The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 14, 1896, Image 3

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    Mncei Prices 01 Bicycles.
" . We have the largest assortment of Bicycles that has
ever been carried in this city, and to reduce our stockhave
decided that to all CASHbuyers we will sell at greatly re
duced prices for the
Prices made now will only hold good for wheels already
on hand. Call and see our display. -
- SECOND-HAND BICYCLES for sale cheap. Bi
cycles rented at 25c per hour. Bicycles repaired.
Embroideries -
Cleveland and
and White Goods.
- - -We
invite the public to inspect our latest arrival in novelties of Embroi
deries. The assortment is very extensive, with prices ranging from
5c to $1.00 per yard.
We call your attention to our special lines of
India Linon, Victoria Lawn,
French Nainsooks, Egyptian Dimity,
French Swiss, Colored Dotted Swiss,
Plain and Colored Piques.
See Our Center Window.
Call and see some Original and Exclusive Novelties in Ladies' Wrappers.
Just received them.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ncered a tbe Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon
as senond-clasa matter.
- MARCH 14, 1896
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
Spanish Students
At the Baldwin opera house
Friday and Saturday evenings
The McKinley club meets tonight on
important business.
The work on the free bridge road ia
completed to what ia known as the wood
Br R. Tucker's store and box fact or
on Hood river was burned to the ground!
l&st week. J
A marriage license was granted toda
to Mr. Fred Wee term an and Mrs. Elsie?
Rev. Roland D. Grant of Portland will
lecture at the Methodist church Friday
evening, March 20th, at 8 o'clock. Sub
ject, "Romanism."
Hood River has caught the mining in
fection. The Glacier, tells of a quartz
Tein on the east fork of Hood river,
which assays $900 to the ton in gold. .
Air. ana airs jua risu entertained met
whist club last night. The first prize
waa won by Mrs. J. A. Crossen, the!
second and third by Mr. and Mrs. T. Ay
Seufert. - J
It makes no difference what country
. you hail from, Keller will tickle your
palate just the same. He has hundreds
of different kinds of candy, suited to
every age, sex or condition.
Mr. F. H. Rowe, the sawmill man,
will soon have his mill in operation.
The mill Las been lying idle for two
years, waiting for logs. He now has
them in quantity. The timber is first
class, and some of the logs will produce
2,500 feet of lumber,
There should be a rousing meeting of
the McKinley club tonight. At this
meeting the date will be fixed for bold
ing a grand rally. There is a division
of opinion as to whether it should be held
before or after the county convention J
snort speecnes are inviteu trom all KeJ
publicans. . Council chambers, 8 o'clock.
The most severe sand storm of the
season occurred yesterday between
Wallula and Gran
distance of
several miles the ean
ed along the
track for a depth of
ix inches to
three feet. All trains
but the company were id a better condi-
- tion to remedy the difficulty than before,
because of the new fences.
: wane oaimon river is ruined lor a
driving stream. A boom gave way dur
ing the winter, floating a short distance
. below the narrows, where there is a
large waterfall, and lodging. This boom
is composed of logs firmly bolted to
gether, and. has formed the foundation
. for gathering and holding drift of all
kinds. Logs and huge trees have float
ed in and so interlaced together that it
tBv Fora
is estimated it would take ten carloads
o! dynamite to remove the obstruction.
Albert Bubrer ia the name of a de
mented individual who was taken to the
asylum today by Sheriff Driver. He is
a laborer who has worked at the Cas
cade Locks and is a native of Switzer
land. His hallucinations are delusions
in reference to spirits. He was discov
ered last evening by Constable TJrqn
bart, at the Columbia hotel, who soon
after had him arrested. Dr. Logan
made the examination this morning and
he was at once committed by the county
court. - -
Jacobsen's Kfflclency.
The Oregonian of yesterday contains
the following neat advertisement of
Dalles Oity's school clerk, Mr. E.
Jacobsen :
Among the novel arguments the vari
ous school campaigns throughout the
state have brought out, none is more
unique than one furnished by The
Dalles. Within three years S80 names
have been added to the list -of those
who draw school money in The Dalles
school district. This would indicate en
Increase in the population of the district
of about 1500, but there has been no such
increase in the population, hence the
additional names added to the list
must be attributed to the efficiencv of the
clerk who made the last three enumer
ations. The per capita apportionment
oi statu and county 82hool money is
about $5 per year, so the addition of 380
names means an audition of $1,900 to
the.ecbool funds of the district. The
man who did all this, pro bono publico,
it was argued, should be vindicated at
the polls. It is gratifying to learn.
therefore, that the echool clerk" of The
Dalles district was re-elected by a hand-
gome majority.
Woman's Relief corps.
The following is the program of the
entertainment to be furnished tonight
by the Ladies Relief Corps:
Music Mrs. Alice Varney.
Kecitauon ; Miss Jennie Russell.
RtHdmg Mrs Phlllii.s.
Bong v isa McHaley.
xieciuuiuu ...... air. wni. Kasmus.i
Kecitation Master Web. Varnev.
Recitation Mrs. Briggs.
The program being so very good, in
cluding as it does a recitation by Mr. VV.
asraua, and considering that the low
jidmipsion fee flS rpnts fnolnrioa
F .
... , .
cream ana case, there ia no reason why
Fraternity hail should not be crowded.
Precipitation fur Past Six Months.
The following information of rainfal
ior me raontns indicated will be of in
terest to farmers and others, .furnished
by Mr. S. L. Brooks, volunteer weather
observer at The Dalles for twenty years :
September, 1.14, October, none ; No-V
vember, 1.20; December, 4.15; January
2 90; February, .72; March, .68 sofa
A cut-rate tailor establishment has
been opened at 83 Washington street,
opposite Chbonicle office, by H. E.
Balch & Co. late of San Francisco, where
can be Been the finest line of suitings
an I pants goods, both domestic and
foreign, ever shown in The Dalles. The
prices are away down too. Mr. Balch is
a graduate of : the Madison cutting sys
tem and guarantees perfect fit. By
patronizing this up-to-date firm you can
save $7 to $15 per suit. ml4-3t
He Opens Battle on Xrapper Campbell
' and Bites Him Sarerely.
W. A. Burt Campbell is a hunter and
trapper of many years' experience in
Wasco . county. Many trophies of the
chase adorn residences and business
houses of The Dalles which are from
wild animals killed by Mr. Campbell.
He invariably receives county scrip for
bounties at every session of the county
court, and prizes every fall from the fair
association. Yesterday he had a most
unusual experience, and one which has
probably never before been duplicated.
While making the rounds of his traps be
came upon one about 3 o'clock in the
afternoon which held a coyote. The ani
mal watched Mr. Campbell's approach
without fear, and indeed tugged at its
chain in the effort to reach him. When
within about fifty feet, the coyote suc
ceeded in extricating his foot, and in
stead of fleeing, made. for the trapper,
determined upon giving him battle.
Campbell was so thoroughly surprised
he stood motionless waiting its approach.
No one ever before heard of a coyote
that would attack a man under, any cir
cumstances, and Campbell supposed it
would surely turn and run before reach
ing him. But not so. The coyote soon
reached Mr. Campbell and fiercely at
tacked hiui. As it jumped for him he
threw an arm around its neck and tried
to strangle it. The animal proved too
strong for these tactics and Campbell
loosed bis hole! with one hand in order
to get a knife from bis pocket. While
doing this the coyote bit him on
the leg, throngh a pair of chap
parajos (shaps), If it had not
been for the leather garment the
wound would have ' been much more
evere. But Campbell had now got bis
knife out and quickly cloeed the battle
by plunging it repeatedly in his ribs,
and cutting his throat. He at once
came to town and bad the wound
dressed. Mr. ; Campbell will probably
save that pelt as memorable of the onlv
coyote fight ever recorded it trappers'
history. -
, "Spanish Students."
Though the house which greeted the
"Spanish Students ' last night was not
large, all who attended were well repaid
for so" doing. ' The members of the
troupe are, without exception, masters
in their role. The first number was by
the full orchestra, a very brilliant selec
tion rendered with the most facile ex
pression, the music changing at a touch
from rapid and bold to soothing or
plaintive. The first violin and cello
would make a beautiful duet in them
selves. However the addition of the
guitar and mandolin served to complete
and accentuate the melody. Jack
Myers has a very full and rich baritone
voice, and last night he was in prime
condition. D. C. Rosebrook is a leading
cornetist and his difficult solo provoked
mnc'i favorable' comment. The Taylor
sisters executed some very neat dances,
The elder sister is a very pretty sonbrette
and her abilities as an actress were also
shown in the farce which followed the
Seo the Cleveland and
Eagle "before buying; "both
are high-grade and stand
ard Wheels. The Cleve
land has a wood rim, and
the Eagle has an alumi
num rim. See our stock
before you buy.
Sole Agents for the. above
named Wheels.
musical program. Ray Youngman
proved himself to be a master of the
banjo, as well as the possessor of a fine
tenor voice. Altogether the "Spanish
Students" are a well-balanced company
and deserves the success it will un
doubtedly achieve. The entertainment
will be repeated tonight with an entire
Change of program. . '
Trial at Oaf or.
The town of Dafur was considerably
astir yesterday, because of a trial taking
place within its precincts. On the
night of February 15th, while some resi
dents of school district No. 20 were con
ducting the meeting of a literary society
at the Liberty school house, the build
ing receivod a sudden shock as if it were
struck by a large object from the out
side. Investigation proved this to be
the case and a large oak lying upon the
ground showed what had been used.
The directors of the district made efforts
to discover who bad done the deed and
finally complaints were sworn out
agaiuBt Frank Coculine and John
Mason, charging them with being the
perpetrators. The trial occurred yester
day and its progress caused considerable
interest, as all parties wero well known
in the community. Deputy Dist. Atty
Phelps conducted the prosecution, while
M. J. Anderson of Dufur pleaded the
cause of the defendants. At the con
clusion of the evidence and arguments,
the jury, after due deliberation, re
turned a verdict of guilty. Justice
Brigham imposed a $10 fine upon each
of the defendants, taxing them also with
the cost. "
Being a dressmaker of several years
experience, and desiring to win the con
fidence of the ladies of The Dalles, I
have decided to cut and fit for any lady
free, beginning March 16th. Every lady
has the privilege of seeing her own draft
made in the true tailor style, without
the use of chart, drafting machine or
model of any kind, thus having a
chance to decide tor herself if it is eafe
to cut the lining. Mrs. W. H. Swain.
Baby buggy for sale cheap. Mrs. W.
H. Swain, Fourth street. ml4-d6:
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
- Awarded
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.'
40 Tears the Standard.
Removal Notice .
Nolan's Book Store now located at
No. 54 Second Street, near Union.
Thn Tygrl, Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
45c. Every Square is Full Weight.
Our entire stock of Pianos to be
sold before April 1st. We must vacate
our store building", and anything" in
our. line at cut prices. Rather than to
move our whole stock we will sell you
anything you may want before we
move, AT COST.
Jacobsen Book &
162 Second Street,
Try a Bottle
Atwood's Syrup of Tar, Horehound and Wild
; Cherry for that Cough. ...
The Dalles
Coal, ' Ice and FroJnce, Foreiii and' Domestic Fmits ani Veptalk
Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game In Season.
NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for Its parity and lasting qualities.
Phone 128 and 255.' Corner Second and Washington Streets.
Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding.
Ty&h Valley
A. A. B.
Music Company,
Commission Co.,