VOL. VIII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1896 NO. 312 A SLAP AT ENGLAND Germany More Aggressive Over African Affairs. THE EMPEROR'S DECLARATION Italians In Abyssinia Compelled to Re treat by King MenellK'a Forces . Portuguese Victorious In Mozambique. Berlin, Jan. 7. At a special audience which Dr. W. J. Leyds, secretary of state of Transvaal, had with Emperor William today, his majesty declared he would not recognize any claim of suzer ainty over the Transvaal. Great Britain, by the treaty of 1844 claims suzerainty over the Transvaal republic. PREPARING FOB WAR. England Said to Be Taking; Energetle Measures. London, Jan. 7. The Globe this even ing prints sensational news under the following scare headlines : "Activity in war office Anticipated Military Measures," The Globe then states the war office sent a special mili tary messenger this afternoon to the colonial office, stating it is rumored im portant orders are pending. A dispatch f aom the military camp at Aldershot says a general belief, almost backed by proof, prevails that the au thorities are considering the mobilizing 'of the army reserves and part of the militia. Men employed in the ordinance stores are very busy. geml-Officlal Denial. Bjebein, Jan. 7. A semi-official denial was issued this morning of the state ment from Cape Town, contained in a dispatch to the Times of London, that Dr. W. J. Leyds, secretary of state for the Transvaal, with a secret fund at his disposal, has floated a German military colonization company with the intention of introducing 5000 German military settlers into the Transvaal. Suspected of Spying. Johannesburg, Jan. 7. (Delayed -in transmission) Mr. Letty, the corre spondent of Keuter'a Telegram Company here, has been imprisoned qeon suspic ion of being a spy in the interests of the British Chartered South Africa Com pany. IN THE TRANSVAAL. South African Affairs Btill Occupy Eng land's Entire Attention. New Xoek, Jan. 7. A dispatch to the World from London says : South Africa so completely occupies the attention of the English that the controversy with the United States is, for the day at least, forgotten. It comes up again in its serious form of three weeks ago, it will be because Lord Salis bury is too stubborn to learn the lesson of the German emperor's message. That the kaiser's telegram to the pre sident of the Transvaal means avowed hostility to England is universally ac cepted. He flouts at Great Britain suz eranity over the Transvaal. To surren der that claim would be the most shame ful surrender in England's history for two centuries. The prospect of it is universally rejected by the English press, tory end liberal alike. But while that vital question remains unsettled, war with Germany is con stantly menaced. Nor is the session of the South African colonies made less threatening by the unexpected resigna tion, without full explanation, of Cecil Rhodes, as premier of Cape Colony. Rhodes only ' makes way as premier to a tried and loyal lieutenant. His silence and inaction while another lieutenant is in mortal peril in the Transvaal remains unexplained. If he has absolutely sur rendered, it must mean that he has lost his nerve if not his faculties. The con viction that this is nqt the case is still felt in London, and the dispatches are not believed to tell the real truth of the situation. In fany event, the complete isolation of England, of which there seems no possibility of improvement in the immediate future, makes it quite in credible that she will pursue her quarrel with the United States while the threat ening attitude of Germany, of Russia and of France is main tanied. ITALIANS IN ABYSSINIA. They Htre Been Compelled to Retreat by King Menellk's Forces. New Yokk, Jan. 7. A dispatch to the Herald from St. Petersburg says : " A dispatch from Massowah says that the Italians have retired from Adowt to Adkrgrath, and were harrassed en route by the Abyesinians. In an interview M. Leontieff said that the Italians were in a very difficult position. He thinks that the report that the Abyesinians want food is not true. King Menelik collects a percentage of the corn grown, which be sells in time of peace, but has not sold for three years, having hoared it for this war. Retreat will make an immense differ ence in the attitude of doubtful tribes. As for King Cojam being an enemy of King Menelik, that is untrue. M. Leon tieffs says.v The Italians have now re treated 300 kilometers, and it will take 100,000 men to beat the Abyesinians. The opinion here is that the Abyssinian question is going to assume grave pro portions. Their Position Desperate. New York, Jan, 7. A dispatch to the World from Berlin says: i "Serious rumors are in circulation regarding the situation of Italians in Erythrea. Their position is said to be almost desperate. "It is learned that the tension between England and Italy regarding the refusal of the former power to allow the latter to disembark troops at Zelley has be come very serious.', A Portuguese Victory. New Yokk, San. 7. A Washington dispatch says word has been received at Lisbon of the capture of Gungunhana, the rebel chieftain who has been mak ing war on the Portuguese in Mozambi que, South Africa. The Portuguese met the rebels near Maisaoa, and, after a desperate conflict, put them to fight. Gungunhana was captured and is now aboard the troopship Alfrico, on the way to Portuguese. News Confirmed: Washington, Jan. 7, Acting Portu guese minister, Senor Taveira, has re ceived a cablegram announcing the cap tnre of Gungunhana and his son. Guidi do, by Captain Muchino. The news of the capture of the leaders of the rebell in Mozambique caused the greatest en thusiasm at Lisbon, and it is considered in Portugal that the capture means the termination of the rebellion. O. R. & N. Notice. The O. R. & N. Co. makes another slash in freight rates from San Francisco to Portland, and in connection with the exceedingly low rate between Portland and The Dalles, makes a through, rate of first-class 40 cents, second-class 35 cents, third-class 30 cents, fourth-class 25 cents, fifth-class 202 cents. Special car load lots, class A, 19 cents ; B IS cte, C 17 cts, D 16 cts, E 15 cts, governed by western classification. In ordering your goods please be careful to route via O. R. & N. Co.'s lines. d27-dl0 E. E. Lytle, Agent. Help Wanted. A man or lady to manage distributing soap samples, specialties, do correspond ing. Send Sylvan Co., 727 Woodward, Detroit, Mich., 10c for samples soap, etc., receive outfit order. One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It affords instant relief from suffering when afflicted with severe cough or cold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs and never fails to give immediate relfef. Snipes- .nanersiy urug KJO. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report lie FT T&ks a small Quantity of Oottolsae and a 5 little cream ; warm in a frying pan. Break 6 egg in it and stir until slightly cooked, g Serve hot. I Use not more than two-thirds' as much Cottolene as you would butter and be sure that Ii you do not overheat it before dropping in the eggs. This is always essential in cook ing with Cottolene. B Genuine Cottolene is sold everywhere in tine with trade-marks "Cottolene" and tr head in cotton-plant tcreatA e . on every tin. Made only by 5 THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. St. Louis, E Chicago, 8 Fmarheo, P.rllamd, Oregon, Suiurauiiiiutximiuiiiuuuuuuuiiraiiuui For the many accidents that occur about the farm or household, such as burns scalds, bruises cuts, ragged wounds, bites animals, mosquitos or insects, galls or chaffed spots, frost bites, aches and pains on any part of the body, or the ailments resulting from exposure aB neuralgia, rheumatism etc. Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has proved itself a sovereign remedy. Price 25c, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. Snipes- Kinersly Drug Uo. The popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the high esteem in which it Is helda leads us to believe it to be an article of great worth and merit. We have the pleasure of giving the ex perience of three prominent citizens of Redondo Beacti, Cal., in the use of the remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudel! says: "I have always received prompt relief when I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." Mr. James Orchard says : "I am satis fied that Chamberlain's Cough remedy cured my cold.'' Mr. J. M. Hatcher says: "For three years I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family and its results have always been satisfactory." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. Bow's This. We offer $100 reward for any case of Cattarh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hrll's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Two laves Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City 111. was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no'hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approach ing Consumption, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thank ful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine In Coughs ' and Colds. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size M odern Ideas of Healthful Dress are Perfected and Combined in the Detroit, Jackson and Ferris Good Sense CORSET WAISTS. We have a full line of sizes in Detroit and Jackson's for Ladies, and the popular Ferris Good-sense Waist far Babies, Children, Boys and Misses. Thousands of sensible -women have discarded the stifF Corsets and are new wearing these comfortable and healthful gar ments. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. A M WILLIAMS & GO POPULAR CLOTHIERS. (Mill For Infants and Children. Caatoria promotes Digestion, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, 'Diarrhoea, and Feverishnesa. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. "Castoria Is bo well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription tnown to me." H. A. Aiohib, H. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "For several years I have reoommerfSed yoar Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so. as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwiw F. Pardsb, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. "The nse of 'Castoria' Is so universal and Its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it." Few are the In teftifrent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." OiMvoe UUbttn, P. D., New York City. Thx Cruris Cbwairr, 77 Hurray Street, N. Y. One Minute Cough Cure ia a popular remedy for cronp. Safe for children an d adults. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.- FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. .Louie, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. Can now be found at 162 Second street. Hay and Grain for Sals Ward, Kerns & : Robertson's Stable, Corner Fourth and Federal Sts. dec4-lm X'JfcdLJbl Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co. Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - OK Closing Gut Sale of Dry Goods, A Heavy Fall in Prices of Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks. Big Tumble in price of Ladies,' Misses' and G-ents' Mackintoshes. Glothing and Furnishing Goods. ;fLadies', Misses Gents', Boys', Children's Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Selling away down, and giving entire satisfaction. BOSS CASH STORE. M. HONYWILL, it 1 60 cents and $1 00. Imp o rtexr.