2-3 L Cut-Rate Tailoring 78 Second St., Tset. Union and Court. J4. E. BALiGH & CO., Merchant Tailors and Leaders of Fashions. Fine Suits, $ 1 8 and upwards. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 189 THE MAIN ISSUE. All declarations t,o the contrary, the tariff, in the minds of most people, will be the issue in the coming campaign. When the Republican party suffered de feat three years ago it did eo because a majority of the people, especially the ignorant voters in the large cities, had been misled regarding the operation of the McKinley law and were won over to the . delusion that free trade meant cheap goods and high wages. At that time the Republican party decided to stand upon the principle for which it had suffered defeat and left its vindica tion for succeeding years. This vindication quickly and com pletely came, . for before a year had passed the country was plunged into a panic that brought disaster to all parts of the land. The prospect of free im portation of goods from foreign coun tries caused the manufacturers to close down or reduce tbeir forces ; threw labor out of employment ; caused securities to dwindle, and brought ruin both to men who had voted for the change and to those who had voted against it. These facts are uppermost in the minds of the people, and it was reflec lion upon'them that convinced thous ands who had voted the Democratic ticket in 1892 that they bad committed a grave error, and this conviction led to the overwhelming Republican victories Bince that time. There is one tissue that has been set tied for this generation, and that is the tariff. The country is eager for a chance to show its penitence and bring about a restoration of a protective pol icy. For the Republican party to place any other issue foremost would be to trifle with the confidence of the people and subject the party to righteous blame. The majority of Republicans are against the free coinage of silver, but every person in the party, and many who are not, believe strongly in a pro tective tariff. This latter must be the rock upon which rests our faith. The Republican party can be trusted to han dle the coinage question when once it is in power, and the way toJget that power is to go before the people with the tariff issue in the foreground. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLAR APPROPRIATION. Senator Mitchell has proven that when he starts in to do a thing he gen erally accomplishes it. The passing of the bill making $20,000 available for immediate work at the locks is just the news that the people of Eastern Oregon wished to hear. Whoever deserves the credit for this success will receive it in good measure when the circumstances attending its passage are made known. In the meantime we will await the ac tion of the house of representatives with expectancy. Mr. Ellis has an opportunity to dis play his worth to the people of the sec ond district. His success in having this measure passed would be a neat recommendation for him to carry into the nominating convention. Thb Chboniclb has long believed that our delegation in congress, including ex Senator Dolph, has at all times made every endeavor to hasten the opening of the locks. Our opinion is all the more confirmed. The men whom we distrust are the government engineers and the contractors. Our faith in them is at a low ebb. In the interest of a suffering people it is to be hoped that if this money is secured from congress it will be so distributed that the purposes for which it was appropriated may be served. For the efforts that have been made in the senate we are grateful, and trust that in other respects the future will not be a repetition of the past. The primaries which will be held in the city and county tomorrow should be attended by every Republican voter, The selection of worthy men for dele gates to the county convention is of par amount importance. The political bat tle, which begins tomorrow, does not end until November, and a good start is often half the race. Let no one stay away from the polls with the consoling reflection thai there will be plenty of others to vote. The effect of a large vote at the primaries will be two-fold First, better men will be apt to be chosen del egates, and Becond, the reflex action upon the rank and file of the party will be to awaken any slumbering enthusi asm. The polls open in the city at 12 noon and close at 7. During that time every Republican voter in Bigelow, Trevitt, West Dalles and East Dalles precincts should cast a vote for county delegates. A .Distinction With a Difference. The Dalles, March 20, 1896, To the Editoe: I am sorry at being compelled to ask you to correct that part of your report of my lecture on A. P. A. ism that makes me claim that half of Washington's army were Catholics. What I actually said was that half were Irishmen. Your re port of the celebrated Father Corby's announcement to the Irish brigade be fore the battle of Gettysburg is stil more unhappy. Instead of representing the priest aB dramatically pronouncing absolution "to all who fell fighting on the battle field" and with the next breath taking it all back in the case of those might desert, I said that Father Corby, "after granting absolution" in what manner or by what words I did not pretend to sav, because I did not know "addressed the brigade in these words: 'Soldiers, the Catholic church refuses Christian burial to any man who turns his back upon the flag.' " These corrections may seem trifling, but it is often only a 6hort step from the eubMrne to the ridiculous. Hugh Gouhlay NOT1CE. On account of a lecture and also a mu eical to be given on Friday, the musical and literary, entertainment to be given by Harmon Juvenile Temple No. 4, has been changed from Friday to Saturday 21st, at the First a Baptist church, com mencing at 8 p. m. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Mrs. J. E. Babnett S. J. T. Edith Randall Ass't, When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, F or Sale or Trade. A full bred, imported Frence Perche- ron stallion for eale cheap; or will ex change for other property. A sure foal getter. Kerb & Buckley, 17-2ms dw Grass Valley, Or. It not only is bo, it must be so, One Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and that's what makes it go. Snipes-Kiner- sly. Drug Co. - One Minute Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches it at the right time if you take it when you have a cough or cold. See the, point? Then don't cough. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. - "The Regulator Line' The Mes. PorW ani Astoria Navigation Co. - THROUGH reigat and Passenger Line Throneh Dailv Trips (Sundays ex ceDtech between The Dalles and Port land. steamer tetraiator leaves a at Dalles at 8 a.m.. connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles Oity leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 7 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. - FA8BINUBR RATES. One way .$2.00 Kound trip. . . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, excett car lots. will be brought through, with out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock smpments soiicted. Call on or address. W. C. ALLAWAY General Agent- THE DALLES. - OREGON EHST! GIVE8 THE Choics of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver Minneapolis Omaha Kansas City St. Paul Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Lea-re Portland Itut Five Days for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For fall details call on O. B. 6 Cn.'s A cent Tha Dalles, or address W. H. HTJRLBTJRT. Gen. Pass. Art. Portland, Oregon MIORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. n s Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegent Tourist Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DCLUIH FARGO GRAND FOKF CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE TO Through Tickets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK . BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH - : I For information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon, OB A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. JP. A., . 255, Morrison Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon TO R J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., says: "I have used One Minute Cough Cure in my family and for myself, with result so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly find words to express myself as to its merit. I will never fail to recommend it to others, on every occasion that pre sents itself." For sale by Snipes-Kiner- sley, Drug Co. DOORS, I WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. 31. 3c Hi IE 2sT 3ST J. S. SCHENK, i. M. Patterson. President. Cashier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES, - - ORE C A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to bignt Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on aay oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, ban i ran Cisco and rort- land. DIRBOTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schbnck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbs. 11. M. Bkaxii. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OP thb Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. FROM JCKK 23, 1895. f OVERLAND EX-1 press, Salem, Boss- ' I burg, Ashland, Sac- I j ramento, Ogden,San ! 1 Franciseo, Moiave, f Los Angeles, El Paso, i I New Orleans and I I East .... . I 8:50 P. M. 8:10 A.M. 8:30 A.M. Roseburg and way sta 4 :40 P. M. tions fVla Woodburn fori Dally MLAneel, Silverton, Dailj except except U West Sclo, Browns- S S undays. I I ville.Sprlngfleld and I 1 Natron J Sundays. 4:00 P. M. Salem and way stations no. 00 A.M. 7:30 A.M. (uorvains ana way t 6:20 P.M. t 8:25P.M. stations I H-45 P. M. JMcMinnville and 1 way stations S Daily. fDaily, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CABS Attached to all Through Trains. Throueh Ticket Office. 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. K1HK.LAKI), TICKer, Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart Jrom Grand Central Station, X iltn ana l streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jederaon street. Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20. 1 10:15 a. m iii:io, 1:55, 5:15, 6:30f. m., :uu p. m. and 11:30 t. m. on Saturday only. Arrive at Portland, 7:10, 8:30, 11;25 a. m., 1:80,' 4:15, e:2U, 7:40, a: 110 p. m. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m. Arrive at Portland. 9:30 a. m. Lieave tor AlKLifc on Jionaay, neanesaay ana i Fri.lnv at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland. Tues-I dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Sunday trains lor usw luu leave ai v:su, , 11:00 a. m., 12:40,2:00, 3:30, 5:30, 6:S0 p.m. ' Arrive at Portland at 12:35,8:40, 10:30a.m., 12:15, 1:50, 3:15, 4:45, 8:30, 7:55 p. m. Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt. RI-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Chichester's Ensll.h Diamond Broad. ENNYRQYAL PILLS Orljtlnfil and Only Ctonlne. Arc, tlwajs reliable, ladies sk . DruxRiat for ChicKUerm gnglimh Dia-A memd Brand In Red ud Gold metalUo boze, sealed with blue ribbon. Tk inn MrhK. Return fmsiaerw mbttxtt r tionm and imitation. At Dnunrtsts. or amd 4. In Marupa fbr parties lara, tntimoniaU and Relief for Idlea," Utter, bj retara Mull. 10.000 lYstttnoolaU. Noma Paver. TMOC f When yoa 'tat Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley,Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, "Or anything n. the Feed Line, go to the WASCO : WAREHOUSE, Our prices are low and oar goods are firet-claRe. Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY. Xhe Germania OTTO BIRGFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SI Select 0?w' OP STUBLiING & WILLIAMS wish to announce that they J. O. Mack's old stand, where they will be pleased to see their friends. No Place Like Home WITH A BOTT1.E 'OF DR. HELXSTLEIY'S Celery Beef and Iron In your home you have a COMPANION FOR LIFE It stimulates the APPETITE Strengthens. the NERVES Gives you a good night's REST A perfect BLOOD PURIFIER It is NATURE'S BUILDER AND TONIC FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. 1 There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Oat Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH BRICK. - - UNION ST. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all. my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY GOODS CLOTHING-, nTRNTSHLTTG- GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost. J. P. McINERNY. to bay -SOLE AGENT FOR THE- Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. - ! - . NO. 94 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. are now located at Sucoessor to Chrisman & Corson. FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES.