The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 08, 1896, Image 3

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    rsa t t ' ttt i tx pa ?
I --mi limes i wool nun--
Snoot Shovels,
Lot No. U
v35e I
Ladies Black, Full-Fashioned Seamless Hose,
Plain and Ribbed Tops. Regular price, 25c. Closing out price, 15c.
Lot No. 2.2-5
Ladies' Black and Grey Extra Fine Wool Hose,
: ......Regular price, 30c. Closing out price, 20c.
Lot No. 3.3s
$ Ladies' Extra Fine, Full-Fashioned Hose, -
in Plain Black and Grey. These goods are all Wool and of
superior finish. Regular price, 35 and 40c. Closing out price, 25c.
Children's Fine Ribbed Cashmere Hose,
Full Length, with Cotton Heel and Toe. Reg. 25c. Closing, 15c.
Children's Extra Heavy Ribbed Bicycle Hose,
in Black and Dark Grey. This is an extra good Hose for
Boys Regular price, 30 and 35c. Closing out price, 20c.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Removal Notice.
Nolan's Book Store now located at
No. 54 Second Street, near Union.
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it.
40c. Every Square is Full Weight.
Tygli Valley
Va A Ba
The Dalles Daily Chf oniele.
ntered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
FEBRUARY 8. 1896
LesTti From the PiotebooK of Chronicle
Mnud Muller, on a summer's day,
Stalled tbe manger full of hay;
Her hat was there, but not the rake,
For that was but a poet's fake;
Slapping the old cow on the side,
She laughed until she nearly cried;
Just think, old bossy, cried the maid,
I'm going to have some bloomers made?
are cSuniousl v
Jim" today
The bicycles
, again.
Mrs. Zirka brought back
from Mosier.
Officers of the McKinley Club will be
elected this evening by those present,
who will have considerable work to do
during the coming campaign. '
f To encourage the fair Bfk to exercise
J the privileges extendedsta them during
I leap year, Justice Davis oKers to perform
I marriage ceremonies for p. sfeqk of flour
V in cases where tho bride is the payor. '
V A Chicago preacher has recently in
vited Bob Ingersoll to fill his pulpit.Jand
a Southern newspaper says that it will
not "be surprised to hear of St. Peter
throwing open the pearly gates to his
Satanic Majesty.
The first leap-year proposal is report
ed from Kentucky, where a young lady
proposed, was accepted and the couple
married the same day. This ought to
encourage some of the marriageable
young ladies in this section.
There are about forty secret societies
in The Dalles of various kinds, and hall
room is consequently at a premium. It
has happened more than once tnat one
society has met and ' adjourned to give
place to another in the eame hall.,
The masque ball to be given by the
Workmen and Woodmen, Feb. 14th, is
an event eagerly awaited by all pleas
ure-loving citizens. The committee cf
arrangements are indefatigable in their
efforts to make it a grand success
The whist club were pleasantly enter
tained last evening at the residence
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hostetler. Judge
Bradshaw succeeded in capturing the
gents' first prize, antTMrsT-F. L. Hough-
ion was iorcunaie cnougn to win luei i
ladies first prize. -
McKinley club meeting at the council
cnamDers tnis evening. Tins is the hrst
gun of the coming campaign. Let every
Republican interested in the country's
welfare attend it. The gift of suffrage
to a free people involves a sacred duty
All citizens should take an active in'
terest in politics.
The young men of town who have not
jyet been invited to the leap-year ball are
beginning to wear a worried look, and
whenever one of them happens to meet
one of the young ladies on the street he
is almost obsequious in his attentions.
There are several who "don't feel well"
now and others are making engagements
to be engaged in case the coveted invita
tion is not forthcoming. The event will
occur at tne " .Baldwin next luesaay
evaning, the Orchestra Union to furnish
the music.
Chas. B. Prathar of Mosier has been
granted a pension of $12 per month, and
is entitled under the law to back pay for
five years at that rate. The old man has
been having a rather hard time of it for
several years, part of the time having in
sufficient food for his family, and latterly
he haa been entirely incapacitated from
work by rheumatism. He has been
drawing $10 a month from the county
for a short time.
A two-pound cannon-ball, tbe once
discharged projectile of A mountain how
itzer, may be seeriSute window of Mr.
Mart Donnell's drugVtore. It was
found in a well being dug in the rear of
the feed yard back of E. J. Collins &
Co.'s store, being discovered about 15
feet beneath the surface, and is rust-
eaten by long years of corrosive influence
. Am
The Sunday school children of MrX et al,
Dlatilct Court Docket.
The following cases will be tried at
the February term of circuit court, be
ginning the 10th instant:
State of Oregon vs Thos Denton, jr;
a'continued case from last term for ar
son, on which two juries disagreed.
State of Oregon vs W E Stoy ; a stab
bing case at Wamic ; bound over from
a preliminary . examination held at
Dufur Dec 30th.
State of Oregon vs Gow Chow, larceny
from H Herbring's store on Dec 26th.
State vs Cone, for bonds to keep the
peace. "
Assignment of E O Co-operative Asso
ciation of Patrons of Husbandry.1,
Assignment of F Vogt.
Assignment of J F Root.
Assignment of H E and J W Moore.
Adolph Deitrick vs Adelia Deitrick.
The Columbia Building and Loan As-
of water. . Its early history would very iociation vs Alfred Kennedy et al.
likely be a part of that made when all Moore vs Simonson.
this country was under the range of the Eva Viola Watt vs Alexander Watt.
guns of Ft. Dalles. -
Mort Co of ScotvsFP Weidner
Cooper and Miss Hill to a party, given Mleald.
Davenport Bros Lumber Co vs CP
at the residence of Mr. J. M. Patterson
last evening, and the young folks passed
an evening of thorough enjoyment.
Those present were : Pearl Joles, Mar
garette Kinersly, Prudence Patterson,
Hattie Glenn, May Jackson, Dean
James, Nora Young, Bees Young,
Maudie Michell, Josie Keller, Alice
Price, Valeeca Liebe, Harold Thompson,
Fred Waud, Clarence Gilbert, Glenn
Ferguson, Glenn Pike, Carl Groler,
rank Gibbons, Rev. Mr. Curtis, Mrs.
urtis, Miss Hill, Miss Cooper, Miss
hirinan. J
Twice a Mourner.
Mr. D. A. Turner, a farmer living
near Hood River, has just gone through
a very sad experience. He had not re
turned from the burial of one' of his
sons more than a half-hour, when an
other, his eldest, breathed his last.
The death of Mason Turner occurred
last Tuesday at the farm, and he was
carried to his last earthly resting place
on Thursday. A short time after the
return home of tbe saddened family, his
eldest son, Warren, died of consump
tion. The funeral of Warren Turner
occurred today.
Card of Thanks.
I desire to extend my eincerest thanks
to the members of Columbia lodge, No.
, I. O O. F. for their assistance during
he last illness and at the funeral of my
,ont William DeWolf, and also to the
many kind friends who have lent their
assistance and comfort during ray be
reavement. Mrs. E. L. DkWolf.
The Dalles, Or., Feb. 7. 1896.
ijuicx in enect, neais and leaves no
scar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions
quickly cured by DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve. Applied to burns, scalds, old
sores, it is magical in effect.. Always
cures piles. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly
Druz Co. ; -
H H Bailey vs Alvin Hersha et al.
J A Guilliford vs John Topar.
Elisha Hanson vs A J Friendly et al.
C W De'tzel vs E M Bonrland.
Stella K Eddy vs O D Taylor et al.
alph P Keys vs O D Taylor.
ttie A Judkins vs Henry P Judkins.
ohn A Fleck vs O M Bourland.
J M Huntington vs W R WInans.
R E Williams assignment.
J M Huntington vs Audubon Winans.
A Sherneckau vs C W Murphy.
Qu'ang Sang Wa vs Quang On Tai.
S French vs Z F Moody.
Johnston Bros vs J L Bradley et al.
Robert Kelly vs Bradley Bros.
J F Rorick vs O D Taylor.
J C Meins vs J T Jones et al.
The Dalles Sewing Machine Co vs
William Tackman.
Orion Kinersly vs R H Williams et al.
A M Willims & Co vs A B Mott.
Jennie B Groff et al vs M E Hatchett
et al.
L and B Jones vs Oregon Lumber Co.
Ferd H Deitzel vs A Deitrick. '
" The Snipes-Kinersly Drug . Co vs A
Deitrick. '
Handsome Prizes.
- The prizes to be awarded at the mas-
qnesade ball Februarv 14th by the
Workmen and Woodmen are as follows :
Gentlemen's first prize, polished oak,
upholstered rocking chair; on exhibi
tion at Prinz & Nitschke's furniture
Gentlemen's second prize, Japanese
pressed leather cuff and collar boxes;
exhibited at the Snipes-Kinersly drng
Ladies' first prize, an exquisite pair
of German bisque vases, boy and girl ;
exhibited at L. Rorden's.
Ladies second prize, a lady's plush
jewel box, filled with choice stationery ;
exhibited at E. Jacobsen's. -
Special . topic at the Congregational
church tomorrow morning "The tribe
of Do-as-vou-likes." - ;
At 'the Christian church Sunday
Morning subject, "A High Calling."
Evening subject, "God's Vengeance
Against Pagan Rome."
The services at the First Baptist
church tomorrow, beginning at 11
o'clock, will be as follows: Sermon by
Pastor Taylor, if he return from Port
land, followed by Bible class. In the
pastor's absence, Mr. Gourlay will con
duct a Bible study from 11 till 12 o'clock.
No evening service.
The Congregational church, corner of
Court and Fifth streets Sunday ser
vices as usual. At 11 a. m. and at 7 :30
p. m. worship, and a sermon by the pas
tor, W. C. Curtis. The subject of the
morning will be The tribe of Do-as-
you-likes. Sunday . school imme
diately after . the morning .- service.
Meeting of the Young People's Society
of Christian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m.
Topic Christ's warnings; Matt vii:21
27. All persons not worshipping else
where are cordially invited.
Iiost. Strayed or Stolen.
"Brownie," a water spaniel, brown
bitch ; white spot on breast ; middle toe
left front foot white. Liberal reward if
returned to Sam Thurman, owner.
When Baby was sick, wo cava Sier CastoHs.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Bliss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Piles of peoples have piles, but De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them.
When promptly applied it cures scalds
burns without the slightest pain.
Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co.
Sunday morningjbetween the Beezley
property and the Episcopal church, a
pair of gold rimmed spectacles. Finder
will please leave them at the Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.'s etore. feb6-2t
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
' 40 Years the Standard.
Skates, 3
Pianos Organs.
For Low Prices, go to the
Jacobsen Book & Music Company,
162 Second Street,
Holiday Perfumes,
Buy a nice, clean, sweet Perfume or Toilet
Water, elegantly put up. It makes a hand
some and much appreciated present.
Prices to "tickle"
"Long" or "Short" Purses.
Telephone No. 15
.Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed
Corn; Afalfa Seed, Clover Seed, Timothy
Seed and other Grass Seeds; Northern
Grown Seeds, Garden Seeds, Early Minn
esota Corn, Dakota Yellow Dent Corn and
Stowell's Evergreen Corn. Yellow Dan-
vers Onion Bets, Choice large, jyieaiy .trar-
"bank Seedling Potatoes.
Poultrv and Eggs .Bought and Sold. Chofce Assortment of
Groceries Sold Cheap. - Terma Positively Cash or Produce, at El 3