3 Shoes 1896 Stock Shoes We have put on sale for a few days a complete line of Gentle men's Fine Calf Shoes, in Lace and Congress. These goods are this year's stock and their selling pric9 will "be .$2.50; but as an induce ment during the month of February we will offer you These Goods for $1.75. Gentlemen, remember the price. It's less than the Shoe cost us, but that's our look-out, and it's to your interest to examine the Shoe and be convinced. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. Maier & Benton, The Dalles, Oregon. Bicycles Bicycles Bicycles Bicycles Bicycles Removal Notice. Nolan's Book Store now located at No. 54 Second Street, near Union. The Tygh Val ley Creamery Is Delicious. Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. 40c. Every Square is Full Weight. CREAMERY Tyah Valley A. A. B. TELBPHOIsrE 35TO- 80. The Dalles Batty Chronicle. ntered a the Postofflce at The Dalies, Oregon as second-class matter. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1896 BRIEF MENTION. Leares From the Notebook of Chronicle Keporters. A mighty gleam of sunshine, A glimpse of a waning moon, And "Oh, my love. And a cream cheese dove, And the sound of the loud bassoon. If the mystified reader wonders What in thunder this rabbish means, 'Tis a hash like the trash For which "poets" get cash From moit of the magazines. Forecast Fair Tuesday night, and Wednesday warmer. Two drank and disorderlies swelled The billiard tablesVal the Umatilla House are being renovated and placed! ' in first-class condition. y Freight will be received Wednesday for the trip which the Regulator will make Thursday to Collins Landing. A complaint was filed in the clerk's office today by Dufur & Menefee vs. C. E. Allison, for failure to pay a certain note. The board of fire delegates meets this evening at the council chambers. Three delegates are supposed to be present from each company. Deeds to the Stachy's Mining Co. were filed today from the following parties: T. S. Potter, D. II. Barrie, Chas. F. Lord, C. A. Bryant. A handsome valentine will be pre sented to each masquer at the coming ball of the Woodmen and Workmen. It will be a valuable souvenir of the oc casion. Go up to Mays & Crowe's and see the Barnes "White Flyer," price $105; and 4he ladies Crawford, price $65, both of which they are going to give away to their customers. The winter of '95V96is growing old. The winter has beenHEry favorable to stockmen so far, and itSjs reasonably certain that no long-continued siege of cold weather will occur. The members of the fire board, as well as the members elect, will please re member the meeting of the board to night in the council room. Old board will meet at 7 :30 p. m. ; new at 8 p. m. The telephone line between Canyon -ville and John Day is finished, and the next work will be its extension to Prai rie City and Long Creek. Dqovement is on foot to extend the line on to Baker City. Mr. Otto Birgfeld has purchased the Germania at the corner of Second and Court streets, where he will in future, conduct the business. The celebrated Gambrinus beer of Portland will be found on draught. Some parties unknown entered Ad. Kellar's saloon at an early hoar this morning and took the cash register and four boxes of cigars. The register, badly broken, was found on the small park near the railroad and Mr. Moody's residence,, but the thief only got $1 The robber broke the glass in the rear door, and reaching through, unbolted it. Alex. Fraser received a patent todav for the west half of northwest quarter, west half of southwest quarter, section 32, township 1 north, range 13 east Wi M. This tract is situated six mile south of The Dalles. f The district attorney sensibly made a motion today to dismiss the Denton case. Two juries last term stood six to six, and no additional testimony had been discovered that would influence third trial to a probable conclusion. COUNTY COURT. What Led to the Fight Testerday--Business of the Day. Messrs. R. W. Wickham, James Nel son, Thos. Denton and others appeared before the county court yesterday, en deavoring to have the boundaries of road district No. 10, Upper Mill creek, changed back to what they recently were. Strong argument was advanced by these parties for a reinstatement of the former boundaries. It is claimed by the parties that the plans responsible for the change are not feasible and that misrepresentation has been made. The road over the mountain between the forks of Mill creek cannot be made short of an expense of $5,000, and as a matter of fact no labor hae been performed on the mountain worthy of note. In times past four different roads have already been begun and abandoned, having in view the traverse of this inaccessible mountain. The country is unfitted for agriculture, having been settled and abandoned for non-productiveness twice in eighteen years. There is but one pur suit that can be followed for a livelihood and that is work in the timber. There will consequently never be many tax payers, and the road as an investment by the county, would be a losing proposi tion. This was the representation made by the gentlemen named in the begin ning of this article. Mr. Mitchell of the opposing side of the controversy, was also present and gave his version, also a petition signed by himself and neighbors that the di vision remain as it is. The Mitchell side found some unexpected opposition in the presence of Thos. Denton and others of district No. 9, and the heat of argument was what precipitated the fight in the court room yesterday. Mr. Sandoz had applied some epithet to Mr. Denton, which the latter resented by blows. The court fined the combatant $10 and took the matter under advise ment. ' BORN. Sunday, Feb. 9th to the wife of Rolan do Brooks, a daughter; weight 12 pounds. ' For Bent. A good, responsible tenant can rent a fine farm of 160 acres, situated ten miles from The Dalles. Apply ;to W. E. Campbell, Endersby. ill-dAw2w OPENING OF THE LOCKS. Departure of a Committee to Ascertain, .osslble, the Kxaj t Tlnlni Recent corrcnnondence of The Dull Commercial Club with the clubs of Port land, Astoria and Vancouver in relations to a fitting celebration of the event of the passage through the locks of the first steamboat, resulted in Messrs. A. S. Mac Allister and Emile ' Scbanno going to the Locks last night, there to meet delegations from the points named. The joint committee will ascertain, defi nitely if possible, the exact date when the locks will be opened, and immedi ately on their return details will be ar ranged for the celebration. Ihe dead sea fruit of anticipation has been eo often pressed to the lips of our people that it would be nothing short of cruelty to announce another postpone ment of the long-looked-for event, but the stern duties of an impartial chroni cler bids us remark the opinion of a man who would be resonably sure of what he was talking about. A gentle man of wide experience in river work, well-known to our citizens, and who is at the Locks daily, was in The Dalles Sunday, and was heard to remark to several of our people that " there is no possibility of a boat coming through the locks on Marcfc 1st, and that the feat cannot be accomplished short of the 1st of November. He said that while the contract work of the Day Bros, will most likely be completed on the date named, there is other work necessary to be done for the passage of boats, with which the Day Bros, have at present nothing to do. What this work is, if his opinion is true, and everything else of importance, to be known, will undoubtedly be learned by the committee sent by The Dalles, and published by The Chron icle on their return. If the prophecy is well-founded, the news of its possibility in advance would act as an opiate, an not well-founded, then indeed would Borrows of defeat be swallowed up victory. " CIRCUIT COURT. D.etrick settled. EQUITY. Eva Viola Watt va Alexander Watt ; decree of divorce granted. American Mortgage Co of Scotland va F P Weidner et al. Default and decree. H H Bailey vs Alvin Hershal et al. Settled and dismissed. Elizabeth Hanson vs A J Friendly et 1. Default and decree. C W Deitzel vs O M Bourland. De ft nit against all defendants and decree g anted. Stella K Eddy vs O D Taylor et al. emurrer to complaint. ' John A Fleck vs O M Bourland. De fault and decree. J J Woolery vs L A Woolery. De fault entered. The Grant Powder Co vs E S Larsen. Demurrer eustained. the The following cases have bien dia posed of : CRIMINAL. ' State of Oregon vs Thos' Denton, Jr, dismissed on motion of district attorney. State of Oregon vs Gow Clow. True bill found and defendant arraigned to plead Wednesday at 9 o'clock a. m. .VLAW. S French vs Z F Moody. Settled. J F Rorick vs O D Taylor. Demurrer overruled. The Davis Sewing Machine Co vs Wm Tackman. Demurrer overruled to ans wer by Wednesday at 9 a. m. , A M Williams & Co vs A B JVlott. Default and judgment and order to sell attached property. L and B Jones vs Oregon Lumber Co. llotion to strike out part of com plaint. Fred A Deitzel va A Deitrick. Answer on behalf of Diterick filed. Reply to answer of Roth filed. The Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co vs A Boring for Coal Mr. T.T. Nicholas, who is boring a shaft for coal on Chenoweth creek, has drilled about sixty feet into an immense strata of pure iron. The metal, so far beneath the surface, is very soft, which makes drilling extremely slow, and be ing about 600 feet deep' it is impracti cable to use a screw. Sometimes an inch and a half of depth is all that is gained in a hard day's work. Mr. Nicholas is very hopeful that directly beneath this iron will be found the coveted coal, as experience of other coal fields would indicate. Mr. Nicholas is determined to go through this iron if it extends another hundred feet, which is not at all likely. ie New Road. ' a committee of citizens interested l the hew road by Thom'psonjs addition appeared before the coitotv court today who with Judge Blakelej and Commis sioner Darnielle, repaired in vehicles to the proposed improvement. There is every disposition to advance the work on the part of the court, and is really re sponsible for the present session. The city's tax of one mill, amounting to $1,200, will be used for its construction as it is one of the most important road leading into the city. OFFICE and SCHOOL SUPPLIES, Skates, 35 c FAIR. () Pianos . Organs For Low Prices, go to the Jacobsen Book & Music Company, 162 Second Street, THE DALLES, OR. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, dold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DEI' CREAM Mi' Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. Holiday Perfumes. Buy a nice, clean, sweet Perfume or Toilet Water, elegantly put up. It makes a hand some and much appreciated present. Prices to "tickle" "Long" or "Short" Purses. DOfltfEIilt'S DWG STOrJE. Telephone No. 15. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Corn; Afalfa Seed, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed and other Grass Seeds; IToTthern Grown Seeds, Garden Seeds, Early Minn esota Corn. Dakota Yellow Dent Corn and Stowell's Evergreen Corn. Yellow , Dan vers Onion Sets, Choice large, Mealy Bur hank Seedling Potatoes. . , Poultry and Eggs Bought and Sold. Chofce Aesortment of Groceries Sold Cheap. Terms Positively Cash or Produce, at J. H CROSS' FEED and GROCERY STORE