The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 20, 1896, Image 3

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We hare put on sale for a few days a complete line of Gentle
men's Fine Calf Shoes, in Lace and Congress. These goods are this
year's stock and their selling price will "be $2.50; but as an induce
ment Uuring the month of February we -will offer you
Gentlemen, remember the price. It's less than the Shoe cost
us, but that's our look-out, and it's to your interest to examine the
Shoe and be convinced. .
The DaL
ntered a the Postoffice at Trie Dalies, Oregon
as second-class matter.
Leaves From tlie Notebook of Clironlcle
Forecast Fair tonigbt.probably show
ers. Warmer tomorrow. .
The principal political talk so far con
sists of predictions that this man or that
man will be beat if he runs for office.
Circuit court adjourns tomorrow.
Though a short term, it has made a
clean-up, and there is little to continue
on to next term.
A New York office boy spent 2 cents
for a postage stamp and wrote to the
treasury officials that, he would take
$150,000 of the new loan. He was
awarded the bonds and then sold his
right to take them for $6,000. V
Property owners, beautify your homes
by planting trees this spring. The sea
son is upon us, soon it will pass. Every
year's growth is important. Nature has
done her part in giving us grand natural
scenery. The Dalles could be the hand
somest town In the state.
A motion for a new trial was filed by
Sheer and Bradley and overruled. Brad
ley appeared in his own behalf this
morning, clamoring for justice and ar
raigning the district attorney for an in
terested motive in getting him convicted.
His honor, however, was imperturbable
and the ruling stood.
Mr. A. D. McDonald, one of the com
missioners appointed to superintend tb
Rattlesnake road, expects to begin work
next week. A petition is being circu
lated by Mr. Frank Sayers of Sherman
county, and generally signed, to open
the Gordon ridge approach. The farm
ers of the country are not divided on the
question, and all are anxious for it.
This petition will come before the
county court on the lOih of April, and
the road will be finished in ample time
for the hauling of wool over the new
road. (X
About twenty-four members and
friends of the Good Intent Society met
at the home of Mrs. C. L. Phillips yes
terday aftornoon and were entertained
in that lady's usual hospitable man
ner. After the business of the eocietv
had been transacted, the hostess piloted
the ladies through her well-kept green
house and presented each with a beau
tiful boutonnaire. Later in the after
noon lunch was seaved, and although
many pleasant meetings have been had,
all felt that this was the most enjoyaVeT
Anyone who may read this item is
notified that if he has friends in any
part of the United States who would be
likely to settle in Waeco county or
friends of their friends who might do so,
if he will leave their postoffice addresses
with either of the following-named per
sona, the new descriptive pamphlet of
The Dalles and Wasco county will be
1896 Stock
Goods for
sent them : C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud
son, G. W. Rowland, J. M. Huntington
& Co., N. Whealdon, Gibons & Marden,
J. G. Koontz & Co.
Many women have desired to see tho
h by left at Mr. Farley's residence, but
. esilate to call on account of not being
ecqainted with the family. Mr. and
Mrs. Farley-invite all who are curious to
see the little one, and ladies especially,
!o call and see it. While it is true they
have the little one in charge, they do not
concede it belongs to them more than
anyone else, and will take pleasure in
showing it to all who wish to see it. It
sleeps a good deal, but its office hours
are tolerably regular for all that.
The U. S. government, department of
agriculture, recently mailed pamphlets
to every part of the country, protesting
against the killing of hawks. There are
but one or two species which are unde
sirable. Farmers and others Would find
it greatly to their benefit to never kill a
hawk. They may occasionally eat poul
try, but it is generally known, or ought
to be at least, that the quantity is so
small in comparison with the vast num
bers of destructive rodents, gophers and
insects, consumed, that it is scarcely
worth considering. The notion that a
hawk should be killed because it is a
hawk is erroneous. Spare them.
A. K. Dufur Dead.
Mr. A. K. Dufur died at his residence
in Duf ar about 5 o'clock last evening,
after a short illness. Deceased is a
cousin of E. B., A. J. and W. H. H.
Dufur. He leaves a wife and one child,
Daisy Dufur, aged 16. Mr. Dufur was
born in Chicago in 1848, afterward mov
ing with his parents to Wisconsin and
settling in Iola. His remains will be
shipped there Saturday for final inter
ment, the Odd Fellows, of which organ
ization he was a member, conducting the
funeral ceremonies. Mr. Dutur has had
a residence of about 20 years in Wasco
county, and was the well-known mill
man at Dufur.
Tracing; the Baby.
The railroad company dislike to be the
carrier of nameless babies, if Mr. Far
ley's charge really came from the train,
and have made very searching inquiries
ot tne trainmen who came down Tues
day morning. It was learned Conductor
Fowler had charge of the train. He re
ported that a woman, heavily veiled,
waB a passenger on board the train that
morning, and that she had "something"
Jn her lap, but he did not know what it
? ine tag wmch was attached to the
slip has been placed in the hands of
irortiana detectives, and the stores of
Portland will be canvassed to see if it
was purchased in that city.
. Olay JNeece makes voice culture a
specialty. Will prepare and correct
musical manuscript for the press at rea
sonable rates. Will teach thorough bass,
narmony ana musical composition. Ad
dress The Dalles, Or., or personal atF,
W. Helms' residence, from 9 to 12 no.
Hearing Fruit.
The pamphlets issued by The Dalles
Real Estate Exchange are already bring
ing inquiries from the East. It is a
little soon to expect benefit from immi
gration as yet, in fact not a quarter of
the books have yet been mailed. ' Then,
too, a year or two years does not meas
ure the good that will accrue from this
excellent description of our excellent
resources and climate. The influence of
the pamphlets has practically no end,
for even after the last one of the large
number, which is sent hither and thither
to all parts of the United States, is de
stroyed, those who are induced to come
and settle among us will have other rel
atives and friends, whoee prosperity
they will want to share.
Among the letters which have already
been written to our' real estate men is
the following, a fair sample of the class
of citizens who will be attracted by the
information afforded by the pamphlet:
St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 15, 1896.
T. A. Hudson, Esq., The Dalles, Or.:
Dear Sir : I have been favored by a
neighbor with the loan of a small
pamphlet, issued by tbe enterprising
members of the Real Estate Exchange of
your city. I have carefully read and re
read the contents of same, and have
about come to the conclusion that the
Pacific Noithwest, or "Western Empire
of America," is the land of promise
which all people seek and a very few
find. The glowing accounts of prosper
ity and worded paintings of health and
- - n ,.-n, l :
cast my future happiness among you.
But I am afraid that my premature
hopes and joys of seeing heavily-laden
fruit trees, which I now picture in my
mind's eye as being my own possessions,
shall be scattered to the winds, and the
trees with their golden possessions rent
asunder and beaten down to the ground
as by a cyclone or hail storm.
My dear sir, I would not be writing to
a stranger in these words were I in pos
session of a good share of tbe "gold of
the realm." I would then be able to go
forth and see to my own satisfaction
what I want, and as I have not money
to scatter to the winds, I must trust to
someone el Be to help me find a situation
in which I can do more good for the
betterment of myself and the world
ultimately than I can at present.
I would be greatly obliged to you if
you would send me some literature re
lating to your county or locality, also
give me some prices and terms on 'small
pieces of uncultivated land, and if yon
have any small farms with some im
provements on them, give me prices and
terms. Any information you send .will
be thankfully received, not by me alone,
but several others who are interested
with me in casting for a future location,
and "to the West" we intend to go.
If So, Yeu Are Richer the Amount Stated
Which. Follows It.
County Clerk A. M. Kelsay has taken
the trouble to list the unclaimed county
warrants which have remained in that
office longer than a year, and which are
yet payable if they do not bear date
farther back than seven years. In that
case the law provides that they shall be
cancelled. The clerk believes that the
various amounts rightfully due the peo
ple should ba paid, but that they would
not discover the debt due them unless
the list is published. Th Cheonicxk
enters heartily into the plan, and gives
Pruning Shears,
Pruning Knives,
Budding" Knives,
Pruning Saws,
Tree Pruning Shears,
Bean Pumps.
Myers Pumps,
Sulphur, Lime,Salt,
Danne's Solid Sprays,
space" today for the list. We suggest
to those who discover that money is due
them through publication in Tas
Chronicle that they could do no better
than paying for a year's subscription to
this journal. A great many dollars may
be saved in the course of a year by a
regular perusal of itscolums:
W Alba. 1 50 B Abraham... 1 70
M Abnet 1 70 Effie Allen 1 50
Walter Allen. 1 50 Mrs Andrews . 1 70
G Anderson . . 4 70 Albert Allen. . 3 60
James Abbott 2 00 James Abbott. 1 50
Chas Bradley. 1 75 Mrs Bird 1 70
Jtl K .Bleu l zu jee xsianton . . 1 uj
John Brown.. 1 50 Robert Beard. 1 00
A S Bennett. . . 1 50 Win Black. ... 7 20
A T Beers 1 70 D L Bolton ... 4 50
Tom Branch.. 1 60 Win Blum 1 20
Ed Barrett. . . 5 00 T E Brown ... 7 70
Emma Bailey. 3 20 R Burdett 1 20
H M Barnett. 2 50 Miss Barrett. . 5 00
E Buschke... 1 70
John Clarno. . 3 10 W E Clarno. ..310
C P Clark 1 70 Chas Clarno . . 3 10
A Clegg ...... 2 20 Wm Copple. . . 1 20
Wm Olerkm. . 1 7U X J tjockinz. . . 1 OU
J A Craig 1 00 Jos Clark 1 70
Geo Clark. ... 1 U (Jharue (Jbina-
man 1 70
S Davis 1 20 C C Dickens . . 2 30
Jas Dennis ... 4 00 I L Donosan. . 1 00
Thos Dawson. 1 70 M Delore j 1 60
TbosDorson.. 1 90 F M Driver. .. 1 79
C Dovle 3 00
D W Ebersoll. 1 80 Albert Erkison 1 60
Ed Elliott 1 70 MarvEllsberry 1 70
Freeuiau 3 20 Frank Fisher . 1 70
P Fox 1 50 Martin Fagan. 1 70
M J Finlayson 1 70 Roy Forsythe. 1 70
Joseph Frazier 1 20 Felitia Fox ... 1 70
A P Ferguson. 3 60 Felitbia Fox.. 1 70
C Frank 1 70
Goff, FC... 2 CO Graham. D. ... 120
Glavev, Jno. . 2 00 Hanson, J W. . 1 70
Hansel.W K. . 1 20 Holly. Adam.. 1 2U
Hendricks.W. 1 50, Mry 5 40
Hamiaphan, E 1 70 Howland, Ann 2 10
Hatbawav.F.. 2 20 Hownes.E A. . 1 20
Hinkle, W F.. 1 20 Houer, Cbas . . 1 70
Hockman.W. 1 70 Hollingshead.J 2 00
Hill, W F 1 20 Henry. DC... 1 70
HollinBshed, J 4 50 Hill, D G 1 20
Hunt. E A ... 1 20
Johns, JW... 1 20 Johnston, CB. 1 70
Jobson.jr.F. . 1 70 Jackson, W F. .17 30
Kelly, Penum.l 60 Kenna.Jaa A. . 1 60
Keller, Geo. . . 1 70 Kramer, F 8. . 1 00
Kotter, Jno... 2 20 Keller, Geo .-; . 2 60
Kent, J G 1 20 Kelly, Jno. ... 1 70
Kimsey, Pat. . 2 00 Kelly, Hmptn. 2 60
King, C H 1 70 Klint, A 1 70
Leavens, M... 4 00 Lander, S E. . . 3 00
Luckey, J J . . 2 00 Loch, E 2 10
Limeweber.W 4 50 Learned ,H H . . 1 70
Lindes, Jas.. . 2 00 Morris, M M.. 5 50
Miller, F 1 40 M'Kenzie, K. . 1 50
M'Ginnis, Jno 1 70 Moore.R F 3 10
Continued on 4th pace.
. Awarded
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Removal Notice.
Nolan's Book Store now located at
No. 54 Second Street, near Union.
The Tyffh Vat
ley Creamery
Ask VanbiblDer & Worsley for it..
40c. Every Square is Full "Weight.
Pianos Organs.
For Low Prices, go to the
Jacobsen Book & Music Company,
162 Second Street,
Try a Bottle.
Atwood's Syrnp of Tar, Horehound and Wild
Cherry for that Cough.
Seed Wheat, Seed
Corn; Afalfa Seed, Clover Seed, Timothy
Seed and other Grass Seeds;- Northern
Grown Seeds, Garden Seeds, Early Minn-
esota Corn, Dakota Yellow .Dent Corn and
StowelTs Evergreen Corn. Yellow Dan-
vers Onion Sets, Choice large, Mealy Bur- m u
tank Seedling Potatoes.
Poultry and Eggs Bought
Groceries Sold Cheap. Terms
Tygh Valley
A. As B.
s, m 35c
Oats, Seed Rye, Seed
and Sold. Chofce Assortment of
Positively Cash or Produce, at
33 j