Shoes We have put on sale for a few days a complete line of Gentle men's Fine Calf Shoes, in Lace and Congress. These goods are this year's stock and their selling pries will "be $2.50; but as an induce-' ment during the month of February we will offer you These Gentlemen, remember the price. It's less than the Shoe cost us, but that's our look-out, and it's to your interest to examine the . Shoe and be convinced. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Ghroniele.' ntered a the PoBtofflce at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. THURSDAY. - FEBRUARY 13, 1896 BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From the notebook of Chronic, Reporters. The man who sighs for the happy day When a barefoot boy he ran, Is the same old boy who used to say: "I wisht I wuz a man." At the Baldwin Saturday evening Georgia University Graduates. Yesterday was Abraham Lincoln's birthday. Had he lived he would have been 87 years old. The present warm weather, if con tinued, will have an injurious effect on fruit buds, by advancing them too rapidly. Tiekets for the mask ball can be bad at C. F. Stephens,' L. Rorden's, Snipes & Kinersly's, C. . L. Phillips' and E. Jacobsen's. It will be in orderly the poet laure ate of Oregon to comlxience work on a poem for celebration wflaySof the opening of the locks. The Ancient Order Foresters of Amer ica has been Americanized by the su preme officers striking out the first two words of the title. The Epworth League will hold a busi ness meeting this evening in the lecture room of the M. E. church. Members are requested to be present. A Portland daily reports a man who has just returned from a long trip as "well tired, but much recuperated." TheOregon Scout adds : He must have been badly rested when he went away. The residence occupied recently by Mr. and 'Mrs. J. J. Hogan, crushed by the falling of the brick wall on Second street, is being rebuilt. Since the acci dent Mr. and Mrs. Hogan have occupied rooms at the Umatilla, f The Handsomest elk head and antlers I ever seen in The Dallefe will be present ed to the order of Elks WSheriff Driver. The animal was killed bV an Indian in the Cascade monntains,nd first pur ur- chased by Mr. August Buchler. Mr. J. P. McCrum has received the sad news of the death of his sister, Miss Maiia McCrum in Bo wen Illinois. The news followed closely upon that of the death of a cousin, Mr. Clayton McGill, president of the Bow'en National bank. For the occasion of Sousa's band in Portland, , the O. R. & N. Co will sell round trip tickets on the 17th and 18th insts, good returning on the day after each date of sale at the rate of $3 for round trip. Tickets on sale at the Uma tilla House ticket office or depot. td A unique entertainment will be given in the M. E. church Friday and Satur day evenings. It is entitled "Sanders Wonderland," consisting of a large number of immense colored views of the beautiful and curious throughout the world. These are selected from the Yellowstone National Park, the most r 1896 Stock Goods for PEASE prolific field of scenic grandeur in the world, views in Malasia, the land of per petual summer, strange sights in China and Japan. Two entertainments, Fri day and Saturday, each accompanied by a descriptive lecture. The welcome sound of the Regulator whistlo.was again heard this morning, when she steamed away on her trial trip to Collins Landing. Mr. S. L. Brooks and Mr. Lyle were aboard. The boat has been repaired throughout and newly painted, and left the dock with all her Dristine beantv. w Every rose has a thorn. The acoustic properties of the meeting hall in the chamber of commerce building, one of costliest and handsomest in Portland are so bad that at a distance of 10 feet, a speaker's vocal tones would be shattered so that they could scarcely be under stood further off. The defect is to be remedied by workmen at once. The committee on arrangements for the Woodmen and Workmen ball desire that it should be generally understood by the ladies Cthe coming ball being an invitation ball) that proper invitations be presented by their escorts or in lieu of their escorts. This is done in order to avoid possible bitter feeling that might arise on a request to show invita tion, in all cases given to the gentlemen. The weather observer draws the fol lowing deduction in his report for Janu ary : While the stock ranges have been generally free from snow, which obviates the necessity 'for feeding stock, yet the absence of the normal amount of snow fall reduces the liability for good range grass in the spring and summer months; so that, while mild temperatures have their benefits to the physical splf, they are a detriment to the material inter ests of the people. Contempt of the County Court. Mr. Thomas Denton was summarily thrust in the county jail today at the instance of the county judge. , This is another page of the chapter of the con tempt of court case before Judge Blake ley on Monday. Mr. Sandoz, the other combatant", paid the amount of his fine $10 but Mr. Denton refusing, was colo I nutted to jail by the court before whom Jtoffense was committed. Y A reporter cauea to see . sir. uenton, woo was found to be in a very indignant frame of mind. He regards his incarceration as an injustice, and an unwarranted as sumption of authority. He preferred to keep the reasons for his belief to himself, and would notx be quoted on the question ; but he undoubtedly be lieves he can "make it pretty hot" for his honor, and intimated that he will contest the legality of the commitment. Orana Jury .Report. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Wasco county. In the matter of the report of the grand We, the grand jury, duly empanelled for the February term, 1896, respectfully show the court that we have been in ses aion three days, and have inquired into ail crimes committed in this county, eo Shoes $1.75. & MAYS. far as they have been brought" to our notice, and as a result of our labors have returned into court four indictments. We have visited the various county offi cials, and have been courteously received by all and have been shown every fa cility for examination of the books and accounts .of the county officers. We have also visited and inquired intq the condition and management of the county jail, and find it neat, and as eecurely kept as its construction will admit. We amined the sheriffs office and find the UOKs correctly Jtept, its officer well qualified, courteous and obliging; in spected the county clerk's office and find it neat and clean, all books well cared for, records correctly and well kept, and an honor to our county; inspected the county treasurer's office, and find the books properly and correctly kept, and commend him as an obliging and efficient officer. We also strongly recommend that the county court purchase a new type writer for use in the county clerk's office, as the present one is of an inferior make and worn out. We endorse the action of the county court . in carefully- examining into all claims against the county, and in their conservativeness in allowing the same, and we especially commend the action of said court in the matter of public roads, in making a levy of one mill tax on all taxable property in the county for road purposes, and recommend that this system be continued until all the roads in the county are in a first-class condi tion. We endorse the action of said court in making necessary improve ments and repairs in the sheriff's and clerk's offices. We also endorse the Hon. A. A. Jayne, district attorney, for his impartial and business-like manner in the discharge of his duties, and commend him as an honest and effcient officer. We also most emphatically condemn the city council of The Dalles as respons ible for the deplorable condition of the approaches to the city from the various county roads leading into the city, and have appointed Mr. F. A. Senfert a com mittee of one to appear before the next grand jury for the purpose of laying this matter before them, if not remedied in the meantime. We alBO desire to thank Hon. W. L. Bradshaw for his impartial and business-like manner in the discharge of his duties, for his assistance and advice to us, enabling us to facilitate our work, and properly perform our duties with as little cost to the taxpayers as possible. Having disposed of all business that baa been brought before us, and having no further business to transact, we re spectfully ask to be discharged. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Feb. 12, '96. T A Skufket, Foreman, W Bolton, Clerk, Wm YATE8. J R NlCKELSEN. Geo Montgomery. W A Catbs. M Randall. Kellara Saloon Kobben Caught. The grand jury before adjourning had an opportunity to indict the robbers of Ad. Kellar's saloon the other night. The Heaanntirters lor Pruning Shears, Pruning Knives, Budding Knives, Pruning Saws, Tree Praoing Shears, Bean Pumps. Myers Pumps, Sulphur, Lime, Salt, Dunne's Solid Sprays, AT JIM & BLfTGfS public at large had supposed their iden tity was not known, but a reporter learned today that our officers were "on to it," and in fact have had them under espionage for some time. Their names are .J. P. Bradley aud Ed. Sheer, the latter having been in company with a known robber who lately operated at Spokane. The sheriff returned this morning with the prisoners, whom he found in a low dive at the Cascades last night. They are now ensconced in the hotel Driver, with a true bill found against them by the grand jury. CIRCUIT COURT. The following cases have been decided since last report: CRIMINAL.' State of Oregon vs W E Stoy. Plea of not guilty entered. State of Oregon vs Gow Chow. Plea of not guilty. State of Oregon vs D McKelvey. Plea of not guilty. LAW. J T Rorick vs O D Taylor ; judgment for want of answer. Fred H Dietzel vs A Deitrich. Mo tion for continuance as to Roth. Motion overruled. The School Examination, Twenty-eight applicants for teachers' certificates are - being examined today before County School Superintendent Troy Shelley, the largest number ever applying at one time. The questions used are the same with all counties in the . state. The examination on the study of arithmetic is said to be very severe this year," in the opinion of Mr. Shelley too searching. Those teachers who hold state certificates - are the en vied ones, for they do not have to go through the ordeal of examination again. A teacher holding a third grade certifi cate, according to the Oregon, school laws, must be examined the following year, and entitle himself to a second grade certificate, in order to teach at all. A year later must get a first grade certificate, and the year following a state certificate. According to this law, our corps of teachers should be very effi cient, and fully worthy to guide the young idea in the search for education. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. AT7TTTC wwwm Most Perfect Made. 40 Ysfars the Standard. Bicycles Bicycles Bicycles Removal Notice. Nolan's Book Store now located at No. 54 Second' Street, near Union. Tho TygU Val- Tti -it d ley Creamery fi m J (L -it- Ask Vanbibber Sz Worsley for it. 40c. Every Square is Full Weight. TELEPHOITE USTO. SO. BLtflHK OFFICE and SCHOOL SUPPLIES, Skates, - 35e f) PER Ea.Z&. Pianos Organs. For Low Prices, go to the Jaoobsen Book & Music Company, 162 Second Street, Try a Bottle. Atwood's Syrup of Tar, Horeh.ou.nd and Wild Cherry for that Cough. DOtfflEMl'S DRUG STORE. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Corn; Afalfa Seed, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed and other Grass Seeds; XvToithern Grown Seeds, G-arden Seeds, Early Minn esota Corn. Dakota Yellow-Dent Corn and Stowell's Evergreen Corn. Yellow Dan vers Onion Sets, Choice large, Mealy Bur bank Seedling Potatoes. Poultry and Eggs Bought and Sold. Cbofce Assortment of Groceries Sold Cheap. Terms Positively Cash or Produce, at J. H. CROSS' FEED and GROCERY STORE Bicycles Bicycles EEILITS CROWE, Ik . Delicious. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. THE DALLES, OR. OF- BOOKS, J