Wort Prices 01 Bicycles. We have the largest assortment of Bicycles that has ever been carried in this city, and to reduce bur stock, havo decided that to all CASH buyers we will sell at greatly re duced prices for the "irnl - NEXT TEN DAYS ONLY. Prices made now will only hold good for wheels already, on hand. Call and see our display. SECOND-HAND BICYCLES for salo cheap. Bi cycles rented at 25c per hour. Bicycles repaired. leiiairt Batiste Lace Collars. a Eagle New These goods will be the season's popular sellers. Favorite shades are Linen, Butter, Black and Butter Colors. We are now offering some exclusive designs at very atttractive prices. These-goods come in both the lighter and heavier makes of lace with Maltese-cross pattern or gathered Epaulettes. We are still in the Shoe business, and are showing some swell things in Ladies tailor made boots, and Oxford Shoes in Tans-and Blacks. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Pally Gtronieie. ntered the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. ' - - TUESDAY, - MARCH 17, 1896 BRIEF MENTION. Ltarei From tbe Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Tbe board of fire delegates meets this evening. Fresh shrimp and salmon eggs at Dalles Com. Co. Prof. Ferguson gave an interesting musical exhibition Saturday at Dafar. Attend the entertainment given to night by tbe sisters of St. Mary's acad- 6my' I t I. C. Nickelsen is mtrwng his stationery nfnrA tncinv A fpw HnrBTflNLhnva Iiir nld location. Apricot trees are inbliom in tbe city. The late cold snap did imje damage in this section. A year ago today some inmates of the pest houee sent down town for "a quart of whisky and four yards of green ribbon." N Maier & Benton propose to move both their grocery antlWare establish ments to the buildincr vacated bv Mr. I. C. ISickelsen. The funeral of Col. Fulton took place yesterday, afternoon in Wasco. W. H. Biggs and Rev. I. H. Hazel of this city were present, the -latter conducting the funeral ceremonies. A report is current at a new mor ing paper will bi ted on April 1st It tne enterprise 1 it will be a. morning daily, renn in politic and entitled the "Dispatch." J . The city council and water commis sion meet in joint session thla evening. The council have been busy several days appraising the city's lots, and tbe dis posal of a part or all of them will be argued at the meeting. P. Swanson, living on Pleasant Ridge, suffered a severe accident to his eye a few day 8 ago, by being shot with a pop gun, loaded with a "toy" charge. A piece of wire was discharged into the eyeball. Dr. Hollister is attending to his injuries. . Twelve members of the Salvation Army, under Captain Potter, went to Portland this morning on the Regulator. They will attend the divisional council, comprising Oregon, Washington and Idaho, which begins a two days' session at 2 o'clock tomorrow in Portland. Pierce Mays is sltwly but surely climbing the ladder If political fame. He has just been elebted president of tbe Multorpor Clunrujich is the lead' ing Republican club df thS-Btate. His partner, Judge Carey Jwas a short time ago elected president of the State Young Men's Republican Club. Fossil Journal. R. W. Crandall, a pioneer resident of The Dalles, Or., whom the Yakima Times mentioned the other day as tarry : ing in that city on bis retnrn home from an extended visit in California, is lying If B StaJT r. so blicJm PEASE quite seriously ill at the Hotel Yakima. He complained of indisposition when he first arriyed. . there, but on Sunday he was compelled to remain in his room and summoned a physician. St. Patrick's Day. Many citizens of The Dalles wore the green today, in memory of Ireland's patron saint, Patrick. A. M. Williams & Co. gave away 250 emblems of the day before 12 o'clock to those who responded to the advertisement in The Chronicle, and they were called for and worn by representatives of nearly all shades of belief. The day has been celebrated in a quiet manner, much like the celebra tion of an ordinary American holiday. The only entertainment for this evening which may be said to be in observance of the event is the excellent entertain ment which will be presented at St. Mary's Academy, where the following program will be given : Chorus "A Garland Gay We Twine" Hiano, Mandolins, Guitars St. Patrick's Day Erlu's Flag Chorus Medley of Irish Airs "A float on the Waves" Dialogue -A Lawyer Outwitted" Piauo Solo "Le Keveil" Straebbog 8olo and Chorus The Dear Little Bhamroclc Drama (five acts) Thro' Clouds to ttuulight Piano and Mandolin Pagain Waltz... Fernandez "A Precious Pickle" ,Piano Duet "Le Cbasse au Lion" Kollina Piano Solo "Come Back to Erin" Tableau An Kveuinc of Music. A choice musical program will be iven at the Congregational chnrch next riday evening by two, young ladies. One is Miss Hattio Stevens, who was the successful contestant to appear as pianiet at the world's fair from Mon tana. The other is Miss Gladys Jones who has charmed audiences by her Binging all ever Oregon, and is said to be the state's sweetest singer. . Of tbe many complimentary notices given the young ladies, we select the following : Miss Gladys Jones .disDlaved ber remarkable voice to advantage in a pleasing solo, "As the Dawn." artisti cally rendered. Oregonian. . For the playing and sineinsr of Miss Hattie Stevens everybody has the highest praise, in time and touch and nnish of execration she lias eminently the qualifi cations that make her a fine pianist. She has a rich, fresh, clear voice and sings with apparently so little exertion. Her friends have much to hope for in the development of her voice. Lewistoni Teller. Tickets may be obtained at tbe drug store of Blakeley & Houghton or of Rev W. C. Curtis. Meeting; of ElJts. At the K. of K. hall the Elks elected officers last night, resulting as follows : Exalted Ruler John Micbell. " Esteemed Leading Knight J. S. Fish. Esteemed Loyal Knight L. E. Crowe. Esteemed Lecturer Knight J. A, Crossen. . . - - . Secretary G.W.Phelps. Treasurer A. S. Mac Allister. Tyler F. W. Wilson. Trustee E. M. Williams. Arrangements will be made for a tern' porary hall until the new one in th Vogt .block is in readiness, when th Elks.will occupy it, In conjunction the K. of P. Fifteen applications fi membership were received last night, & MAYS. HE "TURNED THEM LOOSE. Historical Marriage and Divorce Pro. coedlng of 18S6. The old pioneers are fast passing away, and with tbem, too often, inte - esting facts in local history, which ap pear in this day odd or unconventional. But when it is remembered that the three departments -of government, legis lative, executive and judicial, were car ried on in a very lax manner in those early days, when the unlearned, nn- practiced, but generally quite intelligent, men. held the chief positions in church or state, it is not to be wondered 'at that the various transactions of these func tionaries seemed at times a little irregu lar from the standpoint ofjjurisprudence or religion as administered today. It is onr intention to give the particu lars of a marriage and divorce of 1856. i ' which happened on 15-Mile creek, near Tbe Dalles. The facts are well authen ticated, though the . historian prefers that hia name be not mentioned openly. In the year named Lew Henderson was justice of the peace on 15-Mile creek, with a jurisdiction of 100 miles or more to the south and east and as far as the Cascades to the west. There came one beautiful morning a couple to be mar ried, and Henderson was requested to tie tbe knot. He of course did so in the approved manner of the day. Three months later the same couple came be fore him, bright and smiling, but with the following complaint, made by tbo recently-made husband : "Judge, three months ago you tied the knot which made us one, but we find we are not suited to each other. We have made a mistake. There is -an incompatibility between us, and we want to be severed from tbe marriage relation. We want a divorce." "But, my dear sir," said Henderson, I am only a justice of the peace. I can marry you, but I have no authority to grant a divorce." "Who has?" "I don't know ; perhaps Salem would be the nearest place.'! Well, now, we don't intend to walk to Salem. You tied the knot, and I don't see any reason why . you cannot untie it. Can't you say 'whereas' some thing and turn us loose?" Henderson was tne most a ceo m mo unting man in tne world. Me was, plainly perplexed, but resolved to do what he could to grant the prayer of the couple standing before him. So he re quired of each that they sign a contract in duplicate absolving the other from the vows of marriage they had taken three .months previously, and in the language of his petitioners, "turned tnem loose. jn either Henderson nor any one else has ever . heard of them from that day to this. Perhaps both are dead. The grass over Henderson's grave has been green many springtimes, and there are comparatively, few today in ids Danes wno Knew mm. Wanted. Canvassers wanted. Guaranteed $2 per day. Call at Farmers' Restaurant 17-2t . See the Cleveland and Eagle before "buying; both are high-grade and- stand ard Vheels. The Cleve land lias a "wood rim, and the Eagle has an alumi num rim. See our stock before you buy. MIER 4 BENTON Sole Agents for the above named Wheels. A CELILO PORTAGE. A Company Incorporated to Navlgrave tne River, Erect Mills, Etc. Articles of incorporation of the Co lumbia Portage and Transportation Co. were ' filed in the clerk's office today. This company is of great magnitude. Its purposes are beet described in the language of the document. The navigation by steam or otherwise of the Columbia river and its tributaries ; to construct, purchase or lease and main tain and operate railroads, wagon roads, canals, etc., for transporting freight and paseengers around the obstructions in the Columbia or its tributaries. To construct, equip and operate a portage railroad around the obstructions above The Dalles, from the navigable waters above Celilo falls to the navigable waters below said falls and the dalles. on both sides of the river. To construct telegraph and telephone lines between the termini of these roads and wherever it may be 'deemed ex pedient. To utilize the water power of Celilo falls for tbe purpose of milling and manufacturing and for generating elec tricity for motive power for cars and rolling stock. To furnish and sell and contract for tbg furnishing to persons, corporations, towns and cities of electricity for illumi nating purposes and motive power for running engines, cars, etc., and to con struct and operate a plant or plants for manufacturing, generating and trans mitting electricity. To deal in generating, furnishing and selling electricity for purposes of illumi nation, heat and power.' The principal place of business of this corporation is Tbe Dalles, the amount of capital stock $250,000. It is agreed by tbe incorporators that no dividend snail be. declared on tne paid-up capital to exceed 6 per cent and that the balance of the net earnings shall be applied to the improvement of the plants and the reduction of portage charges tor freight and passengers. The incorporators are Win Mariner, J. A Smith, W. W. Steiwer, W. P. Gray, R. V. Egbert and C. A. Shurte. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard, DR; DAESN3 Removal Hotice. Nolan's Book Store now located at No. 54 Second Street, near Union. Tb TjrgH Val ley Creamery Ask Vanbibbef & Worsley for it. 45c. Every Square is Full Weight. TELEPHOlsTE ZtSTO. 80. . Our entire stock of Pianos to be sold "before April 1st. We must vacate our store building, and anything1 in. our line at cut prices. Rather than to' move our whole stock we will sell you anything you may want "before we move, AT COST. Jaoobsen Book & f usic Company, 162 Second Street, Try a Bottle. Atwood's Syrup of Tar, Horehound and Wild Cherry for that Cough. DONHHIill'S DtiG STOE. The Dalles -DEALEBS IM- Coal, Ice and-Prota, Foreip eni Iciestic Fruits ani Veietafe Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Came In Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for its purity and lasting qualities. ROCK SPRINGS. BOSLTNf. 4THBA CITE and 6EUKGK9 CKEEH. Phone 123 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. Is Delicious. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. THE DALLES, OR. OF- Commission Co., FOR FCW. and MANVFACTVKINO rUBfOSES.