t -AND A LIFE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's irsapan "'I was troubled fo years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a eancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try .Ayer's Sarsaparilla,, and, alter tak ing a number of bottles, the sore began to disappear and my general liealth improve, I persisted in this treatment, until the soio was en tirely healed. Since then, I use .Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally, as a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Sirs. S. A. .Fields, Bloomfield, ia. Th8 Only World's Fair Sarsapsriiia. Oyer's Pills Regulate the Liver Republican Clubs at Portland. The gathering of representatives of Republican clubs exceeds in number ny previous gathering, and the chief center of interest in Portland for the week is this meeting. At 10 :15 Tuesday morning the convention was called to order at the New Park theater fey Preei ' dent Beekman. Every seat and availa ble bit of. standing room in the body of Jthe theater were occupied, and so were many seats in the gallery, when the vgavel thrice rapped on the president's table. In less than five seconds' time order reigned throughout the vast hall, .and a view from the stage presented a gathering of 1,300 or more faces. The Polk county delegation brought with them the celebrated Novello quartete and other delegations were accompanied by. sweet singers. The VWoodburn ' Quintette" was also present, Altogether 195 clubs were represented, and 1,147 delegates entitled to seats. 'She main object of the convention "was for the election of officers to serve for the ensuing year, and for the adop tion of a new and more practical consti tution to govern this organization. In terest at The Dalles centers in who will be elected officers for the ensuing term and the choosing of delegates to tl e national league convention to meet at Milwaukee. THE ELECTION. 3. At the Republican meeting in Port land Charley H. Carey was elected president of the league for the ensuing year. For vice-preBident Claude Gatch was chosen. Mr. I.. A. McNary was elected a member-at-large of the execu tive committee, one of which are to eerve from each congressional district. For the first congressional district, J. A. Wilson of Linn county was chosen. Ac cording to the Oregonian of today the business thus far had proceeded without tiresome delay, but the fight over the member from the second district dragged out the length of the session. W. II. Moore of Moro, Sherman county, was the first candidate placed in nomination by Mr. J. C. Burkes, who in a ringing speech set forth Mr. Moore's many . qualifications that 'entitled him to to a place on, the committee. E. M. Van Slyck, of Baker, was placed in nomination by C. A. Johns, and B. F. Laughlin of The Dalles was nominated by W. H. Wilson, J. B. Eddy, William Holder aud J. C. Leasure vigorously seconded the nomination of Mr. Moore, while Pierce Mays spoke earnestly for Laughhn as the choice of the second congressional district. Van Slyck's sup port was apparently very slight, and the selection seemed to lie between Moore And Laughlin. In the balloting, Van Slyck dropped ont of the race early in the roll call, and for a time the voting seemed to be about equally divided be tween the other two candidates. Gradu- ally j however, Moore ' began forging ahead on the tally sheet, and each de cisive ballot, cast -was the signal for -cheering. ... "James G. Blaine Club, 36 votes," 7t- AVER'S read the secretary from the roll-call. "Thirty eix votes for Moore," an swered the chairman of the club delega tion amidst great applause. Every one knew that Moore bad been elected, though, long before the secre tary announced the official reeult. The ballot resulted in Moore receiving 334 votes, Laughlin 260 votes and Van Slyck 64 votes. . The next order of business the election of six delegates-at-large and four from each congressional district, to attend the meeting of the National Republican League, at Milwaukee, Wis., in June, and that nominations would be in order. Er-Senator J. N. Dolph, in a brief speech, nominated M. ,C. George for delegate-at-large; Judge Thomas A. Mc Bride, of Oregon City, was nominated by George Brownell, George W. Patter son, of Washington county, by Thomas Tongue; J. M. Long, of Portland, by Judge Cleland ; A.W. Gowan, ot Harney county, and James A. Fee, of Umatilla county, by J. C. Leasure. It was then moved that the nominations for the delegates-at-large be closed, and, upon motion, their election was made unani mous. The four delegates from the first con gressional district placed in nomination were R. A. Booth, of Josephine county; I. L. Patterson, of Marion county; J.H. Hawley, of Polk county, and J. A. Blun dell, of Douglas county. This election was made unanimous. Judge J. C. Moreland bad a surprise in store for the delegates of the second congressional district, for no sooner had the president announced that nomina tions would be in order, than he sprang to his feet and began reeling off a list of candidates. The men nominated by Mr. Moreland were John Michell of Wasco county ; J. M. Church of Union county ; W. C. Avery of Multnomah county, and F. J. Taylor of Clatsop county. A good-natuted laugh broke out among the delegates as Moreland finished his list, and then some one promptly proposed that the nomina tions be closed. There was a little op position to this, but it manifested no strength in the vote, and the nominees were accordingly declared the delegates of the second district. " Before the convention adjourned it was moved and carried that the league tec commend to the executive committee the re-election of H. L. Wells as secre tary. Resolutions were alBO passed ex tending the thanks of the convention to B. B. Beekman, the retiring president, and to the Monmouth, Woodburn, Multonomah and Social quartettes for their singing during the session. Presi dent Carey then announced that there was no father business before the con vention, and that speechmaking would be in order. But the convention was already beginning to thin out, and Mi. Dodd'e motion to adjourn was carried.. Considerable etir was occasioned by action of an excited individual, who made his way to the platform as the del gates were filing out, and called out, "All who are in favor of John H. Mitchell for the next senator from Oregon say 'aye.' " He failed, however, to draw forth any buret of enthusiasm- from the rapidly vanishing delegates. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Dora Fredden returned last even ing from a viit to Portland. Mr. Gus Bonn left last night for Den ver, Uolo.vH-e was accompanied Dy nis father. T""" Mrs. E. M. Wilson left yesterday for Portland, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. F. P. Mays. Mr. C. C. McDonald, the genial drum mer of Corbett, Failing & Robertson, is in The Dalies today on one of his monthly visits. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wbea she had Children, she cave them Castoria. Lost. One light red cow, branded ST on left ' hip, with red and white between horns and on flanks and one drooped born. Also one white bull calf with black and yellow speks on neck, branded ST on right side or hip. Will pay $5 re ward. Address Stewart, Dutch Flat, The Dalles dwlm DeWitt's LittleEarly Risers for billi ousness, indigestion, constipation. A small pill, a prompt cure. Snipea-Kin-ersly Drug Co. DR. GUM'S IMPROVED flu. Pill Tar Tln.o A movement of tbe bowels each day is necessary for fceaKb- These pills supply what the system lacks to make it regular. They cure Headache, brighten the fcyes.and clear the Complexion better than cosmetics. They neither fcripe nor sicken. To conTince took we wilt mail sample free, or full box for 25c. Sold every where. I&. SOSANKO UM.D. CQ, Philadelphia, Pa. Test it anv way you like. Measure it Chew it and you will find is the lardest piece of 00 tobacco ever sold for 10 cents The Ideal Panacea. James L. Francie, Alderman, Chicago, says: "I regard Dr. King's New Dis covery as an Ideal Panacea for coughs, colds and Lung Corrfplainte, having used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclusion of physician's prescrip tions or other preparations." Rev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a Minister of tbe Methodist Episcopal church for 50 years or more, and have never found anything so beneficial, or that gaye me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's, Drng Store? The popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the high esteem in which it is helds leads us to believe t to be an article of great worth and merit. We have the pleasure of giving he ex perience of three prominent citizens of Redondo Beach, Cal., in the use of the remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudel! says: "I have always received prompt relief when 1 used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." Mr. James Orchard says: "I am satis fied that Chamberlain's Cough remedy red my cold.-' Mr.' J. M. Hatcher A8: says: "'.tor three years I have need Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family and its results have always been satisfactory." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. ' It May Do as Much for Yon. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a severe kidney trouble . for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was af fected. He tried mrny so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he began to use Electric Bit ters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price 50c and $1.00. At Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. No excuse for sleepless nights when you can procure One Minute Cough Cure. This will relieve all annoyances, enre the most severe congh and give you rest and health. Can you afford to do without it? Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co. Piles of peoples have piles, but De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When promptly applied it cures scalds burns without the slightest pain. Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. ' Chichester's Entrllh Diamond Bnai EFSflYROYAL PILLS vrlelnal mod Only Genuine. safe, always reliable la Dies uk Druggist ftr Chichester t EnqlUh Dia-i wtond Brand in Kod mod Gold metallic' (boxes, sr&led with blue ribbon. Take no other Refxtts r'anneroti rnhMtitum (iONI and imitation. At. DruirpiiilB. nr fnd 4m. in stamps for particulars, testimonials and Relief for Ladle. letter, by return MnlL 10,000 Testimonials. Name Paper. oW Q7 ad Iosl Drussuis. t-ttt nnasimen msrirnn neeere. it" 1 arm. Row's This. We offer $100 reward for ny case of Cattarh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free; Price 7o cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. None But Ayer's at the "World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extra ordinary distinction of having been tbe only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact urers of other 'sarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were . all turned away under the application of the rule for bidding tbe entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the world's fair authorities in favor of Aver's Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows "Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a patent medicine. It - does not belong to the list of nostrums. It is here on its merits." I f enffertng with piles, it will interest you to know that De Witt's Witch Hazel baiye win cure tnem. xnis medicine is a specific for all complaints of this char acter, and if instructions (which are simple) are carried out, a cure will re suit. We have tested this in numerous cases, and always with like results. It never fails. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co Coughing irritates the delicate organs aud aggravates the disease. Instead of waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at once, making expectoration easy, reduces tbe soreness and - icflama tion. Every one likes it. Snipes-Kinersly Drng Co. If there is any one thing that need to be purified, it is politics, so the re former says, and many agree thereto. But blood tells, and as a blood purifier and liver corrector Simmons Liver Reg ulator is the best medicine. "I use it in preference to any other." So wrote Mr. S. H. Hysell, of Middleport, Ohio- And Dr. D. f. Russell, of Farmville, Va., writes, ,-It fulfills all you promise for it." J net received at the Wasco Warehouee a carload of "Byers Be6t" Pendleton flour. This flour has no superior on the Pacific coast- Try it. d7-tf for 8ale Cheap Six lots, nicely located in Power's ad dition to Astoria, Oregon. Must be sold quick on acconnt of sickness. Apply to A. S. Mac Alhster, at this office. . Geo. W. Jenkins, editor of the Santa Maria "Times," Cal., in speaking of tbe various ailments ot children said: "When my. children have croup there is only one patent medicine I ever use, and mat is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It possesses some medical properties that relieve the little sufferers immedi ately. It is, in my opinion, the best cough medicine in the market." If this remedy is freely given as soon as the croup cough appears it will prevent the attack. It is also an ideal remedy for whooping cough. There is no danger in givihgit to children, as it contains noth ing injurious. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton,- Druggist. Two X.lre Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City 111. was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approach ing Consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thank ful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and $1 00. One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It affords instant relief from suffering when afflicted with severe cough or cold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tnbes, and lungs and -never fails to give immediate relief. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. . THE DALLES The above association is prepared to take a list of all and any kind of Real Estate for sale or exchange, whereby the sener will have the undi vided assistance of the follow ing Real Estate Agents, or ganized as an association for the purpose of inducing im migration to Wasco and bher man Counties, and generally stimulating the sale of property-: C. E. Bavard, T. A. Hud son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M Huntington & Co., N. Wheal- don, (jribons & Marden, (j. V. Rowland. Address any of the above well known firms, or J. LI. Huntington, Sec. The Dalles, Oregon DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. J. 8. SCKIKK, 1 President. J. M. Pattkkson. Casbier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES. - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection., Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. - DIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. . Jno. S. Bcuknck. Ed. M. Williams, Gso. A. Liebe. H. M. BkaXiL. ' n Ileal s Estate i riTT a Tvirra.-WT?- nos. F. OafcBs, Henry C Payne,Reiu7 CRoiss BKCKIYBBS. Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. FAllli " ' MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FAKGO ' GRAND FORF CKOOKSTOS "WINNIPEG '' HELENA and BUTTE ' Eleg:ent Tourist TO Thiroagh Tiekets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA KJIVf TOBE BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST sad SOUTH Fnr fnfnmAtlon. Hmanrri man. ind Mnlrat. cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, Tne Dalles, Oregon, A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255. Morrison. Cor. Third. Portland. Oregon "The Regulator Line' Tie Dales. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Frsiont ana Passsnscr Lins Throngh Daily Trips (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City Steamer Dalles City leaves .Portlaud. (Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect ing with Steamer Regulator .for The Dalles. ? PASSENGER RATES. Oneway.... $2.00 Round trip S.OQ Freight Rates Greatly Reduced, AH freight, except car lots, will be brought through, witt out delay at Cascades. .- Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C ALLAWAY General Agent THE-DALLES. OREGON IBM ST! GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA.- Spokane Denver Minneapolis Omaha St. Paul Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern. Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland , Eerv Fire : lays for SAN" FRAXTCISCO, CAL. For full details call on O. E. & Co.' Agent Tha Dalles, or address W, H. HUELBUBT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon ntoRTHERN j PACIFIC R. R. n ' s Pullman o