILL.