CAUCER CURED -AND A LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's SarsaparsIJa "I was troubled for years w ith a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I wis induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparillu. and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Tields, Bloomfield, la. . Tha Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver, PERSONAL MENTION. I Mr. and Mrs. L. "E. Crowe went to I Portland today. Mr. B. F. Kircbeimer of Antelope re turns home tomorrow. f Mr. John Mioiigljis back from the I Republican clubs nutting in Portland. Wm. A. Douglas, an attorney of Rochester, N. Y.,is is town on business for a few days. Mr. B. F. Laughlin returned yesterday from Portland, where he has been at tending the meeting of the Republican clubs. Mr. and Mrs. George Faulkner, who Lave been visiting relatives here for the past tco weeks, returned to their home in Oakland this afternoon. Antelope Items. Babe Mays has just been having bis residence re-painted, papered and cal- cimined and furnished throughout, in anticipation of the happy event, an nounced to take place this month. Born Sunday, Feb. 2d, to the wife of Allen Grant, a daughter. Ata special school meeting of Ante lope district, No. 50, held Jan. 27th, an ight-mill tax was levied for the support of the public school. Alex. Kirchheimer went to The "Dalles this week, accompanied by Mr. Riley, who is suffering with rheumatism. Charley Wallace made, a trip to Graes Valley Friday carrying dispatches. Ed Miller has taken up insurance and Teal estate in connection with his law business, which is becoming quite ex tensive in the way of advice and justice practice. At the geographical match, held in the public school Friday afternoon, Pearl Taylor and Leola Stocker proved themselves the champions. Martin Murray was in town over Sunday shaking hands with his many friends. Martin is an Ohio boy, and a jollv good fellow. Died At . his residence in Antelope, Feb. 3d, "of dropsy of the heart, Clarence V. Bane. Mr. Lane has resided in An telope for twelve yearB past, and was in 'businees here during that time. He was well and favorably known, and his death is a loss to the entire community, who sympathizes with his wife in her sad be reavement. Mr. Lane was a man with a high education, great conversational acuity ana natural talent, iio was a good neighbor, and one who could illy be spared. He has been eick for a long time, and his death was not unexpect ed, though his loss is none the less felt. He was an entered apprentice Mason. . His remains were taken to Salem for burial. Hohnette Fisbfag for Coyotes. "There are more wavs to kill a cat than choking him to death with butter,' and a fact just as interesting to those who now trying to exterminate the coyotes iby the poison method, may be found in the following experience of Fred Rogers, as related by a Wyoming journal. The wary animals have long eince been "leary" of poisonous bait, and unless it is very skillfully prepared give it a wide berth, and even when they do take it they have a disagreeable habit of going off to some secluded spot to make their last kick, and thus de frauding the honest wolfer of the fruits of his labor. To avoid this and make returns surer, Fred has lately been fish ing for them. A good stout hook is fas tened to a copper wire and an anchor of some description put at the other end of the wire; the anchot is not so heavy that it cannot be hauled around, but too heavy to run off with. The hook ' is baited with a very tempting morsel. completely covering it, and thus ar ranged the trap is left over night. Brer' Wolf comes aloi.g, examines the bait and finding no suspicion of strychnine, bolts it. Finding the wire in his mouth, he swallows all the harder, and being unable to disengage it or bite it through, he trots off and the anchor gets in'its work by inaugurating a pnll that fastens the barb or the hook in the interior de partment of Brer' Wolf, and there he is, and there he stays until Fred makes his morning call and at a safe distance drops his game with his Winchester. With several of theoe "trot lines" dispersed over a place where wolves and coyotes are in the habit of passing, a rich and safe harvest is reaped. The copper wire is used because if it gets kinked it does not break, which it is liable to do if the wolf struggles much. Last of Kartti. On Saturday morning, Feb. 1st. the news was sorrowfully received by the friends of John T. Easton that he was suddenly called from our midst by death. On Wednesday evening he was, to all appearances, in good health until 6 o'clock Tuesday morning, when he was taken suddenly ill and in forty-eight hours had departed this life. He being an honored member and con sul commander of the Dufur Camp of Woodmen of the World, was buried by that order Monday, Feb. 3d. Mr. A. J. Brieham gave an address at the house, after which the burial services of the order were used. Deceased was 34 years of age and leaves a wife and five children and in numerable friends to mourn bis loss. Dufur, Oregon, Feb. 4, 1896. A Neighbor. Lost. One light red cow, branded ST on left hip, with red and white between horns and on flanks and one drooped horn. Also one white bull calf with black and yellow spekson neck, branded ST on right side or hip. Will pay $5 re ward. Address Stewart, Dutch Flat, The Dalles. diwl m A Gentle Corrective is what you need when your liver becomes inactive. It's what you get when you take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets ; they're free from the violence ana me gnpmg iaat come with the ordinary pill. The best medical authorities aTee that in regulating the bowels mild methods are pref erable. For every de rangement of the liver, stomach 'and bowels, these tiny, sugar coated pills are most effective. They go about their work in an easy and natural way, and their good lasts. Once used, they are always in fa vor. Being composed of the choicest- concen trated vegetable ex tracts, they cost much more than other pills found in the market, yet from forty to forty four are put up in each sealed glass vial, as sold through druggists, at the price, of the cheaper made pills. " Pleasant Pellets " cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costive ness, or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indigestion, or dys pepsia, windy belchings, "heart-burn," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. Put up in sealed glass vials, there fore always fresh and reliable. Whether as a laxative, or in larger doses, as a gently acting but searching cathartic, these little " Pellets " are unequaled. As a " dinner pill, " to promote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To relieve the distress arising from over-eating, noth ing equals one of these little "Pellets." They are tiny, sugar-coated, anti-bilious granules. Any child readily takes them. Accept no substitute that may be recom mended to be "just as good." It maybe belter for the dealer, because of paying him a better profit, but he is not the one who needs help. A free sample ( 4 to 7 doses ) on trial, is mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt of name and address on postal card. Address World's Dispensary Medic aj. Association, Buffalo, N. Y. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Costoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Costoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castor!, Just received at the Wasco Warehouse a carload of "Byers Best" Pendleton flour. This flour has no superior on the Pacific coast Try it. d7-tf A high liver with a torpid liver will not be a long liver. Correct the liver with DeWItt's Littfe Early Risers, little pills that cure dyspepsia and constipa tion. Snipes-Kinersly, Drug Co. eieKanothecthing " V you cant lis lam U .km;J Xcwatrf"' f 0 w mm The Ideal Panacea. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago. savs: "I regard Dr. King's New Dis covery as an Ideal Panacea for coughs, colds and Lung Complaints, having used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physician's prescrip tions'.or other preparations." Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for 50 years or more, and have never found anything so beneficia1, or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's, Drng Store. The popularity of Chamberlain's' Cough Remedy and the high esteem in which it is helds lea'ds us to believe t to be an article of great worth and merit. We have the pleasure of giving he ex perience of three prominent citizens of Redondo Beach, Cal., in the use of the remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudel! says: "I have always received prompt relief when I uspd Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." Mr. James Orchard says: "I am satis fied that Chamberlain's Cough remedy cured my cold.' Mr. J. M. Hatcher says: "For three years I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family and its results have always been satisfactory." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. It May Do as Much, for You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back aud also that his bladder was af fected. He tried mrny so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he began to use Electric Bit ters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price 50c and $1.00. At Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. . Soothing, heating, cleansing, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the enemy to sores, wounds and piles, which it never tails to cure. Stops itching and burning. Cures chapped lips and cold-sores in two or three hours." For sale by Snipes Kinersly, Drug Co. Piles of peoples bave piles, but De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When promptly applied it cures Ecalds burns without the slightest pain. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Chlcbentcr's CnRlIah Diamond Bruit. ENEIYROYAL PILLS Original and Only Genuine, sarc, always reliable, ladies ask Druggist for Chitheter' Engllik Dia mond Brand In Ked and Gold lueullK Iboses. sraiod with blue ribbon. Take no other. Refute r'anaeroua tubsfitu lions and imitationj. At Druggist!, or una 4c in stamps for particulars, testimonials and ' KeUef for iLaillca," in Utter, hw retarm Mall. 10,000 TeAttmonials. A'ainr. 1'uper. r AT P feu lv Miles firugtuu. . , P allodia Pa beat Johnnie None Bit Ayer's at the World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the world's fair", Chicago. Manufact urers of other sarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application of the 'rule for bidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision . of the world's fair authorities intavorof Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows: "Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." SlOO Reward SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in ail its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's - Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building np the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address : F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. 8'SoId by Druggists, 75 cents. It is a big thing to s ay but neverthe less true, that a great multitude of peo ple have crowned Simmons Liver Regu lator, the "King of Liver Medicines." There is nothing like it for Malaria, Rheumatism, Chills and Fever, Consti pation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, In di ires ton and all troubles arising from a sluggish or diseased aver. Simmons Liver Regulator is the prevention and cure lor these ailments. N. If there is any one th ing that need toe purified, it is politics, bo the re former says, and many agree thereto. But blood tells, and as a blood purifier and liver corrector Simmons Liver Reg ulator is the best medicine. "I use it in preference to anv other." So wrote Mr. S. H. Hysell, of Middleport, Ohio. And Dr. D. rS. Russell, of Farmville, Va., writes, "It fulfills all yon promise for it." "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world," said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. For sale by Snipes-Kinersley Drug Co. For Sale Cheap. Six lots, nicely located in Power's ad dition to Astoria, Oregon. Must be sold quick on account of sickness. Apply to A. S. Mac Alhster, at this office. 5 1. 13 1 nam 10 Geo. W. Jenkins, editor of the Santa Maria "Times," Cal., in speaking of the various ailments of children said : "When my children have' croup there is only one patent medicine T ever use, and tnat is Chamberlain's Cc 'h Remedy. It possesses some medica ' properties that relieve the little eufferet immedi ately. ' It is, in my opinion, the best cou medicine in the market." If this remedy is freely given as soon as the croup cough appears it will prevent the attack. It is also an ideal remedy for whooping cough. There is no danger in giving it to children, as it contains noth ing injurious. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. Don't invite disappointment by exper imenting. Depend upon One Minute Cough Cure and you bave immediate re lief. It cures croup. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate re sults. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ""j - J. W. Pierce, Republic, la., say s: "I have used One Minute Cough Cure in my family and for myself, with result so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly find words to express myself as to its merit. ' I will never fail to recommend it to others, on every occasion that pre sents itself." For sale by Snipes-Kiner sley, Drug Co. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City HI. was told by her doctors she had Consum ption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approach ing Consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thank ful. It is such results, of which theee are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of t his medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free? trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and $1 00. One Minnte Cough Cure touches the right spot. It also touches it at the right time if you take it when you have a cough or cold. See the point? Then don't cough.. Sold by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. .S-tta-Sfv S I M M OTTSV GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS Liver Regulator (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purities the blood and strengthens the Whole system. And more than this : SIMMONS LIVER REGU' LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is in good condition you find yourself free from Malaria. Biliousness, Indigestion. Sick- Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated reeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver is properly at work- If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER KEGULATOR. 1 he Ring or Liver medi cines, and Better than Pills. -EVEBY PACKAGER Has the Z Stamp in retl on. wrapper. J. II. Zeilin & Co.. Miila-, I A. E. Kilpatrick, of Fillmore. Cal., had the misfortune to v . nis leg caught between a cart and a stone and badly bruised. Ordinarily he would have been laid up for two or three weeks, but savs : "After using one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm I began to feel better, and in three days was entire ly well. The peculiar soothing qualities which Chamberlain's Pain - Balm po- sesses I have never noticed in any other liniment. I take pleasure in recom mending it." Tbis liniment is also of great value for rheumatism and lame back... For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. Quick in effect, heals and leaves no scar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Applied to . burns, scalds, old sores, it is magical iu effect. Always cures piles. Sold by Snipes-'Kinersly Drug Co. . ' . The Stabling Green House. Wewish to announce that we have a complete stock of the following designs Masons, Odd Fellows, Elks ; Knights of Pythias 3 kinds; Workmen, Wood men, Red Men, Firemen's Triumph & Helmet, Eastern Star; -Lyree, 2 sizes; Wreaths, 7 sizes; Horse Shoe, 3 sizes; Broken Wheel, 2 sizes; Anchor, 3 sizes ; Flying and Sitting Doves; Open Bible; Gates Ajar; Crosses and Crowns united; Flower baskets, 3 sizes ; a large assort ment of Welcome and Wedding bells : a deduction made if -wires are returned. We are at all times prepared to fill theee designs with beautiful flowers at reason able rates. Mas. A. L. Stublisg & Son. REGULATOR Bios. r. Oaies, Henry C. PaTne.Hearr ' C. loass UCEITBBS. ORTHERN ' PACIFIC R. R. s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. PAD L, ' MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GUANO FQRP CROOK8TON "WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE Elegent Tourist TO Through Tickets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW TORS BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon, A.J). CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 253, Morrison. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon "The Regulator Line' The Dalles. Portlafli and Astoria .Navigation Co. THROUGH FrBiorii ana Passsnosr Lins Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator for The Dalles. PASSENGER RATES. One way. . $2.00 Round trip... 3.O0 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. All freight, except car lots, will be brought through, ivith out delay at Cascades. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 6 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY General Agent THE-DALLES, OREGON EKST! GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VJA.- Spokane Minneapolis Denver Omaha Kansas City St. Paul Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland Eery Five Days for SAN" FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. R. A Co.'s Agent Tha Dalies, or address W, H. HUBLBURT, Gen. Pass. ilgt. . . Portland, Oregon 31 IIHlcv Si ko