The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1895, Image 1

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NO. 299
ay Sp
; Notions and Fancy Goods.
Sicilian Shell Hair Pins, per dozen 3oo
Ladies' Purses, each'. 5c
Ladies' Fancy Silk Garters, per pair .$1.25
Ladies' Fine Saxony Mittens, pair. ' 25c
Ladies' Fine Silk Mittens, special 50c
Oar regular $1 Kid Gloves, special 75s
Colored Border Handkerchiefs, special 5c
Embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs, special 12c
Taru O'Shanters, all colors . .50c
Ladies' Plaid Waists, latest effects $2.75
Misses' Eton Caps 25c
Satin Ribbons, Nos. 7 to 12, per yard 10c
Buttermilk Toilet Soap, per cake 5c
Suspender Mountings.
Dry Goods and House Furnishings.
Our entire line of 40 and 50c Dress Goods to close at 25c
All our Novelty Dress Goods, all grades, at cost.
Chenille Portieres, immense stock ..... ..$3 per pair np
Lace Curtains, latest designs 50c per pair tip
Ready-made Sheets and Pillow Cases. . . ..20 and 75c np
Art Denims, newest shades and patterns. .40 and 50c yd
Pare White Turkish Bath Towels,' 54-inch . . ...... . . .75c
White Bed Spreads, from our specials . . . . . . .95c op1
Pare All Liden Hack Towels, special . 1 6c up
Fancy Curtain Screens. 10 arid 12)c yd
Down Pillows from 75c to $1.59
Special line of Fancy Art Silks, 75o .special, 50c
25 per cent, discount
on all Capes and Jackets.
Warm Footwear.
Child's and Misses' Felt Slippers, hest' qualities -
now going at 90c and $1
Child's and Misses' Felt Slippers, fur trimmed
can be had for $1.25 and $1.50
Ladies' Brown Felt Slippers, beaded, and trimmed
in velvet -. ...$1.50
Ladies' Black Quilted Satiu Slippers, Needle Toe. .$1.75
Ladies' High-cut Felt Slippers, fur trimmed $2.00
Ladies' Turkish Sandals, Tan and Red Kid , . .$1 25
Gents' Embroidered Velvet Slippers, spec. .$1 and $1.25
Child's, Misses' and Ladies' iButton Leggings
.i. to go at $1, $1.25 and $1.50
: : : Special. : : :
Misses' Cape Mackintoshes, double texture. $5.75 $4.00
Boys Cape Macintoshes " ' .5.40 3.50
Ladies Cape Mackintoshes
Men's Cape Mackintoshes
8.00 5.90
5.35 3.75
Men's Furnishings.
Fine Embroidered Satin Suspenders, atest shades - '
and best materials, just in.
Gont's' Hemstitched Silk "Reefer" Mufflers, some
thing new ; all shades 85c to $1.20
Fine Ribbed Underwear, good at $1.90 . . $1.50
Special values in Silk Handkerchiefs at. -...:' : .50c
Fine Linen Handkerchiefs at. .33c
Special Inducements
in Clothing and Overcoats: : : :
Yoa will find the largest line at lowest living prices.
The Seriate Finally Refused
to Ariiend it. '
A Time Limit Not Ifccl nded bat Con
currence by th Senate Found
in the Appointments.
" Washington, Dec. 20. The first sil ver
vote !h the senate was taken this morn
ing on a motion -to refer to the finance
committee, Allen's silver bill directing
an inquiry as to the advisability of open
ing the mints to free coinage, in view of
the Btrained relations over Venezuela.
The motion was defeated.. Yeas. 24;
nays, 36, the silver men voting no. Sen
ator Morgan secured unanimous consent
for the consideration of the Venezuelan
commission. Morgan briefly explained
the changes made in the house bill.
After Morgan had explained the
amendments, Flatt said any delay would
be construed in England as hesitation on
our part, and it was not essential to
change the bill. An amendment requir
ing the commission to only report the
facts in the case would be construed as
receding on the pa-t of the senate, and
the senate should notify Great Britain
that America was behind the president.
As to the confirmation by the senate,
.Piatt said that was unimportant and un
wise. It never had been questioned
that the executive had a right to ap
point agents to ascertain facts regarding
foreign countries. He referred to the
appointment of Blount. to Hawaii, as ob
jectionable, because he had created him
an officer with power to act and super
cede the officers confirmed by the sen
ate. - - , -
Sherman, who followed, said the pre
sident's action had been approved unan
imously by both houses of congress.
England was not making any fresh ag
gressions and was not taking the matter
very seriously. He thought the dispute
would be settled honorably and that no
American . blood would be shed in the
dispute. The fact that the senate had
amended the bill could not be construed
in any way as meaning that the eenate
did not stand firmly-by the president.
The amendments would improve the bill
and he had no doubt, if made, they
would be accepted by the bouse.
"It seems to me," he said, "that all
this is too hasty ; that we are too eager.
Let us take our time, be deliberate and
not rush into the matter."
Mills of Texas said it was a very grave
question. War with Great Britain would
be no child's play. He was for peace if
it could be obtained honorably. The
two governments had arrived at .a place
where they could not agree and neither
would yield. Where was the money to
come from in case of war? , Our first
duty as we 6tood upon the edge" of this
crisis was to provide for an increase of
Stewart said the preeident'had made
an American declaration and he favored
giving him f till authority over the com
mission. He didn't believe there would
be a war. '
White upheld the president, bu did
not believe there wonld be any difficulty
in the way of an honorable solution. It
had not been clearly shown that England
was attempting td usurp territory that
belonged to Venezuela. Congress had
put all the power to investigate it in the
president's hands, when the president's
recommendations were received, it
would be time for congress to act.
Mitchell didn't believe that any for
eign nation could Becure a foothold in
this hemisphere that it did not own by
treaty or cession without violating the
Monroe Doctrine.
Chandler said all drew their inspira
tions from these sources and answering
the question, said he would vote for any
sacrifice to sustain the national honor.
The senate afterward laid the commit
tee's amendments on tb table and the
house bill was passed. The vote was
Almost a Panic.
Nbw York, Dec. 20. The stock mar
ket has been wildly excited today. The
breakaway came to most people in the
street as a total surprise, nothing being
in sight over night to portend any extra
ordinary developments. The first quota
tions received for American securities
from Lonclbti prepared the bankers and
brokers for a stormy day; The prices
recorded showed declines extending to 5
per ceiit, and the 'London market was
reported decidedly ragged. Each suc
cessive cable indicated still lower figures,
and it was finally reported that many
"jobbers" on the London stock exchange
bad refused to accept orders.
The unfavorable news was coincident
with preparations by gold-shipping
bouses for Saturday's exports to Europe.
. A sinister feature of the day was the
advance in rate's for ball money to 75 per
cent, reflecting the calling in of loans.
Their failures were reported. Only one,
that of S. S. Sands & Co., was of finan
cial importance. -
The railway and miscellaneous bond
market was demoralized,' the declines
ranging up to 15 per cent. It was ru
mored a single house had dumped $400,
000," reading bonds on the market.
Brave Danraven.
New York, Dec. 20. A dispatch to
the World from London says :
- There is more general comment . in
London over the Venzuelan controversy
than upon its possible effect on Lord
Dunraven's reception in New York. He
has been seriously advised by friends
not to go, lest not only might he be subH
jected to personal ill-treatment from ex
cited New York patriots, but lest bis
sustained accusation of fraud against the
Defender syndicate might lead to serious
international complications- might,. in
deed, serve as a spark to the tinder blaz
ing into actual warfare. Nevertheless
the World's Qdeenstown correspondent
telegraphs that his lordship. Arthur
Glennie and Joe Asquith Bailed by the
Teutonic in good spirits. -
The success that has attended the use
of Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin
iment in the relief of pain and in curing
diseases which seemed beyond the reach
of medicine, has been truly remarkable.
Hundreds supposed to be crippled for
life with arms - and legs drawn up
crooked or distorted their muscles with
ered or contracted by disease have been
cured through the use of this remedy.
Price 25c, 50 and $1.00 per Wttle. . For
sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Subscribe for The Chronicle and
the news.
For Infants and Children.
Castorta promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation,. Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and ' Feverish nam.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natilraL - Caatoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
Castorta !sm well adapted to children ChnX
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
.tnowntome." - H. A. Abchesu H. JXr
111 South Oxford fit., Brooklyn, N. Y.
For flerBml years I hare reoommerffted yonr
Castorta,' and shall always continue to do bo.
as it has invariably produced beneficial remits." '
. Edwijc F. Bardie, M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
"The nse of 'Castorta' is so universal and
Its merits fo well known that it peems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria.
within easy reach."
Claras Hakttit. D. D..
New York City.
Th Cuttac Cojcpajty, 77 Murray Street, N.T.
One Minute Cough Cure is a popular
remedy for croup. Safe for children and
adults. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods 10 and 12c
" 20 and 25c
" " 30 and 35c
" 65c
" $1.25
Blk Dress Silks . . . '. 1.15
Blk Drees Silks 1 75
Blk Brocade Silks.. 1 50
Plaid Dress Silks , 150
24 inch Surrah and Satin 75c
Silk Velvets . ..$2 00
Best Silk Plushes 1 60
Ladies Wrappers ' 1 35
Ladies Cloaks 7 50
Misses' Cloaks. ".. 4 00
Ladies Bonnets ., 6 00
Ladies' Trimmed Hats at half price.
Flowers and Ornaments at half price.
Ladles' Mackintoshes . , 4 00
6 00
Misses Electric Circulars 1 50
Pure Silk Ribbons at half price. -Children's
Underwear from 15c.
Ladies' Underwear . . -. 40c '
............ ........ 50o "
15c .
$1 17Ji
1 00
$1 50
1 IK
6 50
2 50
2 00
3 25
4 50
Dry Goods Department.
Beg. Price. Sale Price
Ladic8';Embroidered Skirts .$1 25 85c
" Wool Knit Skirts... 185 $135
; '.' Corsets...... 75 55
- " " 1 00 75
Misses' Corset Waists!.... 40 30
Laces and Embroideries at half price. -
Ladies' Kid Gloves 1 25 85
Lace Curtains 85 65
; . . " 3 00 1 85
70-Inch Pure Linen Table Damasks..;.. 1 00 75
Linen Napkins .. 25 .15
Towels . - JO 1)4
Towels .... 15 12
VVhite Bed Spreads 1 25 95
White Bed Spreads 1 75 1 25
Cretons 30 22 J
Blankets, splendid values, 65c to $4 00.
Peabody Muslins . 54
Lonsdale - 7fc
Blackstone " 8
Cabot W " 5
Cabot A " 5
Outing Flannels 10 7
Onting Flannels. 6b 5
White Flannels 25 20
Superior Calicos. ........ 3 -5
Turkey Red .15. 10
-! Gents' Clothing. Depar tient.
Tailor-made Suits.
Big Suits for large men.
Boys' Knee Pant Suits.... ...
Boys' Knee Pant Suits.... ...
Boys' Long Pant School Suits
Men's Pants '.
" All Wool Pants...
.-..$ 00
... 7 00
... 8 00
. 12 00
. . . 15 00
... 2 00
... 3 25
. . . 5 00
... 2 50
2 50
. Site '
$ 4 50
5 5Q
6 00
12 00
' Ulsters
" - Mackintoshes'.
Shoe Department.
Ladies' Dongola Kid Bhoas .$ 1 75
" . Vici Kid Shoes . 2 25
. " Vici Kid Goodvear Welt Shoes. .. . .3 00
" " Quilted Hand-turn Slippers H 0
' Velvet Hand-turn Slippers. 1 50'
" Vici Kid Strap Slippers 2 25
1 60
2 50
3 75
1 90
1 90
2 25
3 00-
4 00
5 25
4 25
6 50
$ 145
2 60
1 75
1 15
1 75
Shoe Department,
" Price.
Misses' Glove Calf Shoes
- " Oil Grain Shoes ..;..'.
" DongoU Kid Shoes.
" Vici Kid Shoes...,
Men's Satin Calf Shoes
' Veal Call Shoes
" Cordovan Shoes
" Kangaroo Shoes
" Dongola Tnrn Dancing Pumps..
Bovs' Glove Calf Shoes. . . . . .
Boys' Veal Calf Shos
Bovs Satin Calf Shoes.
. 2
fl 35
2 00
- Silrertv-are at 40 per ct. discount.
.Rate opportunity for. securing -Christ-'
rhas Presents. :
: . .Te4 P..ts, Cram Pitchers, Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders,
Butter Dishes, Bread Plater, Svrup Pitchers, Celery Dishes
Pickle , 'Casters, Cake Baskets, Salad Sets. Berry Dishes,
Tabfe Spoon, Dessert Spoons, Knives and Forks.-Fancy
Oyster jtadiefV Fanrv Pie Knives, Fancy Cake Knives,
Fa'ncv Butter Knives and Sugar-Shells, Carving Swts, Picks,
lapkin RTns', Bon Bons.Childs' Mugs and Phi TrajTe.
Spoons. ' ' .... .