The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 09, 1896, Image 3

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    . ' '...'
and White G-opds.
We invite the public to inspect our latest arrival in novelties of Embroi
deries. The assortment is very extensive, with prices ranging from
50c to $1.00 per yard.
We call your attention to our special lines of
India Linen, Victoria Lawn,
French Nainsooks, Egyptian Dimity,
French. Swiss, Colored Dotted Swiss,
Plain and Colored Piques.
n-. See Our Center Window.
Call and see some Original and Exclusive Novelties in Ladies' Wrappers.
Just received them.
Pruning Shears,
Pruning Knives,
Budding Knives,
Pruning" Saws,
free Pruning Shears,
Bean Pumps.
Myers Pumps,
Sulphur, Lime, Salt,
Danne's Solid Sprays,
PlfllEB & BEPJl'S
Ruitafl Prices 1 Bicycles.
"We . have the largest assortment of Bicycles that has
ever been carried in this cit', and to reduce our stock, have
decided that to all CASH buyers we will sell at greatly re
duced prices for the .
Prices made now will only hold good for wheels already
on hand. Call and see our display.
SECOND-HAND BICYCLES for sale cheap. Bi
cycles rented at 25c per hour. Bicycles repaired.
Removal Notice.
Nolan's Book Store now located at
No. 54 Second Street, near Union.
Tim Tyisrli Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
45c. Every Square is Full Weight.
Tygh Valley
A. A. B.
TEiBPHOlirE zero. 8O.
The Dalles Daily GUroniGie.
ntered a the PostolHce at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
MARCH 9, 1896 .
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
- Reporters.
Forecast Fair tonight and Tuesday
Mr. Fred Grunow has taken a positi
with the O. R. & N. Co.
Fern Lodge, No. 25, Degree of Honor,
will give a fine entertainment at the
Baldwin opera house, March 11th.
Programme will appear later.
aire. elen u. Martord will lecture 1.1
the Methodist church Wednesday even
ing on the subject of "Reform and Re
formers." A general attendance is in
Mr. Max Blank is fitting up his brick
yard, preparatory to engaging in brick-
making in a short time. There will be
a tremendous home demand for them
this season.
Mr. Ed. Williams ia removing the
merchandise etored -iahia warehouse,
preparatory to tearini nown. Work
will be commenced soon on the ne
store building.
Peach buds have not been injured in
the country except in rare instances.
Within the city, where the buds were
influenced by walls of buildings, a los9
has in several cases resulted.
Mr. A. S. Blowers today filed the folV
lowing statement with the county clerk
"l nereDy tender my resignation as
coumty commissioner of Wasco county
to take effect as soon as approved by th
county court."
TLT- "I O . 1 t 1 .LI- l
.mi. qauiuci, luiuigiiv puuueutrr uy
the west snore, who has been in the
employ of the Equitable Eife Insurance
Co: for five years past, baa been pro
moted to the position of general man
ager far Oregon.
Mr. Wickman, a farmer living on
5-Mile., says that the cold snap has de
troyed millions of. grasshoppers in his
vicinity. The warm weather caused
them to hatch freely, and the freeze de
stroyed them unanimously.
All parties who have subscribed to the
Rattlesnake road and are delinquent will
please pay right away, as Mr. McDonald
can superintend the work while working
out the appropriation given by Sherman
county. All money and labor should be
in before the 20th of March.
In the report of the McKinley club
meeting the names of the committees
appointed by the president were inad
vertently omitted. The committees are
as follows: Executive B. S. Hunting-
. ton, Frank Menefee, E. Jacobsen. Mem'
bership M. T. Nolan, W. H. Wilson
T. A. Hudson.-
;' The friends of Hon. Pierce Mays in
i The Dalli-: will be glad to hear of that
gentleman's election to the presidency of
the Multopor Republican C lub, the lead
i ing organization of its kin in the state.
Vrhe delegates to the I?st t oclub con
ventions remember the h ispitaie en-
tftnts Ry
oO. J. E!
election close
2:30 o'clock,
contest grew
the friends
the entire
r director
tertainment given by the Multopor Club
and under Mr. May's presidency the
earne conditions are sure to continue.
The Multopor Clnb carries the Republi
can hftnnpr wl 1 t.n thA frnnt.
rr-: n c n i i 1 . - i
iue puna lor iu ecdooi
t6 o'clock tonight. At
57 votes were polled
spirited after tb'a hou
ot all Candida 2s worked
afternoon. The contes
are S. B. Adams
while' the struggle for echool clerk is be-
vxween n.rneat jacoDsen ana.vjeo. irauss.
;jSnr. F. W. Li. Skibbe has attached a
thermometer to his telephone. It is
eupposed to indicate the degree of heat
a person is in when anything ia the mat
ter with central or he don't catch what
is said after repeated efforts, and ia in
tended merely as a safeguard. Blood
heat is indicated at 100. It is very dan-
erous to stand at the telephone when it
eta above this figure.
moaning of the death of bis eldest
brother, Mr. T. H. Moody, of Lewis,
dwards county, Kansas. His first in
tonation ot cia brother's sickness .or
eatb was the receipt of a marked copy
of a Kansas paper containing the an
nouncement. The deceased ia about 70
year8 of age. He waa thrown from a
wagon Tuesday last, causing concussion
of the apinal cord and partial paralysis.
He died at 6 o'clock a. m, the following
Thursday. J
Mrs. E. W. Allen of Portland will give
a lecture next Tuesday evening at the
Congregational church on the subject of
"India." The lecture will be supple
mented with the finest stereo pticon in
the state, and an experienced operator
run it. Lecture-goers are cautioned
to miss this excellent lecture ; they
arai also cautioned not to mistake tne
t. It appears on the cards Wednes
evening, but the time has been
anged to 'Tuesday, becanae of the
Degree of Honor entertainment, which
occurs Wednesday nigbt, and many will
desire to attend both.
Another Baa Man Mistaken.
The Orchestra Union will give a dance
on the 14th of March. The members of
the Union are deserves of buying some
new uniforma and choose this way to as
certain whether their efforts to entertain
the public are appreciated or not. The
orchestra desires every encouragement it
ia possible for the citizens to bestow,
and they ahonld show it in buying liber
ally oi tne tickets. Many a summer
night have the boys pleased our ears by
their sweet melodies, ministering to our
joya or dulling the edge of sorrow with
ithe perfect harmony of their instru-'
ents. Often again in the coming sea'
on will they contribute to our pleasure
ithout money and without price. The
Dalles has every reason to be proud of
its ' orchestra. It contains talent of a
high order. The coming ball will have
n intrinsic value of ita own, apart from
any other consideration, which Bhould
eeaure a large and general attendance.
' Xor Rent.
A five-room cottage on Fourth street.
Apply to Wm. Michell
Jim Crate is a saki rind a wiser man
ia morning. He has labored not under
be delusion that the world owes him a
living, but that a email share of it, that
class of aociety known as the demi
monde, are financially responsible for
hia needs, be theyparge or email. While j
in a house of ill tame adjoining Maetz &
Pundt'a saloon last night he made his
usual demands for money of the inmates.
Tney refused, but he persisted, even re
sorting to threats of personal violence.
They retaliated and threatened to call
the police. He then defied the. whole
police force of the city. ' Shortly after
ward Officer Connelly and Marshal
Blakeney arrived, having been sum
moned. Crate fled to the room next
door, where he waa followed by the offi
cers. Being approached by Blakeney,
Crate shot out his left, but some way it
missed connection, and a stinging blow
in the face felled him to the floor. Both
officers picked him up and he went very
meekly to the city jail. Blood waa
streaming from his face, and a physician
called, who found that Crate had sus
tained a fracture of the nose. He was
patched up, and this morning appeared
before the city recorder. - He plead
guilty and was fined $50. There ia an
other fine of $50 hanging over him for a
misdeed some months ago, which he for
feited ..y coming back to the citv; He
will now have to pay the $50, or serve it
out in jail, before he ia given another
opportunity to leave town.
Words from Ellis.
i he
Hon. W. R. Ellis, writing to a constit
uent in The Dallea, apeaks frankly in
regard to several matters of general in
terest. He promises that the Oregon
delegation will do all in their power to
secure the necessary appropriations to
protect and complete the work at tffe
locks, and that speedily. In regan
the public brilding at The Dalleel
considers the chance for getting sue.
bill through the preaent congress ia
rmote. Speaking oi the tariff, he is
sorry the senate would not take up the
tariff hill as it came from the house.
On the whole, he thinks the present
congress will not accomplish much,
agreeing with The Dalles correspondent
that they are too buay president-making,
Mr. Stewart Entertains.
their nsual shortness, for ere the joyous
party were aware of it, the midnight
hour jvas warning them that it was time
all honest folks were in, bed. Several
new games were introduced and success
fully carried out, as well as a number of
old ones, in ecstaciea of great mirth and
enthusiasm. A well-prepared and
bountiful repast was also partaken of,
and shortly after 12 the guests reluct
antly departed, with many expressions
of well wishes that their teacher might
live to enjoy a few hundred more equally
pleasant and delightful birthdays. On
behalf of the class, one of . the yonng
ladies presented Mr. Stewart with an
elegant gold fountain pen as a birthday
gift. Those preeent were Mr. and Mrs.
E. B. Dufur, Mr. Stewart, Misses Lizzie
Schooling, Martha Schooling, Grace
Scott, Mollie Norman, May Miller,
Nettie Davis. Bettie Davis, Emma
Ullrich, Gertie Kinney, Cora Hendrick-
Bon, Edna Burnett; Meeera. A. G. Hoer
ing, O. McNeill, Archie Barnett, Elmer
Ward, and Master Bernie Dufur.
Republicans at Grass Valley.
The opening gun of the campaign in
Sherman county was the big Republi
can rally at .Grass Valley on Saturday
last. There were over 500 people prea
ent, many coming from a distance of
twenty miles. The speaker of the even
ing was Hon. John Michel, who held
the floor for over two hours, amid much
enthusiasm. He handled . the political
situation in hia accustomed forcible
manner, and administered potent medi
cine from his generous laboratory of facta
and figures. - The inclement weather
(there waa snow on the ground) did not
detract from the size of the assemblage.
Three brass bands and two quartettes
contributed . to the enjoyment of the
In The Dallea, March 7th. the eix-montha-old
. babe of Mr. and Mrs.. Ira
Walker. The interment took place yes
terday in Odd Fellows' cemetery Rev.
I. H. Hazel officiating. ; '
ee our corner window for the best
bicycles in the world for the smallest
amount of money. The wheels, are of an
elegant finish and strictly high grade.
For eale by Maya & Crowe.
Mr. George Ernest Stewart, teacher of
the Young People's Bible class of the
Christian Sunday echool, gave a recep
tion to the members of his class last
Saturday evening, at the residence of
Hon. E. B. Dufur, the occasion being in
honor of the anniversary of hia 20th
birthday. The event is one long to be
remembered by the merry guests pres
ent by reason of the manner in which
they were most happily and royally en
tertained. Father Time, who is, at his
very slowest pace, ah exceedingly diffi
cult fel low to keep up with, seemed to
have issued special orders for that even
ing, that his winged element tax ita
speed to the very utmost, in order that
the hours might appear to be about half
Awarded '
Highest HonorsWorld's Fair,
Ciold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Our entire stock of Pianos to be
sold before April 1st. We must vacate
our store building", and anything1 in
our line at cut prices. Rather than to
move our whole stock we will sell you
anything you may want before we
move, AT COST.
Jacobsen Book & Music Company,
162 Second .Street,
THE dalles; OR.
Try a Bottle.
Atwood's Syrup of Tar, Horehound and Wild
Cherry for that Cough.
The Dalles Commission Go.,
Coal, Ice and Proiice, Forip anfl Bcmestic Fmits ani Yeptatk
Oysters. Fish, Poultry and Game In Season. ..
NORTH POWDER ICE, which ia noted for ita purity and lasting qualities.
Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streeta.
Consignments Solicited. , Gooda received for Cold Storage and Forwarding.