The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 20, 1896, Image 1

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IF'e'foaiiasy tlx, 189 to March ill,
Genuine Bargains the order of the day.
Dress Goods.
Our entire lot of 3G-inch all-wool Tre
cot, Faucy Mixtures, &c, embracing the
most desirable shades and effects. Never
sold for less than 50 and GOc; these are
reduced to 25c.
A fine assortment of all-wool Checks
and Plaids, Wool and Silk Mixed Novel
ties, &c goods that have found ready
sale at 75c, 85c, $1 and $1.25; balance to
close at a reduction of 33 J per cent.
... Boucles ...
60-inch Novelty Cape and Jacket Ma
terial 5 pieces of the latest color combi
nations. Regular value, $2; spec. $1.50.
Eiderdown Flannels.
Plain Pink; reg. 40c, to close at 25c.
Tan and Grey Crepe Effects ; never less :
than 50c, now 35c. Fancy Tufted Eider
down, stripes, in popular light shades;
regular 80c yd, sale price, 50c;
Our entire stock of Woolen Under
wear in all grades and sizes, AT COST;
broken , lots at half price.
All-Wool Hosiery.
Child's and Misses' Ribbed; reg. 20c, reduced to 10c.
Ladies' Fine French Ribbed Cashmere; regular 60c,
reduced to 35c.
Ladies' Fine French Plain Cashmere j reg. 60c, red. to 40c.
Ladies' Fine French Plain Cashmere, reg. 50c, red. to 35c.
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, regular 40c, reduced to 25c.
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, regular 35c, reduced to 20c.
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, regular 25c, reduced to 15c.
... Special . . .
1 case Child's and Misses' Black Rib
bed Cotton Hose, seamless, "Hermsdorf "
dye, guaranteed fast black; only 5c pr.
Men's Extra Superfine Merino Half
Hose; seamless; extra good at 15c, re
duced to 10c. Men's Dark Grey Mixed
All-Wool Half Hose; special value at 20c,
reduced to 12c.
Ladies' Grey AH-Wool Knit Skirts;
regular $1.50, to close at $1.00.
Special Attractions
our Neckwear Department. 24 doz.
Stylish Tecks, good variety of shades and
patterns; the best value ever offered at
25c, during sale only 15c.
Misses' Cloaks. . ' .
One and all at half price; sizes 4 to
14. Don't delay buying, as they cannot
possibly drop any lower.
Ladies' Capes and Jackets
At half their regular prices. -Every.
garment correct in shape, correct sleeves,
correct in price. We have one or two of
those very stylish 26-inch French-made
Beever, Box-front Reefer Jackets, two
rows buttons, half-satin lined, strapped
seams; Black only; a splendid value at
$1&; sale . price makes them $7.50. We
have cheaper ones in proportion.
Our last two very nobby Child's Jack
ets, 4 to 6 years; perfection of style; reg
ular $6.00 sale price, $3.00; regular $6.25,
sale price, $3.15.
Lack of space will not permit us to
give you more than an idea of our Great
Reduction Sale. Every article of Winter
Wear greatly reduced; some lines goiDg
at cost and others at half price. Call and
be convinced.
A Husband Shoots His Wife
in Cold Blood.
An Important Cuban Victory Reported
A Xexan Says the Spaniards are
Marshfield, Or., Feb. 19. A cold
blooded murder was committed on the
streets of this town yesterday afternoon,
when Carl Albright shot down his wife.
For years past his treatment of Mrs.
Albright had been cruel, and at last,
unable to etand it longer, she left him
about a week ago and began divorce pro
ceedings. After trying in vain to get
her to return to him he threatened to
kill her, and yesterday afternoon made
good his threat, as she was returning
home after doing a day's washing in
South Marshfield.
When he met her he spoke to her
about leaving him, and was asked to go
away and leave her alone. As he would
not do this, she sought refuge in Judge
Watson's residence, and a little later
started on her homeward journey, when
he again overtook her. Walking np to
her, he placed a revolver at her back
and fired five shots, the first two taking
effect. After the. first shot, Mrs. Al
bright fell to the ground, and the other
three shots, were fired alter she was
down. She was dead when picked up.
The murderer was pursued by the city
marshal, and captured, alter a resist
ance, in which he received two flesh
wounds. He is now in the hospital.
Public feeling is very bitter against
him, and talk of lynching is freely in
dulged in. Mrs. Albright was a woman
who bore a good reputation in this com
munity, and made a living for both her
self and husband at the washtub and by
any work she could get. Albright is a
worthless wretch, given to the drink
hab'it and was drunk when he k'lled his
Tbe Cubans, He Says, Have
Spaniards Whipped.
Houston, Tex., Feb. 19. Captain J.
H. McGarveyy and old Texas veteran,
has just returned from Cuba. October
16 last he left Key West for Cuba, in
charge of the Viesta, with a crew of
eight men. At Key West the Viesta
was loaded with arms and ammunition
branded as lard, bacon, etc., andhe was
instructed to turn the cargo over to an
insurgent commander. On reaching the
Cuban coast he was chased by a Spanish
man-of-war and was compelled to beach
his vessel, which be did and then burned
her in order to keep the Spanish from
getting her. He and his crew struck
out from their landing place, near Mat
anzas, for the interior and joined the in
surgents. Captcin McGarvey says the Cubans
have at least 45,000 men under arms;
that they are supplied with guns and
ammunition and also receive 'sr. pphes of
money regularly from the United States.
He remained with the troops until a
fortnight ago and says he traversed near
ly the entire western portion of the Isl
and. He says the Cubans have the
Spaniards completely whipped, and at
their mercy, but he cannot understand
why they do not take Havana and bring
hostilities' to a close. This he claima
they, can do at any time they eee fit.
The reports ot Spanish virtories, he
characterizes as tissues of lies.
For Sal Cheap.
Six lots, nicely located in Power's ad
dition to Astoria, Oregon. .Must be sold
quick on account of sickness. Apply to
A. S. Mac Alhster, at this office.
One Minute Cough Cure touches the
right spot. It also touches it at the
right time if you take it when you have
a cough or cold. See the point? Then
don't cough.. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co. -. , . . ' . . . - .
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Tortured at a Convict Camp.
St. Louis, Feb. 19. An Ocala, Fla,
a special says:
After 10 days of torture at a convict
camp, whither they had been sent as
tramps, 11 young men were released on
writs of habeas corps issued by Circuit
Judge Hocker. ;
Two weeks ago the party reached
Ocala. They were well dressed and
said they were walking to see the country
better, to hunt and fish at will. They
had a lot of noveltiee for sale. They did
not ask aid, but the day after their ar
rival they were arrested. Justice Clay
sent them to the convict farm as tramps.
At the ranch xthey were barbarously
treated. They were chained to negroes
and given impossible tasks. Every
night upon report'ng -the tasks unper
formed, they were stripped, tied across
logs and whipped with rawhides until
blood gashed. Last night, the coldest
of the winter, the guards drove them in
to a pond, shouting : "You have been
wanting a bath ; now get it." Twice a
day they were given bread, but no meat.
At Judge Hooker's request, they bared
their backs, which were found raw and
quivering. Five of them may not re
cover. .
In discharging the young men Judge
Hocker said their arrest, sentence and
treatment disgraced civilization and
every one concerned in it shonld be
severely punished. The habeas corpus
proceedings were brought by Ocala citi
zens. The victime will bring heavy
suits for damages.
The Insurgents Victorious.
, Havana, Feb. 19. Antonio Maceo,
with a large following, yesterday made
an attack upon Jaruco, the largest and
most important town on the railroad be
tween Havana and Matanzas; The offi
cial report states that the garrison made
a heroic defense, but not a word is said
of losses on either side or of the damage
inflicted by the insurgents. After the
attack, Maceo left the town and joined
the column led by Gomez, which came
to meet him. It seems evident that
Maceo and Gomez intend to move into
Matanzas and form a junction with the
insurgent forces from the east under
other leaders who have arrived there.
Their course from Jaruco was to Sabina
Robles and La Cabalina, and from there
in the direction of Madruga, which -is
toward Matanzas.
It is reported that the position of the
troops makes the situation of Gomez
and Maceo compromising.
Hot clam broth at 4 o'clock todnv at J.
O.Mack's, 67 Second street.
For Infants and Children.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
Overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa,
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castorla contains , no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
' Castorla Is po well adapted to children that
X recommend it as superior to any prercription
."known to me." H. A. Abcher. M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T.
" For several years I have recommeriSed your
Castoria,' and chall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results."
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.-
"The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and
Its merits eo well known that it reems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are tbe in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Caslos JIihttw, I. D.,
New York City.
Tbs Cektaub Coicpjjrr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES
Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3.
Letters of Credit issued available, in the
Eastern States.
Sight ' Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers soJd on. New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Harry vLiebe,
Watchmaker I Jeweler
All work promptly attended to, - .
and warranted.
Can now be found at 162 Second
ipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Hay and Grain for Sale
Ward, Kerjis & RoLertson's Stable;
, . Corner Fourth and Federal Sts.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
. Etc.
129 Second St.,
RETIRING from Business.
That of turning the stock into money.
Ladies', Misses', Gents', Boys ChildsV Boots, Shoes, Slippers.