Tfca Dalles Daily (tecsiele. BUBSCEUTION BATES. It Kill., rOIUel rKZFAID, IH ADVAHCB. ; Woekly, 1 year " 6 months. " S ' Dail,1 year. 6 months. per " aditrewi all communication to IGUL," The Dalles, Oregon. I 80 0 76 OV) (00 8 00 ...,.--. 0 80 ' TES CHKON- TBTJRSD AYt DECEMBER -12r-l 895 IMMIGRATION. Governor RIcGraw should call the pro posed state immigration convention; the gathering ebould be held east of the Cascade mountains, and Spokane siiould eend to it a large and energetic delega tion. . .1 T ... The time has come for action. When the Other fellows are lying upon tbeir pare, one can be excused fr taking his ease; but when the ptio! of inaction is over, and there U a ueneral bending to the oars, one must sltr bun self to action or be left behind. That is the preeent situation. The South and the Southwest have organized and equipped for persistent and ener getic immigration work. Not only this, but as a result of the recent convention at St. Paul, the states of the upper Miss issippi valley are organizing and raising funds for tbis work. Unless the people of Washington, Idaho and Oregon exert themselves, and press their claims upon the intending immigrant, they will be deprived of a bearing, and the states of the Pacific Northwest will get only such . immigration as may break through the organized llnef to the east. : Governor McConnell of Idaho is also expected to. take timely action. That state being divided by an east and west range of lofty mountains, its immigra tion interests could be best advanced by two conventions one at Bofeo City in the south, and the other at some point ia northern Idaho. Otherwise one of these sections would have insufficient representation, because at a single con vention, either at Boise in the south, or some town of the north, the attendance would not be fairly balanced. These state conventions should be supplemented by vigorous action by the different towns and counties. Here in Spokane the Bureau of Immigration, which has done excellent and public- epirited service, should bo given sub stantial financial support. It is working on broad lines, and has been an important factor in the return of prosperity. It needs to be understood that a great deal of money will be required for this work of attracting immigration. Liter ature should be circulated by the ton, and exhibits ought to be collected and displayed in the large centers of the East. We have here the country sought by the eastern immigrant, but it is nec essary to inform him of that fact, and then prove it. Spokesman Review. WIIERE TRADE HAS REVIVED. Speaking of British foreign trade this year to September 30th, the London Economist said : "There is, for instance, a notable drop from 66,661,000 to 62,978,000 in our imports from the United States, due mainly to the smaller quantities and lower prices of the wheat and, flour we received from thence. "Turning now to our exports the out standing feature, so far as foreign coun tries are concerned, is an increase of close upon 8,000,000 in our shipments to the United States, which has been spread over most branches of our manu factures." Thus during the first nine months of this year under the Gorman tariff, Brit ish imports from the United States de creased by 3,683,000 and exports in this country iucreased . by 8.000.000, the net trade gain to that ccuutry being 111,083,000 for the period, or at the rate of 73,000.000 a year. This does not in clude profits made through gold transac tions resulting from our increasing debt. The Wilson banquet should be supple mented by a testimonial, a gold plate suitably inscribed with the services ren dered to British trade by the un-American professor. Economist. THE CONVENTION CITY. Evening Telegram : Minneapolis lost money by winning the republican na tional convention four years ago, and St. Louis is not likely to take in enough dollars or wring sufficient glory out of the convention next Jane to offset her cash outlay of at least $100,000. When Chicago, with her exceptional conven tion facilities, declined to offer more than $50,000 for the big gathering, it was a foregone conclusion that it wonld lie a losing investment for the city that captured it. Pendleton East Oregonian : It would he a very good thing for a national con vention to come to this coast. Many of the men of national reputation in both the great parties have toured the West and know its greatness. But the aver age delegate to a national convention has never crossed the rocky mountains, and as for having been over the Cascade or Coast range, they would tnink they were being taken to a foreign land. These men have been in the north, the smth, the east and the middle west, but the West the West proper tne coun try of magnificent distances, of the grandest mountain ranges, the biggest prairies, the most universal wealth, the finest forests of valuable timber, the richest eoil. the balmiest climate this to them is too far away to admit of bringing out a national convention. Spokesmen Review:-' It was good poli tics to give the convention to St. Louis. Missouri is a state of wonderful diver sity of resources. It has a central situ ation, great transportation advantages by rail and water, ana is eventually go ing to become one of the chief manufac turing states in the Union.' This is tbe influence that has caused it to throw off the bourbonism of half a century and swing into the doubtful column. Tbe time is coming when Missouri will be as strong for protection- ar Pennsylvania, and sending -thf1 national convention there next year w'ill hasten the political change. The date fixed for the conven tion is none too early. The people must remember that this is a popular govern ment, that great issues are pending, and that they can not learn' too much about the political affairs ot the nation. Great as - are the -business interests of the country, it must not be forgotten that tneir prosperity depends upon wise statesmanship, and that wise statesman ship must come from a full and free dis cussion of public affairs. .The popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the high esteem in which it is helds leads us to believe it to be an article of great worth and merit. We have the pleasure of giving the ex perience of three prominent citizens of Kedondo Beach, Cal., in the use of the remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudel! says: . "I have always received prompt relief when I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." Mr. James Orchard eays: "I am satis fied that Chamberlain's Cough remedy cured my cold.-' Mr. J. M. Hatcher says: "For three years I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rtmedy in my family and its results liAro nlorouo K.n satisfactory." For sale bv Blakeley & Houghton, Druggist. The American Protective Tariff League is a national organization advecatirer " Protection to American Libor er.d Industry" as explain? J by its constitu tion, as follows : "Th9 object c? this- League shall fc to pretest American labor by a tariff -n iir.sorts. vi-hioh chali adequately eorure Ar.i3ric-.n iivA:3ttal predicts again?!; the competition cf frcin labor." Thero are no cr private profits in connection v; !i the organiza tion and it is sustained by memberships, contributions and the distribution of its publications. FIRST: Correaponcfrco la solicited regarding " Membership " and Cftie al Correspondents." SECOND: We heed and weicme contributions, whether email er iargo, to cu cawo. THIRD: Wo publish a lare !:rr cf documents covering ail phases cf the Tariff question. Com-' piste set wiil be mailed to any addras -for oO cents. FOURTH: Send postal card raqusst for free sample . cioy cf tne "Amsrican economist." Add.-ess Wilbur F. Wa!cman, General Secretary. 135 West 23d Street. New York. unfortunate Cod-liver oil suggests consumption, which is al most unfortunate. Its best use is before you fear consumption ; when you begin to get thin, weak, run down ; then is the pru dent time to begin to take care, and the best way to take care is to supply the system with needed fat and strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, with hypo phosphites, will bring back plumpness to those who. have, lost it, and make strength where raw cod liver oil would be a burden. substitute only imitates the original. " " Scott & Bowhb, Chemists, New York. 50c. and $1.00 1,000,000 People Wear BEST IN THE ORLD. $5.00 $4.00 3.00 $2.50 $3.50 $2.00 $2.50 $2.25 $1.T5 For B07S For Men laMYoniis 5Jr"W. I.. Douglas shoes and ut from . PfUr. All Style. , IVIdths. The advance in leather has Increased lho C.. w.o ijuaiiiy ana prices OT W. DuflM shoes remala Take no substitute : see that name and price Is stain ned dd sole W. A. Douclas, ISbocktox, Ham. Sold if CHAS. F. STEPHENS. -T VV 1- "rs erJ ONE THING wilU!ake a-Whple Rfaii of You That is DR. HENLEY'S Celery, Beef and Iron Try a Case. It will Makea'New" Woman of Your Wife , And She Won't Want to Vote, Either. t . FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. When , yoioaafit to bay Seed Wheat,. Feed Wheat, Rolled Barley, Whole Barley, Oats, Rye, Bran, Shorts, Or anything in the Feed Line, go to the ' , WASCO : WAREHOUSE Our prices are low and onr gwnds are first-class. ' ' " v Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG "PEFRLESS" FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY. J. 0. mKGK; pitie (Xlines Domestic and St. Louis and Milwaukee Colum'bia THE OLD ORO 67 Second St., The Germania STUBLING & WILLIAMS, Props. FINE WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS. All brands of Imported Liquors, A!e aud Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of . CALIFORNIA - WINES - AND - BRANDIES Twelve-year-old Whistey, strictly pure, for medicinal purposes. Best Malt Liquor. Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. Agents for the Celebrated Fabst Milwaukee Beer. No. 94 Second Street, JOS. r. PETERS & CO., -DEALERS IN DILDINC - AND - Teloialiono STo. 2S dEORGsE RUCH IONEERJGOCE Successor to Cbrisman i Coreoii. . . iTliViiWir ' FULL LIN OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCE ES. Again in business at the old etasd. I would bo pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. TO GET READY LARGE SPRING I am now selling Men's and Boys' Clothing, Fancy and Dress Goods, Cloaks, Capes, Shoes, and everything else found m a first-class dry goods store. ASk . C. FOR I PRICKS. RUPERT & GABEL; Wholesale and retail manufacturers and. dealers in. . . i. i Harness, Saddles Bridles. CbllaH TENTS and WAGON COVERS. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. fire Year toes? Pretty Shaky, ta't Thsy? Is YcS- Digestion?.: Pretty Peer, Isn't It? Thii ls Yosr Blooa? Almost Like Water, Eh ? ; -DEALER IN- atiici Iiiqdos, Key West Cigars. Bottled Beer. Brewery Beer oh Draught. FINO STAND. The Dalles, Oregon. THE DALLES, OR for a STOC F. STEPHENS. Adioinini E. J. Collins & Co.'a Stor MATERIALS The Strongest Of the superiority of. Ghartfer Oak Stoves Ranges . Is their record of nearly half a century. Others have v come and gone, but the CHARTER OAK is still with tie, ai d more popular than ever. , We have a full line of Heatihg Stoves and "Red Hot" Prices. Come and eee them. Sole Agenta for the Celebrated Richardson & Boynton Furnaces. em oval Nolan's Book Store now located at No. 54 Second Street, near Union. ft nedi de Dai? t d Me On and after Dep. 2, 1895, the ay, J WUU J pntriT, SITKDS, ETC., FOR ABSOLUTE CASH OR PRODUCE. No goods sold unless paid for. ' We are selling goods very close, and we must have the cash down. We will mako it to your interest to get the cash. J. H. CROSS. All goods delivered to the boat, railroad depot or any part of the city free of cost. New Odors Only a few names as a "persuader Just received, a new and elegant bulk principally "Lundborgs," at Deutsche Apotheke. TTHtE CELEBRATED AUGUST BUCHLER, PropY. This well-known Brewery is now turning out. th 9. best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed on he market. . DEALER IN - PAINTS, Oi LS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in " , . WALL PAPER, f WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PATNTER and PAPER HANGER. 'None but the best brands qf J..W. MASURY'S- PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. , . : : . , ; Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and Washington Sis., The Dalles, Grecoo Tim Tyith Val- lH I I 1 y 1 11 c r ley Creamery ) t.LJ J Ask Vanlaibber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full "Weight. TBLEPHOlirE 3STO. 80. CLOSING (3UT SALE of DRY GOODS. CL04mk .FURNisBJlfG -G0ODS, BOOTS, SHOES' HATS and CAPS. Thesfe Goods Must 6e Proof- Motiee undersigned will sell his stock of . urocenes, cm . 1 o o m y o S -S Eh i W ta 71 ." o o YA n ci c 5 a of Handkerchief Extracts and Sachets, Stoie. Telejslione Jio.. 15. Is Delicious. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A.A. B. Sole?; Less Th'ari Cost. Dag P; MbiNfiRiTy: