- - Bii Drives in III lin. Lot No. 1.3 Ladies' Black, Full-Fashioned Seamless Hose, Plain and Ribbed Tops. Regular price, 25c. Closing out price, 15c. Lot No. 2.sra- Ladies' Black and Grey Extra Fine Wool Hose, Regular price, 30c. Closing out price, 20c. Lot No. 3.b Ladies' Extra Fine Full-Fashioned Hose, , in Plain Black and Grey. These goods are all Wool and of superior finish. Regular price, 35 and 40c. Closing out price, 25c. Lot No, 4. Children's Fine Ribbed Cashmere Hose, Full Length, with Cotton Heel and Toe. Reg. 25c. Closing, 15c. Lot No. 5.ssiss Children's Extra Heavy Ribbed Bicycle Hose, in Black and Dark Grey. This is an extra good Hose for Boys , Regular price, 30 and 35c. Closing out price, 20c. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. Siioca Shovels, SKATES, 35e I Removal Notice. Nolan's Hook Store now located at No. 54 Second Street, near Union. Creamery "VH."4f t-TT Is Dellcloas. Ask! Vari'bib'ber & Worsley for it. 40c. Every Square is Full Weight. CREAMERY Tygh Ya ley A. A. B. The Dalles Datty Chronicle. ntered a the Postottlce at The Dalies, Oregon as second-class matter. SATURDAY. - - JANUARY 25. 1S06 BRIEF MENTION. Leatea from tlie Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Rain is in tbe weather program for tomorrow. A marriage license was issued today to Charles Wallace and Edith M. East man. Ia .the land office this morning R. E. Williams filed a homestead entry for the NEJ, Sec 24, Tp 1 N R 13 E. Fonr cars of cattle were shipped from The Dalles to Troutdale this morning. Two cars of cattle paased through town from Arlington to the same destination. This afternoon S. R. Brooks redeemed the property which had been sold nnder foreclosure sale by the Solicitors Loan and Trast Co. The amount paid was $383 and costs. The Republican club of Columbia pre cinct held a meeting yesterday and chose George H. Riddell and Sylvester R. Brooks as delegates to the convention to be held in Portland February 4th. The Rockland dairy, which has moved over to The Dalles, has established telephone communication with town, and is prepared to furnish . milk at short notice. The telephone number is 252. The pastor, Rev. O. D. Taylor, will preach at the First Baptist church to morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "The Hidden Life." Sunday school at 11 :15, Lesson, Luke iv : 14-22. There will be no evening service. S. At: IHa nTllat. f1nh loot. AVAninn frv and Mrs. W. H. Hob son were the enter tainers. The evening passed in that pleasant manner, as do all the meetings of the club. When the scores-were counted Mr. T. A. Hudson was fodnd to have won the first prize and Mrs. A. J Tolmie the second. , Lieutenant Taylor, who is the officer in charg of the engineering corps at the locks, and who thus represents the gov ernment in carrying on that work, is to be promoted to a'captaincy. The recent death of Major Post has caused promo motions to be made all along the line. Lieut. Taylor has proved himself a cap able officer and his promotion is deserved. V SPI Next Monday evening revival services will begin in the Ninth street chapel. They will be under the auspices of the United Brethren society, and led by Rev. Mr. Parker, presiding elder of this district, whose home is in Engene. There are quite a number of United Brethren in this community, and the revival services will undoubtedly stir in terest in the church. A cordial invita tion is given every one to attend. The Congregational church, corner of Court and Fifth streets Sunday ser vices as usual : At 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m worship and a sermon by the pas tor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school im mediatelv after the morning service. Meeting of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Topic, How and why we should testify for Christ, 1 John iv:2-15. . All persons not worshipping elsewhere are cordially invited. An interesting case has arisen in the local land office. Some time ago Lewis C. Baker filed a contest against John Sperry for land situated near Mosier. Subsequently Baker went temporarily insane and was sent to the asylum. The time for completing Baker's contest passed and proceedings were begun by W. T. Meeks against Sperry for the same piece of land. Baker soon "recoveed from his mental trouble and was dis charged from the asylum cured. He im mediately took steps to regain his rights in the contest,' making a showing to the department that the lapse was no fault of his. This morning Register Moore and Receiver Biggs received a cir cular from the department at Washing ton, which contained a notice to Meeks, citing him to appear and show caute why his claim of contest should not be cancelled in favor of Baker. The result of the matter will be awaited with in terest, j-v, In the office of Mr. Hugh Glenn are three pen and ink drawings of the Reg ulator, cleverly executed by Mr. W. E. Campbell, the civil engineer. The drawings were made to illustrate the workings of a "wind spar" a contriv ance calculated to assist the steamer in making her landings when the wind is blowing. The spar is attached to the side of the steamer bo that when she lands against a bank with her head to the wind the spar is swung out and pre vents her from coming broadside to the shore. The first drawinc shown the "steamer landed with the spar acting in tbe manner above stated, the second drawing shows her backing away using the spar as a pivot for turning quickly, the third picture gives a side view of the Regulator steaming along with the wing spar drawn in. The drawings are very good likenesses of our handsome steamer d in the absence of nautical testimony to the contrary, the wing spar seems to be a clever contrivance. Mr. Campbell has also made a drawing of a steamer which he calls the "Open River" a designation which will be. as appropriate to the next steamer built at The Dalles as the name "Regulator" is to the one which has proved such a good invest ment to the citizens of The Dalles. "Fire to One. or Where tbe Taxpayer's Money Goes." The beautiful working of our jury system was exemplified yesterday by a case which was tried in the recorder's court. A young man named Harry Lane was arrested night before last for dis turbing the peace. He was arraigned before Recorder Phelps yesterday morn ing and, through his attorney, N. H. Gates, demanded a jury trial. As this was his prerogative, of course the re quest was granted, and, armed with the proper authority, the marshal started out after jurymen and succeeded in ob taining the following gentlemen, who were found competent to serve as tales men : W. E. Sylvester, S. B. Adams, J. F. Staniels, J. W. Carey,' F. N. Hill and N. Wbealdon. The city was repre sented by H. H. Riddell. After listening'all afternoon to the de tails of the row, the jury retired for de liberation at 5:30, and just precisely at that hour, we are informed by a jury man, the fun began. The city hall was turned over to the jurors for their. delib eration and the plaster of the walls cracked at the echos of eloquence which reverberated in every corner. At 6 o'clock the jury had not agreed ; neither had it at 7 or 8 or 9. Ten o'clock came, and still they were hopelessly at vari ance five for conviction and one, Mr. Adams, for acquittal. As the weary hours passed along, and all hopes of supper bad melted with the snow, some of the jurors lost that urbanity of man ner 'bo essential to good feeling, add some rather vehement speeches were de livered. . Eleven o'clock found them in the same fix five to one, and at 11 :30 tbe jurors asked to be taken before the recorder, to whom previously had been handed this document, which, in look ing over tbe records of tbe case, a Chronicle reporter ran against, and thought it too good to keep from print: To the Honorable Court : We, the jury, called to try the case of Dalles City vs. Lane, will never agree in God's world, and aek to be discharged for the following reasons : First That we have had no dinner or supper. Second Our cows are not milked. Third We have no case of any im portance to decide. Fourth We are getting too old to stand such hardships. Fifth Jack Staniels is out of tobacco. Sixth William Sylvester wants to go to the Salvation Army. Seventh Mr. Hill has contracted to work on the railroad. S. B. Adams, Foreman. Could human heart withstand such an appeal as this? Not unless it was made of harder material than flesh and blood. And seeing from the looks of the jurors that all hopes of an agreement were im possible, and as Mr. Adams said be wanted to go home and was going home, the recorder consented to their discharge. This case will probably be re-tried Tues day, as the city authorities are deter mined to eee whether or' not the city's peace was made to be broken or pre served. The general opinion seems to be that the position of the five jurors was the correct one. Jury for tbe February Term. The jury list for the February term of court has been eelected and a perusal of it leads to the conclusion that the connty is going to have some good men try tbe causes at the next term. Court will convene February 10th, and the fol lowing will be summoned as jurymen : M Randall, capitalist, The Dalles. C J Brown, farmer, The Dalles. Wna Yates, farmer, Hood River. W Bolton, merchant, Antelope. S E Bartmess, merchant, Hood River. W E Waltner, clerk, The Dalles. S R Brooks, farmer, The Dalles. J A Nickleson, blacksmith, Hood River. ' " " - Harry Clough, machinist. The Dalles. W A Cates, farmer, The Dalles. S S Johns, merchant, The Dalles. A E Griffen, stockman, Boyd. W H Williams, farmer, The Dalles. Geo Montgomery, farmer, Boyd. . E P FitzGerald, clerk, The Dalles. . Parkin Lamb, farmer, Mosier. James Darnielle, farmer, Boyd. C S Smith, farmer, Boyd. ' J F Staniels, carpenter, The Dalles, i L S Klinger. capitalist, Dufur. W Boor man, farmer, Hood River. J C Wheeler, farmer, Hood River. ' A Winans, farmer, The Dalles. F A Seufert, cannery man, The Dalles. L Smith, farmer, Boyd. Geo Reed, farmer, The Dallee. C WPhelpe, merchant, The Dalles. Wm Vanderpool, farmer, Dufur. Jos T Peters, merchant, The Dalles. Wm Frizzell, farmer, Cascade Locks. vJ S Easton, farmer, Dufur. PERSONAL MENTION." Dr. Hngh Logan left on the early morning train for Portland. Mr. C. T. Early, of the Oregon Lum ber company at rano, came up on the noon train. - Mr. Polk Butler of Nansene is in the rity. He is just recovering from a se vere attack of illness. Dr. G. E. Sanders returned home on today's train from an absence of several days from the city. Mr. H. M. D.fSpencer, a commercial man from San Francisco, is in The Dalles on bis regular business visit. Mr. Ed M. Williams returned last night from Portland, where he visited his mother and sisters for over a week. Mrs. Helen Soutbwick and daughter left on the morning train for Salem. Mrs. Soutbwick organized the Wood men circle during her stay in Tbe Dalles. Just received at the Wasco Warehouse a carload of "Byers Best" Pendleton flour. This flour has no superior on the Pacific coast- Try it. d7-tf Wanted. A situation by a young woman to do general housework in a private family. Inquire at this office. j25-dlw Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM mm .ssf k i m i , . i r : i s i Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. JOT) ilLJ BOOKS, OFFICE and SCHOOL SUPPLIES, 35c Pianos Organs For Low Prices, go to the Jacobsen Book & Music Company, 162 Second Street, THE DALLES, OR. Holiday Perfumes. Buy a nice, clean, sweet Perfume or Toilet Water, elegantly put up. It makes a hand some and much appreciated present. . Prices to "tickle" "Lodr" or "Short" Purses. DOfJflEIili'S DitfJG STOrJE. Telephone Mo. 15. -DEALER IN- Hay, Grain, Feed, Flour and Groceries, Fruits, Seeds, Eggs and Poultry. Do yon want your horses fat and sleek? Buy Hay, Oats and Barley of CroBS. Do you want yonr cows to give good, rich milk and plenty of it? Buy Alfalfa Hay and Bran and Shorts of Cross. Do you want your chickens to lay fresh eggs? Buy Imperial Egg Food and Chicken Feed of Cross. Do you want to be happy and en joy good health, live long and increrse your bank account? . Save money by buy Hot Cakes, Buckwheat Flour, Maple Syrup and Groceries of J. H. CROSS. Corner of Union and Second Streets. Free Delivery. Goods sold at Bedrock Prices for CASH.