Embroideries and White Goods. - We invite the public to inspect our latest arrival in novelties of Embroi deries. The assortment is very extensive, with prices ranging from 5c We call your attention to our special lines of India Linon, Victoria Lawn, French Nainsooks, - Egyptian Dimity, French Swiss, Colored Dotted Swiss, Plain and Colored Piques. See Our Center Window. Call and see some Original and Exclusive Novelties in Ladies' Wrappers. Just received them. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Dally Glifonieie. ntered a the Poetoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. FRIDAY. MARCH 13, 1896 for Schjol Superintendent. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for county school superintendent, subject to the action of the Republican county convention. W. Tj. IIarbington. BRIEF MENTION. Lenres From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Spanish Students At the Baldwin opera house -Friday and Saturday evening3. Auction Saturday at II a. m. in the Vogt merchandise store. It is needless to say anything in re gard to the Spanish Students. They are known in every state from coast to ' coast. Those in charge of the vrork on the Rattlesnake grade say that collections! - are so slow that unless something is done work must stop. Ex-President Harrison is a candidate for a second term in matrimony and, according to reports he will be elected and inaugurated April 6tb. The young lady friends of the M. E. church have made arrangements with Miss VanDersol of Salem to give a Brownie entertainment in this city . about the 27th. ine inenas 01 miss juooay gave a' dancing party at the Baldwin opera house last evening in her honor. It was a most pleasurable event. Of special merit waa the music for the occasion b' the orchestra. ' "Word camo by telephone last night of ' a jail break at Moro, three prisoners es caping. One of them is Pat Homan, .; who was arrested last winter, at The Dalles for stealing horses. No farther particulars are available at present. Those who attend the "Spanish Stu dents" tonight are reminded to go a little early and sea the ourang outang. Though three years old, "Joe" is fully as intelligent as a child of that age, and will do everything told him to do. Tonight, the "Spanish Students," who have delighted audiences in almost every quarter of the globe for the past Quarter of a century. The troupe is composed of artists of a high grade, and so good a musical entertainment may not be heard again for a long time. A meeting of Lutherans-will be held this evening for the purpose of arranging for the purchase of a building Bite. At the meeting of the church society, Rev. Li. Gray of "Oregon City was invited to become pastor and has accepted the call. The pastor will be present this evening. f Mr. Wm. Rasmus, who in connection f with the Knights of Pythias of this city, I gave "Damon and Pythias" about a year ago, is arranging with the Rath bone Sisters to produce "The Confederate to $1.00 per PEASE Spy" at an early date. . Mr. Rasmus is a lima tied actor, and witti Lis co-opera' tion, a fine performance is assured. A Junior's jubilee will take place Sa urday night, March 14th, at the Salva tion Army hall. There will be singing and speaking by the children. A silver collection will be taken at the door to be used for the junior work of the local corps. After the program coffee and cake will be served. A. Keller has now the finest assort ment of home-made and imported can dies in the city. " Besides the delicious new kinds which are made fresh every day, he has a liberal assortment from New York city from the great house of Melotte, the largest candy manufacturer in the United States. . Senator Mitchell introduced a joint resolution in the senate yesterday al lowing the engineers to use $20,000 of the unexpended balance for the Cascade Locks, to be used for making a protection wall. He made a brief talk, asking the committee on commerce to report the resolution as speedly as pos sible. TU ' T i ; r ?it j-tio iruiiiuus xiojiri vArpa will give an entertainment tomorrow eveninsr at Fraternity hall, wh' romises to be very good. Mr. Wm mus will give a recitation, as wi lso Mrs. C. Li. Phillips. There a oNjer: features in ine program wurc be as enter- taining. The salmisaion fee is placed at the low sum of 15 cents, which includes refreshments of ice cream and cake. The funeral of Mrs. Henry Taylor took place from the M. E. church today. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Wood, and followed, by the re quest of the deceased previous to her death, by a few remarks by Mr. Wm. Michell. The floral offerings were very fine, one being a pillow by members of the Good Intent Society. This organi zation, of which Mrs. Taylor was a mem ber, were Dresent in a bodv. The Rathbone Sisters gave an enter tainmenl last evening at the conclusion of their regular work. While the pro gram was short, it wa of great merit, and succeeded by an e gant repast, the enjoyment for attendance was McCoy gave a generously ap- complete. Mre. vocal solo, which plauded : a bass by Mr. Chas. Stubling was also recitation .by -. M eceived. The Rasmus, "Shamus O'Brien." was very fine. Mr Rasmus is the well-known actor fro, Portland. ' . " An agitation has began in Pendleton to bore for artesian water. The East Oregonian proposes to the people of Pendleton . to organize an 'Artesian Water Club" for the purpose of raising funds to discover, if that be possible, ar tesian water in that vicinity. A small membership fee of 50 cents and monthly dues of 10 cents, aud discussions, dances, picnics, bicycle tours, and Sunday amusements, for which those participat ing in them will readily pay a fee of 10 cents, would in a few months raise a fund ample to test whether artesian water can be discovered or not. oil n. .JTas LKa u f hose ih v r" WBS EVO fveiKr L. Wnfc yard & MAYS. L WILL URGE THE WORK. ttera From Congressmen Hermann and Ellis to the Commercial Club. The memorial recently sent to our congressmen by The Dalles Commercial Club has elicited the following replies : Washington, D. C, March 3, 1896. Roger B. Sinnolt, Esq., Sec'y: Dear Sib: I am in receipt of a me morial from The Dalles Commercial Club, asking congress to make addition al appropriations to complete the work at the Cascade Locks. The deleeation will take immediate steps in that direc tion, and renew our efforts to secure the much-needed appropriations. Very truly. W. R. Ellis. Washington-, D. C, March 3, 1896. John S. Schenck, Esq., President. Deae Sib : I have the honor to ac knowledge' receipt of a communication from The Dalles Commercial Club, signed by yourself and Mr. Roger B. binnott, secretary, with accompanying papers, all relating to the locks in the Cascades of the Columbia. In reply I bee to assure, you and the very influ ential body you represent that I shall cheerfully co-operate with my colleagues in congress to secure the desired legis lation. Yours respectfully, Bingeb Hermann. Mr. Gonrlay's Lecture. Mr. Hugh Gourlay proposes to lecture at the Baptist church on the 18tb inst. on the eubject of "Civil and Religious' Liberty vs. A. P. A. ism from the stand point of a Protestant American Citizen." Speaking to a Chronicle reporter he said that his object in delivering the lecture was not to foment discord among the different religious beliefs, but to quench the spirit of intolerance which he believes is fast coming to the surface. He says if he thonght his lecture would do aught to fan tha. flame of religious discord he would keep quiet forever. He claims therefore his mission is peace ful, and that he desires only to pour oil upon the troubled waters. Asked if he would reply to Rev. E. B. Sutton's re cent lecture, which he attended, he said he would not attack it as a whole, but that he would show many things claimed by that speaker to be fallacies. . He said his lecture was intended to be an appeal to American fairness and justice, and that he would so interpret history as to show that our Catholic citizens have al ways been loyal to the country and its institutions, an di that the pope has never interfered in American affairs. Mr. It owe Returns. Mr. F. H. Rowe has just returned from California. He hastened home some two weeks before he intended, ow ing to the report of the Joss of logs by the breaking of the jamb in the Klick itat river. He finds the loss is not nearly so bad as he feared. The mast of the logs were saved by a second boom in the Columbia below the mouth of the Klickitat. The breaking of the jamb was, however, a fearful sight. Logs were piled up fifty feet high and when they broke there waa a fearful crash. An Indian living near by thought the world was coming to an end, and left his cabin for higher ground. Mr. Rowe saya the cold snap has in See the Cleveland- and Eagle "before "buying; "both are high-grade and stand ard Wheels. The Cleve land has a wood rim, and the Eagle has an alumi num rim. See our stock "before you "buy. MIERV& BENTON Sole Agents for the above named Wheels. jured the peach and apricot crop con siderably, though the Associated Press is contradicting that repot t. Kivers and Harbors. . Telegraphic correspondence . from Washington to the Oregonian contains the following : Mr. Hermann is making an especial fight for the Willamette project, as re cently published in the Oregonian. ThiB and the improvement of the Yam hill river he wants to secure provision for in the coming" bill. Another work regarded of great importance is the cas cade locks. The engineers think a con siderable emergency has arisen, be cause the canal on the inside is not reveted, and loose earth enters the canal and dissolves, which may result in a permanent injury to the canal and locks. He is struggling for an appro priation of $179,000 for revetting the in ner walls and protecting the outer walls. It is thought in some quarters that the canal cannot be used until this is done. Memorials of both the Astoria and The Dalles chambers of commerce have been presented by Mr. Hermann to the committer, in which the early comple tion of the boat railway at The Dalles is sought. It appears that the right-of-way business is not yet entirely cleared up, and hence -there is a very great doubt about securing any further ap propriation for this purpose at this session of congress. Until there is something more tangible to work on, congress will not be likely to do any thing. H has been the absolute pjan of congress for marry years to do nothing in tha way of government improvements until the title tothe land upon which the improvements are sit uated are vested in the government beyond any question of doubt. j Auction Sale. Wednesday at 11 a. m. J. B. Crossen will Bell at Vogt'a store, a large assort ment of dry goods and clothing:, etc. , . - - - ro8 td Piles of peoples have piles, but De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When promptly applied it cures scalds burns without the elightest pain. Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard, We have the largest assortment of Bicycles that has ever been carried in this city, and to reduce our stock, have decided that to all CASH buyers we will sell at greatly re duced prices for the- ,l m - V NEXT TEN DAYS ONLY. Prices made now will only hold good for wheels already on hand. Call and see our display. ; SECOND-HAND BICYCLES for sale cheap." Bi cycles rented at 25c per hour. , Bicycles repaired. Removal Notice. Nolan's Book 'Store no w located at No. 54 Second Street, near Union. Th Tygrfc Val ley Creamery , Ask "Vanbibber & Worsley for it. 45c. Every Square is Full Weight. rrsx.Eii'noasrE isro. so. GJT. Our entire stock of Pianos to be sold before April 1st. . We must vacate our store building1, and anything in our line at cut prices. Rather than to move our whole stock we will sell you anything" you may want before we move, AT COST. jaoobsen Book Mime Company, 162 Second Street, Try a Bottle Atwood's Syriip of Tar, Horehound and Wild Cherry for that" Cough. DOJSlflEIill'S D?TJG STORE. The Dalles Commission Co., -DEALERS IM- Coal, Ice and Prota, Foreign ani Bcmestic Frnits ani TeietaMes. Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game In Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for its purity and lasting qualities. ROCK SPBIXOS. -UOSLTN, ANTHRACITE id GKOKGIiS CBEEK Phone 12S and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. ' ' Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. MULHrfS & CROWES. 18 Dellclont . CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. THE DALLES, OR. OF- FOR FTTREj ana MANUFACTURING rUKPOSES.