DO ra T' T TTT 1 TT FPa ? - - Biff June n win mm.- - a 1 Snoui Shovels, skates; Lot NO. l.c . Ladies' Black, Full-Fashioned Seamless Hose, - Plain and Ribbed Tops. Regular price, 25c. Closing out price, 15c. - v - Lot No. 2.s Ladies' Black and Grey Extra Fine "Wool Hose, Regular price, 30c. Closing out price, 20c. Lot No. 3.ss3- ' . Ladies' Extra Fine, Full-Fashioned Hose, in Plain Black and Gre'. These goods are all Wool and of superior finish. Regular price, 35 and 40c. Closing out price, 25c. Lot No, 4.sssss Children's Fine Ribbed Cashmere Hose, Full Lengthwith Cotton Heel and Toe. ' Reg. 25c. Closing, 15c. Lot No. Children's Extra Heavy Ribbed Bicycle Hose, in Black and Dark Grey. This is an extra good Hose for Boys Regular price, 30 and 35c. .Closing out price, 20c. PR ASF. MAYS A GROWS. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. MAIER & BENTON, . The Dalles, Oregon. Removal Notice. Nolan's Book Store now located! at No. 54 Second Street, near Union.' ley Creamery la Delicious. Ask "VanbibDer & Worsley for it. . 40c. Every Square is Full Weight. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. TBLEPHOKTE ZtsTO. 80. Th3 Dalles Daily Chronicle. n tared a the Foatoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. MQNDAY, ... FEBRUARY 3, 1S96 BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From the Notebook of Clironlcle Reporters. has r upon chWre vne pfi h1 Will assumed the The Chron of the local ;er. The continue aa City council meeting tonight. The second of the month coming on Sunday, today ia collection day. The first installment of paraphernalijUT18 fun fnr t.hft cvmnftRinm has arrived. i at Dufur The Gesang Verein Harnionie gave . another of their entertaining socials last evening. v Fair weather today has been predicted by the signal service and stationary tem perature tomorrow. Mr. Robt. E. Williams made an as signment today, Mr. A. S. Mac Allister being the assignee. The revival services at the M. E. church will continue this week. A cor dial invitation is extended to all. The regular annual meeting of East End Hose Co., No. 3, will occur next Wednesday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. , in time. The well today has been pumped out and boarded up, and the carcass of the horse carried to the dump grounds. Mr. Milton Harlan position of city edito; icle, and will have work connected with editorial management in the past. The beginning clasa of Mias Moore's dancing school' will hereafter meet Mon day evenings at 8 o clock. No specta tors are allowed at this clasa. For the new dances the class will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. The running of ice in the river last month caused a good deal of inconveni ence and damage to the fishipg interests. Some of those who werensKing for stur geon had their lines sweptjawttjt-by the ice and considerable time was sent in regaining them. Among the visitors in town yesterday was Hon. D. R. Murphy of Portland, who occupies the position of United .States district attorney for Oregon. Mr. Murphy was on his way home from Sherman county, where he had been, presumably, on government business. the nature , of which could not be be learned, however. Mr. Allaway, manager of the D. P. & A. N. Co., is about to issue a circular calling attention to the fact of free stor age of wool in the new warehouse. Also that an arrangement has been perfected between the boat company and Mr. - Moody whereby the latter will put in a baler at the warehouse, which will be Under his supervision. Many people called at. the new candy factory yesterday, and could not get the favorite Marsh mellow taffy and Carbon ated peanut bars. W. J. Moore wishes to announce that he haa just received new supplies for rnanufactnring all kinds of candies, and that yon may have any thing in his line that a love of sweets may wish for. Call and see his goods. Lidra. F. H. Rowe has recently fallen Rowe has gone thither in . her interest. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe resided in The Dalles up till a short time ago, but removed to Stevenson to be nearer the saw mill, where Mr. Rowe has large lumbering in terests. According to the Pioneer, Mrs. Rowe's share in the estate is $900,000. uneral of J. F. Easton, who died on Saturday, occurred this moi-ning. He was one of Dufur's most respected young men, a long-time resi dent, and prominent in social and fra ternal circles. The Woodmen, of which society he was an honored member, offi cered at the burial services. A large number of the Woodmen of this city left this morning to be present. A special echool election was held at Mosier on the 35th inst, resulting in the selection of Michael Dichtenmuller to fill the unexpired term of Hill Hunter, deceased. Mr. Dichtenmuller is a well known patron of the public schools in that neighborhood, having some years ago given an acre of ground to the district for a school, house site. This plot is centrally located, has a fine spring, and makes one of the handsomest sites for a school building that could have been fouud in that country. The meeting of reDresentatives of Re publican clubs throughout the state will be held in Portland tomorrow. Much enthusiasm is manifested and a large at tendance will inevitably result. The prevailing opinion eeems to be that Re publicans never had a better chance for success, and naturally all are interested in men and methods. Many represen tatives from the country precincts were to be seen on our streets this morning and the previous evening, and it is an assured fact that Eastern Oregon will have no inconsiderable voice at the Port land meeting. Accident at the East End. THE DALLES COMMISSION CO New Enterprise and a Promising field for Business. Another cherished dream of The Dalles is about to be realized. Articles of incorporation were filed in the clerk's office today by The Dalles Commission Co., who will soon operate a cold stor age warehouse. . The wording of the document aa to the intents of the com pany is to buy, sell, and deal in coal, wood, ice, fish, meats fruits, vegetables and produce; to buy, own, lease and operate a cold storage warehouse; to conduct a general storage and commis sion business; and to buy, sell, lease and rent real estate. The capital stock is placed at $3,000 and the shares are $200 each. This company enters a new and prom ising field for business in this city. Be sides the possibilities of benefit expect ed of a ' well-copducted commission business, the purpose of the company to operate a, cold storage will not fai to be appreciated, bv the toilers I the varied field of production. Th season for perishables -is thus vi tually lengthened and makes it possibl for the farmer, the orchardist and fisherman to Await a better price for produce. The place of business of company will be trie old Uhboni building, which will -soon be fitted for the purpose. ' Morris Cushmg of 3-Mile lost a horse last night and narrowly escaped personal injury by a singular accident. At an unusual hour he rode into Mr. Dar- nielle's feed yard in the East End for the purpose of watering his animal at the accustomed trough in the rear of the yard. Instead of the trough, there was an open well, and the horse stumbled headlong into it. Mr. Cushing sue ceeded in extricating himself from the animal by clutching at an adjacent fence, but the horse either broke its neck or was drowned by the plunge. The glare of the electric lights, rapidly succeeded by the darkness of the spot where the well is located, is probably responsible for the horse not perceiving its danger No excuse for sleepless nights when you can procure One Minute ,Jough ure. This will relieve all annoyances cure the most severe cough and give you rest and health. Can you afford to do without it? Snipes-Kinei-sly Drug Co, PERSONAL MENTION. today for Cas- Fairfield caml Father Bronsgeest left cade Locks. Mr. C. W. Emerson of in town today. Messrs Lee Evans and C. G. Graham of Hosier were in town today. ' vr. Tk n tt i at - : J.YJ.r. U. J. 11CI11U blAth IUC7 UUUU biaiUII today for Portland on a business trip. J Mr. Frank Menefee went to Dufur this morning to attend the funeral of J. F Easton. Messrs. Thos. Driver and John Michell went to Portland today to attend the Re publican clubs' meeting. Mr. C. S. Vanduyn, of the Heppner Palace hotel, is in the city, with a view of locating in The Dalles. Mr. B. F. Laughlin left yesterday fov Portland. He goes as a delegate to th' convention of Republican clubs. ' Mr. Fred. W. Wilson, of ThbChron- icle, went to Portland on i tafcafternoon train to attend the conventiojfxy cubs. Rev. Mr. Goss, or the Episcopal Scale at Columbus. "Mr. Emile Schanno.-one of the state horticultural commissioners, coes to Co lumbus Wednerday on complaint of the fruit raisers of that section that orchards are badly infested with the scale. There are five large orchards surrounding Co lumbus and Grants, besides smaller ones, and self-protective measures be come imperative. Mr. Schanno ia en thusiastic over the lime, sulphur and salt remedy and believes it is all-sufficient as a means of extermination. The lady-bug is inadequate to meet the re quirements. The bug either finds other edible matter better suited to its taste in this part of the state or the climatic con ditions are against the rapid multiplica tion of the species, At all events' the lady-bug here is a, failure. The lime, sulphur'and salt receipt will be found in the issue of April 30th. nstallatlon of Officers, 1. l. u. x' ..No. . L The installation of officers took place at The Dalles Lodge, No. 2, Saturday evening. The following persons were installed for the ensuing quarter: HD Angell, C T ; Mrs Brown, V T ; Mr Har per, P C T; Dr Frazier, G; Mrs J E Barnett, S J T; CO Bunker, Secy ; Miss Fox, AS; Chester Starr, F S; Ed Mi chell, T; Chas Campbell, M; May Bar- nett, AM; Mr Thomas, G ; F Sexton Miss Sylvester, O. prizes ol elegant gold bad gee, which were to be given for the best original essays on "Temperance," were awarded to Geo. Stewart and Edward Baldwin. v- Teachers' Examination. the Notice is hereby given that for purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school snperin tendent thereof will hold a public ex amination at his office in The Dalles, beginning at 1 o'clock p. m., WedneS' day Feb. 12, 1896. Dated this 1st day of Feb., 1896. Troy Shelley, County School Superintendent ' of 'Wasco County, Ore. jl-dwllt Awarded church, will remain in The Dalles the re- J Highest Honors World S mainder of this week, and may be found I at the vestry room in the rear of the church. Mr. Charles Frank started for the East last Saturday evemcg He will visit relatives in Iown and pSfesibly jour ney farther east. A large iVumber of his friends gathered at the trainp wish him a pleasant journey. - Baeklen'i Arlaci Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevez sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents p?r box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. Fair Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. I M MI MM Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. OFFICE and SCHOOL SUPPLI Skates, 35c Pianos Organs. For Low Prices, go to the Jacobsen Book & Music Company, 162 Second Street, THE DALLES, OR. H ol i d ay Perfumes. Buy a nice, clean, sweet Perfume or Toilet Water, elegantly put up. Itfmakes" a hand some and much appreciated present. Prices to "tickle "Lour" or "Short" Purses. DOMEIiIi'S DftfJG STORE. Telephone No. 15, , Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,SeeTRye, Seed Corn; Afalfa Seed, Clover Seed, Timothy Seed and other Grass Seeds; Northern .Grown.Sseds, Garden Seeds, Early Minn esota Corn, Dakota Yello-w Dent Corn and Stowell's Evergreen Corn. Yello-w Dan vers Onion Sets, Choice large, Mealy Bnr "bank Seedling Potatoes. 3H3 Poultry and Eggs Groceries Sold Cheap. Bought and Sold. ' Chofce Assortment of Terms Positively Cash or Produce, at -. - 3Q mm J. H. CROSS' FEED and GROCERY STORE