The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Newspaper in Wasco County. BUB8CKIPT10N KATES. BT KAIL, POSTA6 MIIUII, IN ADTAKCX. - Weekly, 1 year. '. t i SO " 6 months. . .O 75 - 8 " 0 00 Stall, 1 year. , 6 00 6 months. A .'. 8 00 ' . per " - 0 60 Address all communication to THE CHKON- IGU&." The Dalles. Oregon. STATE OFFICIALS. Bjvernoi W. P. Lord Secretary of State H K K Incald Treasurer. Phillip Metschan flnpt. of- Public Instruction Ci. M. Irwin Attorney-General oi. icuemiin . ' G. W. McBride Hmators .jj.H. Mitchell 4 B. nermann Congressmen . w K Ellis - State Printer. . -. V W. H. .Leeds COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge Geo. C. Blakeley Sheriff. : T. J. Driver Clerk A. M. Kelsay Treasurer , Wm. Michell . . (Frank Kincaid Commissioners , JA s. Blowers Assessor T. II. Wakefield Surveyor .'. K. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Coroner W. H. Butts TUESDAY. - - - MARCH 3, 1896 COXING I VENTS. Republican National Convention St. X.ouln. State convention Portland April 9tn. County convention March 28tli at Ths Dalles. Primaries March. 2 1st. First District Oregon con gressional con vention Albany April 7th. second dis trict Portland April 8th. . People Varty National Convention St. Loali .July 22a. State convention Saleru March 26 Ui. Democratic state- convention meets at Portland April Otli. County central com mittee will meet at the courthouse in The Dalies on March 7th. THE SPANISH DEMONSTRATION. Their hot Southern blood has-caused the Spaniards to lose their heads over the, Cuban resolutions passed -by our senate. No sooner had the intelligence been made known to the people than outbreaks occurred, ending in the con salute at' Barcelona being attacked, .white the cries of "Long live Spain !" 'Death to Uncle Sam!" rent the air. It is not surprising that the people of Sjain should take unkindly to this action of the senate, Bince the adoption of the resolutions by both houses will do more for the insurgents than a dozen battles such as have been fought up to date; but that their anger should vent itself in Euch noisy demonstrations and expressions, only shows that the Span iards are either wofully ignorant of the extent to which one nation can go in its expressions regarding another, or that the popnlace is a' turbulent, restless mob, discontent with present conditions and eager for war, hoping that with it may come plunder'and booty. The United States is justified in its action by the precedent of Spain itself. The war of secession had not been waged three months before belligerency of the Confederacy was recognized by Spain, and as Senator Lodge points out, we have waited font times as long. The condi tions which . existed at the time of Spain's action, and which exist rjow, are widely different. Spain recognized a confederacy whose corner-stone was slavery and whoBe "grievances against the national government were fancied rather than real. By extending recognition to the Cu bans our government is but giving jus tice to a people who are struggling for freedom the gem which on the West ern continent is the- most treasured. ' The Cubans by their successes the past year, have won recognition, whether they are given it or not. This government wants no war with Spain, and none is likely. The demon strations of. Sunday did not emanate from official quarters, but were the ont burts of mobs, inflamed by reckless speakers. Their action will be; prompt ly disavowed by the Spanish govern ment and due reparation made. Even with England's aid, Spain will not want a war with America, and England just now is not in a position to give that aid. AN INTERESTING EXPERIMENT. An interesting episode in the study of migrations is , preeented by the depart ure yesterday, from Georgia of three hundred Negroes for Liberia. This is the second venture of this kind made within recent years under ihe manage ment of a colonization society ; a third will be "made in the fall. But four times In the history of emigrations has .occurred ttus eastward movement. Ever since history began theuniversal trend of migration has been toward the letting Ban. When Abraham, with his flocks, journeyed from Mesopotamia, he' set the example, which physical conditions have caused to be followed through (he centuries. The cities of Greece and Italy, it is. true, went eastward and founded colonies in Asia Minor, bat ' sach exceptions have been rare, and the settlement of new worlds has been made by people from the East. V The experiment that is being made in Liberia will be watched with interest. Its result, if successful, may have a di rect influence in settling the race prob lem which is ever present to trouble tne South. " The Negro has proved himself capable of . governing, and it is not un likely that the leaders of the race would ratherts destiny .should be worked out in Liberia, where-, the barriers that here exist between, the races will be absent. It is not pnfbable the movement will become a general one, bnt if it should, its influence 'upon the economic and social life of Jb.e United States would be very marked. . As it is, we are but fol lowing Greece and Koine, who planted on'foreign shores colonies of their own, where the manners and affection for the native land grew as the colonies pros pered. v The Democrats and Populists m Polk county are talking of a fusion, with the hopes of carrying the next election. If the Republicans had the ordering of the actions of the Democrats and Popnlisl, such a course is the one they would pick for them to take. Whatever men of in telligence the Democratic party contains would leave it whenever it associated itself with the principles the Populists are advocating. Fusion for the Demo crats is as-bad as their present advocacy of free wool.' The leaders in congress are seeking an early adjournment. As all hope of any tariff legislation is dead, this is about the most popular move congress can make. It will, however, work an hard ship upon the Oregon delegation in their efforts to secure the extra appropiiation for the locks. If the appropriation bills are to be passed bv the last of March, some harch work must be done between now and then. , . . The. recent accidents to shipping in New York harbor go to show that a port is not always the place of safety the poets sing about. The sinking of two bit; steamers and the grounding of a third is a record old ocean might envy. The absence of any loss to life-makes the disasters seem trivial. The only comfort Onegonians can take in this excess of weather, is the thought that they are having it worse in the EaBt. Wien Baby was sick, ve g-ave her Castoria. When sho was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When sne had Children, she gave them Castoria. In a recent editorial the Salem, Or., Independent says: "Time and again have we - seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tried and never without the most satisfactory results. Whenever we see a person afflicted with hoarseness, with a cough or cold, we invariably ad vise them to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy; and when they do, they never regret it. It always does the work, and does it well." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. Geo. W. Jenkins,, editor of the Santa Maria "Times," Cal., in speaking of the various ailments of children said: "Wnn my children have croup there is inly one patent medicine J ever use, and inac is Chamberlain's Ccrrh Remedy. It possesses some medica" properties that relieve the little snfferei immedi ately. It is, in niy opinion, the beet cou medicine in the- market." If this remedy is freely given as soon as .the croup cough appears it will prevent the attick. It is also an ideal-remedy for whooping cough. There is no danger in giving it to children, as it contains noth ing injurious. For sale by Blakeley & HoughtOD, -Druggist. If there is any one thing that needs to be purified, it is politics, so the re former says, and many agree thereto. But blood tells, and as a blood purifier and liver corrector Simmons Liver Reg ulator is the best medicine'. - "I use it in preference to anv other." So wrote Mr. S. H. Hysell, of Middleport, Ohio. And Dr. D. S. Russell, of Farmville, Va., writes, ''It fulfills all yon promise for it." j, Of ' 1 8tr 1 Age The Kellogg French Tailoi svstem of Dress Cuttine. taught at 319. Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. B. K. Hyde. Agent. Lessons not limited. Each E scholar cn bring in a dress and is tausrht a to Out, Ba ste and Finish complete. Pat- U terns cut oraerwarrancea. (Jutting ana fitt ecialty. Accordiorfplaiting made The Dalles Commission Go., -DEALERS IM- Coal, Ice ail Produce, oreip and. Boiestic Emits ant YeptaMes. Oysters. Fish, Poultry and Came In Season. NORTH POWDER ICE, which is noted for Its purity and lasting qualities. ROCK SPRINGS. i . KOSLTN, ANTHRACITE mntt GEORGES VBSEK CO , -Phone 128 and 255. Corner Second and Washington Streets. '-w Consignments Solicited. Goods received for Cold Storage and Forwarding. "Tie Regulator Line' ' Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH . trt igut ana FassBiiger Line Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalle's and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. . FA99ENOEB BATES. One way. . . . Round trip. .....$2.00 3.0(1 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except cat' lots, will' be brought through, witk out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland .-received at any time day or night. Shipments for vi ay landings mast be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. (Jail on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY General Arnof THE-DALLES. OREGON GIVE9 THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paxil Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to' all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS LeSTO Portland Eierr Five Says for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL For full detail r call on O. E. & Co.'s Agent Tho Dalles, or address W, H. HURLBtJET, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon A Chlcbetor' EngliiOi Diamond Braai 'ENNYROYAL P8LLS OrljElnnl son Only Gen nine. safe, always rvliacie. ladic aak Urucclat lor Ufliclesler m Enaltsk Dm-, ,nond Brand in Ked and Gold metal Ho j boxes. Rcmled with blue ribbon. Tsbe (no other. Refuse anncrous rrubttitu- in stamps for particulars, testimonials aud 44 Relief for Iladle," i Utter, by return MalL 10.000 Testimonials, fiantu I'anrr lionm and imitation. At Drnirtriata. or amd 4j. void bj ail Xjooai UtimguUU RI-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Ala FOR FTJKX. and HANDFACTURINO -1'IIU'OSKS. fcira MJUUC THE DALLES leal . Estate The above association j is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of Real Estate for sale or e change, whereby the seller will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Real Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing- im migration to Wasco and Sher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of prop erty: C. E. Bayard', T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz &, Co. J. M. Huntington & Co., N.'Wheal don, Gibons & Marden, G. W. Rowland. Address any of the above well known firms, or J. M. Huntington, Sec. ' The Dalles, Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE . " , Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and .are due to arrive at Portland. FROM JUNE 23, 1895. f OVERLAND EX-1 press, Salem, Rose- 1 I burg, Ashland, Sac-1 J ramento, Ogden,San ! Francisco, Mojave, f Los Angeles.EI Paso, I New Orleans and I I East i 8:50 P. M. i8:10 A.M. 8:30 A.M. lloseburg and way &ta- 4:40 P. M. tions fVia Woodburn for j Mt.Ansel, Silverton, i West Scio. Browns I viUc,Sprlngiicld and 1 Natron Daily except Sundays. 4:C0 P. M. 7:80 A.M. 4-45 P. If. Dailj except Sundays. 10.00 A.M. t 6:20 P.M. Salem and way stations JUorvalus ana way j stations ( jMcMinnville and) (way stations t 8:25 P. M. Dally. fDally, except Sunday. DIXIXG CARS ON OGDES ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING" CAES Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Oflie-, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern Stxtes, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates irom J. B. KIRKLAND. Ticket Aeent. All above trains arrive at aud depnrt irom urana central binuon, film ana l streets. - YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jeflerson street. Leave for OSWEGO, week days, at 6:00, 7:20, 10:15 a. m., 12:15, 1:55, 5:15, 6:30 p. m., 8:00 p. m., ana 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only. Arrive at Portland, 7:10, 8:30, 11;25 a. m., 1:30, i.lill D.U, I .iu, s,v. p. ill. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m, Arrive at Portland. 9:30 a. m Leave for AIRLIE on Mondav, Wednesday and Fri ay at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Turs- aav, inursaay ana Saturday at a:ua p. m. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:30, 9:00, ll:uu a. in., z:uu, is. ju, o:;w, b:;xj p.m. Anive at Portlnnd at 12:35,8:40, 10:30 a. m 12:15, 1:50, 3:15, 4:45, 6:30, 7:55 p. m. It. KOEHLER, E. P. BORERS, Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt. J. 8. Schenk, President. J. M. Patterson. Cashier, First Rational Bank. THE DALLES, ORE C A General Banking Business transacted iJeposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on aay oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on JNew York, ban Francisco and Port land. DIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck, Ed. M. W1LLIAM3, Geo. A. Libbx. H. M. Bbalx. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and j CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. No Place. Like Home WITH A. BOTTLE OF -A DR. HENLEY'S Celery Beef and In your home you have a COMPANION FOR LIFE It stimulatesthe APPETITE Strengthens the NERVES Gives you a good night's REST A perfect BLOOD PURIFIER It is NATURE'S BUILDER AND TONIC FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. Wm yog wwt to bay Seed Wheat, Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, .Or anything n the Feed Line, go to the ' WASCO : WAREHOUSE, Oar prices are low and our goods are firt-clasp. Aeents for the celebrated WAISTBTJRG "PEFBLESS" FLOTJE. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY. The LJiiiij NO. -Select 0 THE DALLES, nmTTTIT TTl.T-n O 0 J. KJ JJL-IJ.J- VJT UO V V announce that they J. O. Mack's old stand, where they will be pleased to see their friends. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood . leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICHELBACH BRIOK. - - UNION ST. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. ' Again in business at the old stasd. I wonld be pleased to eee all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. CLOSING OUT SALE f DRY GOODS CLOTHING, FURNTSHLTTG GOODS, 7 BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Iron Germania OTTO BIRGFELD, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. SOLE AGENT FOR THE Celebrated Gambrinus Beer. 94 SECOND STREET, OREGON. TTTTT T T A TfcTC .T-. 4.. XIII VVXOJJL bS are now located at . . 4 Successor to Chrisman & Corson. - ' FULL LIN OF STAPLE and FANCY CROCE ES. Sold Less Than Cost. J. P. McINERNY.