The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 06, 1896, Image 1

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    VOL. IX
NO. 49
Ministers Have Sent in Their'
Steps Being Taken to Form a New
Cabinet Latest News From
Rome, March 5. The official and pri
vate residences of the cabinet ministers,
the royal palace, the embassies and all
important public buildings here were
guarded by troops throughout the night,
and the soldiers were still on duty this
In spite of the strong force of troops
and police about the chamber of depu
ties today it was with difficulty that
order was maintained. The soldiers and
police were frequently jostled by the ex
cited populace, and had it not been for
the great forbearance displayed by the
authorities, many disturbances would
have occurred. The crowds about MoDte
Citorio, upon which the chamber of dep
uties stands, now and again raised the
cry "Down with the government!"
"Death to Barateri 1" and from the gal
leries a number of persons were ejected
by the police for uttering similar cries.
Almost immediately after the appear
ance of the premier, who was greeted
by cheering by some of his supporters,
and by cries of derision from his oppo
nents, he announced that the cabinet
had resigned and the king accepted' its
resignation. ' The announcement was
followed by cheers, which were taken
up by the crowds outside, and echoed
far and wide. Some moments elapsed
before the cheering snbsided, and even
then the excited shouts of the leftists
continued for a time.
Crispi gazed calmly upon the shouting
deputies, as if such a demonstration, was
quite an ordinary occurrence, and when
again able to make himself heard, add
ed : "The ministers will remain at their
posts until their successors are ap
pointed." More cheers and shouts of disapproval
followed, after which the president of
the chamber asked the house to adjourn
until the crown had decided upon the
successors of the ministers. The leftists
raised a storm of ' protest against -the
proposition, saying the government
should be impeached,. and that the pub
lic were entitled to know who was re
sponsible for the disaster in Abyssinia,
and there was no excuse for not making
public promptly all the facts in the pos
session of the ministers. But when the
protests, had been exhausted, the house
adjourned, pending the appointment of
a new cabinet.
After the adjournment of the chamber
the plaza of Monte Citorio and the ad
jacent streets remained filled with ex
cited crowds until they were dispersed
by the police and soldiers, who occupied
all approaches to the house ot parlia
ment. Sighor Crispi, after leaving the
chamber of deputies- made a. similar
statement in the senate, which adjourned
sine die.
King'flumbert has already consulted
several statesmen regarding the forma
tion of a new cabinet. Anong those sent
for by his majesty are Marquis di
Kudini, Viscount Venosta and General
The war office today admitted that
"at least 150 Italian officers were killed,"
but the officials still refuse to admit that
oyer 5,000 men were- killed. They say,
however, , that "they believe that 9,500
Italian troopB, and 8,000 native troops
in the Italian service, were engaged, and
that nearly all the artillery, ammunition
and supplies fell into . the hands of the
eneroy." - '
Subscribe for The Chronicle and get
the news. ! : '
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ,
Maceo Within Sight of the Cuban
New York, March 5. A special from
Havana says:
Nobody has paid much attention to
reports from the field lately. .Washing
ton and Madrid have been the sole cen
ters of interest. Yet, within a few days,
Gomez and Maceo have achieved other
successes in the face of strong opposing
columns, which have made the world
wonder bow it can be done.
General Weyler, apparently believing
he bad driven them to their stronghold
in the everglades of Cienaga de Seapata,
has been hurrying thousands of troops
into Santa Clara by land and sea with
one purpose of hemminjr the enemy in
at that point. General Fando, in com
mand in Santa Clara, only awaited the
arrival of these troops to strike hard
blows. But Gomez and Maceo having
left in the everglade's hospitals all their
wounded and ill, taken east from their
raids in the western provinces, strength
ened their forces with new troops fresh
from Puerto Principe and San Diego,
and then, while the Spanish batallions
were en route to catch them, they unex
pectedly turned west again, slipping
past all obstructions with only a few
Now Gomez is in the heart of Matan
zas and Maceo is once more almost in
the gates of the capital. Trains have
been fired on just beyond the city on
the Matanzas road and Monday night
there was a sharp skirmish only three
miles beyond the suburb of Jesus del
Monte, a settlement to which Havana
horse-care and omnibuses make 'regular
trips. There was no official report of
the affair given out.
A $100,000 fire occurred in Johnstown,
of flood fame, yesterday morning.
The "Christian Crusade" is the name
suggested by Ballington Booth for the
new evangelical movement, which the
former commander of the Salvation
Army in America has pledged himself
to lead. It is said he will at once estab
lish a paper in opposition to the famous
War Cry, and it will be "up to date" in
all evangelical matters.
Mayor Sutro of San Francisco was
furious when ho heard of the seizure by
the postoffice authorities of his commu
nications to the congressmen and sena
tors at Washington warning them of the
schemes of Huntington to compass the
passage of the funding bill. His anger
was occasioned not so much by the stop
page of the letters, as from the fact that
he had not been notified by the post
master of the seizure. He considered
that the holding of the letters had caused
the loss of-valuable time in the fight
against the founding bill, and that be
should have been told that the depart
ment considered the envelopes objection
able so that he might have devised other
means of placing them in the hands of
the members of congress. He said :
"Th!s will Jnot stop the bombardment
of members of congress whom we be
lieve capable of giving away to railroad
influence. I could have made millions
by combining with Huntington in his
iniquitous schemes, but I would not do
it, and now he is resorting to all sorts of
trickery and lies to break down the in
fluence I have brought to bear against
him. Thai man is the biggest liar in
America today, and the majority of the
people in this country know it."
Quick in effect, heals and leaves no
scar. Burning, 6caly skin eruptions
quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. Applied to . burns, scalds, old
sores, it ia magical in effect.; Always
cures piles: Sold by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
Close Season for Cows.
All owners of cows are notified that
they must keep them up or put them in
the herd after March 1st, and that any
cow found running at large after that
time will be impounded.
James Blakeney,
; City Marshal.
TV I .VI I 1 C i r
4. f !VUJlf V
is Simmons Liver regulator don't
forget to take it. The Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter," just like all nature,
and the system becomes choked up by
the accumulated waste, which brings on
Malaria, Fever and Ague and Rheuma
tism. You want to wake up your Liver
now, but be sure you take SIMMONS
Liver Regulator to do it. it also
regulates the Liver keeps it properly at
work, when your system will be free from
poison and the whole body invigorated.
You get THE BEST BLOOD when
your system is in Al condition, and that
will only be when the Liver is kept active.
Try a Liver Remedy once and note the
difference. But take only SIMMONS
Liver regulator it is Simmons
Liver Regulator which makes the
difference. Take it in powder or in liquid
already prepared, or make a tea of the
powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU
LATOR. You'll find the RED Z on every
package. Look for it.
J. II. Zeilin & Co., FZiiladelpbia, Pa.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City
III. was told by her doctors ehe bad
Consumption and that there was no hope
for her. but two bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery completely cured her
and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos.
Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco,
suffered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing Consumption, tried without result
everything else then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's New- Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. He is naturally thank
ful. It is euch results, of which these
are samples, that prove the wonderful
efficacy of t his medicine in Coughs and
colds. Free trial bottles at Elakeley &
Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size
50 cents and $1 00.
Bucklen's Annca Salve.
The best salve in the world for cats,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all ekin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion , or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per . box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
If there is any one thing that needs
to be purified, it is politics, so the re
former says, and : many agree thereto.
But blood tells, and as a blood purifier
and liver corrector Simmons Liver Reg
ulator. is the best medicine. "I use it in
preference to anv other." So wrote Mr.
H. Hysell, of Middleport, Ohio. And
Dr.' D. S. Russell, of Farmville, Va.,
writes, '"It fulfills all you promise for it."
You hear it almost everywhere, and
read it in the newspapers, that Simmons
Liver Regulator is the best liver remedy,
and the best Sprint" medicine, and the
beet blood medicine. Ib.e. m'v medi
cine of any consequence thai. ise is
Simmons Liver Regulator." So wrote
Mr. R. A. Cobb, of Morgan town, N. C.
And W. F. Park, M. D., ot Tracy City,
Tenn, writes: "Simmons Liver Regula
tor is the best."
Hello! Hellol .
This ia the County Treasurer. He
wants all county warrants registered
prior to April 1, 1892, presented at his
office, corner Third and Washington,
for he is ready to-pay the same. Inter
est ceases after January 15th.
Wm. Michell,
s County Treas.
T. Clay Neece makes voice culture a
specialty. ' Will prepare and correct
mnsical manuscript for the press at rea
sonable rates. Will teach thorough bass,
harmony and musical composition. Ad
dress The Dalles, Or.-, or personal at F.'
W. Helms' residence, from 9 to 12 m.
; - fll-lm
Auction Bale.
Saturday at 11 ' a. .' m.' J.1 B. Crossen
will sell at Yogi's store, a large assort
ment of dry goods and clothing, etc.
. Don't forget to call at the New Candy
Factory and try some of the fresh choc
olate creams, marshmellow taffy .carbon
ated peanut and almond bar.. Remem
ber that W. T. Moore manufactures his
own candies and uses- non-poisonous
colors. Give him a call. .
We are showing the latest fads in-
Any of our lady friends wishing an idea of what Dame Fortune has dictated to
us in- the way of Spring and Summer Footwear should take the opportunity of view
ing our early arrivals in , V ' ;
,:' . -: " i'- - '
Oxfords, in tan and black. Ladies' Kid Lace Boots,
also in genuine Russet, Neelle Toe.
Southerns Ties, in tan, Newest Shade latest Needle Toe
Ladies' Cloth Top Button Boots, in Russet and . Kid;
Every pair 'warranted. Widths B, C and P.
Admirers of nice footwear will find it interesting to lookjover our stock. Prices
.reasonable. . '
-v : h
for Infants and Children.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
eleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
Cantor! a Is so well adapted to children (hai
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
taown to me." H. A. Ahcheb, M. D.,
HI South Oxford St., Brooklyn. N. T.
For several years I have recommena'ed your
Castoria, and shall always continue to do so.
as it has invariably produced beneficial results."
Edwih F. Pardee, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave,, New York City.
"The nse of 'Castoria' is so universal and
its merits co well known that it peems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in-'
telliprent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Clblos Mabttn. I). D.,
New York City.
Thb Ciktadb Compajtt, 77 Murray Street, N. T.
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES'
Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. . The Snipea
Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3.
M.w m. ww rw.-w-.- -w- ,J
ofApriH next, regardless
reasonable offer refused:
' Fine
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States. . ,
Sight Exchange and " Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Cnicaeo,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker I Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
'Can now be found at. 162 Second
street. .
Hay and Grain for Sale
Ward, Kerns & Robertson's Stable,
Corner Fourth and Federal Sts.
ipes-Kinersly; Drug Co.
Drugs, Paints,
y - -
Wall; Paper;
. Etc.
129 Second St.,
i j
' - :
of COST- No