The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 12, 1896, Image 4

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C. H. Kiag, Water Valley, Slisa., cared by
Ayer's Sarsapariila
"For five years, I suffered untold misery
from muscular rheumatism. I trieil every,
known remedy, consulted the best physi
cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times,
spending $1000 there, iieskies doctors' bills;
but could obtain only leinporary relief. My
flesh was wasted away so that I weighed
only ninety-three pounds :. my left nrm and
leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles
being twisted up in knots. I was unable1 to
dress myself, except with assistance, and
could only hobble about by using a cane. I
had no appetite, and was assured, by the
doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at
times, were so awful, that I couhl procure
relief only by means of hypodermic injec
tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged
in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these
gave only temporary relief. After trying
everything, and suffering the most awful
tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsapariila.
Inside of two months, I was able to walk
without a cane. In three months, my limbs
began to strengthen, and In the course of a
year, I was cured. My weight has increased
to 1G5 pounds, and I am now able to do my
full day's work as a railroad blacksmith.1'
The Only World's Fair Sarsapariila,
JLYER'S PILLS cure Headache
Mr. M. P. Isenberg returned home
Mr. J. A. Soebe of Hood River is in
the citv. z
I Mr. I. N. Burgess of Bakeoven is in
the city.
Mrs. Judge Liebe left for Portland to-
kiay for a week or more.
Mr. T. E. ConnoT of Hood River is
registered at the Umatilla House.
Mr. A. B. Coston of Walla Walla, a
newspaper man of several years' exper
ience, is stopping in the city for a few
days, on business as well as social intent.
Splendid News If True."
The Walla Walla Statesman attaches
a great deal of importance to a rumor
afloat among the railroad men on the O
R. & N. that the machine shops at Al
feina and Starbuck will be removed and
combined at Walla Walla. The States
man says: "It is said that most of the
breaks in machinery occur between
Walla Walla and Spokane and that it
would prove a great saving to the rail
road company to have the repairs made
' at some central point like Walla Walla
It is given in further explanation that
the . company has little, invested in
the Albina shops and that the loss by
removal of the company's property at
that place would be small compared
with the great advantages to be gained
., We dislike at- all times to shatter a
pleasing dream or knock the underpin
ning out from an air castle, especially
when it is of brief duration anyway, but
we may as well inform the Walla Walla
people that if the shops are ever re
moved from Alb!na they will be re
placed at The Dalles. It occupies the
most strategic point on the whole line,
as all railroad men well know, and was
the reason why the shops were put in at
The Dalles in the first place. Owing to
..a temporary "on pleasantness" they were
.-moved, but not for a business reason
' The conditions which removed the shops
have passed, and our citizens would now
make every decent effort to meet the
company half way should it contemplate
a removal from Albina.
Death of Airs. Taylor.
Tilts. Julia Taylor died at her resi
dence at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon,
after a lingering and painful illness.
Mrs. Taylor was the wife of Mr. Henry
Taylor of this city, and has lived with
her husband in The Dalles since 1882.
She was born in Knox county, 111., June
1, 1860, her maiden name being Julia
Johnson. She was married to Mr.-Tay-lor
in the place of her birth in 1879.
Two children have been born to them,
both dying while infants. The funeral
will take place from the Methodist
church at 2 o'clock tomorrow (Friday)
afternoon. :
" Mrs. Taylor in life had been for years
a member of this church and was one of
its most honored members. A consist
ent Christian and devoted church
worker, her .loss will be keenly felt.
Those who knew her kindly nature, her
nnassuming manners and her earnest-
ness in all good works will sincerely
mourn her loss as they gather tomorrow
to pay their last tribute, of respect to
her memory.
Bills Allowed.
The following is the list of claims
against Wasco county allowed at the
March, 1896, term of court:
A M Kelsay, clerks salary. . ... . .$166 66
S Bolton, deputy clerk salary. ... 75 00
CL Gilbert, - " " 65 00
John Fitzgerald, janitor salary. . . 60 00
Robt Kelly, deputy ehenfl sal. . . 100 00
F A Seufert. ......
6 00
19 00
7 20
6 00
10 40
10 40
Wcii Bolton
W A Cates
M Randall
.1 R Nickelsen
Wm M Yates. . .
Geo Mmtgomey
8 40
5 60
12 00
2 00
6 00
2 00
2 00
4 00
2 00
16 00
27 00
20 00
IS 00
22 00
19 00
20 00
14 06
20 40
18 00
22 60
21 20
20 20
18 00
2 00
14 00
2 00
2 00
14 40
12 00
12 80
11 20
10 00
8 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
8 00
8 00
4 00
2 00
2 00
8 00
4 00
2 00
8 00
12 40
8 00
7 00
W T VanderpooK
C I Brown '
AM Walker
G HRiddell
Robt Mcintosh
Fred Dietzel
G W Rowland
Robt Cooper
S S Johns
Wm Frizzell
L M Smith
E P FitzGerald
E A Griffin
L PKlinger
S S Brooks
Jamep Darnielle
C S Smith
C W Phelps
John C Wheeler
Larkin Lamb
W H Williams :..
J F Staniels
ThoB Harlin
W E Walthers
Hans Hansen
O D Doane
S B Driver
Ers Allice Kenney
B A Howell :
H F Woodcock
W II Farlow..
W T Hunt
Geo Weiele. . . .'
W Bolton
Matt Nyquist
Dock Sing ; . . :
Lee Jack
Loi Poo
PT Sharp
Jas Sutherland
I.oi Poo
John Anderson
Mrs Alice Kenney
Thomas Knowles
W H Farlow. ;
Eliza Stoev
J E Stoey
Emma Hunt.
W H Hunt
John Howell
Carrie Edmunson.
Tim Edmunson
Ed Miller
Isaoc Trot h
Floyd McKelvry
Jess Grpgory
John Webb
Clyde McKelvry
H McGinnis
E C Diekerson
W Ralston
RCSmelcer .'.
Ed Norris
John Swanson
Denis McCalley
11 00
13 00
8 00
12 40
21 00
21 00
18 00
18 40
18 40
18 00
18 40
10 00
19 60
21 00
10 00
4 00
15 00
4 00
4 00
In the fall of 1893 a son of Mr. T. A.
MuFarland, a prominent merchant of
Live Oak, Sutter county, Calif., was
taken with a very heavy cold. The
pains in his chest were so seyere that he
had spasms and was threatened with
pneumonia. His father gave him sev
eral large doses of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, which broke up the cough and
cured him. . Mr. McFarland says when
ever his children have croup he invari
ably gives them Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and it always cures them. He
considers it the best cough remedy in
the, market. For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton's Drug store.
Cor Rent.
A good, responsible tenant can rent a
fine farm of 160 acres, situated ten miles
from The Dalles. Apply to W. E.
Campbell, Endersby. ill-dw2w
Hello! Hello!
This is the County Treasurer. He
wants all county warrants registered
prior to April 1, 1892, presented at his
office, corner Third and Washington,
for he is ready to pay the same. Inter
est ceases after January 15th.
Wm. MicheIL,
County Treas.-
Piles of peoples have piles, but De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them.
When promptly applied it cures scalds
burns without the slightest pain.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. -
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
"Give me a liver regulator and I can
regulate the world," said a genius. The
druggist handed him a bottle of De Witt's
Little Early Risers, the famous little
pills. For sale by Snipes-Kinersley
Drug Co. -
See our corner window for the best
bicycles in the world for the smallest
amount of aioney. The wheels are of an
elegant finish and strictly high grade.
For sale by Mays '& tJrowe. J"
A high liver with ' a torpid liver will
not be a long liver. Correct 'the liver
with DeWitt'e Littfe Early Risers, little
pills that cure "dyspepsia and constipa
tion. Snipes-Kinersly, Drug Co.
: The Stabling Green House.
We wish to announce that we have a
complete stock of the following designs:
Masons, Odd Fellows, Kiks ; Knights
of Pythias 3 kinds; Workmen, Wood
men, Red Men, Firemen's Triumph &
Helmet, Eastern Star; Lyres, 2 sizes;
Wreaths, 7 sizes; Horse Shoe, 3 sizes;
Broken Wheel, 2 sizes; Anchor, 3 sizes;
Flying and Sitting Doves; Open Bible;
Gates Ajar ; Crosses and Crowns united ;
Flower baskets, 3 sizes ; a large assort
ment of Welcome and Wedding bells: a
deduction made if wires are returned.
We are at all times prepared to fill these
designs with beautiful flowers at reason
able rates.
Mrs. A. L. Stublixg & Sox.
II May Do as Much for You.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that he had a severe kidney trouble for
many years, with severe ' pains, in his
back and also that his bladder was af
fected. He tried mrny bo called Kidney
cures but without any good result. About
a year ago he began to use Electric Bit
ters and found relief at once. Electric
Bitters is especially adapted to cure of
all Kidney and Liver troubles and often
gives almost instant relief. One trial
will prove our etatement. Price 50c and
$1.00. At Blakeley & Houghton's Drug
Store. '
One light red cow, branded ST on
left hip, with red and white between
horns and on flanks and one drooped
horn. Also one white bull calf with
black and yellow speks on neck, branded
ST on right side or hip. Will pay $5 re
ward. Address Stewart, Dutch Flat,
The Dalles. ' dawlm
It not only is so, It must be so, One
Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and
that's what makes it go. Snipes-Kinersly,
Drug Co.
Quick in effect, heals and leaves no
scar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions
quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve. Applied to burns, scalds, old
sores, it is magical iu effect. Always
cures piles. Sold by Snipea-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Soothing, heating, cleansing, DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve is the enemy to
soree, wounds and piles, which it never
tails to cure. Stops itching and burning.
CureB chapped lips and cold-sores in two
or three hours." For sale by Snipes
Kinersly, Drug Co.
Bucfclen's Arinca salve'.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feVei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
JIoughtOD, druggists.
Don't forget to call at the New Candy
Factory "and try some of the fresh choc
olate creams, marshmellow taffy .carbon
ated peanut and almond bar. Remem
ber that W. T. Moore manufactures his
own candies and uses non-poisonous
colors. Give him a call.
Don't invite disappointment by exper
imenting. Depend upon One Minute
Cough Cure and you have immediate re
lief. It cures croup. The only harmless
remedy that produces immediate re
sults. For sale, by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Fine seed wheat for sale at the Dufur
roller mill. Terms cash.
mll-w2w , Mrs. E. Dufur.
Id the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon foi
the County of Wasco.
F. Davennort. C. Wood. M M. Davcnnort. C. F.
Copple and F. Short, partners doing business
under me nrm name ot .Davenport & Btob.
Lumber Co.. Plain till b.
C, P. Heald, Mary P. Heald, H. O. Coe, Kittie
uoe, b. r.. utinmess, a. . uisDrow, tx. IS.
Noble, Eugene D. W hite, W. L. Adams and
Otis Savage, Defendants.
To C. P. Heald and Mary P. Heald, Defendants:
In t le name of the State of Oregon ;
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you In the
above entitled mi, within ten duys from the
date of the service of this summons upon you,
if served within this eounty ; or if served within
any other county of this state, then within
twenty days from the date of the service of this
summons upon you; or if served upon you by
publication, then on or before the .first day of
the next regular term of this court: and if you
fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs
will take judgment against you and apply to the
court for the relief prayed for iu their com
plaint, This summons Is served by publication upon
you, the said C. P. Heald ana Mary P. Heald, in
pursuance of an order of the above entitled
courc made a" d entered herein on the 11th day
of February, 1896. feblo
Guardian's Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that Frank - Abernethy,
fuardian- of the person" and estate of Joseph
hields.'a -person of feeble health, has filed his
final account with said estate in the county
clert's ffice of Wasco County, State of Oregon,
and that the 2d day of March, 1896, being the
first day of the regular March term of the county
court of said county, in probate, for the year
1896, at 10 o'clock, a. m of said day, has been ap
pointed as the time tor hearing said final ac
count and report, and that the said hearing will
be bed. together with any objections thereto, if
any are made, before the Hon. George C. Blake
ley, county Judge at the county courtroom in
the county courthouse la Da les City, Wasco
County, Oregon.- -
All persons interested In said estate are here
by notified to appear at said time and place and
there, show cause, if any there be, why said final
account should not in all things be approved
and allowed.
T his notice Is published by order of the Hon.
George C: filakeley, Judge of the county court
of the State of Oregon, for Wasco County, of
date January 24 1896.' ....
Guardian of the person and estate of Joseph
Ebields, a person of feeble health.
Dated January 24, 1896. J25
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Through Tickets
phil.adei.phia "
For information, time cards, maps and tickets,
vrl on or write to .
W. C. ALLAW AY. Agent,
me Dalies, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A..
255. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland, Oregon
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities.
Every Five Days for
For full details call on O. R. & Co.'s Agent
Tha Dalles, or address
W, H. HTJELBTJKT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Oregon
"The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles. Portland ami Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freiofii anfl FasssngerLiae
Throneh Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves Tht
Dalles nt 8 a.m., connectingat the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 7 s. m., connect
in fc with Steamer. Regulator for The
One way. .'. .
Round trip.
...... 3.0Q
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades;
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings mast be delivered before
5 p. tn. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call, on or address, ' :
.- i. - . Ganerml Agent . - )
Xqm are discharged I have
no use for any one that has
not sense enough to chew
Tfie largest piece of Good Tobacco
ever sold for 10 cents.
This well-known Brewery is now; turning out the best Beer and Porter
east of the Cascades. , The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on
he market.
I am now selling Men's and Boys' Clothingj
Fancy and Dress Goods, Cloaks, Capes, Shoes,
and everything else found m a first-class dry
goods store.
Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in, ' -'
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'s store.
ID - 757". ViLU
And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in '.
PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in "all our work, and none bnt the
most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to. ' .
Store and Paint Shot) corner Third and Washington Sts.. The Dalles, 0reOB
pine Cllines
f Domestic and
St. Xouis and Milwaukee
67 Second St., - -
for a
and JUiqaots,
Key West Cigars,
Bottled Beer.
Brewery Beer on Draught.
FINO STAND, . , . - .
- The Dalles, Oregon.