The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 02, 1896, Image 1

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NO. 307
Broken to Pieces by Alasken
Seas. -
he Beat. After' Incredible Hardship
Behed Shore In Safety Cunard
"Steamer Cephalonta Sank at
Seattle, Jan. 1. The schooner El
wood, Captain E. Er Wyman, is a totaj
wreck in Alaska. It ia the worst story
of shipwreck to reach Seattle this year.
One sailor was drowned and the re
mainder of the crew only reached shore,
after one of the bravest fights against
the elements that has been recorded in
the annals ot the Northwest coast.
The steamship Topeka, arriving, this
foaenoon from the North, bronght the
first news of the disaster. Captain Wy
man and four sailors came down on the
Topeka, while the others remained in
The Elwood left Seattle September 11
for Kodiak and Cook's inlet. The "Yes-
led struck at Gardiner's point daring a
:gale at 9 o'clock in the morning, two
jmontbs after leaving Seattle, and began
breaking up immediately. The crew
made a desperate effort to reach shore,
.avoiding the reefs, jutting rocks and wild
("breakers. "
The first boat let down was smashed,
and the second boat was worked away
;and- swamped. Adrian F. Gorton, a
jSwedish sailor, was washed away and
tlrowned. One seaman started to swim
ashore and was about to give up when
a eeized a nieA nf wrpnlcairn And
Veached ashore. The captain aftd rest
pf the crew finally reached shore by
clinging to the wreckage. The story of
hardship and peril is a heartrending one.
struck a Keef Near Holyhead and Was
ISadly Damaged.
Holyhead, Jan. 1. The Cnnard line
(earner Opnhalonin: f!ftnt.ain Sacomhe.
rom Boston, December 21, for Liverpool,
ran. ashore on a reef near South Stack,
in a dense fog, but was subsequently
hoated and steamed here. When the
teamerfirst grounded two lifeboats were
feent to her. Forty passengers arrived
here and have taken passage for their
espective destinations. -
The Cephaloniahad a very rough pass
age. Jiverything went well, however,
hntil 7 :30 this mornjng, when she ran
kshore. The passengers rushed on deck
n alarm. Boats were lowered immedi
Ltlev, and all women and children were
Jilaced in them. Then the other pass
fftnegers were allowed to enter the beats
An examination of the steamer Showed
that while ber after part was badly dam
aged,, she was not making so much
water as to prevent her proceeding.
.Therefore, at high tide, the passengers
were again taken on board and all possi
ble speed made for Hollyhead.
The passengers speak in the highest
terms of the conduct of the officers dur
ing the emergency, and are delighted
with having escaped such gieat peril
without lnfia rn thpmBAlppa
S . . . . '
.Later in the day the Cephaloma began
baking water rapidly where she was
eached. Her afterpart and afterholds
reneariy full of water, which, ia also
joginning to enter the saloons. The
ork of getting out her cargo from the
.iternolcis lias been almost entirelv
opped, and the position of the steamer
very critical. .
-. 1
The Stormy Straits.
Pokt Townsend, Wash., Jan. 1 An
Mier outburst of storm of much violence
revailed in the straits yesterday.. Two
In Washington.
Washington, Jan. 1. New Year's
day was ce!ebr,atedihere" in a good old
fashioned . way. Alt of the officials re
ceived. It was an ideal day. -
Interest, of course, centered in the
president's reception. The White House
had been elaborately decorated with
flowers and foilage, and the Marine band
of 60 pieces, under the leadership of Pro
fessor Francuilla, were stationed just
within the entrauce, and added color to
the brilliancy of the scene. The musical
program included a melange ot airs of all
nations, arranged by Sousa, as a compli
ment to the diplomatic corps, a trium
phant Euesian air and a suggestion of
peace on earth and good will to men in
the "Angels' Waltz." .
Just before 11 o'clock the president
and Mrs. Cleveland descended the stair
way from the private portion of the
bouse, followed by members of the cab-
met, and exchanged greetings with mem
bers of the diplomatic corps, who came
resplendent in full court enstomes. The
president then took his place hi the blue
parlor, next to the door, with Mrs.
Cleveland on his right. ' In line beside
her were the wives of members of the
cabinet and Miss Herbert, daughter of
Secretary Herbert. Mrs. Smith was pre
vented from attending by the illness of
her daughter. In the rear of the line
were members of the cabinet and the
ladies invited to assist in the reception.
vtyela, the schooners Meteor and Ited
field, after reaching Cape Flattery, were
forced to return here for ehelter. Four
sloops and a small-sized schooner mere red
to the wharves foundered. . Vessels from
outside report large quantities of fresh
lumber . southwest of Cape Flattery,
which is supposed to have been the
deckload ot some outward-bound vessel.
All American Altsslonarles In Anatolia
Constantinople, Jan. 1. According
to s dispatch' from Otfab, Asiatic Tur
key,' there were fresh outbreaks there
Saturday and Sunday.
In reply to the demand ' of United
States Minister Terrill, the Turkish gov
ernment ordered the vali of Aleppo to
furnish an escort to Miss Shattuck and
the three native teachers from Orfab to
Aintab. Terrill has' received informa
tion which shows that all the mission
aries in Anatolia are safe.
The Turkish government has given an
evasive reply to the offer of the repre
sentatives of the powers to mediate with
tbelZeitounals. The ambassadors resent
the stand taken by the porte, and tbe
dragomans are urging the Turkish of
ficials to accept their offer. No definite
information is obtainable from Zeitoun,
although it is believed the place a hold
ing out against the Turks, and tbe latter
are suffering severely on account of the
The Engineer . and Fireman
. Denver, Jan. 1. The Rocky Mountain
News special, carrying the New Year's
edition, and intended to break all re
cords for mountain travel, was wrecked
at 7 :15 a. m.j at Malta, five miles this
side of Leadville. Tbe train slowed
down as it approached the station, but
tbe rails being cove-ed with ice and
snow, it jumped the track.. The engine
crashed into the depot. The baggage
car waB thrown on to the coal car and
broken in two, but the coach remained
on the track. ""
. Ralph Butler was in charge of the
News car, assisted by Frank Kelley and
Special Messenger Harris. Engineer I.
G. Baker and Fireman H. Hartman
were killed.
Armenian Ittsbop Arrested.
New York, Jan. 1. A dispatch to the
Journal from Constantinople says:
The army reserves at Moosb, Satdis,
Aleshgerd and Bitlis have been called
out : The Armenian bishop at Erzeroum
was arrested Monday and sent to Con
stantinople. He is accused of taking a
'leading part in the agitation against the
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest TJ.S. Gov't Report " '
Li Myp -
Is the making oT a" Die." The
mating ot a crisp crust depends 3
lurgciy-upoii me snortemng. use
Cottolene, the new vegetable
shortening, instead of lard, and
sogginess will be an unknown ga
element in your pastry.
should always be economically
usea two-tniras as much Cotto- Es
! lene as you would ordinarily use g
I produce the most desirable re-
! suits. The saving: in a year rep- e
resents a considerable item. y
j There are many imitations of 1
! Cottolene ; you should therefore 11
be careful to get the genuine.
Sold OTerTwhereftttiD8.withtradft-marlcs '
j fCnttolene" and Ktecr' head in cnttt.itlant 3
I wreath cq every tin. Made only br - 1 3
fl ; .Ac York, BmIoo.- ,
government. His arrest has ' caused
much excitement in Erzercum and the
officials there have taken m asures to
preserve order..'
None But Ayer'a at the World' Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys tbe extra
ordinary distinction of having been the
only blood purifier allowed on exhibit at
the world's fair, Chicago. Manufact
urers of other sarsaparillas sought by
every means to obtain a showing of their
goods, but they were all turned away
under the application of the rule for
bidding tbe entry of patent medicines
'and nostrums. The decision -of the
world's fair authorities in tavor of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla' was in effect as follows:
"Ayer's Sareaparilla Is not a patent
medicine. It does not belong to the
list of nostrums. It ia here on its
Germans Aroused.
Beelin, Jan. 1. The news of the in
vasion of the Transvaal republic by an
armed British force has created a de
cided sensation here.
The Ereuse Zeitung says: "Every
where is the same greed and bad faith.
Today it is Africa ; yesterday it is South
America." .
The invasion of the Transvaal by Dr.
Jamieson and the forces of the British
South Africa Company, all the newspa
pers declare, constitutes a serious and
unjustifiable breach of peace, against
which Germany must protest.
Old reople.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whisky nor other intoxicant,
but acts as a tonic and alternative. It
acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels,
adding strength and giving tone to tbe
organe, thereby aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions. - Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what they need. Price 50 cents and
$1 00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store.
Gone to Berlin.
Tub Hague, Jan. 1. The minister of
the Transvaal republic left here this
morning for Berlin in order, it is be
lieved, to make strong representations
to the German government on the sub
ject of the invasion of the Transvaal re
public by the forces of the British South
Africa Company.
' Wanted.
Wanted A reliable young man. for
branch office. Salary $100 per month.
References and $600 cash capital re
quired. Address, the Harter Publish
ing Co., Portland, Or :-' -
Our New Year Specials.
Great Reduction
Electric Seal Pelerine,
Special, $15.00
Double Beastie, Marten Trimnred, the latest and handsomest
production of the furrier's art. (One only). Regular, $19.50.
One 70-inch Feather Boa, at ,..:....$1.00
54-inch Coney Boa, reg. $1; spec ! .65
54-inch Badger Boa, " 2.45; " 1.40
9-foot Grey Fox Boa " 7.50; " 4.95
Genuine Beaver Muff and Collar
ette, per set, reg. $ 1 1 .25 ; spec. $7.00
Genuine Astrach an, Muff only.."....
Reg. $3.75; spec. $2.25
Genuine Electric Seal, Muff only.. -
; Reg. $5.75; spec. $3.75
Genuine Raccoon, Muff only..:.......
Reg. $2.75;- spec. $1.60
Child's White - Coney Muff and
Collar, per set, reg. $1.50; spec. 90c
1 Child's White Lambs wool Muff
and Collar, reg. $2.40; Spec. $1.35
Ladies' Fascinators, Saxony white, black and red 25 per cent. Discount
"Mackintoshes, including om entire stock. ...... .............25 per cent. Discount
Ladies' Capes and Jacnets, every garment up to date
Child's Cloaks and Jackets, " . " " ' "
Boys' Overcoats, Men's Dress Over
coats Men's Ulsters. An assort
ment of" six lines of Men's cheap,
medium and high-priced Suits, in
all sizes. -
Child's 2-piece Suits, (Reefers and
Josies; sizes 4 to 14. '
Boj's' 3-piece Suits, 11 to 19 years;
entire stock.
For Xafants and Children.
Caatoria promotoa Digoatlon, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
eleep nat-oral. ' Caatoria - contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
"Castoria Is Powell adapted to children thai
X recommend It as superior to any preecription
tnown to me." H. A. Abchbb, M. D.,
- Ill Bouth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T.
For several years I hare recommeiSSed your
Castoria, and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results.'1 .
Edwiii F. Pardee, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
. "The nae of 'Castpria' is so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Oastoria
within easy reach."
Cuibos Mabttk, D. D.,
Mew York City.
Thx Csstaub Ooupakt, 77 Hurray Street, K. T.
One Minute Congh Cure is a popular
remedy for crcup. Safe for children and
adalts. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
" Sight Exchango and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. I.onia, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. - -
Harry Liebe,
Watchmakerl Jeweler
All work promptly attended to, .
- and warranted.
Can now be found at 162 Second
street. . ' "'. :
ipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Hay and Grain for Sale
Ward, Kerns & Robertson's - Stable,
Corner Fourth and Federal Sts.
dec4-lm ' ':
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St.,
'-';.-'..'' -AND IT ' .. j -
;- - at -'r-
In consequence of retiring from "business. - . '
Useful as New Years'. G-ifts: Silverware at 40 per cent, discount.