CO VOL. IX THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1896 NO. 10 CAMPOS'' SUCCESSOR Is Expected to Arrive at Havana Shortly. REPUTATION FOR CRUELTY The United State Government's Effort to Protect Hammond Other orelgn Affair. Havana, Jan. 18. The civil governor of the province of Havana, through hie eecretary, Senot Francisco, Calva Mnn s, and the chief of the treasury, Senor Cabezae, admit they have received a cable -message from Madrid announcing that a successor has been appointed to General Campos in the person of Gener al Valeriano VVeyler,and that they are to expect his arrival at Havana shortly. Washington, Jan. 28. The announce ment of the appointment of General Val eriano Weyler as captain-general of Cuba, was received at Cuban headquart ers here as confirmatory of the view they had already ex pressed upon the news of Campos recirement that there has been a radical change in the policy of the Spanish cabinet and that henceforth there is to be a reign of blood and terror in Cuba. The change in the cabinet it self, In the retirement of the Duke of Fetuah and the succession of Senor 1 Buayen as minister of foreign affairs, is regarded aa still ' further confirming these ideas. General Weyler is a veteran soldier and has had his own experience in Cub an revolutions for ' he followed the for tunes of the Spanish army in Cuba for years during the last revolution with the rank of colonel, and earned for bimeelf a dreadful reputation as a man of blood andiron. Moreover, the Cuban leaders here bint at actions of cruelty to women, and defenseless prisoners in bis past in a fashion that augurs ill for the rebels who come within his power, and they pre dict that he will soon become -involved in trouble with the United States gov ernment as a result of the ill treatment of American citizens who may be unfor tunate enough to fall under suspicion. General Weyler quitted Cuban ground soon after the suppression of the last re bellion and has since dwelt in Spam, holding the important position of captain-general of the province ot Cata lonia. Washington, Jan. 18. Senator White ot California, said today that he bad communicated with the state depart ment concerning the report printed to day as to the dangerous situation of Hammond, the Caiifornian who is held a prisoner at Johannesburg for alleged complicity in the Transvaal troubles, but had been informed that no confir mation had been received there as to the reports of his danger. Senator White expressed confidence ' that the govern ment would continue to use its best ef forts in behalf of Hammond, as well as others Americans in the Transvaal. The Turk Blast Talk. Washington, Jan. 18. Secretary, Ol ney telegraphed Minister Terrell at Con stantinople yesterday instructing him to - ascertain definitely and finally the deci sion of the Turkish authorities npon the question of the admission of the Bed Cross society into Armenia for the dis tribution of relief funds among the des titute natives, bat has received no reply. Mies Clara Barton, president of this - society, was at the capitol today in con ference with Senators Hoar and Cullorn with" reference to her proposed expedi tion, but she said at the close of the con saltation that the matter was in such a state of doubt aa to render it nhadvis able to discuss her plans. Bad for Portland. Chicago, Jan. 18. A ruling-was Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report handed down by Chairman Caldwell of th8 traffic organization today to the ef feet that the rate oi $60 agreed to the West from the eastern gateways of the transcontinental lines for the Baptist anniversary to be held in Portland, Oregon, next May, will be available only from Dulutb, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Missouri river points and other gate ways. It will not apply from St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans and, more over, these points are not included in the territory from which regular one way 30-day first-class tickets are to be sold. ' SAM BROWN'S WHEREABOUTS. Sheriff Houser of Umatilla County to Be Bned for false Arrest. Rosebueg, Jan. 18. A large posse is still in pursuit of the murderer, Sam Brown, who escaped from jail December 30th, and is said to have been seen on the North TJmpqua three days ago. Pendleton, Jan. 18. F. S. Wood, an attorney from Weiser, -Idaho, who was arrested Tuesday on a charge of robbing the postoffice here, was released the same day, there being no evidence what ever against him. Mr. Woods is on his way to Astoria where he expects to lo cate and pratice his profession. Sheriff Houser arrested Wood without a warrant ' and the latter now states he will bring suit for damages against the sheriff. Row' This. We offer $100 reward for any case of Cattarh that cannot" be cured by Hall's .Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney &. Co., Toledo, Ol . , We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney far the last 15 years, and be lieve"" him . perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hill's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. National Editorial Association. Tamla, Fla., Jan. 19. The National Editorial Association, on its lltn annual excursion, reached here this morning, 350 strong. In the atternoon the party visit6d Port Tampa, to witness the arri val of the steamer from Cuba. The editors express warm sympathy for the insurgents' cause, and stated that at the convention to be held in St. Aug ustine this week resolutions would be adopted urging their recognition. This evening they eD joyed a sacred concert. A. E. Eilpatrick, of Fillmore, Cal., had the misfortune to have his leg canght between a cart and a stone and badly bruised. Ordinarily he would have been laid up for two or three weeks, but says : "After using one bottle of Chamberlain's Fain Balm I began to feel better, and in three days was entire ly well. The peculiar soothing qualities which Chamberlain's Pain Balm po sesses I have never noticed in any other liniment. 'I take pleasure in recom mending it." This liniment is also of great value for rheumatism and lame back. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist.' : ' " ' - Debs' Intentions. Cleveland, Jan. 19. Eugene V. Debs said today he expected to sever his offi cial connection with the American Hail- way Union within the coming year. His purpose was, he said, to devote his time to the labor movement in general and not to any particular order. He will maintain his membership with the American Railway Union. No excuse for sleepless nights when you can procure One Minute - Cough Cure. This will relieve all annoyances, enre the most severe cough and give you rest and health. Can yon afford to do without it? Snlpes-Kinei Bly Drug Co. No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES' UseKinersly's Iron Tonic. . The Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. Telephone No. 3. SIMMONS Y s.lati afrii ittat GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody-takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. 1 hose who take tilMMONS Liver Regulator (liquid or powdert get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative ana tonic that purities the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, - Indigestion; Sick Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and -debilitated feeling-. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only fce had" when the liver is properly at work. Jf troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medi cines, and Better than Pflls.' -' - EVEBY PACKAGE- Hu the Z Stamp in rxl oil Wrapper. ' "J. II. Zcilin & Co., Miila-, P - - The popularity of Chamberlain's Cough. Remedy and the high esteem in wl.ic"h it ia helda leads us to believe it to be an article of great worth and merit. We have the pleasure of giving the ex perience of three prominent citizens of Bedondo Beach, Cal.', in' the use of the remedy. Mr. A. V. T.-udel? says: "I have always received prompt relief when I used Chamberlain's Cough Kennedy." Mr. James Orchard Bay : "I am satis fied that Chamberlain's Cough remedy cured my cold.'' Mr. J. M. Hatcher says: "For three years I have used Chamberlain's' Cough Remedy in my family and its results have always been satisfactory." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton Druggist. If there is any one thing that needs to be purified, it is politics, so the re former says, and many agree thereto. But blood tells, and as a blood purifier and liver corrector Simmons Liver Reg ulator is the best medicine. "I use it in preference to anv other." So wrote Mr. 3. H. Hysell, of Middleport, Ohio. And Dr. D. S. Russell, of Farmville, Va., writes, ''It fulfills all you promise for it." Geo. W. Jenkins, editor of the Santa Maria "Times," Cal., in speaking of the various ailments of children said: "When my children have croup there is only one patent medicine I ever use, and mat is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It poesesses some medical properties that relieve the little sufferers immedi ately. It is, in my opinion, the best cough medicine in the market." If this remedy is freely given as soon as the croup cough appears it will prevent the attack. It is also an ideal remedy for whooping cough. There ia no danger in giving it to children, as it contains noth ing injurious. : For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. 1 The Kellogg French Tailor system of Dress Cutting, taught at 319. Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. - B. E. Hyde, Agent. L;-sons not limited. Each scholar can brine in a dress and is taught to Cut, Baste and Finish complete. Pat terns cut to order warranted. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Accordion plaiting made Coughing irritates the delicate organs and aggravates the disease. Instead of waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at once, making ex ectoration easy, reduces the soreness and inflama tion. Every one likes it. Snipes-Kin-ersly Drug Co. One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It affords inBtant relief from suffering when afflicted with severe cough or cold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs and never fails to give immediate relfef. Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. There are some people who are never positive in' anything. . It is always, "I don't know, or "I guess so.,' There is a word of such psople , and it is refresh ing sometimes to hear a person speak as one having convictions, like Mr. Cbss. F. Snyder, of Bangor, P., who wrote; "I ran heartily recommend Simmons Liver Regulator to all who are troubled with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint." t a winter Glothing at Attractive Prices Our Entire Stock of HIGH-GRADE MACKINTOSH COATS, In Children's, Ladies' and Men's, including that new Velvet Col lar, Double-Breast Box Coat, in black and tan mixed, for Men,. If you are in need of a good, warm Storm Coat, we invite you to call and see our stock of. . .-...".. ....I........ MEN'S HEAVY ULSTERS Although out of some sizes, we may have yours Choice of Lot at 75c on the Dollar. We will include our entire line of CHILD'S and BOYS' CAPE COATS at Same Figures '.. Men's Heavy-weight Cheviot and Cassimere Suits, In Fancy Mixtures, Brown, JNavy and Black; all new and bright. Every Suit made to fit; unequaled for style of cut and finish. A reduction on all. They are yours ... . . at 75c on the Dollar. The late buyers will find the proper place for making their pur chases to be at:.:... J.....:.;...:..;...;.....:..;... A M WILLIAMS & GO I1M For Infants and Children. Castorfa promotes) Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Coatoria, contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. " Castoria is so well adapted to children thai X recommend It as superior to any prescription .tnown to me." . H. A. Aboheb. M. D., Ill Sooth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.Y. For several years I have recommeriaed your Castoria,1 and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwim F. Fiucie, M. D., -12Slh Street sod 7th Ave., NewYork City. "The use of 'Castoria Is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work ot supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CiBTiOB Mabttic. D. P., New York City. Tna CsarraUB Oompastt, 77 Murray Street, N. T. One Minute Cough Cure is a popular remedy for croup. Safe for children and adults. 6nipes:Kinersly Drug Co. A Change in ad. tomorrow, FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS. To go at FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. IB 4.NSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange -and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Harry Liebe, PEACTICAL Watchmakerl Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now be found at 162 Second street. ' Hay and Grain for Sale Ward, Kerns & Merfson's Stable, Corner Fourth and Federal Sts. dec4-lm Boss Cash Store 75c on the Dollar. POPULAR CLOTHIERS. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Drugs, Paints, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OIL Paper