The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 07, 1896, Image 3

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Preserved Strawberries in G-lass.
" in G-lass.
" Cherries in Glass.
" Pears in Glass.
Jams in all of above
are all the Golden Crown
"Winslow Corn, per can 10c
Porestville Corn, per can 10c
The goods mentioned cover only a portion of what
An examination of the window will disclose the rest.
t yy'
The Dalles Daily Gonicie.
ntered a tbe FostolHce at Tbe Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
MARCH 7, 1896
Leaves From tbe Kutebook of Chronicle
Forecast Today and tomorrow rain.
The Maccabees will hold their regular
meeting tonight. The attendance of all
members is requested.
The late blizzard cauaed a loss to
eheep men in various parts of the county
by their bunching up and smothering to
Rev. A. Bronsgeest went to the Lock
today and will hold services there to
morrow. Services at Kingsley are post
poned for two weeks.
At the school election in Hood Ri;
Monday C. M. Wolford was elected di
rector ; M. H. Nickelsen was re-elected
clerk for the third time.
Fern Lodge,-No. 25, Degree of Honor,
will give a fine entertainment at the
Baldwin opera house, March 11th.
Programme will appear later.
, The Salvation Army will give a ponnd
social this evening. Everyone who at
tends will bring eomething, the only re
quirement being that it weigh a pound.
Glance over the list of churches in an
other column, select some discourse you
might prefer to hear, and attend. With
several fine church buildings in tbe city,
good speakers and good music, it is a
matter of surprise they are not filled
every , Sabbath. A cordial welcome
is -extended by all past or b and church
people to attend the Sunday services.
Holders of season tickets for the wi
' ter lecture course are requested to bold
on -to their tickets, which will be good
for an additional lecture to the dates I
marked on the admission card. Judge
McArthur's lecture was postponed at
his request on account of business, un
til after March 16th. Tbe exact date
will be published in time for general ia-J
formation. J
..'Mr. M. F. Sloper of Hood River
visited the Goldendale mines and be
lieve the reports should have read 72
tons to tbe dollar. He found nothing
but a volcanic rock, any quantity of
which may be found around Hood River.
He says the country has all been located
by the farmers around there, who would
have been better off if they bad just
kept on plowing.
W. R. Winans was circulaticg a peti
tion during the week to the county court
asking that body to appropriate $500 for
the completion of the road from Tucker's
mill to Mt. Hood by way of Winans.
The petition received sixty-six names in
tbe town of Hood River, and will p.lso
be circulated in The Dalles. . The Glacier
says that this is the most direct road to
. Mt. Hood, and hopes tbe commissioners
will see the necessity of granting tbe
The Umatilla house has recently
placed a nickel -in-the-elot machine on
the bar counter, which has proven quite
See Our Corner Window.
10 Gts.
Preserved Blackberries in G-lass
" Raspberries in G-lass.
" Plums in .Glass.
" Apricots in Glass.
in glass, ordinarily sold for
brand, which is a guarantee
Schepp's Cocoanxit, half-pound
package 10c
an attraction. It represents a deck of
cards, which shuffles itself "when the
nickel is inserted and shows a poker
hand. Anything higher than a pair of
queens wins a cigar, the higher the hand
the more cigars won. Patrons of the
machine claim it is about a stand-off as
regards losses or winnings. Mr. W. H.
Jones, of the tobacco store, has had a
similar machine for several months
a. very pleasant housewarming was
given by Mr. Fred. Fisher at his pretty
cottage on the bluff last evening. Music,
games, songs, declamations and a fine
lunch served to while away the hours in
a thoroughly agreeable manner for those
present. These were Mr. and Mrs. A.
R. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Cha?.
Groat, Mr. and Mrs. L. Clarke, Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Gilbert, Mr and Mrs. S.
Bolton, Misses Maud Gilbert, Effiie and
Ve9ta Bolton, Mrs. Haley, Mr. John
Cates, Fred, Arthur and Charley Clarke
Mrs. E. W. Allen of Portland will give
a lecture next Tuesday evening at tbe
Congregational church on the subject of
"India." The lecture will be supple
mented with the finest stereopticon in
the Btate, and an experienced operator
to run it. Lecture-goers are cautioned
not to miss this excellent lecture; they
are also cautioned not to mistake tbe
night. It appears on the cards Wednes
day evening, but the time has been
changed to Tuesday, because of the
Degree of Honor entertainment, which
occurs Wednesday night, and many will
desire to attend-both.
The Coming School Election.
Although tbe school election is to be
held next Monday, no great talk is
heard concerning it. The friends of Mr.
Jacobsen and Mr. Adams, the clerk and
director whose terms are drawing to a
close, are desirous that these gentlemen
board of directors speak in high terms
kf Mr. Jacobsen's work and consider
that the interests of the district are well
'served by bis efforts. . A director today
stated that by his careful census Mr.
Jacobsen had brought the enumeration
to a figure several hundred higher than
it was three years' ago. Mr. Adams,
daring his incumbency, has devoted
much time to the needs of the district.
He is a prudent, conservative man, but
lacking nothing in progressiveness, and
to his efforts the present good condition
of the district is in a large measure due.
The talk upon the streets, as gathered
by a Chbonicle reporter, seemed to
show a disposition on the part of our
voters to have tbe management of our
schools continue in the same hands.
Since the above was written it is
learned that the friends of Mr. E. J. Col
lins have placed that gentleman in the
race, and that Mr. George Krause will
be-a candidate for the clerkship. Both
these gentlemen are well known in The
Dalles and have active supporters
There may be more candidates sprung
upon Monday, but these are all up to
date. 1
For Kent.
A five-room cottage on Fourth street.
Apply to Wm. Michell -
25c and 35c. The above
of excellence.
we shall offer for 10c.
An Enthusiastic Meeting and
Good Speeches.
The Mckinley club met last evening
and gathered strength for the coming
campaign. The council chambers were
well filled with members, the leading
Republicans of the county being
band to assist by words and their
pnee, the work of Republican organ-
zatidn. I
After the ' minutes of tbe previous
eeting were read by the secretary, 1.
. Riddel!, the president stated why
ie meeting had been called to con-
iider the ways and means for doing
od work for the Republican party in
be coming camrjaien. Mr. W. H.
ilson started the ball rolling in an en-
husiastic ten-minute speech, and was
followed bv Mr. M. T. Nolan, who in
fused life into the meeting by his well
delivered remarks. Mr. B. S. Hunting
ton was the next speaker and continued
the good work begun by tbe other gentle
men. Mr. M. A. Moody pledged his efforts
to assist in making the McKinley club a
factor in bringing success to the Republi-j
can ticset. Mayor Menefee made an
earnest speech on the necessity of speedy
organization. Good speeches were made'
by Hugh Gour'.ay, W. H. Butts. Albert
Roberts of Descbutes, Troy Shelley of
Hood River and H. H. Riddell. The
speeches were all marked by earnestness
and as was said during the evening..'
Waeco Republicans do not have to go
outside the couty for good material for
campaign speaking.
The matter of holding a big rally f
March 27tb,theevening before the county
convention, at which' the country dele
gates could be present and share in the en
thusiasm was brought up. The matter
was discussed pro and con, some gentle
men thinking it best to bold the meeting
the evening after the convention. Upon
motion, the subject was laid over till tbe
next meeting, it, being suggested that
tbe secretary write to the clubs in the
country and ascertain their preference
of the two evenings.
The meeting last night was a worthy
beginner and it was the general feeling
tbatsuch gatherings could be held fre
quently. The next meeting will be held
March 14tb. '
The Sheep Outlook.
Mr. Otto Kohler corrects an item
which appeared a few days ago in The
Chbonicle that 4,500 head of sheep
were being fed at New Brighton. He
says: "There is at present about
42,000 here. There has been about 3.000
shipped out the last few days. There are
about 35,000 head over at South St.
Paul feed yard also, and as the sheep
market is very dull, about $1.30 per 100
pounds lower - than last year at this
time, feeders are badly disappointed, as
loss is staring them in the face."
See our corner window for the best
bicycles in the world . for tbe smallest
amount of money. The wheels are of an
elegant finish and strictly high grade.
For sale by-Mays & Crowe.
leaiiirters 1
Pruning Shears,
Pruning1 Knives,
Budding Knives,
Pruning Saws,
Tree Pruning Shears,
Bean Pumps.
Myers Pumps,
Sulphur, Lime, Salt,
Daone's Solid Sprays,
The Democrats Meet.
A few of tbe faithful Democrats met
in the court house this afternoon in
response to a call from Chairman Adams
of the county committee. Mr. Adams
presided over the deliberations, while
Mr. J. H. Jackson wielded ' the secre
tary's pencil. The first thing done was
to fix the representation in tbe county
convention. This was agreed upon the
bases of one delegate for every fifteen
votes cast for A. S. Bennett for supreme
judge; one delegate for each fraction
greater . than eight and one delegate
from each precinct at large. The repre
see tat ion wiH be as followsi
Falls 5 Deschutes '..2
W Hood River ....5 Eight Mile 2
E Hood River 4 Dufur . .- 3
Baldwin 2 Kingsley ........ .3
Mosier : 3 Tygh... ...3
West Dalles . ..8 Wamic 4
Trevitt 6 Oak tirove 3
Bigelow 7 Bakeoven 2
.cast uaues 8 Antelope .
Columbia 2 Nansene ..
Ramsey. 2
,TEe" total number of deregxte'sls 78.
- The judges and clerks for the four
Dalles precincts were chosen as follows:
West Dalles Judges, John Marden,
Jos. Stadleman, W. H. VanBibber;
clerks, J. Doherty, Ed. M. Wingate.
Trevitt Judges, A. Bettingen, J. L.
Story. R. V. Gibons ; clerks, J. B. Cros
sen, N. H. Gates.
Bigelow Judges, John Cates, G. W.
Rowland, S. B. Adams ; clerks, R. H.
Lonsdale, G. R. Rowland.
East Dalles Judges, F. A. Seufert,
W. A. Cates, J. M. Benson ; clerks, M.
M. Cuehing, John Filloopy-
April 7tn was chosen as tbe. date lor
holding the county convention, the pii
maries to be held April 4th. The polls
in the city will be open from 2 to 7; in
the country from 2 to 4.
There was not a ripple on the sea of
harmony; not one single circumstance
to mar the sweet accord of the meeting.
Just how many offices tbe Democrats ex
pect to carry at the next election, the
committeemen did not say, but if to
day's meeting was an index to the future
of the party, there will .be no lack of
harmony. In fact today's meeting was
too harmonious to be interesting.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Reflicel Prices i Bicfclss.
We have the largest assortment of Bicycles that has
ever been carried in this city, and to reduce our stoslc, have
decided that to all CASH buyers we , will sell at greatly re
duced prices for the- in
Prices made now will only hold good for wheels already
on hand. Call and see our display. ,
SECOND-HAND BICYCLES for sale cheap. Bi
cycles rented at 25c per hour. Bicycles repaired.
Removal Notice.
Nolan's Book Store now located at
No. 54 Second Street, near Union.
Tb Tyg Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbibher & Worsley for it.
45c. Every Square is Full Weight.
Our entire stock of Pianos to be
old before April 1st. We must vacate
our store building", and anything1 in
our line at cut prices. Rather than to
move our whole stock we will sell you:
anything you may want before we
move, AT COST.
Jacobsen Book & Music Company,
162 Second Street, ' THE DALLES, OR.
Try a Bottle.
Atwood's Syrup, of Tar, Horehound and Wild
Cherry for that Cough.
The Dalles
Coal, Ice and Prota, Mp ani Eomestic Fruits anS Voiles.
Oysters, Fish, Poultry and Game in Season.
NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for its purity and laeting qualities.
Phone 12S and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets.
Consignments Solicited. Goods received ior Cold Storage and Forwarding.
Tygh Valley
A. A. B.
Commission Go;
- FOR FUt nd