WO Shoes We have put on sale for a few days a complete line of Gentle men's Fine Calf Shoes, in Lace and Congress. These goods are this year's stock and their selling prica will "be $2.50; "but as an induce ment during the month of February we will offer you These Gentlemen, remember the price. It's less than the Shoe cost us, but. that's our look Shoe and "be convinced. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. nte red a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon Rfl ffHOT1i-OlHRH TOHttei". SATURDAY. - FEBRUARY 15, 1S96 BRIEF MENTION. LeTei From the Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. "Garbc.s it's itty seflyy, ze blessed itty shihg, Zare iiin t crnuzi-er loslier zat's half as smart as hing; Zu pooty dumpy lumpy, akutchukutchu ku. Kr itty ooaymoosy, er Koriglegooslegoo." What Is it, you ask? A Zulu song? Or a maniac's ravings, foisooth! Oh, no. It is just the remarks of my wife When she found that the baby had a tooth. Tonight At the Baldwin Georgia University Graduates. Forecrst Fair tonight and Sunday. The ever popular "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will be given by Antelope home talent on March 6th. Attention is called to the locals of tbe. O. R. & N. Co., regarding special rates to Portland and Hood River. The Republican central committee will meet on Washington's birthday, February 22d, at the court house. The Georgia University Graduates played some very sweet band music'on the streets of the city just before noon. The case of State vs. Stoey still occu pies the attention of the circuit court today. It will be given to the jury this evening. A spool of thread was the smallest pur chase ever ordered to be delivered by a local merchant to a Dalles lady the other day. Christian church, Rev. I. H. Hazel, pastor. Morning subject, "Bon Fire at Ephesus." Evening "Feeling the 144, 000," from Rev. 7th ch. Arrangements are in progress ror the sale of the Ladd building the old Chronicle office, corner of Second and Washington streets to parties in this city. "Those who are in need of cinches with strings on 'em can be supplied by our genial water superintendent, he having just received a large consignment of them. Capt. W. Hayes, of the Salvation Army at Walla Walla, lately from Port land, arrived on the local train today, and will be present with The Dalles company tonight and over Sunday. J. Ferguson, the expressman, has pur chased ahandsame deiivery wagon of the Adams Express Co. pattern, weighing 1,100 pounds and costing $200. It is a beauty. He will run two wagons here after. . - Mays & Crowe are erecting a commo1 dious warehouse at the corner , of Third and Federal streets for Vhe stowage of wagons, carriages, machifleay and im plements. It is a one-8tofX. Btructun 25x100 feet. . The sale at the courthouse this after noon of 20 acres of land in sec. 2, tp... 2 north, range 10 east, in the suit of A. S. Disbrow vs. J. E. Hanna and others, resulted in tbe realization of $1315.90 1896 Stock Goods for - out, and it's to your interest to examine the PEASE for the property. The sale of land in the suit of Ferd H. Dietzel vs. W. A. Miller et al. was postponed till Wednes dav al 1 r. m. for lnnk of bidders. Advocates here of "free Bilver" wilM regret to hear and believers in "sound money" will be glad to learn that th free coinage subetitute for the bond bil was defeated in the house yesterday by a majority of 125. . Coroner Butts has just returned fn the Wamic country! He firls the roads dry, almost dustvg the gass growing finely, stock getting fay and farmers everywhere out with their plows. He remarks the contrast of fi week ago when he was overthe same teriitory. Rev. Mr. Knight's lecture due here according to the published change in tbe . . . f . . , program of the lecture course, will not be on the topic indicated- on the sea son tickets, but the title will be "The Practical Idealist." Mr. Knight never speaks on any subject without having something to say, and will be well worth hearing. Judge McArthur, whose place in the course had to be postponed, will be able to fill his engagement about the middle of March, the exact date will be advertised later. After Judge McArthur has spoken, it is to be boped no one in The Dalles will ask, as one of the audi ence at a meeting of the Horticultural Society recently did, "Who was Senator Linn, anyhow?" Tbe Masquerade Ball.; About 250 ladies and gentlemen were present at the Woodmen and Work men annual masquerade ball last even ing, and gay music and gayer dancers enlivened the occasion unti1 about 1 o'clock, when the throng began to dis perse. The ball was a complete social and financial success. The prizes were won as follows : Gentlemen's first prize, a handsome oak rocking chair, was won by Messrs. W. H. Vanbibber, M. Han sen, W. Norman, Chas. Nielsen, and J. Chrisman, dressed alike as clowns, and representing the Workmen and Wood uien. As the rocking chair cannot be divided and retain its intrinsic value, the award committee have about de cided to give it to the first one of th' five who gets married. The second gen tlemen'a prize, Japanese leather cuff and collar boxes, was won by Henry Har per.representingan A. O. U.W.workiug man, accoutered with pick, shovel and dinner pail. The ladies first prize, a pair of bisque vases of exquisite work manship, was won by Miss Christine Phirman, dressed as a Grecian lady. Second prize, a jewel case filled with choice etationey,fell.toMrs. H. Lauret zen, representing the American Laun dry. The lady had eome difficulty in ntering the ball with so complete an utfit, and washed clothes and hung hem out while the others marched around the room. The complete list of masquers cannot be published today for want of space. There were forty-two en masque, and many of the costumes were very fine. Subscribe get the news. tor. Thk Chhoniclb and Shoes $1.75.' & MAYS. It ranchliigQuIj, 'A. M. Williams & Co. have aim hcompleted the plans' for a store build of magnificent proportions, 6hortly t be erected between their old building and the Miller building econd street, to occupy the space at t used by Mr. E. Jacobsen's ery store and The dimen- the adjoining tuild sions of the new stru will be 50x100 feet, and it is to be a store build- ng in every particular r m. ;n e of pressed brick. The entrance will e an inset from the eidewalg, paved ith tiled brick, and the pavement in frout will be of asphalt. The plate glass wiuuuna win uc taiuceb lit tiio uiiv.l TEe"Tounding wiH-t5Blwu BLoTteTTTJfglf; .. , " ' connection also with their present quar- jS- ters, with arched doorways between the two buildings. The central epace of tbe first floor of the new building will be taken np with long counters behind which will be shelving. The eame space on the second floor will be open, surrounded with a railing, and a sky light from the top will allow plenty of light for both floors. This new building will be the most decided improvement since the great fire. The increase of bnsiness and press for room demanded the move, and the want is to be supplied in tbe most lib eral fashion. Work is expected to be gin early in March. .Colonel Menus Dead. A telegram to the Oregonian from Salt Lake, dated Feb. 12th, states that Colonel E. W. Neviua, formerly of The Dalles, was found dead at that place. Heart disease was supposed to have been the cause of his death. Col. Ne vim left La -Grande about rix months ago. He leaves a family of a wife and two children, who are now residing in La Grande. Col. Nevius was a war veteran and re sided several years in Wallowa county, after which he' removed to The Dalles, where he officiated for. a long time as colonel of the Third Regiment, O. N. G. Two years ago he was engaged . in cam paign work for the Republican party. Tbe Clever learn. The Gillam acrobatic dancers and Gillam sketch artists are as clever a team as ever appeared in La Crosse. Their work was thoroughly appreciated by the large audience. Miss Bessie, singing of the Pleasures of Paradise Alley, was the best done in this city by any show com pany. Harry Gilliam, "Song Move On" brought down the gallery. It was after repeated encores that the audience let them go. The entire company is a good one, and the Georgia University Grad uates are as good a colored company as is traveling. La Crosse Daily Prees, Sept. 6th. At the opera house, Satur day, Feb. 15th. Prices, 25, 50 and 75 cents. A high liver with a" torpid fiver will not be a long liver. Correct the liver with DeWitt's Littfe Early Risers, little pills that cure dyspepsia and constipa tion. Snipes-Kinersly, Drug Co. IBB on S pesen statiam iKs. raure modern , Thd iltlillllilll'S Pruning Shears, ' Pruning Knives, Budding Knives, Pruning Saws, Tree Pruning Shears, Bean Pumps. Myers Pumps, Sulphur, Liime,Salt, Dunne's Solid Sprays, AT 'Will Repeat tbe Entertainment. A large number of children, and a con siderable sprinkling of older folks as well, were .amused, instructed and en. tertained at the M. E. church last even ing by "Sanders' Wonderland." The grandeur of nature is most realistically produced on a screen, complete in detail and coloring. Next to a personal visit to Yellowbtone National Park, with its bublime canyons and waterfalls, its won derful geysers and glacial relics, a last ing impression can be better gained by booking at the immense pictures fifteen feet square that are so accurately repro duced on a plain muslin surface. Some Ecenes are shown as they appear at Bun set, at noon day and at moonlight, a very unusual and sublime sight. . A glimpse of tonight's entertainment was given laet evening by showing a few scenes from Malaeia, including natural Ecenery, flora and fauna, "queer build ings, and queer inhabitants of India, Malay, China and Japan. These are of intense interest and have been taken from life at considerable cost. Comic pictures and songs at intervals enliven tbe interest. Laet night the words and music of "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" were enlarged to occupy the whole of the great ecreen. The notes were as large as hen's eggs, and the let ters of the song about four inches in height. Eaylnga of Children. One of the pictures at "Sanders' Won- erland" last night represented the ortland University with a river steamer in the foreground. The lecturer turned to the little ones on the front seats and asked: "Now, children what is this?" The timid reply came from one of them, The Regulator." The speaker was nonplussed for a moment, but regained his composure during the applause which spontaneously followed. This re minded a young lady of Tbe Dalles, who has taught a Sunday school class for several j'eare, of the unexpected answer given by one of her pupils when Mr. Maloney was marshal. "Who is presi dent of the United States?" queried the lady. "Dan Maloney," was the prompt response. It was several minutes before the child could be corrected. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. A TMTTTNT Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. He PIES & BE ITOJI'S V Bicycle Bicycle .Bicycles Removal Notice. Nolan's Boole Store now located at - No. 54 Second Street, near Union. The Tygli Val ley Creamery Ask Vanbibher & "Worsley for it. 40c. Every Square is Frill Weight. TELEPHOlsrE i JlJL SIL OFFICE and SCHOOL SUPPLIES, S Rates, - 35e ) FEE PMS. ( Pianos Organs. For Low Prices, go to the Jacobsen Book & Music Company, 162 Second Street, Try a Bottle Atwood's Syrup of Tar," Horehound and WiJ Cherry for DOflHEIiIi'S DRUG STORE. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Corn; Afalfa Seed, Clover Seed, Timothy TrT; Seed and other Grass Seeds; Noi thern 33! Grown Seeds, Garden Seeds, Early Minn- esota Corn , Dakota Yellow Dent Corn and Stowell's Evergreen Corn. Yellow, Dan- -vrm vers Onion Sets, Choice large, Mealy Bur- B "bank Seedling Potatoes. Poultry and Eggs Bought Groceries Sold Cheap. Terms J. H. CROSS' FEED Bicycles Bicycles Is Delicious. CREAMERY Tysh Va 'ey A. A. B. 80. THE DALLES, OR. OF- that Cough. and Sold. Chofce Assortment of Positively Cash or Produce, at andGROCERY STORE