The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 10, 1896, Image 4

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By the Persistent Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"I was .troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which .several
physicians, who treated me, called a
ancer, assuring me that nothing
ould be done to save my life. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaiarill;i, and, after tak
ing a number of bottles, the sore
began to disappear and my general
health improve, 1 persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in
deed, it seems as though I cpidd not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.
Fields, Bloomfield, la.
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver.
Rev. I. H. Hazel preached another
eermon from his series on Revelations
last evening, the topic being "God's
Vengeance Against Pagan Rome." He
explained the meaning of the symbols
used in the fifth aDd sixth seals, and the
fulfillment of the prophecy by the con
quest of arms of,Gonstantine the Great
over the pagan world, which established
Christianity on a firm foundation in the
year 324.
Rev. J. H. Wood, at the Methodist
church, took for his morning text "The
Curse of the World and Its Cure."
This curse he comprehensively denom
inated :aa sin, and 'gave a very realistic
picture of its prevalence every where in
every human mind, in every society,
in every political platform, in every
church. He illustrated its insidious ap
proach by a gigantic wisteria vine in
"Norwich, Conn., possibly the largest in
world. Overa foot in diameter at the
base, it divided into two branches.
One of them covered the front of a resi
dence, the other divided into four
branches and ran up into a gigantic oak
tree, which it beautified and was beau
tified by. After a time the tree lan
guished and died, and it was discovered
the vine had cut into the bark of the
oak by its tenacious folds, constricting
the tree and finally killing it. Sin en
ters jhuman life by very slight infrac
tions, but always retaining what it gains,
steadily increases its hold. Sin is also
deceitful in offering rewards which it
never makes good. The youth is at
tracted by its apparent pleasures and by
ambition, but which fail of realization.
The cure of sin the speaker found in the
Bcriptural text: "Behold the lamb of
God, which taketh away the sin of the
world," referring to the sacrifice of
.Jesus Christ on the cross. The spilling
-of blood was necessary to cleanse from
- Alii RinMt thfl Xfnaa r low an) fha nrx.:
fice-of Christ timself cleansed front all
I11T1 Binr)A f Vl Q 4aA nf Ilia lnAlk it,.
MW uaio J. uia ubu UU IJC
The theme of Rev. W. C. Curtis'
"morning sermon was "The Tribe of Do-as-yoa-likea."
The discourse was rad
ically different in character from any
-.preceding, and was a surprise to even
vthe regular attendants of the Congrega
tional church, to whom surprises are no
longer a novelty. The sermon of yester
day dealt largely in allegory, being ap
parently prepared to please the chil
"dren, but it was evident the older ones
were interested. The morals and pre
cepts were woven around a story of a
-chimney sweep, who had left his master
and wandering away, fell asleep by a
running brook. While asleep he fell
in the water and became transformed
into a water baby. He was taken in
charge by two beautiful fairies, named
"Do-a6-you-would-be-done-by," and
"Be-done-by-as-you-did." The latter
took the new charge under instruction
and read a book to him containing the
history of a tribe called "Do-as-you
please," portraying the life of a people
without ambition, care or strife, and
who take matters as they ' find them,
"and this tribe,,' said the speaker, "may
be found anywhere from Second street to
the bluff."
An Up-to-Date Affair.
Saturday evening there was a most
thoroughly surprieed portion of this
town, namely, in the region of the cor
ner of Ninth and Union streets. All
was quiet and serene as usual in that
well-behaved quarter of the city at 8 :30
o'clock, but a few minutes later it
seemed to the neighborhood as if Pan
demonium was turned loose. In this
case Pandemonium was led by JuddFisb,
who waved the Umatilla House dinner
bell frantically wr h his right hand,
while his left vigorously pulled the door
bell of the residence of Mr. H. Glenn.
To the rear'of Judd was stationed W. H.
Hobson, playing '.'Her Golden Hair
Was Hanging Down Her Back," on a
sweet-toned coal oil can. Mrs. Briggs
made Rome (also The Dalles) howl with
a No. 2 cow bell, possessing a fog-horn
voice and was accompanied in her good
work by Mrs. Bradshaw with a No. 3
cow bell. " Their duet would have
brought crocodile tears to the eyes of a
buffalo. During this time Mr. Biiggs
was nobly manipulating a half-dozen
bunches of fire crackers. While Mrs.
Fish and Mrs. Wilson were endeavoring
to get the npper hand of a couple of fog
horns, Mrs. Hobson and Mrs. Peters
were so overcome with laughter as to be
unable to add anything to this charm
ing (and hearty) serenade. It would
have been a picture fit for a Paris salon
could Judge Bradshaw have been trans
ferred to canvas just then, as he was
beating the spots out of a large-sized
coal oil can, with a still larger-eized
stick of stove wood.
When the inmates of the house had
caught their breath sufficiently to open
the door, the merry serenade were in
vited in, and then began one ot the jolli
est evenings ever spent in The Dalles.
The time was passed in whist and char
ades, until supper was announced in the
dining-room, and such a supper! The
table groaned, and Judd has groaned
ever since.
It was with regret that those present
finally realized it would soon be another
day, and wended their way home, tired
out wit laughter.
Mr. Thos. Harlan of Mosier is in town.
Mr. A. Winans went to Portland on
the afternoon train.
if Mr. James Darnielle, county commis
sioner, is in irom o-iune.
pv Mr. E. M. Korten has been confined
to nis Dea oy a snort illness.
Mr. J. A. Gulliford, a well-known far
mer of Dutut is in town today.
S The two children of Mr. and Mrs.
Iic-l l nr.: 2.. ;n . 1 j I ,
iMaicuim .uroiuuia are in wim ivrjnoia
c . "
NIC ci .
Mr. V. V.. Knnimprn nf tha TTinafillo
House left for Portland today for a short
Mr. Fred. W. Wilson returned yester
day from a week's outing to Portland
and the Sound.
E. M. Brannick, representing the
Studebaker Bros. Manufacturing Co.
of Portland is in the city.
Messrs. W. M. Yates, John C.
Wheeler and J. A. Nickelsen of Hood
River are in the city attending court as
Dr. Hollister was called to Wapinitia
uddenly Saturday evening to attend Mr.
'Joe Brintz, who is reported to be seri
ously ill. Mr. Btintz is foreman at
Kupert & Gabers.
When Baby was sick, -we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Soothing, heating, cleansing, De Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve . is the enemy to
sores, wounds and piles, which it never
tails to cure. Stops itching and burning.
Cures chapped lips and cold-sores in two
or three hours." For eale by Snipes
Kinersly, Drug Co.
One light red cow, branded ST 6n
left hip, with red and white between
horns and on flanks and one drooped
horn. Also one white bull calf with
black and yellow epeks on neck, branded
ST on right side or hip. Will pay 5 re
ward. Address Stewart, Dutch Flat,
The Dalles. dwlm
For Sale.
Silver-laced Wyandottes chickens;
good layers, especially in winter. "Fine
table fowl. Eggs per thirteen, $1.60.
A few young Cockerels for sale, $1 each.
febo-lni Mbs. A. A. Bonnet.
Just received at the Wasco Warehouse
a carload of "Byers Beet'1- Pendleton
flour. This flour has no superior on the
Pacific coast Try it. . . d7-tf
Piles pf peoples have piles, but De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them.
When promptly applied it cures scalds
burns '., without the , slightest pain.
Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co.
The largest piece of
ever sold
The exposure to all sorts and condi
tions of weather that a lumberman is
called upon to endure in the camps
often produces eevere colds, which, if
not promptly checked, result in conges
tion or pneumonia. Mr. J. O. Daven
port, ex manager of the Fort Bragg Red
wood Co., an immense institution at
Fort Bragg, Cal., says they sell large
quantities of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy at the company's store and that he
has himself used this remedy for a severe
cold and obtained immediate relief.
This medicine prevents any tendency of
a cold toward pnenmonia and insures a
prompt recovery. For Eale by Blakeley
& Houghton, Druggist.
It May Io as Much fur Yon.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that he had a severe kidney trouble for
many years, with severe pains in his
back and also that his bladder was af
fected. He tried mpny so called Kidney
cures but without any good result. Abont
a year ago he began to use Electric Bit
ters and found relief at once. Electric
Bitters is especially adapted to cure of
all Kidney and Liver troubles and often
gives almost instant relief. One trial
will prove our statement. Price 50c and
$1.00. At Blakeley & Houghton's Drug
The Stabling Green Hoase.
We wish to announce that we have a
complete stock of the following designs :
Masons, Odd Fellows, Elks ; Knights
of Pythias 3 kinds; Workmen, Wood
men, Red Men, Firemen's Triumph &
Helmet, Eastern Star; Lyres, 2 sizes;
Wreaths. 7 sizes; Horse Shoe, 3 Bizes;
Broken Wheel, 2 sizes; Anchor, 3 sizes ;
Flying and Sitting Doves; Open Bible;
Gates Ajar; Crosses and Crowns united;
Flower baskets, S sizes ; a large assort
ment of Welcome and Wedding bells : a
deduction made if wires are returned.
We are at all times prepared to fill these
designs with beautiful flowers at reason
able rates.
Mas. A. L. Stubbing & Son;
A high liver with a torpid liver will
not be a long liver. Correct the liver
with DeWitt's Littfe Early Risers, little
pills that cure dyspepsia and constipa
tion. Snipes-Kinersly, Drug Co.
A Mild Physic. One PHI for a none.
A movement of the bowels each day is neceasarT for
Dealtn. Theee pills supply what the system lacks to
make it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the
fcyes, and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics.
They neither frripe nor sicken. To convince yon, we
will mail fliunnlp free or full box for S5o. Sold every
one!. DK. SOSANKO MI. CO.. Philadelphia, Pa,
Chichester's EnzIUfc Diamond Uram-L
vrlffinal and Only Genuine.
flArc, ftlwmja reliable, ladies uk
Druggist for CJiichezter Knaluk Dia..
qmond Brand in Itcd and Gold metallic
BO Other. Jirfu-tti r" annfrrrum muhmtiAn.
tionsandimitativnj. At Dnureiiitm. or acrid 4.
in stamp for particular, testimonial and
"Relief for Toadies," . Utter, by retain
- m " w w moDiin. A ante taptT.
Hi1hetrCeaaeiaOMadlioN Kquaj-d,
for 10 cents
None Bat Ayer's) at trie "World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra
ordinary distinction of having been the
only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at
the world's fair. Chicago. Manufact
urers of other sarsaparillas sought by
every means to obtain a showing of their
goods, but they were all turned away
nnder the application of the rule for
bidding the entry of patent medicines
and nostrums. The. decision of the
world's fair authorities iniavor of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows
'.'Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a patent
medicine. It does not belong to the
list of nostrums. - It is here on its
merits." '
SlOO lie-ward HlOO.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, -acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the foun
dation of the disease, and giviDg the
patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing
its work. The proprietors have eo much
faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
testimonials. Address:
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo O.
aCJaSold by Druggists, 75 cent's.
It is a big thing to say but neverthel
ess true, that a great multitpde of peo
ple have crowned Simmons Liver Regu
lator, the "King of Liver Medicines."
There is nothing like it for Malaria,
Rheumatism, Chills and Fever, Consti
pation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, In
digeston and all troubles arising from a
sluggish or diseased liver. Simmons
Liver Regulator is the prevention and
cure for these ailments.
If there is any one thing that need
to be purified, it is politics, so the re
former says, and many agree thereto.
But blood tells, and as a blood purifier
and liver corrector Simmons Liver Reg
ulator is the best medicine. "I use it in
preference to any oher." So wrote Mr.
S. H. Hysell, of Middleport, Ohio. And
Dr. D. 8. Russell, of Farmville, Va.,
writes; Vlt fulfills all yon promise for it,"
"Give me a liver regulator and I can
regulate the world," said a genius. The
druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's
Little Early Risers, the famous little
pills. For sale by Snipes-Kinersley
Drug Co.
For Sale Cheap.
Six lots, nicely located in Power's ad
dition to Astoria, Oregon. Must be Bold
quick on account of sickness. Apply to
A. S. Mac Alhster, at this office.
Geo. W. Jenkins, editor of the Santa'
Maria "Times," Cal., in speaking of the
various ailments of children said:
"When my children have croup there is
only one patent medicine T ever nee, and
tnac is Chamberlain's Cy 'h Remedy.
It possesses eome medica properties
that relieve the little sufferei 0 immedi
ately. It is, in my opinion, the beet
con m edicinet in the market." If this
remedy is freely given as soon as the
croup cough appears it will prevent the
attack. It is also an ideal remedy for
whooping-cough. There is no daDger in
giving it to children, as it contains noth
ing injurious. For eale by Blakeley &
Houghton, Druggist.
Don't invite disappointment by exper
imenting Depend upon One Minnte
Cough Cure and you have immediate re
lief. It cures cronp. The only harmless
remedy that produces immediate re
sults. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., says : "I
have used One Minute Cough Cure in
my family and for myself, w ith result so
entirely satisfactory that I can hardly
find words to express myself as to its
merit. I will never fail to recommend
it to others, on every occasion that pre
sents itself." For sale by Snipes-Kinersley,
Drug Co.
In a recent editorial the Salem, Or.,
Independent says : - "Time and again
hare - we seen Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy tried and never without the
most satisfactory results. Whenever we
see a person afflicted with hoarseness,
with a cough or cold, we invariably ad
vise them to get Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy ; and when they do, they never
regret it. It always does the work, and
doei it well." For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, Druggist.
J. M. Pattbbsoh.
First Rational Batik.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to eight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
reuui.M3u uu uay ui uuuwuou.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
in aw York, ban Francisco and Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck.
Ed. M. Williams, Gxo. A. Lixbb,
H. M. Be all.
ine aoove association is
prepared to take a list of all
and any kind of Real Estate
for sale or exchange, whereby
the selJer will have the undi
vided assistance of the follow'
ing Real Estate Agents, or
ganized as an association for
the purpose of inducing im
migration to Wasco and Sher
man Counties, and generally
stimulating the . sale of prop
C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud
son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M.
Huntington & Co., N. Wheal-
don, (jribons & Marden, G. W
Address any of the above
well known farms, or
J. M. Huntington, Sec.
The Dalles, Oregon
LIME and
Picture Moulding.
ZE3I. G- Xj 1ST 3ST .
T&os. r. dales, Heary C. Payn5,H6!irT C. Rout
' - S
Elegient .
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Through Tickets
For information, time cards, maps and tickets,
cal on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon,
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.
255, Morrison. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon
"The Regulator Line'
Tie Dais. Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
to jflat 0 Passenger im
Throngh Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
Oneway $2.00
Bound trip 3.O0
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight, exceM car lots:.
will be brought through, ivith-
out aeiay at Cascades.
r - - v. v.mua lv?A
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
uau on or aaaress,
General A cent -
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
Kansas City
St. Paul
Low Rates to ail Eastern Cities.
. Every Five Days for
For f nil detnils aaII nn n 1? jb rn imn
Tna Dalles, or address '
W, H. HURLBUET, Gen. Pass. A (ft.
, . Portland, Oregon