The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 23, 1895, Image 1

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1 '
NO. 300
Notions and Fancy Goods.
Sicilian Shell Hair Pine, per dozen 3qo
Ladies' Parses, each 5a
Ladies' Fancy Silk Garters, per paif .$1.25
Ladies' Fine Saxony Mittens, pair 25c
Ladies' Fine Silk Mittens, special . .50c
Oar regular $1 Kid Gloves, special '. 75e
Colored Border Handkerchiefs, special 5c
Embroidered Swies Handkerchiefs, special. . . .'. . . .12c
Tani O'Shanters, all colors 50c
Ladies' Plaid Waists, latest effects $2.75
Misses' Eton" Caps'.'! .'.'...'. ;. .'. . .". . .25c
Satin Ribbons, Nos. 7 to 12, per yard '.10c
Buttermilk Toilet Soap, per cake 5c
Suspender Mountings.
' .Htic Specials.
Dry Goods and House Furnishings.
Our entire line of 40 and 50c Dress Goods to close at 25c
All our Novelty Dress Goods, all grades, at cost.
Chenille Portieres, iinmenee stock ..... ..$3 per pair np
Lace Curtains, latest designs .. .....50c per pair up
Beady-made Sheets and Pillow Cases 20 and 75c up
Art Denims, newest shades and patterns. .40 and 50c yd
Pare White Turkish Bath Towels, 54-inch 750
White Bed Spreads, from our specials .". .95c up
Pure All Liden Hack Towels, special 16c up
Fancy Curtain Screens. . . . .10 and 12c yd
Down Pillows . .from 75c to $1.59
Special line of Fancy Art Silks, 75e .special, 50c -
25 per cent, discount
on all Capes and Jackets.
Warm Footwear.
Child's and Misses Felt Slippers, best qualities. . . .
. . now going at 90c and $1
Child's and Misses' Felt Slippers, fur trimmed..
.... ;-..v can bo had for $1.25 and $1.50
Ladies' Brown Felt Slippers; beaded, and trimmed
. in velvet. . $1.50
Ladies' Black Quilted Satin Slippore, Needle Toe. '.$1.75
Ladies' High-cut Felt Slippers, fur trimmed $2.00
Ladies' Tmkish Sandals, Tan and Red Kid. .:.....$! 25
Gents' Embroidered Velvet Slippers, spec.$l and $1.25
Child's, Misses' and Ladies' iButton Leggings. . . .
... .......... . .'. .i. to go at $1, $1.25 and $1.50'
: : : Special. : : :
' ; Special
Misses' Cape Mackintoshes, double texture. $5.75 $4.00
Boys' Cape Mackintoshes " " . 5.40 3.50
Ladies Cape Mackintoshes
Men's Cape Mackintoshes
8.00 5.90
5.35 S.75
Men's Furnishings.
Fine Embroidered Satin Suspenders, atest shades
- and best materials, just in.
Gents' Hemstitched Silk "Reefer" Mufflers, some
thing new ; all Ehades. . .85c to $1.20
Fine Ribbed Underwear, good at $1.90 ; ..'.$1.60
Special values in Silk Handkerchiefs at. ...... ... ..50o
Fine Linen Handkerchiefs at. . .... .:. . 33Kc
Special Inducements
in Clothing and Overcoats. : : :
- You will find the largest line at lowest living prices.
No Excitement in Political
Circles in England.
Britishers Accept the Monroe Doctrine,
bat Claim It Does Sot Apply
- ' to the Venezuela ' .
London, Dec. 21. No excitement has
been manifested here in political circles
over the Venezuela complications, al
though their effect has been felt on the
stock exchange. There has been some
unloading of American securities, but the
cabinet ministers are all enjoying the
Christmas holidays in the country, and
outside of tho utterances of the newp
pnpera there is nothing to indicate that
war is apprehended. Of course, the
strained relations. between Great Britain
and the United States have been upper
most in the public mind, especially dur
ing the latter part of the week, and the
matter, which was at first treated light
ly, is now more deeply discussed, and
this indicates, that, the gravity of the
affair is not fully grasped by the people
at large.
A striking fact is that, without a single
exception, if the utterances of the presB
and the host of representative men who
have spoken upon the subject can be
relied upon', the whole country stands as
solidly behind the Marquis of Salisbury
as the United States is understood to
stand solidlybebind President Cleveland.
But it should be added that it has been
remarked in ' Eome - quarters that the
Marquis of Salisbury might have very
well omitted the passage in his reply to
the no' e of Secretary Olney, which has
been looking upon as questioning Secre
tary Olney's interpretation of the princi
ples of the Monroe doctrine. Public
opinion here, in spite of any statements
to the contary, certainly supports the
general idea of the Monroe doctrine. It
is- not' the doctrine itself which 'is re
sented by Great Britain, but the claim is
made that it does not apply to the Ven
ezuela dispute as it etands.
This seems to be the whole of the Brit
ish contention, "and, according to the
cabled reports published here, there is
some such belief in the United States.
It is confidently expected in the best
informed quarters that an amicable ar
rangement will be arrived at which will
avert further financial troubles, to say
nothing of a disastrous war between the
two greatest English-speaking nations of
the earth.
In addition Jo the finacc'al disorder,
which bas been the first feature of the
trouble. thereis one phase of tho recep
tion of the war scare htre which deserves
special attention, not only in England,
but in the United States.
The alarming reports circulated have
been seized Tipon by tho agricultural
party as a justification for the demands
which they have recently made upon the
government for a change in tho policy of
Great Britain from free trade to protec
tion.' James Low t her, M. P., leader of
the protection party, indicates this in 'a
pointed letter, printed in the Times and
showing the grave conditions in which
Great Britain would fee if herfood sup
plies from America were stopped. ' Mr.
Lowther points out that 50 per cent of
the British food imports come from the
United States, and be, therefore, asks
that British agriculturists be protected
in order to make this country as inde
pendent "as' possible of American food
Fears are expected that the war scare
will - materially assiet this agitation for
protection against American "food im
ports, although the Statist gives utter
ances to e grave warning to the public
not to be frightened into supporting im
port duties on wheat. In spite of such
warnings, however, there Is little doubt
that the agitation here in favor of pro
tection has been and will be further
greatly strengthened by the bellicose ut
terances on both sides of the Atlantic,
and with a strong 'conservative govern
ment in office,' it is thought some meas
ure for the protection and fostering of
British husbandry is not unlikely to be
come a law in due time.
L.lke m Thunderbolt TTpon Germany.
Berlin,- Dec. 2U President Cleve
land's message to congress on the bound
ary; dispute between Great Britain and
Venezuela dropped like a thunderbolt
upon .Germanny, and immediately over
shadowed .all questions ' of domestic?
topics! The almost general condemna
tion of the action of President Cleveland
upon the part of the German press is
due leae to love for England tban to the
conviction that the interests of Germany
are also threatened. . In political and
even in government circles, the attitude
of the Marquis of Salisbury is receiving
unusual unanimous .approval, evidently
with the - hope of impressing Americans J
with the fact that Germany is backing
England. . i ... : '
If the dispute between Great Britain
and the United States was to grow very
acute it is thought here that the former
country would endeavor to obtain a pro
nouncement on the part of European
governments against " President Cleve
land's interpretation of the Monroe doc
trine, for the success of Mr. Cleveland,
it is thought, would have grave .conse
quences in the futuro relatiors between
the European powers and the turlulent
South Ameriean states. The latest news
from America, however, is regarded as
promising the refusal of the business
men to indorse President Cleveland's
attitude, and all eyes are directed to
ward the developments of the financial
crisis. The reichstag having adjourned
until January 9, no public expression of
official opinion is possible just now.
The success that has attended tbe use
of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin
iment in the relief of pain and in curing
diseases which seemed beyond the reach
of medicine, has been truly remarkable.
Hundreds supposed to be crippled-for
life with arms and lees drawn ur
crooked or distorted their muscles with
ered or contracted by disease have been
cured through the use of this remedy.
Price 25c, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. For
sale by Snlpes-Kinersly Drug Co. '
Bncklen'i Arinca Salve.
The best salve in the world for cats,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands,' chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box.' . For - sale by Blakelev and
Uoughton, druggists. ' -
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
ior uanu and Children.
Caatoria promote! Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverisiiness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and Its
sleep natural. Caaforia' contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property. ' ' ;
"Castoria Is eo well adapted to children Chat
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
mown to me." H. A. Abohbb, M. Ik,
. .. Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T.
For several yean I bare recommet!8ed your
Ostoria,' and hall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial remits."
Edwth F. Pardix, M. D.,
123lh Street and 7th Are., New York City.
"The use of 'Castoria is so universal and
Its merits fo well known that it reams a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
.I ... Cablos Maktth, D. D.,
New York City.
Tux Ckktacb. CoMMinr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
One Minute Cough Cure is a popular
remedy for crcup, Safe for children and
adults. Snipes-Kinerslv Druar Co.
L"1 'L Ttv"" ir '
Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods
Blk Dress Silks
Blk Dress Silks . .
Blk Brocade Silks .'
Plaid Drees Silks
21 inch Surrah and Satin
Silk Velvets
Best Silk Plushes
Ladies Wrappers ;
Ladies Cloaks
MieseB' Cloaks
. Ladies' Bonnets...
"ladies' Trimmed Hats at half price.
Flowers and Ornaments at half price
Ladles' Mackintoshes
Misses Electric Circulars
Pure Silk Ribbons at half price.
Children's Underwear from 15c.
Ladies' Underwear ... k .
. Rrice.
10 and 12c
..20 and 25c
. 30 and 35c
. .. $1.25-
1 75
1 50
1 50
$2 00
1 50
....... 1 35
7 50
4 00
6 00
4 00
6 00
1 50
. 7c
; 50c
$1 17
1 00
$1 50
1 00
5 50
2 50
2 00
3 25
4 50
: -95
Dry Goods Department.
Beg. Price. Sale Price
Ladics';Embroidered Skirts
' Wool Knit Skirts..'.. ...,!.;...
J Corsets....
Misses' Corset Waists
Laces and Embroideries at half price." '
Ladies' Kid Gloves
Lace Curtains , . .t .""
70-inch Pure Linen Table Damasks. . . ."
Linen Napkins...
White Bed Spreads
White Bed Spreads... ."
Cretons. . . . . .
Blankets, splendid values, 65c to $4 66.
Peabody Muslins
Lonsdale " ,
Blackstone " ." r
Cabot W " .. .......
Cabot A
Outing Flannels
Outing Flannels. ' ".
White Flannels
Su perior Calicos
Turkey Red
.$1 25 85c
1 85 $ 1 35
75 55
1 00 75
40 SO
1 25 . 85 .
85 . 65 .
3 00 1 85
1 00 75
25 15
10 1)4
15 12
1 25 95
1 75 1 25
30 22
10 7K
6 5
25 20
7 byi
15 10
Gents' Clothing Department.
Tailor-made Suits. .
Big Suits for large men.
' Boys' Knee Pant Suits
Boys' Knee Pant Suits ....
Boys' Long Pant School Suits
Men's Pants. .... r
" All Wool Pants... ..
Mackintoshes. .
Regular " Sale
Price. - Price.
...$ 6 00 $4 50
... 7 00 -5 50
... 8 00 : t 6 00
...12 00 -9 00
: . . 15 00 12 00
... 2 00 - I 50
... 3 25 2 50
... 5 00 3 75
... 2 50 1 90
.,. 2 50 I 90
. . . W) 2 25
... 4 00 3 00
. . . 5 00 4 00
V.". 6 f0 "'' 5 25
... 5 50 4 25
.., 7 00 5.50
Shoe Department
Ladies' Dongola Kid Shoas. ....... $ 1 75 $ 1 45
'". . Vici Kid Shoes i. ........ ..... 2 25 1 75
Vici Kid Goodvear Welt Shoes. 3 00 ,2 50
" Quilted Hand-turn Slippers. ,2 00 1 75
' Velvet Hand-torn Slippers... 150 115
" Vici Kid Strap Slippers '2 25 X 75
Shoe Department,
Misses' Glove Calf Shoes .............
Oil Grain Shoes
- . V , Doneola Kid Shoes.
Via Kid Shoes....
Men's Satin Caif Shoes : . . .". .
Veal Calf Shoes
. " Cordovan. Shoes
' : Kangaroo- Shoes
11 Dongola Turn Dancing Pumps.
Bovs' Glove Calf Shoes
Boys' Veal Calf Shoes.
Boys' Satin Calf Shoes.
Silverware at 40 per ct. discount. ""
Rare opportunity for securing Christ
mas .Presents. : . .
TeaPtits, Cream Pitchers, Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders,
Bntter Diahep, Bread Piates, Syrup Pitchers, Celery Dishes
Pickle Casters, Cake Baskets, Salad Sets, Berry Dishes,
Table Spoons, Dessert Spoons, Knives and Forks. Fancy
Oyster iLadiep,-" Fancy Pie Knives, Fancy Cake Knives,
"Fancy gutter Knives and Sugar Shells, Carving Sets, Picks,
Napkin Kings, Bon. Bons,Childs' Mags and Pin Tray,. Tea
"SpoonsJ;); ,..,.., : ..;,.,;.'.-' ' . .-
Regular Sale
- Price. Price.
... 1 75 fl So
1 50 . 1 SO
.. 1 75 1 35
.. 2 00 1 65
.. 1 75 1 35
.. 2 25 1 75
.. 4 25 - 3 50
. . 5 00 4 00
. . 2 25 1 85
.. 1 75 1 35
. . 2 25 - 1 85
2 50 2 00
S.'.'. .-.'a.
fl J if J