The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 04, 1896, Image 4

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The Sanger is Averted by Using
if g HAIR
"Nearly forty years ago, after
some weeks of sickness, my hair
turned gray and began falling out
go rapidly that I was threatened
with immediate baldness. Hearing
Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
I commenced using this prepara-
tion, and was so well satisfied with
the result that I have never tried
any other kind of dressing. It stop
ped the hair from falling out, stimu
lated a new growth of hair, and kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of pood,
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend anvof Ayer's medicines
to my friends." Mrs. II. M. IIaigiit,
Avoca, Neb.
JLyer'a Sarscnurilhi llcmovea 1'impleSm
Dr. King of Dufur ia in the city.
Mr. J. C. Burkes of Moro ia in town.
Mr. W. Lord went to Portland todav.
. 1 su
Mr. Hcgh Glenn went to Portland to-
"Mr. T?.. fiiornnn rf Tlnfnr nmA in vpq
Mr. G. A. Thomas of White Salmon
came up yesterday.
air. a. m. .rvirciieimer came in lrom
An telo pe y es terd ay, ,
Mr. Win. Holder, a popular citizen of
Moro, is in the city.
Mr. J. B. Goit of Wapinitia is regis
tered at the Umatilla House.
"Mr. R. TT. "rnori nnrl wiff wrir hvA
been in the city a short time, returned
home today.
Mrs. H. W. French, accompanied by
ner sisters, ansa Williams and JMorence
Williams, came up on the noon train
r ti . i
Funeral Notice.
"There- will be a special meeting of
Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. 0. O. F., on
tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1 o'clock p.
m. for the purpose of attending the
funeral of our late brother, Wm. De
Wolf, which will take place from the
family residence at 2 o'clock. All mem
bers and visiting brethren are urgently
requested to attend.
H. Clough, Secy.
y ' Moldy Fruit and Vegetables.
There is very little fruit stored away
in cellars that is not covered with some
Jungous growth. It may be invisible,
but there is some mold on nearly every
pple and everything else brought up
to the light. All apples and other fruit
ought to be thoroughly washed and
wiped. There is generally less danger
from vegetables, because ' these are
cooked, but celery, which is brought
. on the table raw, ought to be carefully
washed and wiped. It is now gener
ally conceded that mold is a fruitful
cause of diphtheria, and that it maj
be acquired from handling moldy
apples, leather, or anything where mold
has free chance to grow. If there is
this from fruit stored in a clean cellar,
well whitewashed and frequently ven
tilated, how much more disease must
lurk in a neglected cellar where some
times green mold covers the walls and
dank, moldy debris of vegetables is
allowed to hide in the corners.' Keep
the cellar clean, and air it occasionally
in winter as well as summer. N. Y.
Tribune. '
Taking It Literally.
"This morning the doctor ordered me
to drink water an hour before every
meal, and here I've been drinking for
the last 40 minutes; but 1 11 be jiggered
if I can swallow another drop." Hu
moristische Blaetter. v
liucklen'a Arinca salve.
N The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
eoree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi-
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents
P',r box. For sale Dy Blakeley and
iioagnton, druggists.
to Surmise That His
Had Been Hart.
L. C. Meach-imp, living above Ilomer,
La., on the edge of Arkansas, is a groat
hunter and has a fine deer hound, Don,
of which he i? justly proud. A lew
days ago, says the Philadelphia Times,
Mr. Meachamp was going squirrel
hunting, and in order to keep Dan at
home be was compelled to tie him i.p.
The hound whined and begged, but,
finding his master was obdurate, he at
last lay quite peaceably before the ken
nel al! day.
. At five o'clock in the afternoon, how
ever, when Mrs. Meachamp was be
ginning to look for her husband's re
turn, Dan became so unusually restless
that she went out to see what was 1 he
matter. In spite of her repeated ef
forts The could do nothing to pacify
him, and at last, to her utter astonish
ment, he broke the rope and bountit d
away over the fence and irto the woods?
He wa gone probably a half hour when
he came running back panting and al
most breathless with his master's hat
in his mouth.
Mrs. Meachamp became at once
alarmed, and, calling her son. they set
out to find Meachamp, the dog all the
time bounding along in front and lead
ing the way. At last they came upon
Mr. Meachamp lying helpless in the
woods, where at precisely five o'clock
he had fallen in a little ditch and
broken a small bone in his leg. The
dog's knowledge of the accident at the
very moment of its occurrence seems
almost incredible, but tht truth of this
is beyond dispute.
Strange and Gigantic. Bird Killed
by a
31 an in West Virginia.
Klias Midkif, of Hamlin, Lincoln
county, was in Charleston the other
day, and proposed' to the State His
torical and Antiquarian society that if
it would send a taxidermist to Hamlin
the society would secure a monster bird,
of a kind never seen before by anyone
in 'Vfest Virginia. The feathered
monster, says the Baltimore American,
is described by Mr. Midkif, from meas
urements taken by himself and W. W.
Adkins, of Hamlin, who killed the bird
at the mouth of "Vannatters creek, wiih
five bullets from his rifle, while hunting
deer recently. The bird is seven feet
four inches from tip to tip, four feet
from tip of bill to tail, flat bill four
inches long and three inches wide,
somewhat similar to that of a duck;
eb feet, covering nearly a square foot
of area each ; neck 19 inches long, legs
about 11 inches long, and about one and
a half inches through: below the
feathers; plumage dark brown, re
lieved on the wings and breast by light
blue shading. The bird when first seen
was circling high in the air, but came
down very quickly and alighted in the
water, where Adkins got a good shot at
it, crippling its wing. Adkins attempted-
to capture the strange fowl
alive, but it was so vicious that he could
not get near it without killing it, which
required five bullets.
How's This.
We offer $100 reward for .ny case of
Cattarh that caunot be cured y Hall's
Catarrh "Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F,
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectlv honorable in all
business transactions and "financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
Weet & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholeeale Druggist, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous eurfaces of the system. Testi
monials eent free. Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
If there is any one thing that needs
to be purified, it is politics, so the re
former Bays, and manv agree thereto
But blood tells, and as a blood purifier
and liver corrector Simmons Liver Reg
ulator is the best medicine. "I use it in
preference to any other." So wrote Mr
S. H. Hysell, of Middleport, Ohio. And
Dr. D. is. Russell, of Farmville, Va
writes, It fulfills all you promise for it.
Coughing irritates the delicate organs
and aggravates the disease. Instead of
waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure
It helps at once, making expectoration
easy, reduces the soreness and incarna
tion. Every one likes it. Snipes-Kin-
er siy Drug uo.
One Minute Cough Cure is rightly
named. It affords instant relief from
sunering when aWiCted with severe
cough or cold. It acts on the throat,
Droncmai tuoes, ana lungs and never
fails to give immediate reifef. Snipes-
jsanereiy Drug l;o.
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES
Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. The Snipes-
Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3.
There are many good reasons why you
should use One Minute Cough Cure.
A Mild li;
A moYemant at
1 1 v . i o OnA 1fll vat' n nne.
t or the bowels each day is Decesaary for
bealtb. Theee pills supply what the BjKtom locks to
sw is regular, l aflj care ueu&cae, Drtg-mea tno
Eyes, and clear tho Complexion better than cosmetics.
They neither frripe nor sicken. To convince ym, wa
frill mail aample free, or full box for Sac. Sold erery
litre, DO. jfOSAN&O MED. CO., Philadelphia, Fa.
Us a winner evenytime
Battle Ax Plug in the lead
.The largest piece of
ever sold
If suffering with piles, it will interest
you to know that De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve will cure them. This medicine is
a specific for h1 complaints of this char
acter, and if instructions (which are
simple) are carr d out, a cure will re
sult. We have tested this in numerous
cases, and always with like results. It
never fails. Snipes-Kinerslv Drug Co.
When Baby was sick, xre gav her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
dien sue had Children, she gave them Castoria,
Just received at the Wasco Warehouse
a carload of "Byers Best '. Pendleton
flour. This flour has no superior on the
Pacific coast- Try it. d7-tf
Two I-ive Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City
111. was told by her doctors she had
Consum ption and that there was no hope
for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery completely cured her
and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos.
Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco,
suffered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing Consumption, tried without result
everything else then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. He is naturally thank
ful. It is such results, of which these
are samples, that prove the wonderful
efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and
Colds. ' Free trial bottles at Blakeley &
Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size
50 cents and $1 00.
Geo. W. Jenkins, editor of the Santa
Maria "Times," Cal., in speaking of the
various ailments of children said:
"When my children have croup there is
only one patent medicine I ever use, and
cnat is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
It possesses some medical properties
that relieve the little sufferers immedi
ately. It is, in my opinion, the best
cough medicine in the market." If this
remedy is freely given as soon as the
croup cough appears it will prevent the
attack. It is- also an ideal remedy for
whooping cough.- 'Tere is no danger in
giving it to children, as it contains noth
ing injarioua. " For' sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, Druggist.
Hot clam broth at 4 o'clock today at J,
O.Mack's, 67 Second street.
Chlchestrr'a KncIIsb ninmorSrt Bmi
Original ant! Only Genalne.
safs. always raliabls. ladies aik ,
lrogKl.t fcr Chfchetterm Fnolixh Din. J
,3i.nd Brand la Ked and Gold nieullic
wjtwxei, scaled with bluo ribbon. Tnke
ilnootheT. Aefuse I'maertma tubuitu.
irufis ari.'j lTni.ationf- At urugglits.or and 4e.
la stamps for particulars, testimonial and
"Relief for .adlea. in Utter, by retnrst
- mntb av.uuu i ', i itjolj i name Japer.
Cnli,hMtM-i!i.BilMil1aMultui . .
Looal IlruaaiaU. , - iJaUodavs la
It S
old tu ail
for 10 cents
The popularity of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and the high esteem in
which it is helds leads us to believe it to
be an article of great worth and merit
We have the pleasure of giving the ex
perience of three prominent citizens of
Redondo Beach, Cal., in the use of the
remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudel! says:
have always received prompt relief when
I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy."
Mr. James Orchard says : "I am satis
fied that Chamberlain's Cough remedy
cured my cold.'' Mr. J. M. Hatcher
says : "For three years I have used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my
family and its results have always been
satisfactory." For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, Druggist.
Four Dollars a Cor
four dollars will now buy a cord of
good oak wood delivered at your wood
fshprl- Wo will bp!) px. thin nnVfl frr
time to reduce our stock.
ecio-trNJos. T. Peters & Co
A situation by a young woman to do
general housework in a private family
Inquire at this office. . j25-dlw
One light red cow, branded ST on
left hip, with red and white between
horns and on flanks and one drooped
horn. Also one white bull calf with
black and yellow speks on neck, branded
ST on right side or hip. Will pay ,5 re
ward. Address Stewart, Dutch Flat
The Dalles. dAwlin
Thorongbbred Fowls.
Rose Comb Brown Leghorns. Best
all the year ronnd layers. Fowls, f 1.50
each and upward until after January 1
Eggs, t2. per 13 : f 3.50 per 26. Orders
booked now. Send for circulars Spec
ial prices on large orders. Addrees
Ed. M. Haekiman,
Endersby, Wasco Co., Oregon
Hello! Hello!
This is the County Treasurer. He
wants all county warrants registered
prior to April 1, 1892, presented at hi
office, corner Third and Washington
for he is ready to pay the same. Inter
est ceases after January loth.
Wm. Michell,
County Trea8
For Salo or Trade.
Three second-band wagons ; one thor
oughbred Jersey bull ; one seven-eight
Percheron Btallion. At
- Fbazeb & Ibbell's Feed Yard,
j22-tl&wlm . The D-ilIes, Oregon
For Sal Cheap.
Six lots, nicely located in Power's ad
dition to Astoria, Oregon. Must be sold
quick on account of sickness. Apply to
A. S. Mac Alhster, at this office. -
DeWitt's Little Early Risers for billi
ousness, indigestion, constipation. A
small pill, a prompt cure,
ersly Drpg Co.
It May Do as Mucli for Von.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that he had a severe kidney trouble for
many years, with severe pains in his
back aud also that his bladder was af
fected. He tried mrny so called Kidney
cures but without any good result. About
a year ago he began to use Electric Bit
ters and found relief at once. Electric
Bitters is especially adapted to cure of
all Kidney and Liver troubles and often
gives almost instant relief. One trial
will prove onr statement. Price 50c and
$1.00. At Blakeley & Houghton's Drug
A. E. Kilpatrick, of Fillmore, Cal.,
had the misfortune to have his leg
caught between a cart and a stone and
badly bruised. Ordinarily he would
have been laid up for two or three weeks,
but says: "After using one bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm I began to
feel better, and in three days was entire
ly well. The peculiar soothing qualities
which Chamberlain's Pain Balm po
sesses I have never noticed in any other
liniment. I take pleasure in recom
mending it." This liniment is also of
great value for rheumatism and lame
back. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton,
Piles of peoples have piles, but De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them.
When promptly applied it cures scalds
burns without the slightest pain,
Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co.
Estray. '
Bull taken up on December 1, 1895,
Black, moolev; branded G L. Owner
can nave tne same by paying for win
tering and this advertisement.
William Floyd,
j!7-d&w2w 5-Mile.
Ine above association is
prepared to take a list of all
and any kind of Eeal Estate
for sale or exchange, whereby
the seller will have the undi
vided assistance of the follow
ing Ileal Estate Agents, or
ganized as an association for
the purpose of inducing im
migration to Wasco and Sher
man Counties, and generally
stimulating the sale of prop
erty: C. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud
son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M.
Huntington & Co., N. Wheal
don, Gibons & Harden, G. W.
Address any of the above
well known firms, or
J. Til. Huntington, Sec.
The Dalles. Oregon
LIME and
Picture Moulding.
ZE3I. o-i 3sr2sr.
J. M. Patterson.
first Rational BaDk.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
land. ' DIREOTOHS.
D. P. Thompson. .. Jxo. S. Scuknck.
Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Llebe.
II. M. Bbaxl.
Ros. r. Oaies, Henry C. PayMjein -C. ftoasj
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Cars
Through Tickets
Chicago . TCH
For information, time cards, maps and tickets,
cal Ion or write to .
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon,
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
255, Morrison. Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon-
"TIip, ltenktor Im
Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
i - - - -
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
Oneway...,' ..$2.00
Round trip . 3.00
Freight Rales Greatly Reduced. ,
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address.
General Agent
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
St. Paul Kansas City
Lew Rates to all Eastern Cities.
Xverr Five Days for
For full detailn call on O. B. & Cn.'a Agent
Tha Dalles, or address
W, n. HURLBOET, Gen. Pass. Agt.
. . Portland, Oregon