C5 7 Our Grocery Department The: S P EC IAL S. Special' Sale Prices at which our Goods are marked at pres ent, makes every ar ticle in our Store a Genuine Bargain. -We ask that you be come conversant with our prices be fore buying elsewhere. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. 10 Ceuia per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per klne for each subsequent insertion. 8pecial rates tor long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. FRIDAY, - - DECEMBER 20, 1895 BRIEF MENTION. ' E-eaT.es From tle Notebook of Chronicle Reporters. Tomorrow, occasional enow and cooler ia the forecast.. . Remember the Gesang Verein ball to morrow evening. Lost A pair of gold-rimmed glasses, riease leave at this office. " 3t Rev. A. Horn will preach in the Ninth street chapel next Sunday at 2 p. m. Advertise in Thk Chronicle. It pays. Ask those who are now ' using its col umns. The Maccabees will hold a meeting to morrow evening, at which' several candi dates will be initiated into the mysteries of the order. . - Christmas presents what nicer than the latest designs in eilverware, quality guaranteed, at 40 per . cent discount. M. HonywiH. John C. Hertz is showing a beautiful line of neckwear, suspenders, handker chiefs and mufflers for - the holidays. See his window. dec20-tf Immense bargains in ladies' and misses' cloaks and dress goods. Trim med hats, hat ornaments and ribbons at half price. M. HonywiH. John Crate, who started for Trout Lake to get some cattle, was compelled to return, as the snow was so deep that it was impossible to reach the desired destination. The snow is so deep at the Locks that all out door work lias been suepended and the contractors are taking -precautions to keep the engines and machinery from being damaged. Parties in from Bakeoven eay it is raining in that locality. A chinook seems to have swept south- of here and the results of the storm are confined to the region near the river. ' A land slide was reported last night at Shell Rock, but it proved to be a mis take. The snow plow found nothing on the. track but' huge banks of enow, through which it easily cut its way. The Orchestra Union have been prac ticing some new selections, which they will play at the Gesang Verein dance to morrow evening. No one could wishfor better music than that furnished by the Orchestra Union. It i a delight to dance to it. , " "-" " . -. - ; The tickets for thedrawing of' the pic ture painted by Mrs. John- FMood, now on exhibition at-the Soipea-Kinersly drug store have been "sold, ' and the drawing will take place tomorrow even Liquid Blueing, full pint bottles.:.... .05 Enameline .05 Baker's Dagle Chocolate ..- .25 Eagle Condensed Milk ..: .161 St. Charles Cream .12 Borden's Peerless Cream, none better .. .10 Preferred Stock Corn, the best ........ .12J Clover Leaf Corn .12J- WhiteLily Corn .10 Prairie Flower Corn.. Garrison Corn : .07 Preferred Stock Succotash ................ .12 We are ing at 8 o'clock at the drug store. Hold ers of tickets Are requested to be present. The citizens of The Dalles have organ ized a commercial and athletic club'. A club of this kind will be a great help to The Dalles, as it will bring her business men together, and the young members (of which there are a good many) will have a good place to spend their even ings. WaBco News. A wood war is on in The Dalles, which promises to be a brisk one. Through competition of local dealers, the price of wood has been reduced to a lower figure than for previous winters, and for this the consumer is glad.' An unusual large amount of wood has been brought up the river during the fall and the beach is covered now with a good supply. Preaching services will be held in the Lutheran church next Sunday evening under the auspices of the United Breth ern Society. This is the first move tow ards establishing a church of that de nomination in The .Dalles. Rev. Mr, Meeker will preach a sermon. Ar rangements have been made with the Lutherans so that the church will be occupied at some hour every Sunday by the United Bretherns. Marshal Blakeney gives notice to those people who have not cleaned off their sidewalks to do so without further delay. The ordinance provides that the Bide walks shall be cleaned within ten hours from the time of the fall and a penalty is attached to meet, this require ment. So in order to save trouble and costs, the sidewalks had better be cleaned. Pedestrians have a way of judging people by the way they clean their sidewalks. Mr. F. H. Rowe, who came up from Collins Landing last evening, says the flume at that place is in operation and a large amount of lumber is being floated to the river. When asked as to when he would begin work on his planing mill and other ; projected industries in The Dalles, Mr. Rowe said next spring would see them started. The lumber for his new house on the bluff will be here in a short time. Mr. Rowe has ex tensive interests at Lyle Landing and at Collins, and intends making The Dalles his headquarters. He returned down the river this morning. . The board of school directors, lias de cided to make pay day earlier than usual and instead of receiving their salaries on the first Monday in January, tbe teachers will receive them today. School Clerk Jaeobsen has been busy making out the warrants and has them ready for the teachers. - The amount figures up to over $1000, so quite an amount of money will be added the fund in: circulation for the holiday s,a8 school teachers like to buy presents as does eyery other well ordered person. There are fifteen teach ers employed in The Dalles public schools. This act of the school board is a considerate one and should be Imi tated by employers whrever possible. The. country has .reason to rejoice at the bountiful fall of snow which It it has received. Before it fell the ground had not frozen, and so when the snow, me' ta Telephone No. 17. now Catering to the Family Trade. the ground will get a good moistening and be in splendid condition for plowing in the early spring. The late fall or winter plowing has been interfered with, but the result will prove good Reports from the stockmen go to show that they all have feed to stand a good siege, and the winter loss will not be more than the average. Stock raising is conducted on a different plan in this country than in former years, and the close of each fall sees the stockmen well provided with winter feed. A freeze without the snow would have been unwelcome, but as it is, everyone, except .the chronic grumbler, is satisfied. Tbe snow-plow arrived from Portland at 1 :10 this- morning, and fifteen min utes later the passenger train rolled into town. No great difficulty was ex perienced by the now-plow from Port land to The Dalles, though three large drifts were encountered. The freight train which left here yesterday morning at 8 o'clock, was at Hood River at 2 this morning, having spent the most of the interim in a drift between Hosier and Hood River, where it was rescued by the rotary. Tbe .work-trains be tween here and Portland , have been abandoned for the winter, as any fur-, ther improvement to the roadway is im possible till spring. A few freight trains will be run today, but the railroad officials intend that the track shall be kept cleared for passenger traffic. Very little inconvenience to the traveling public has been caused thus far by the snow. - A rieasant lCvent. . The following communication was re ceived too late for publication yesterday and is printed today : Thb Dalles, Ore., Dec. 18, 1895. ' Dear Sisters - and Brothers : Co lumbia chapter, No. 33, O. E. S. of The Dalles, Oregon, held their annual elec tion in Masonic ball Tuesday, Dec. 17, and elected the following officers. Mrs Mary Scott Myers, Worthy Ma tron; Mr J B Crossen, Worthy Patron ; Mrs Ell Garretson, Associate Matron; Mrs. Emilie Sanders, Conductress; Mrs Mary Bigge, Associate Conductress ; Mrs Sallie Clark, Treasurer; Miss Lena E Snell, Secretary. We have a membership of fifty and feel that this chapter ia on the high road to prosperity. . The members are very much enthused over the work, and are particulaily anxious to have everything done to the letter. Brother H. A. Baker, our present Worthy Patron, and SisterJJora Miller, both have been untir ing in their efforts for the upbuilding of our chapter, and we feel very sorry that they can be with us-no longer. They have moved this week to Port land, where they will reside. A ban quet was given in their honor, and while all were present at the table, our Worthy Matron presented to Mr. Baker and Mrs. Miller each a golden souvenir spoon, in behalf of tbe chapter, as a token of. re spect and affection. It was after 11 o'clock when all dispersed to their homes, feeling that a pleasant evening had been profitably spent. v - Respectfully, ' . . ' - r. '.. - L. E. S. Sec.-V Tomatoes, new pack ......... .06J Cherry Stone Oysters, 1 ft cans.;..'... .12 Cherry Stone Oysters, 2 lb cans .20 Tomato Ketchup, Dodson & Hill's.. .20 Matches (California), per package. .. .02 Log Cabin Self-rising Buckwheat .... .20 Log Cabin Self-rising Griddle Flour .20 Pickles, 5-gallon kegs .75 Rice, Fancy Head ..: ., .04 Rice, Japan . ...... ,0Z Colman's Mustard, s, pei can .15 Colman's Mustard, s, per can ........ .25 Keadt Bead! Go and see Harry Liebe's line of ster ling silver novelties. 3t Nicely furnished rooms for housekep ing at 21 Second street. dec20-4t Maier & Benton are selling oak wood, delivered, for $4 per cord. . All kinds of Bilverware and. jewelry can be found at Harry Liebe's. 3t Sterling silver umbrella clasps, with initials engraved, only 25 cents at Harry Liebe's. . . 18 3t A 1 snow shoyels at 35, 50 and 60 cts. Come early and avoid the rush. Mays & Cbowe. - Special sale of macintoshes at A. M. Williams & Co.'s. What could be more appropriate. . . " : During the holidays and this week you can get three pounds of candy for 25 cts at the Jaeobsen Book & Music Co. Expressmen, ahoy I Get inside of a suit of the celebrated "Eclipse" oil clothing and be comfortable. Just in at A. M. Williams & Co.'s August Buchler has come into pos session of . an elk's head and antlers, which cijuse much admiration from a 1 beholders. They are undoubtedly as fine a specimen as most ot the peo ple ever see. Mr. Buchler secured them from an Indian . several days ago, who was loath to part with (hem and only did so because the "epondulics" were a necessity, and the head and antlers but a luxury. The Indian said he killed the elk a few miles touf.li of Mt. Hood and that the event was of recent date, can be seen by the appearance of the trophy. Pieces of the flesh clinging to the skin show that the animal is but a short while dead. The head and antlers have caused a desire among the members of the Elk order to obtain them and it is probable that they will secure the prize and have it sent to a Portland taxi dermist for mounting. Mr. Buchler has received-several tempting" offers for his acquisition. Elk, of this description, are not so common in this region but that so fine a specimen is a thing of curi osity. Awarded " Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. mam Most Perfect Made. 4pvVeara tbe Standard. PEASE & jloMay Gooffs - SILYEttWBBE AT COST ! Your choice of one-half dozen Silver-plated, Tea. Spoons, - Sugar Shells or Napkin Ring for 25 cents. P RIGES SLAUGHTERED on our whole line, including - . - Albums, Books, Toys, Notions, Candy, Pianos and Organs. : UPRIGHT PIANOS 111' $125. Great reductions on all Holiday Goods: Jaeobsen Book 162 Second Street, A Gold Snap Is upon us, and if you have not laid in your win - ters supply of wood, it is about time you were doing so. -We have about 100 cords of -first class Oak "Wood, which we will deliver at $3.90; per Corel. TO GET READY LARGE SPRING I "am now selling Men's and Boys' Clothing, Fancy and Dress Goods, Cloaks, Capes, Shoes, and everything else found in a first-class dry goods store. r :" : C. F. STEPHENS. ASk FOR PRICK. Our Dry Goods Department Has on exhibition Holiday : . -Novelties specially purchased for Christmas Presents, - The prices on-these goods have been cut the same as balance" of our stock. MAYS & Music Co. THE DALIiES, OR. for a STOC: