The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 08, 1896, Image 1

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    tup Mfe QgLg 1 f Wim
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From Ee"bbixary ill, 1896, to IMaxcXi Stli,
Genuine Bargains the order of the day.
Dress Goods.
Our entire lot of.36-inch all-wool Tre
cot, Fancy Mixtures, &c, embracing the
most desirable shades and effects. . Never
sold for less than 50 and 60c; these are
reduced to 25c.
A fine assortment of all-wool Checks
and Plaids, Wool and Silk Mixed Novel
ties, &c goods that have found ready
sale at 75c, 85c,, $1 and $1.25; balance to
close at a reduction of 33J per cent.
. . ... Boucles . . .
60-inch Novelty Cape and Jacket Ma
terial 5 pieces of the latest color combi
nations. Regular value, $2; . spec. $1.50.
Eiderdown Flannels.
Plain Pink; reg. 40c, to close at 25c.
Tan and Grey Crepe Effects ; never less
than 50c, now 35c. Fancy Tufted Eider
down, stripes, in popular light shades;
regular 80c yd, sale price, 50c.
Our entire stock of Woolen Under
wear in all grades and sizes, AT COST;
broken lots at half priced
All-Wool Hosiery.
Child's and Misses' Ribbed ; rep. 20c. reduced to 10c.
Ladies' Fine French Ribbed Cashmere; regular 60c,.
reduced to 35c.
Ladies' Fine French Plain Cashmere, reg. 60c, red. to 40c'
Ladies' Fine French Plain Cashmere, reg. 50c, red. to 35c.
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, regular 40c, reduced to 25c.
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, regular 35c, reduced to 20c.
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed, regular 25c, reduced to 15c.
. . . . Special ...
1 case Child's and Misses' Black Rib
bed Cotton Hose, seamless, " Hermsdoif "
dye, guaranteed fast black; only 5c pr.
Men's Extra Superfine Merino Half
Hose; seamless; extra good at 15c, re
duced to 10c. Men's Dark Grey Mixed
Ail-Wool Half Hose; special value at 20c,
reduced to 12c.
Ladies' Grey All-Wool Knit Skirts;
regular $1.50, to close at $1.00.
Special Attractions
In our Neckwear Department. 24 dz.
Stylish Tecks, good variety of shades and
patterns; the best value ever offered at
25c, during sale only 15c.
Misses Cloaks.
One and all at half price; sizes 4" to
14. Don't delay buying, as they cannot
possibly drop any lower.
Ladies' Capes and Jackets
At half their regular prices. Every
garment correct in shape, correct sleeves,
correct in price. We have one or two of
those very stylish 26-inch French-made
Beever, Box-front Reefer Jackets, two
rows buttons, half-satin lined, strapped
seams; Black only; a splendid value at
$15; sale price makes them $7.50. We
have cheaper ones in proportion. .
Our last two very nobby Child's Jack
ets, 4 to 6 years; perfection of style; reg
ular $6.00 sale price, $3.00; regular $6,25,
sale price, $3,15,
Lack of space will not permit us to
give you more than an idea of our Great
Reduction Sale. Every article of Winter
Wear greatly reduced; some lines going
at cost and others at half price. Call and
be convinced. ' .
7. 7VL 1aZIL-LIKMS &
The House Involved in a
Dispute Today.
Which. Representative Barrett Inter
preted as Treasonable Resolu
tion of Censure Offered.
v Washington, Feb. 7. Debate on the
free-silver substitute for the bond bill
proceeded eteadily in the house today.
The house met at 10 :30 a. m., with less
than 30 members present.
Newlanda awoke the empty echoes of
the vast "hall with a vigorous argument
in favor of the free and independert
coinage of silver. He asserted not a
single debtor nation of the world main
tamed the gold standard except, the
United States, and we did so as the price
of the continued bond issues.
Talbot then rose to a question of per
sonal privilege to correct what he said
was an unintentional misrepresentation
of himself in the public prints. He said
Pearson made an unwarranted attack on
the loyalty ot his state, which, he de
clared, was as loyal as any state in the
Union. Pearson had said North Caro
' lina followed South Carolina out of the
Union, and got whipped along with the
Palmetto state. "In a jocular way, Mr.
Speaker," continued Mr. Talbot, "I de
clared we weren't whipped, but had
worn ourselves out trying to whip the
other fellows. In the heat of the mo
ment, and impulsively, I said South
. Carolina was not ashamed of the part
-' she took in it, and I, for one, endorsed
secession then. I thought we were
right ; I think so yet, and surrounded by
the same conditions, I would do the
same thing again. Now, Mr. Speaker,
I repeat it."
. Barrett asked that the words be takeu
down. Several members appealed to
him not to do so.
The speaker asked Barrett if lie insist
ed upon his demand.
Barrett seemed to hesitate until Tal
bot declared in a loud voice he was will
ing to have his words taken down. "I
will stand by them," eaid he.
Barret then replied to the speaker :
"Yes, I ins'st; I want to. see if a mem
ber can violate his oath in this fashion."
"The chair understood that the gentle
man from South Carolina was only re
peating what be had said on a former
occasion." said Speaker Reed.
Crisp moved that Talbot te permitted
to explain. The words were read at the
clerk's desk.
Barrett then formally made a point of
order that when a statement made by a
member had been called in question
and he deliberately reiterated it, it, con
stituted a new statement and a new of
fense. He purposed now to offer a reso
lution of censure.
The excitement on the floor was in
tense. Crisp said ' he bad never known
an instance when a member was called
to order and a motion made that he be
allowed to explain his utterances, that
such motion was not considered.
Barrett replied he had no objection to
the gentleman from South Carolina ex
plaining at the proper time. There was
more parliamentary sparring between
Crisp and Barrett, during which the ex
citement increased.
The speaker finally. cut the matter
short by saying if the house was not sat
isfied with Talbot'e explanation the re
solution might be offered. The speaker
decided Crisp's motion in order.
"I take it for granted," said Dingley,
rising, "that the house does not intend
to vote on the resolution of censure
without according the gentleman from
South Carolina an opportunity to ex
plain.." These generous words won the
applause of the democratic side.
Talbot explained that he had arisen to
correct misrepresentations. "South Car
olina," he proceeded, "was as loyal and
true to the Union as any state. The
circumstances under which she seceded
could not exist again, and he was glad
of it." (Democratic applause).
Dalzell moved to refer Barrett's reso
lntion to the committee on judiciary.
This was carried by a vote of 154 to 41.
This is understood to mean that no no
tice will be taken of the matter.
.At Hendrick, Ind., Joe Merrifield,
aged 13, quarreled with his brother
Hugh, agad 10. He shot and killed
Hugh and then committed suicide.
Wiiliain H. English died at his rooms
in the Hotel English, Indianapolis, Fri
day, at 12 :35 p. m.
Senator Frye from Maine wag made
president pro tem of the senate yester
day, and A. J. Shaw of Spokane, Wash.,
The great storm in the East caused
water in the streets of Morristown, N.
J., to rise 17 feet. At Somerville the
telegraph operators in the Lehigh Valley
and Central railroad depots, for a time
sent messages while standing in water
up to their knees, but finally were com
.2'led to leave their posts.
The repbrt of the commissioners ap
pointed under act of congress to make
an investigation of the route of the pro
posed Nicaraguan canal was sent to the
house yesterday by the president. The
salient features of the document ' have
already been published. The report
contains very elaborate data respecting
the work already done by the company,
the physical characteristics of . the
country, the dangers to be met, the weak
points to be overcome and various other
detailed statistical information. The
total cost of the canal is estimated to be
The sultan has replied to the auto
graph letter trom Queen Victoria, which
it has been understood was a personal
appeal to the better nature of the sultan
against the condition of Asia Minor,
sympathizing with her in the humane
sentiments expressed' and declaring the
reports of the massacres were spread by
evil-disposed persons: The sultan adds
that, contrary to allegations, the Turks
were nrsc attaccea wniie praying in a
mosque. The sultan assured the queen
that the measures taken had succeeded
in restoring order, and except in Zel
toun, quiet prevails everywhere, and ne
gotiations going on with the insurgents
at Zeltoun will undoubtedly lead to
Try a bottle of Atwood's syrup of tar,
horehound and wild cherrv for that
cough. Sold at Donnell's drug store.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report '
For Infants and Children.
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Foverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
Castoria is po well adapted to children Chat
I recommend It an superior to any prescription
tnown to me." H. A. Ahcher. M. D.,
Ill South Oxford Bt Brooklyn, N. T.
For several years I have reoommenaed your
Castoria, and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results."
Edwin F. Pardee, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The nse of 'Castoria1 is so universal and
its merits so well known that it nema a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who. do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Cabtob Martyk. D. D.,
New York City.
Thb Czhtaub Cokpaut, 17 Hurray Street, N. Y.
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES'
Use Kinersly'a Iron Tonic. The Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. . Telephone No. 3.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at nil points on fav
orable terms.
Harry Liebe,
Watchmaker? Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
... i
Can now be found at 16$ Second
Hay and Grain for Sale
Ward, Kerns & Robertson's Stable,
Corner Fourth and Federal Sts.
dec4-lm , - -
'1' U T1
iprfinersly Dri Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St.,
oss Cash
is Selling Out at
Large Reductions.
Men's Duck Coats,
Men's Duck Ulsters,
Men's Overcoats,
Boys' Duck Coats,.
Discount of 30c on the
Dollar :
A Rare opportunity to
purchase Dry Goods and
Clothing,, Underwear,
Boots, Shoes, Scc.