The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 28, 1895, Image 3

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We Sell.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle;
ntered a the Postofflce at Tbe Dalles, Oregon
as second-class matter.
IQ Ceuui ycr line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
ir line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
. All local notices received later than S o'clock
" rHl appear the following day. -.'" .-.V
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
' The regnlation two hobos "occupied
quarters in the city jail last night.
. Fair and cooler weather for tomorrow
ia the weather prediction.
A. Y. Marsh Wilt'give a turkey shoot
oii the 'beach 'Tuesday, Dec. 31, and on
New Years day. There will also be a
pigeon shoot on New Years.' dec28-3t
The funeral of - Qlivia Rowland will
take place at 2 o'clock on Monday after
noon from the family residence. The
friends of the family are invited to at
tend. The school superintendent wishes us
to announce that on account of attend
ing me leacners- institute in I'oruanu,
ho will not be in his office next Satur
day. A letter' received from "William De
Wolfe, the sick railroad man who was
tafepn frrt tVics Purtlanl irtoriol fliiniav
contains the ' information that he is
slightly better. ; .
The United Brethren will hold services
at the German Lutheran church tonight
and tomorrow morning.' Rev, Adams of
Moro is in town lor a short stay, and
will conduct the services.- '" r -v
Rev. O. D. Taylor j pastor of the Frst
Baptist church, will, conduct the usual
service tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock.
Sunday school at 12 :15. Subject of ser
mon "Who Can Be Saved?"
The officers of the steamer Dalles City
have been sending Chrietmas presents
to The Dalles. Tntf Chronicle was
remembered with one, which will be
used the nfcxt time any of the fores goes
to Portland.
The Masonic lodge held installation
eervices last evening.! The officers elect
e 1 some time ago were installed and Dr.
Doane and M. Z. Donnell appointed
senior and junior deacons. Thomas
Ilaslam. and .Frank Chrisman were ap
pointed stewards.
The poV tiers are being hung today in
the social rooms of the commercial and
athletic club. The furniture is ex
pected ltr arrive on the Regulator to
night, and the carpets will be put down
Monday,.. New -Years day will see the
club rooms thronged with members. -
This morning the people along Second
street' were treated to' a runaway. A
horBe bad' been' hitched to a : poet in
front of Willlg's .tailor' shop, and becom
ing frightened, started to run. He took
' the post with him',-and while going up
the street the pott Struck a team and
started it to running. The latter did
and Sell them Cheap. Try Us.
not' go very tar, and soon the horse with
the post was' stopped withont much
damage being done.
It was thought that the epidemic of
weddings had -ceased, but -another one
will occur1 on-New Years At 10 o'clock
Wednesday morning Mr." James C.
Benson and Mies Fannie Wilkereon will
be united in marriage at the residence
of J. M. Benson on 5-Mile; 'Both the
contracting parties are well known in
the vicinity.
The Coin mbia. Hose ' compajjx. held a
meeting ia the - council chambers last
evening, at which' the matter of chang
ing the. place of holding the dance froin
the Baldwin opera , house to the armory
was discussed. .After an extended de
bate it was decided to hold the ball in
the place originally decided upon, and
so the event will occur, in the Baldwin.
Mamie . S, the celebrated running
mare was sold at sheriff's sale today,
Deputy W. H. Butts doing the ' auction
eering. Une nund red dollars was tbe
first offer, the ' bids' running uptto $150,
at which figure the mare was sold to
Frank Gable. The price isa low one,
for Mamie S, is a good' animal. ' Sheriff
Driver purchased her colt for $67.50.-
The Congregational church, corner of
Court and Fifth streets Sunday ser
vices as follows: At 11 a. m. and 7 :30
p. ni. worship, and a sermon by the
pastor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school
after the morning service. . Meet
ing of the Young Peoples Society of
Christian Endeavor at ' 6 :30 p. in.
Topic,-How can we make next year bet
ter than this has been. All persona not
worshipping elsewhere are cordially in
vited". ' " -
The Chinaman, Gow Chow, who was
charged with stealing some pants from
H. Herbring's store, had bis examina
tion yesterday before Justice Davis.
Mr. Phelps' appeared for the state and
W. H. Wilson- represented the defend
ant. No. evidence was introduced in
behalf , of the Chinaman, so the justice
bound him over to the grand jury in
bail to the amount of $150. As money
is scarce in Chinatown, Gow Chow went
to the county jail, where he will spend
his time in meditation till the grand
jury meets.
The Chuoniclb was shown the plans
according to which tho' bowling alley,
billiard rooms and gymnasium will be
arranged. The rooms" will be situated.
very conveniently, the bath room lead
ing from the gymnasium, so that after
exercising a bath can be easily obtained.
The elevator, which at present Is in the
building, will be removed; thus giving
more room and light. The halls and
passage ways are eo arranged that each
room .can be reached without, passing
through any of the" others! ' Mr. M. A,
Moody,who is the agent for the building,
has acceded- to every wrebr of the trust
ees, and worked, with ' them for the in
terest of the club."
Just received at ilia Wasco Warehouse
a carload, of 'Byers Best". Pendleton
flour.'' This'flour has ho superior on the
Pacific coast. . Try it. d7-tf
Many Improvements.
; - ' : !
Some of the improvements worthy of
note, which this year has brought to
The Dalles, can be 6een on the bluff near
the head of Madison street, where sev
eral new houses have been built and
others renovated. A Chronicle re
porter happened up that way today and
noticed some items of interest. The new
cottage built Mrs. Bolton is nearing
completion and wilPmake a very prelty
residence. The design is one of the most
modern,' both ? inside ahd oufsid'ej
and the materials and " workman
ship are of first-class quality. Next to
Mrs. Bolton's new residence, due of the
oldet house's, has' been "renovated0'
has an appearance of newnee&.Uiat lain
keeping with its nefgh'bor. The greateet
improvement is that done by' Mr. "James
Snipes." Where formerly was the bed of
a lake filled1 with'-" water ini;. winter and
dry in summer, now staiids ''the ". liand
some, new home of . Mr.' Snipe's " The
house is a' modern ', two-story "one, which
can'be seen from different' parts of town
and1 which' itself commands a- magnifi
cent view.' Inside it is handsomely
finished and contains the most modern
appliances1 for - housekeeping. ' Mr,
Snipes' cellar is-blasted out'of solid rock,
a way of building cellars that is not very
common. A "commodious barn adds to
the appearance" of the property. The
streets on the side and in front of Mr.
Snipes' residence have been filled in and
leveled, while many loads of. rock and
dirt were necessary to cause the old lake
to disappear. From this site a most
beautiful view can be obtained in all di
rections.' It is such improvements as.
this of Mr. Snipes which add much to
the worth and appearance of the town.
Several other new houses were noticed
in this immediate locality, among them
being the residences of " Mr".' Mann and
Mr. Barzee, which are finished and that
of Mr. Ros e now in process of construc
tion. . .
Last night the "armory was again the
Ecene of life and merriment. The occa
sion was the regular quarterly inspection
of Co. G and the hospital corps. The
boys turned out in full force and were
given a thorough inspection' by ColoneJ
Thompson and staff, who found every
thing in good condition. , At the close of
the review discipline gave way to enjoy
ment, and the boys were invited to par
take of a "smoker" tendered them by
the regimental and company officers.
Coffee, sandwiches, corn cob pipes and
tobacco were provided in abundanca and
the members of the National Guard
showed that they knew a good thing
when they saw it. After some informal
it:es of entertainment, some cf those
present feeling the stimulus of the coffee
and sandwiches proceeded to make
speeches, which were greatly enjoyed by
the listeners. CoU" Thompson, Lieut.
Cbl.' Patterson, Major Booth and Lieut.
Riddell made neat speeches, as 'did
others ' who were present, among them
Dr. Dietrich, who spoke for the hospital
corps. ;tThe: occasion, was "a very pleas
ant pne, and the wish was., a common
one, that the entertainment last night
was but a forerunner of others to follow.
See our
O AK and FIR
and; get our
before buying1.
We ar e selling at mini
mum'prices5 and'deliTrer
wood promptly.
Death of Olivia Ito wlnud.
. The sad intelligence was conveyed
last night of the death of . Miss Olivia
Rowland,, daughter of Mr. . and Mrs.
George W. Rowland... For -nearly, a
month the young, lady has been suffer
ing from a complication of troubles,
which about two weeks ago took a very
serious turn. A consultation of physi
cians revealed the fact that medical aid
coutd do nothing to save the sufferer's
life, and steadily' she "grew worse, ti l
last! njjght; at "8:30" the end came. ' "Al
though death' was ' not unexpected, the
news caused a shock throughout the'
town and 'cast a gloom over the large
group of friends which Olivia Rowland
could call her own.' The event is dis
tressingly sad to those who have known
the dead girl from babyhood and seen
her grow into a noble wonian.
.' She was a few months passed 22 years
old, and was born in this city, where
the years cf her. life were spent. Her
disposition was of a kind that drew tp
her as friends those who came in con
tact with her, and there will be genuine
sorrow among the young people over
the loss of a sweet companion.
The family will have -the sincere sym
of everyone in their deep affliction;
About twentv young ladies, members
of Mr.W'm. Miehell's Sur day scliool
class, were entertained at hishome, on
Fourth ' street, last night, and a mtrry
time was srent, the early part of the
evening being paesed in playing "Lo
gomachy," or the' war of words. ' Miss
Nettie Fredden was successful in obtain
ing the highest number of words. Mrs.
Michell then served lunch, after which
target shootingj charades, singing and
other amusements were enjoyed until at
a late hour reluctantly the guests bade
their teacher and his family good night.
The members of the class pretent were:
Martha Whealdon, Constancy Wheal
don, Mabel Cross, Vesta and Effie Bol
ton, Jessie and Carrie Butler, May Bar
nett, Eda Fisher, Nettie Fredden, Jennie
Young, Nellie Fox, Hilda Beck and
Julia and Clara Nickelren. T3dith Ran
d ill, Lola Eubank and Lizzie Schooling,
former members of the cl.iss, and Miss
Louise Ituch also jiarticipate.d in the
evening's pleasure. , .
Awarded ;
Highest Honors World's Fair,
, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
i, Wit u i ( n
Is upon us,' and 'if you have, not laid in your win
ters supply of wood, it is about time you were doing
so. We have about 100 cords of first class Oak
Wood, which we will deliver at ;
$8.90 per
Reinoval Notice.
V Nolan's Book Store now located at
No. 54! Second Street, near Union.
I' am' nbw selling Men's and Boys' Clothing,
Fancy and Dress Goods, Cloaks, Capes, Shoes,
andreVerything else found m a first-class dry
goods1 store; .
ASk '
1 T,.
Your choice of: one-half : dozen Silver-plated Tea Spoons,
bugar bhells or Napkin limg for 2o cents. "
on our whole line, including ;
Albums, Books, Toys,, Notions, Candy;
Pianos and Organs.
Great reductions on
Jacofeen Book:-
162 Second-Street,-
Holiday Perfurhesv
Buy a nice,' clean, sweet Perfume or Toilet
Water, elegantly put up. It makes a hand
some and much appreciated present.
Prices to "tickle"
"Long' or "Short" Purses.
On and after Dec. 2, 1895, the
Hayi Grainy Feed,
Nj .oods sold unless paid for. Wis are selling goods vety close, and .we must,hav.,
- the cash down. We will make it to your interest to'getthe cash.'
; ' . ' - ' J; H GRbSS.;
A'l (.oods delivered to the boat, railroad depot or any part of the city free of cost
all Holiday Goods.
& iusic Go.v
Telephone No. 15.
nnders'gned will sell' his stock of
Flour and