CP ifc Uitte OBI llfiiit f i VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 10. 1896. NO. 52 RIOTING AT- BILBO A Greatest Demonstration Yet Made in Spain. TWELVE THOUSAND RIOTERS Gave expression to the Anger Felt Toward tbe United States Police Were Almost Powerless. Bilbo a, Spain, March 9. There was another anti-American riot here today, in "which about 12,000 people took part The excitement was started by some young men at a etreet corner cheering every soldier who passed. Their con duct was imitated by other groups. Some musicians who refused to repeat the national anthem were bustled .and beaten, and riotous groups formed in the main streets denouncing the United Stated. s The authorities did everything possi ble to maintain order. Almost the en tire police force turned out, and the riot - era were dispersed again and again. Eventually, however, the mob became so numerous and .excited that the police were almost helpless. After the first demonstration of sym pathy with the army, the crowds armed themselves with sticks and cudgels, the police were swept aside, and aa immense crowd gathered on the leading thorough fares and marched toward the residence of the United Slates consul shouting. "Long Live Spain !" "Down With the Yankees!" On the way to the consul's residence they hurled stones through the windows of stores and priyate residences, over turned vehicles, pulled several mounted policemen from their horses, and gener ally behaved in the most threatening manner. Stores dealing in American goods received the most attention from the mob, and the windows of the consul's house were badly shattered , although the police defended the building. The mob proceeded toward the United States consulate, evedently intending to Btone that building as well, but the author ities had taken precautions to send a strong force of police to guard it. Another detachment was stationed across the street leading to the consu late, and when the mob neared the United States consulate it was confronted by police with drawn Bwords. The mob halted, then ' began pelting the police vigorously with stones and bricks. A squad of gen d'armes charged the rioters, and the latter fired pistols at the police men, two of whom were wounded. The police then charged in a body, using their swords with good effect. The rioters were dispersed, yelling and hooting at the authorities, and shouting, "Down with the Yankees!" and "Long live Spain!" STILL, IN THE COUNTY JAIL. Durrant Awaiting Final Action by tlie Snpreme Court. San Fjbancisco, March 9. On April 6 next a year will have passed since the murder ot Blanche Lamont, and yet Theodore Durrant, who was convicted of her murder last November, is still in the county jail waiting the finale of the state supreme court in the case. Immediately after Durrani's conviction an appeal was taken, but the case has not been presented to the eupreme court, owing to requests for additional time made by both sides. The last postponement took place a . week ago when the prosecution was granted twenty days in which to file a bill of exceptions. At the end of this time it is believed the case will be pre sented to the supreme court, but a de cision is not expected for several months. Durrant was sentenced to be hanged February 21st, but the slow manner in which justice is meted out to murderers in this state make it probable that be will not meet his death much before the close of this year. Meanwhile the prisoner spends his time at the county jail much the same as the other inmates. He has few visit ors and devotes most of his time to read ing and writing. He has written a his tory of his life and lately he is said to have begun the study of law. TO EDUCATE THE f UliLIC. : Tlie Work John X.. Sullivan Proposes to Undertake. San Fbancisco, March 9. John L Sullivan and Parson Davies are prepar ing to bead a movement to place pugil ism ou a paying basis again. Sullivan believes sporting men 'should organize and refuse to cast their ballots for legis lators or congressmen who would not agree to let prize-fighters go unmolested "Over in England last year the sport ing league beat 113 candidates for par liament because their views on sporting did not satisfy the league," said Sail' van. "We want to ask candidates fo the legislature or for congress or for the senate what they think of boxing, horse racing, foot races and all kinds of sport, and if their views coincide with ours, we will vote for them ; but if they don't we'll beat them. "People have got a bad view of box ing. If a horse gets killed, or a jockey, the race goes on just the same; but if two men box and one gets killed, a lot of ministers get np and call it an out rage. That ain't fair. Boxing ain't brutal, and we are going to try to show that it is jusl as legitimate as any other sporting proclivity. If a man wants to go to church, let bim. If he wants to go to a fight, he's got a right to. We want to educate and tone up the people to understand boxing. Of course, if a man doesn't want to see boxing, he don't have to, but he's got no business to in terfere with those who do. Take a min ister ; hia graft is to tell people how to go to heaven. Let him stick to that. What business has he got to interfere with legitimate sport?" ' A. Stabbing Affray. Central Point, Or., March 9. A stabbing affray took place here early yesterday morning in which Thomas G. Elliott was probably fatally wounded by A. Penninger. The two men had been attending a dance, which broke up at 12 o'clock, and, as Elliott .stepped out of the front entrance of the hotel, Pen ninger put his hand on Elliott's right shoulder and stabbed bim in the breast with a .dirk knife, the blade of which was three and a half inches long. Penninger was taken to Jacksonville last evening by Sheriff Patterson. He ia the son of David Penninger, an old settler in this valley, and is 26 years old. It is claimed that he is not responsible for bis fash act, as he has been subject to fits for several years. When, eeen at the jail, Penninger said he was struck three times by Elliott, and then stabbed him in self defense. One Minute Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches it at the right time if you take it when you have a cough or cold. See the .point? Then don't cough. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world," said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's Little Early Bisers, tbe famous little pills. For sale by Snipes-Kinersley Drug Co. . A high liver with a torpid liver will not be a long liver. Correct the liver with DeWitt's Littfe Early Bisers, little pills that cure dyspepsia and constipa tion. Snipes-Kinersly, Drug Co. Spray pumps for rent at Maier & Benton's. Bellol Hello! This is the County Treasurer. He wants all county warrants registered prior to April 1, 1892, presented at his office, corner Third and Washington, for he is ready to pay the same. Inter est ceases after January 15tb. Wm. Micueix, . County Treas. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report I I m -a. r - B m ... n o 5 - J HOTHERS and those about to become mothers, should know that Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription robs childbirth of its torture, terrors and dangers to both mother and child, by aiding Nature in preparing the system for parturition. Thereby "labor" and also the period of confinement are greatly shortened. It also promotes aa abundant secretion of nourishment . for the child. During pregnancy, it pre vents, "morning sickness" and those distressing nervous symptoms from "which so many suffer! Tanks, Coltle Co., Texas. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir I took your "Favorite Pre scription " previous to confinement, and never did so well in tny life. It is only two weeks since my confinement and I am able to do my work. I feel stronger than I ever did in six weeks before. Yours truly, A MOTHER'S. EXPERIENCE. South Bend, Pacific Co., Wash. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir I began taking your "Favor ite Prescription" the first month of preg nancy, ana nave con tinued taking it since confinement. I did not experience the nausea or any of the ailments due to pregnancy, after I began taking your "Prescription." I was only in labor a short, time, and the nhvsiciam said I got along un- -tgi We think it saved me Mr3- Bakbr. a great deal of suffering'. I was troubled a great deal with leucorrhea also, and it has done a world of pood for me. Yours truly, Mrs. W. C. BAKER. ' New - Wash Goods. Any of our lady friends who may favor us with a call will be given a glimpse of the largest and choicest line of Summer Wash Fabrics ever shown in this city, what' with those pretty novelties, such as PARISIAN RIPFLERS, . " in plain shades and black. TULLE CHATTELALNE, JACONET DUCHESSE, FLORETTA DIMITY, DRESDEN DIMITY, - LACE FLORENTINE, KILLARNEY BRILLIANTS, ROYAL CREMYLL; WAYELETTE CREPONS, ' PIQUES, DUCKS, PERCALES, &c. .1 Any and all the best of the best. New Embroideries. Our Spring Stock of the above now in and ready for inspection. We show ' some of the most artistic patterns imaginable. Those dainty new Em broideries, combined with White or Lemon Valen cienne edges, are sure to meet your approval. Don't delay buying your Spring nec essaries in this line, but be one of the first. Quick in effect, heals and leaves no ccar. .Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Applied to . burns, scalds, old sores, it is magical in effect. Always cures piies. boid by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City 111. was told by her doctors she bad Consumption and that there was no hone For her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. TI109. Eggere, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approach ing Consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. Me is naturallv thank ful. It is such results, of which these j are samples, that prove the wonderful eScacy of this medicine in Coughs and coias. ree trial bottles at Blakelev & Roughton's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and $1 00. If there is any one thing that neei's to be purified, it is politics, so the re former says, and many agree thereto. Cut blood tells, and as a blood purifier and liver corrector Simmons Liver Reg ulator is the best medicine. "I una it in preference to anv other." So wrote Mr. S. H. Hysell, otMiddleport, Ohio. And Dr. D. 8. Russell, of Farmville, Va., writes, ''It fulfills all yon promise for it." You hear it almost everywhere, and read it in the newspapers, that Simmons Liver Regulator is the best liver remedy, and the best Sprint: medicine, and the best blood medicine. "The -a'v medi cine of any consequence that use is Simmons Liver Regulator.'! So wrote Mr. R. A. Cobb, of Morgan town, N. C. And W. F. Park, M. D., ot Tracy City, Tenn, writes : "Simmons Liver Regula tor is the best." A M WILLIAMS & GO POPULAR CLOTHIERS. 1 -.-.-. T. Clay Neece makes voice culture a specialty. Will prepare and correct musical manuscript for the press at rea sonable rates. Will teach thorough bass, harmony and musical composition. Ad dress The Dalles, Or., or personal at F. W. Helms' residence, from 9 to 12 m. . . fll-lm Bncklan'i AriDc Skive. The best salve in the worid for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Dy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. Don't forget to call at the New Candy Factory and try some of the fresh choc olate creams, marsh mellow taffy .carbon ated peanut and almond bar. Remem ber that W. T. Moore manufactures" his own candies and .. uses non-poisonous colors. Give him a call. . Tor In Cants and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, -and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverichness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. C Astoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " CaKtoria Is po well adapted to children chat I recommend It aa superior to any prescription tnown to me." H. A. Abchbb. M. V., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. " For several years I have rocommeriSed your Castoria, and Khali always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial remits." Edwih F. Pardee, M. D., 123th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The nse of 'Castoria' is so universal and Its merits fo well known that it reams a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CAMUoa Martyw. D. D., . New York City. Thz Ckxtacb CcMPAjrr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE3 Letters of Credit issued available in tbe Eastern Stites. Sight Exchange' and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. - Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker ?' Jeweler All work promptly attended to,, and warranted. Can now be found at 162 .Second etreet. Hay and Grain for Sale Ward, Kerns & Robertson's Stable, Corner Fourth and Federal Sts. . dcc4-lm ; THE A Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OR. The Entire Stock Must be closed out by the 20th day of April next, regardless of COST. No reasonable offer refused. u. mm n