VOL. VIII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER20. 1895. NO. 298 Holicty Specials; ...... . . ! J ' ,. Notions and Fancy Goods. Sicilian Shell Hair Pins, per dozen 3gc Ladies' Parses, each 5c Ladies' -Fancy Silk Garters, per pair $ 1.25 Ladies' Fine Saxony Mittens, pair 25c Ladies' Fine Silk Mittens, special 50c Our regular $1 Kid Gloves, special 75c Colored Border Handkerchiefs, special . .: . . 5c Embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs, epecial .. . .12c Tarn O'Shanters, all colors ... .50c Ladies' Plaid Waists, latest effects $2.75 Miaaea' Eton Caps 25c Satin Ribbons, Nos. 7 to 12, per yard 10c . Buttermilk Toilet Soap, per cake 5c Suspender Mountings. Dry G-oods and House Furnisiiings. Our entire line of 40 and EOc Dress Goods to clone at 25c All our Novelty Dress Goods, all grades, at cost. Chenille Portieres, immense stock $3 per pair, "tip Lace Curtains, latest designs ... .'. .50c per pair up Beady-made Sheets and Pillow Cases .20 and 75c up Art Denims, newest shades and patterns. .40 and 60c" yd Pure White Turkish Bath Towels, 54-inch ... . . .;: , .75c White Bed Spreads, from our specials . ... .95c up Pure All Liden Huck Towels, special 16c up Fancy Curtain Screens 10 and.l2c yd Down Pillows . . . : from 75c to "$1.59 Special line of Fancy Art Silks, 75c n . . .special, 50c 25 per cent, discount on all Capes and Jackets. ; 3 Warm Footwear, Child's and Misses' Felt Slippers, best qualities. . . . now going at 90c and $1 Child's and Misses' Felt Slippers, fnr trimmed. ..; . . can be had for $1.25 and $t".50 ' Ladies' Brown Felt Slippers, beaded, and trimmed in velvet ; 4 . , $1.50 Ladies' Black Quilted Satin Slippers, Needle Toe. .$1.75 Ladies'.High-cut Felt Slippers, fur trimmed $2.00 Ladies' Tuikish Sandals, Tan and Red Kid., . . . .$1 25 Gents' Embroidered Velvet Slippers, spec. .$1, and $1.25 Child's, Misses' and Ladies' Button Leggings to go at $1, $1.25 and $1.50 : : .:' Special. : : : . v Special Misses' Cape Mackintoshes, double texture. $5.75 $4.00 Boys' Cape Mackintoshes - " . 5.40 3.50 Indies' Cape Mackintoshes Men's Cape Mackintoshes - Bppctnl 8.00 5.90 5.35 : 3.75 ;, Men's Furnisiiings. Fine Embroidered Satin Suspenders, atest shades and best materials, just in. ; . .. . :: . . Gents' Hemstitched Silk "Reefer" Mufflers" some- thing new;, all shades..- 85c to $1.20 Fine RibbedT Underwear, good at $1.90 . ' $1.50 Special values in Silk Handkerchiefs at. ... .... .50c Fine Linen Handkerchiefs at. 83c Special Inducements "-: in Clothing and Overcoats. ; ; : - Yi will find the largest lin at lowest living prices. ' " , I - " -. j j 4, j " " 1 ' ' ' WHAT AMERICANS SAT Unanimous in Upholding the Monroe Doctrine. WAR IS NOT EXPECTED, HOWEVER Neither Nation Is Prepared for War and Neither TVlthes One Notable In stances of British" A egres sion Recalled. Tkske Hadtk, Dec. 19. Ex-Secretary jof the navy R. W. Thompson, in com menting on the president's message to congress, said that be does not think there is a remote chance of war with. England.' There is no probaDility of the two English-speaking peoples of 'the world going to war about a little strip of territory alongside of Venezuela. "It will be a -war of diplomacy." he said., "Both countries will demand an exhibition'cf power and purpose, but the controversy will be settled -by peaceful methods. Neither nation is prepared to go to war, and neither wants a war as a result of this quarrel over a boundary line. It is not necessary for either to fight to show that it is not cowardly. Each knows the other will fight, but each is too far advanced in civilization to be the aggressor in bring ing on a war on such provocation." ;' Colonel Thompson said one phase of the question presented itself to his mind which would probably open up a pro longed discussion. The country had never affirmed the Monroe doctrine and given notice to other nations. So far the .doctrine is merely the doctrine of President Monroe: While it is accepted everywhere as expressing our position 4n regard to the encroachment of foreign powers on the ' American continent, it has not been given the force of congres sional affirmation. England may say she had never been; notified of the inten tion of the people of the United States to maintain the position of protesting against the acquirement of territory of. Europeau nations on the American continent." . ' ' --- . . GUBERNATORIAL MESSAGES. All Uphold the Enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine. Chicago, Dec. 19. The following messages were received by a local paper in response to requests sent the gover nors to give their opinions of the presi dent's message. "The president's Venezuelan message, in my opinion? answers the position of Salisbury that the Monroe doctrine does not apply to the Venezuelan dispute, and expresses the position of Americans Whether the appointing of a commission to ascertain the facts is wise, is for those powers to determine. To the people the desideratum is that the idea contained in the Monroe doctrine' shall' prevail under all the varying conditions of all times and circumstances. The doctrine is a principle the establishment of which is necessary to the welfare otitis nation, and should be asserted and maintained even at the terrible cost of war. ' "Albert W. M'Intybb. "Governor of Colorado." "Massachusetts will undoubtedly strongly support the president on the Venezuelan question. " F. T. Gefenhalge, ; '" "Governor."- . "The people of this state will uphold measures looking to the enforcement of the Monroe doctrine. "G. C. Sheldon, "Governor of South Dakota." "I believe our-people will honestly approve the patriotic spirit of the presi pent without reference to political or any other classification, and confidently except a peaceful and honorable adjust ment of the controversy; ' . Vinent Coffin, "Governor of Connecticut." ' Subscribe for The Chboniole. It Is All Right. Milwaukee, Dec. 19. In discussing President Cleveland's message, Gover nor Upham said : ' " . "I think it is all right. I indorse the Monroe doctrine,' and think it should be maintained." As to the manner in which this difficulty might be settled, I think there , is. a question, and perhaps the president was a little unfortunate in the ground he took. I think this govern ment should show a friendly interest to ward Venezuela and assist her by all lawful and legitimate means. I think there will be no hostilities Tne most civilized nations in the world can settle their" disputes' by arbitration. There will be no need of a resort to arms." Nebraska Will Support Rim. ; LisooLjr7Keb.', Dec- 19. The follow ing message has been sent to President Cleveland:. "In your firm stand favoring the en forcement of the principles of the Mon roe doctrine you have the warm support of the people of Nebraska. "Silva8 Holcomb, Governor." Sentenced to Death. Albany, Or., Dec. 19. At 11:30 today Lloyd Montgomery, the murderer of his father and mother and Daniel P. Mc Kercher, was brought into court, it be ing the time fixed 'or - his sentence. Counsel for the defense filed the usual motion for a new trial, which was, of course, denied. ' . . The court then asked the defendent's counsel if he bad any legal reason other than, that urged in his motion for a new trial. - "He replied ' ' Jf b, your "honor." "" ' The court then addressed the prisoner, causing him to stand up, and pro nounced the following sentence: ' ' "T ' "It is the judgement of ' the law in pursuance of your trial and conviction, that you be taken hence and confined in the ' county jail until the day fixed or your execution, that you be then taken from the jail and there suffer the punish ment of death by being hanged by the neck until you are dead, and may God have mercy on your soul." . -- The prisoner turned pale at these words,, but exhibited wonderful nerve and sat down quietly. Those who bad expected the murderer would make a statement were dissapointed, for not' a word was spoken to him, his attorneys saying he was too nervous today to try to say anything, but they think he will before the date of his execution make an open confession. ' The warrant for the execution dtliv ered by the court 'to the eheriff, fixes January 31, 1896, as the date for his ex ecution. ' ' Hot clam broth at 4 o'clock today at J. O.Mack'sr67 Second street. : " ' 1 j : ; For. Infants and Children. . .;- Castoria promotes Dlgetim, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhqea, and : Feverishneas. Thus the cMld is rendered healthy and its sleep nainrol. Castoria, contains no Morphine cr other narcotic property. ( " Castoria Is CO well adapted to children Chat I recommrad It as superior to any prescription ."known to me." H. A. Ajtcaza. M. D., in South Oxford St., BrooUynN.Y'. ' " For several years I hara reoomtneilSed yoat ' Cistoria, and shall always continue to do so, as it has inTariably produced benafldal res uita" Ed ww F. Pardee. M. D. J25th Street and 7th Avew, Hew York City. , "The use of 'Castoria is so niilvmssl' suJ Its merits k well known that it reams a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in- ' -tellifrent families who do not keep Castoria. . within easy reach.1 - Carlos Uabtth, D.D., - - . New York City. Teb CavTAra ConrAVT, 77 Hurray Street, H.T. iwlw73rsa,a,fi!iB'aw;! "y, ,, 11 a-; One Minute Cough Cure is a. popular remedy for croup. Safe for children and adults. ' SnipeB-EinerslyDrug Co.r'" SLAUGHTERING ICES IN ORDER TO C . jj' LOSE OUT Dry Goods Department. Dress Goods Blk Dress Silks Blk Drees Silks.. ..... . Blk Brocade Silks. Plaid Drees Silks 1 24 inch Surrah and atin Silk Velvets.... Best Silk Plushes Ladies Wrappers . . .-. Ladies Cloaks .' Misses' Cloaks. . . . ... . ... ........... Ladies' Bon nets v. x -.., . Ladies' Trimmed Hats at half price. Flowers and Ornaments at half price. Ladles' Mackintoshes . . .. Misses Electric Circulars . , . .' . ... ; Pure Silk Ribbons at half price. Children's Underwear from 15c. Ladies' Underwear Regular ' Rrice. ' .10 and l2Kc . . .20 and 25c ...30 and 35c 65c $1.25 1.15 1 75 1 50 ........ 1 50. : 75c ...... ..$2 00 1 50 1 35 7 50 .... 4 00 6 00 4 00 6 00:. 1 50 40c 50c 70 Sale ' Price;' 7Kc - 15c 22c 50c 75c 85c" $1 17 1 00 . 95c 65c . $1 50 1 00 95c 5 50 2 50 2 00 3 25 4 50 95 'sob-r 37c 50c Dry Goods Department: '. Beg. Price.- 8ale Price $1 25 Ladics'.Einbroidered Skirts " Wool Knit Skirts.. Corsets...... . M jsses' Corset Waists ; . . . Laces and Embroideries at half price. Ladies Kid Gloves Lace-Curtains -'... 70-inch Pure Linen Table Damasks Linen Napkins Towels. Towels : '. w . .......... . . White Bed Spreads White Bed Spreads Cretons Blankets, splendid values, 65c to $4 00. Peabody Muslins ' Lonsdale ' : Blacketone ' Cabot W "." . . Cabot A . Outing Flannels. . . i .... Outing Flannels. .... Wbtte: Flannels.. . , Superior Calicos i Turkey Red . ..".'.;." .:.":r:7fr: r. : ::": : 1 85. 75 1 00 40 1 25 85. 3 00 1 00 25 10 .15 1 25 I 75 30 10 25 7 15 85c $1 35 55 75 30 ; 85 65 : 1 85 75 15 714 2 95 1 25 T2 5K 7h S)4 5 ?X 5 . 20 5K 10 Gents' Clothing Department. Tailor-made Suits. . Big Suits for large men. Boys' Knee Pant Suits Bovh' Knee Pant Suits. Boys' Long Pant School Suits . Men's Pants.. All Wool Pants Ulsters. ... . ... . ' Mackintoshes. . Regular Price.-" . .. 6 00 ... 7 00 ... 8 00 . . . 12 00 ... 15 00. ... 2 00 . . . 3 25 ... 5 00 . . . 2 50 .. 2-50 ... 3 t0 4 00. ... 5 00 . . ; 6 f0 l . . 5 50 7 00 Sale.. Price., 4 50 5 50 6 00 9 00 12 00 ' -: v Shoe Department. , .;,.r.. Ladies' Dongola Kid Shoes $ 175 " Vici Kid Shoes 2-25 ; Vici -Kid Goodvear Welt Shoes 3." 00 Quilled Hand-turn Slippers , 2 00 ! " - Velvet Hand-turn Slippers.,. . . . . il VI '.80 i . Vici Kid Strap Slippers -225 - 50 50 75 90 90 25 00. 00 25 25 50 1.45. 1 75 2 50 175: 1 15 X.7&: Shoe Department, i.'.; , . Regular Sale' ", Price. Price. Misses' Glove Calf Shoes . :. fl 75 $1 35 , " Oil Grain Shos. . . 1 50 1 30 r. . . Dongola Kid Shoes 1 75 1 35 Vici Kid Shoes 2 00 1 65 Men's Satiu Calf Shoes 1 75 1 35 ' Veal Calf Shoes. 2 25 175 " Cordovan Shoes .-. ... .. ....... ......, 4 25 3 50 -" . Kangaroo Shoes. . . ... . 5 00 4 00 Dongola Torn Dancing Pumps...... 2 25 . 1 85- Bovs' Glove Calf Shoes... .. 1 75 ' I 35 Boys' Veal Calf Shoes ... 2 25 1 Bqys'-Satin Calf Shoes 2 50 2 00- Silverware at 40 per ct. discount. :.. r Ear6 opportunity for securing- Christ . maa Presents. :--:"' . - .. Tea1 Pots, Cream Pitchers, Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders, Burter Dishes,. Bread Plates, Syrup Pitchers, Celery Dashes . Pickle Castere, Cake .Baskets, Salad -Sets, Berry Diei es, Table Spoon, iDesaert! Spoons,. Knives and Fork. Faicy Oyster Liliee, Fancy Pie Knives, Fancy Cake Kniv, Fa ncy gutter-Knives and Sngar Shells, Carving St?ts, Pieksr :v1aPkin : RiP.g?i.,Bon B ns,CtiiIds' Mugs and Pin Tray, Tea? . SpOOn8..7. , i . . "V RETIRING FRdM BUSINESS. .' ' '1.1 AND TIME WILL NOT PERMIT FURTHER i. ': bo t.t:1t9 !( rr I f V r-r.