The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 11, 1896, Image 1

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THIHT DfiY S H L, : jB I
From February th, 130S, to ESarcIx Stl 1896.
: Genuine Bargains the order of the day. ' .
Dress Goods.
Our entire lot of 36-inch all-wool Tre
cot, Fancy Mixtures, &c, embracing the
most desirable shades and effects. Never
sold for less than 50 and 60c; these are
reduced to 25c.
A fine assortment of all-wool Checks
and Plaids, Wool and t Silk Mixed Novel
ties, &c goods that have found ready
sale at 75c, 85c, $1 and $1.25; balance to
close at a reduction of 33J per cent.
... Boucles . . .
60-inch Novelty Cape and Jacket Ma
terial 5 pieces of the latest color combi
nations. Regular value, $2; spec. $1.50.
Eiderdown Flannels.
Plain Pink; reg. 40c, to close at 25c.
Tan and Grey Crepe Effects; never less
than 50c, now 35c. Fancy Tufted Eider
down, stripes, in popular light shades;
regular 80c yd, sale price, 50c.
Our entire stock of Woolen Under
wear in all grades and sizes, AT COST;
broken lots at half price.
All-Wool Hosiery.
Child's and Misses' Ribbed; reg. 20c, reduced to 10c.
Ladies' Fine French Ribbed Cashmere; regular 60c,
reduced to 35c. ,
Ladies' Fine French Plain Caehmere, reg. 60c, red. to 40c.
Ladies' Fine French Plain Cashmere, reg. 50c, red. to 35c.
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, regular 40c, reduced to 25c. .
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, regular 35c, reduced to 20c.
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, regular 25c, reduced to 15c.
... Special . . .
1 case Child's and Misses' Black Rib
bed Cotton Hose, seamless, " Hermsdorf"
dye, guaranteed fast black; only 5c pr.
Men's Extra Superfine Merino Half
Hose; seamless; extra good at 15c, re
duced to 10c. Men's Dark Grey Mixed
All-Wool Half Hose; special value at 20c,
rediiced to 12c.
Ladies' Grey All-Wool-' Knit Skirts;
regular $1.50, to close at $1.00.
Special Attractions
In our Neckwear Department. 24 dz.
Stylish Tecks, good variety of shades and
patterns; the best value ever offered at
25c, during sale only 15c. ,
Misses' Cloaks.
One and all at half price; sizes 4 to
14. Don't delay buying, as they cannot
possibly drop any, lower.
Ladies' Capes and Jackets
At half their regular prices. Every
garment correct in shape, correct sleeves,
correct in price. We have one or two of
those very stylish 26-inch French-made
Beever, Box-front Reefer Jackets, two
rows buttons, half-satin lined, strapped
seams; Black only; a splendid value at
$15; sale price makes them $7.50. We
have cheaper ones in proportion.
Our last two very nobby Child's Jack
ets, 4 to 6 years;" perfection of style; reg
ular $6.00 sale price, $3.00; regular $6.25,
sale price, $3.15.
Lack of space will not permit us to
give you more than an idea of our Great
Reduction Sale. Every article of Winter
Wear greatly reduced; some lines going
at cost and others at half price. Call and
be convinced.
Joint Resolution Offered by
Senator Cameron.
Friendly Offices of This Country to Be
Offered to Spain Gen. Gibbons
Washington, Feb. 10. In the , eenate
today Senator Cameron offered a joint
resolution quoting the president's refer
ence to the Cuban war in his last mess
age which declared that there will be no
means of securing peace to Cuba except
by giving it the right of self-government,
and offers to Spain the friendly offices of
the United States to being about this re
sult. General Gibbons' F uneral.
Washington, Feb. 10. The secretary
of war has made the following announce
ment of the denth of Geo. John Gibbon
at Baltimore, last week:
"War Department, Washington, Feb.
8. 1896. The death at Baltimore on the
afternoon of Thursday, the 6th of Feb
ruary, of Brevet Major-General. John
Gibbon, brigadier-general, is announced
to the army. As cadet and commiss
ioned officer he had served his country
well for over half a century. In the late
war, aa commander of the Iron brigade
of the Army - of ; the Potomac, whose
fame and name came to it upon its battle-fields,
he early gained distinction.
Subsequently in due succession as corps
commander, he served until Appomat
tox closed the conflict. He was wound
ed at Fredericksburg, at Gettysburg and
after the civil war; in the Indian engage
ment at Big Hole, in Montana. He was
five times breveted tor gallant services in
battle. He continued in active service
until by operation of law, under the
limitation of age, he passed to the re
tired list. - His remains will be interred
in the national cemetery at Arlington on
Monday, the 10th of Febauary, with the
militaty honors due to his rank as a
general officers."
Pearl Bryan's Mutilated Body Viewed
by Her Parents.
Grkkncastlle, Ind., Feb. 10. The
headless body of Pearl Bryan was
brought here Saturday night and at once
deposited in a vault. When the news of
its arrival spread over the city, hundreds
of people went to the cemetery, and for
several hours Sunday there was a large
crowd around the door of the vault, gr:
ing at the casket through the iron grat
ings of the door.
In the forenoon Mr. and Mrs. Bryan,
father and mother of the murdered girl,
and her sisters and brothers, visited the
cemetery and entered the vault. Mrs.
Bryan was eo overcome by the sad spec
tacle of the headless trunk of her daugh
ter that she swooned in the vault and
the father was nearly overcome in a
similar manner.
While the relatives were in the 'vault
there was a meeting of the young and
middle-aged men of the city, some dis
tance away and it was said later that
some 25 or 30 of these pledged them
selves to each other to avenge the-girl's
death if the murderers were not hanged
by the law.
The organization thus formed is said
to be regarded simply as the nucleus of
a larger one which will take the law into
its own hands if Jackson and Walling
escape the extreme penalty in the Cin
cinnati courtB.
As a result of the Philadelphia prize
fight Saturday night, Frederick Scblech
ter, one of the principals, died Monday,
and ex-Policeman Henry Pluckfelder,
the other principal, is in jail, charged
with murder.- The fignt took place in
the second story of Schlechter's mattress
factory. Schlechter was -knocked down
and his head hit the floor so hard that
his skull was fractured. .
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
According to a statement widely pub
lished the coming English naval pro-'
gramme will involve the outlay of $47,
000,000 and will provide for the building
of four ironclads, four first-class cruisers,
six third-class cruisers, and 60 torpedo
destroyers, the last to have a speed of
from 30 to 33 knots. The battle-ships
are to be similar to the Renown type,
but they are to have rather more beam
and to be longer.
Representative Crain of Texas died
early Monday morning.
Advices from Honolulu say that unless
Secretary Olney apologizes for the
actions of Minister Willis, that official
may be given his passport soon. The
trouble grew out of an invitation issued
by the Hawaiian foreign office to the
diplomatic corps to participate in the
national holiday of January 17, the an
niversary of the overthrow of the mon
archy. Willis refused to take part in
the celebration on the ground that
President Cleveland did not approve the
manner in which .the monarchy was
The pope has abandoned bis intention
of publicly excommunicating Prince
Boris of Bulgaria, whose conversion to
the Greek church was announced a few
days ago.
President Betancourt, of the provis
ional government of Cuba, craves recog
nition for the insurgents from the U. S.
government. He closes the appeal as
follows: "Cuba, the bleeding, appeals
to Iter American sister. She does it in
the name of God, of justice, of civiliza
tion and of America.".
The president has nominated Edwin
F. TJ hi, of Michigan, assistant secretary
of state, to be ambassador extraordinary
and plenipotentiary of the United States
to Germany.
A San Francisco woman horsewhipped
the wrong man for hugging her.
A. Successful Company.
One of the most successful companies
on the road this season is the Georgia
University graduates, which will appear
at the opera house one night only, Sat
urday, February 15th. The press where
the company has appeared speaks in
the highest terms of them. The time-
honored jest is changed much for the
better, and it is claimed that they have
the finest costumes of any minstrel show
now living. They arrive here tm the O.
R. & N. on their own special sleeping
For Xnants and Children.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic propertrv.
Castoria Is to well adapted to children (hat
3 recommend It as superior to any prescription
.tnown to me." H. A. Abcheb, M.
111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
For several years I have recommencled your
OtstoHa,' and shall always continue to do so.
as it has invariably produced beneficial remits."
Edwin F. Pardbb, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The use of 'Castoria' is so universal and
its merits bo well known that it rooms a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
New York Olty.
Ths Cextaux CoifPAjrr, 77 Hurray Street, N. Y.
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES'
Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points dn fav
orable terms.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker! Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Can now be found at 162 Second
Hay and Grain for Sale
Ward, Kerns & Robertson's Stable,
Corner Fourth and Federal Sts.
Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper, .
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St.,
Boss Cash Store
is Selling Out at
Large Reductions .
Men's Duck Coats, '
Men's Duck Ulsters,
Men's Overcoats, -Boys'
Duck Coats,
Discount of 30c on the
Dollar '
A Rare opportunity to
purchase Dry Goods and
Clothing, Underwear,
Boots, Shoes, &c.
M. Honywill
car. - ' ' ' - -' ; ' -
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