The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 11, 1895, Image 3

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space tomorrow. Reserve
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
ntered a the PostofBceat .The Dalies, Oregon
as aecond-ciasa matter.
10 Cenu iikz line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents
c-er line lor each subsequent insertion. -
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
Leniei From trie Notebook of Chronicle
"A Night Off."
At the Baldwin.
The weather forecast for tomorrow is
fair and cooler.
The baby show will be held Saturday
afternoon at 3 p. m., instead of 2.
As a sample of good Oregon weather
today is hard to beat. The air feels like
A deed for property near Dnfar . from
Milton Sigman to J. N. Gulliford was
filed for record today.
The seats for "A Night Off" this even
ing are nearly all sold. A crowded
house will greet the Dramatic Club.
Mrs. Peters lo3t a bUck, silk mit on
Second street yesterday. Will the finder
please leave the same at this office?
The Dalies Portland and Astoria Navi
gation company have just purchased a
large safe for their head office in this
Jnst received at the Wasco Warehouse
a carload of "Byers Best" Pendleton
flour. This flour liaa no superior on the
. Pacific coast. Try it. d7-tf
The Dalles has followed the lead of La
Grande and organized a commercial and
athletic club, with a charter member
ship of 125. La Grande Chronicle.
Until further notice the steamer Reg
ulator will leave her wharf for the Cas
cades at 8 a. m., instead of 7 as now."
This will be a great convenience to
travelers. ' '
Don't come late to the theatre tonight
if you can possibly avoid it. It Is dis
agreeable to both players and audience
to have people trooping in after" the" per
formance has begun.
Four pars of. hogs and two. cars of cat
tle from Elgin and four cars of hogs
from Weiser passed through The Dalles
this morning. The cattle went to Port
land and the hogs to Trout dale.
The Orchestra Union will render some
. new and difficult selections between the
acts at the theater tonight. " Among
the pieces played will be the "Cavaleria
Rusticana," a beautiful overture.
A bill was introduced in the eenate
yesterday granting Capt. John W. Lewis
of this city $521 in addition to his ealary
as register at The Dalles land office from
April 17", 1890, to July 7th of the same
.year. ; .;" "-'f ;.; ' ,;- ;.'' .k ''
The Dalles is sometimes deliberate in
starting upon a venture, but' when it
Special Prices in connection with
price of every article has been greatly
Our stock is
a far better assortment.-
once starts it does it in no half-way
manner. This city is going to have the
finest commercial and athletic club in
the etate, outside of Portland. The
rapidity with which the large Eum asked
for has been raised, shows that times
in The Dalles cannot be called hard.
A most distressing accident happened
yesterday at the Cascade Locks by
which a man lost his life. A charge
froiii a blast was put in, which proved
heavier than was anticipated and the
rocks scattered a great distance. One of
them struck a man on" the head, injur
ing him so badly that he died. We
were unable to learn his name.
The crosswalks in some places are a
little improved since yesterday. Some
philanthropists have used brooms to
good effect. The crosswalks are far from
what they should be, however, and in
plain words, are a disgrace to the city.
Someone has pertinently asked, "For
what do we pay taxes if the common
necessity of clean crossings is not pro
vided? ' '
An event which will be welcomed by
their many friends, will be the seventh
annual ball given by the German Sing
ing Society Harmony. . The members of
the club will spare no pains nor money
to make the affair a pleasant ' one. The
full orchestra of the Orchestra Union
has "been engaged for the occasion and
the ball will be given at the Baldwin
opera house on Saturday, Dec. 2lst.
By the way the ladies of the Congre
gational church and their friends are
working, the bazaar to be given Fri
day and Saturday evenings, will be a
great event.-- Nothing has- been left un
done which could add to the erjjoj-ment
of those who attend. The various booths
will be in "charge of young 'ladies, -who
will look their prettiest and from the
multitude of articles which will be dis
played," everyone will find something to
suit them." It' has been several years
since this city" has had' a fair of the
magnitude of the coming bazaar and the
armory will contain a large crowd on
both evenings. - - -
Captain Frank Turner and wife made
the trip from Portland to The Dalles on
the D. P. & A. N. Co.'e steamers. Cap
tain Turner is the inventer of the fam
ous Turner stearing gear, which is one
of the most : useful patents concerning
navigation. The steamer. Dalles City is
supplied with the Turner gear and, al
though the Regulator, as yet, is st eared
in ' the old-fashioned way, it is likely a
patent gear will be put on this winter.
The Turner steam and the Gates hy
draulic gears are in general use upon the
large Columbia river steamers and rep
resent one ot the great advances in
steamboatmg. Capt. and Mrs. Turner
greatly enjoyed their trip to The Dalies
The "smoker" given Ty the lodge of
Woodmen last night was a great social
success. The hall was crowded with a
Urge somber of members and invited
guests, who entered with great zest into
the pleasures "of the evening.". . There
was a' delightful' informality about the
gathering, which made everyone. feel at
ease. . Cards were part of - the program
your purchases until then.
larger and more complete than ever before, and offers
-AjtlcL Every Department.
while conversation :and "different forms
of impromptu amusements filled, out the
remainder. Some very good speeches
were made by Dr. O. D. Doane, John'
Michell and C. L. Phillips. The gentle
men spoke of the great good which the
order had done, and extolled, the protec
tion' which the lodge afforded its mem
bers. The guests remained till a late
hour and departed after having spent
a very pleasant evening.
The attention of the circuit court has
been occupied yesterday and today with
the case of Strickland vs. Buchler. The
action is one to recover personal prop
erty, which bad been attached in a suit
against T. J. Strickland. The constable
attached the well-known racing "mare,
as being the property of Mre. Strickland.
Mrs. Strickland now comes in and claims
the property. The case is being tried
before a jury consisting of S. L. Brooks,
R. F. Gibons, John Filloon, John Robin-
eon, S. M. Funk, John Riggs, Charles F.
Stephens, J. Wakefield, Wm. Young,
J. L. Thompson and W. H. Jouee.
Dufur & Menefee appear for Mr. Buchler
while Story & Gates are Mrs. Strick
land's attorneys. Eight witnesses were
examined for the plaintiff and fourteen
for the defense. The arguments were
concluded this afternoon and the case
has gone to the jury.
The latter part ot the month will be a
very busy one ; socially. Three swell
dances will be given, which the elite of
the town will attend. The first on the
list is the bail to be given by the Gesang
Verein society on Saturday .December
21st. The members oi the society are
famous as entertainers, and are making
great preparations for this, their seventh
annual ball. Next in older follows the
dance to be given by the militia in the
armory. The arrangements are being
made for a brilliant affair, and will take
place about Christmas time. On New
Year's day the Columbia Hose company
will entertain their friends With a dance
that promises to vie with the others in
completeness. As these events come eo
close together, there will undoubtedly
be great rivalry, and the pleasure-loving
people of the town will baye no cause to
complain for lack of social festivity.
Xonlgnl'g Performance.
The final dress rehearsal for the per
formance of the Home Dramatic Club
was held last evening. Tonight will oc
cur the presentation of the tuu'-making
comedy, "A Night Off." The seats are
selling rapidly and a good bouse is al
ready assured. The Orchestra Union
will be present and furnish music during
the acts. . lbe members of the company
have devoted a great deal of time and ef
fort to getting ready for tonight's per
formance, and it is safe to say the audi
ence will be pleased with the rendition
of the play. The proceeds will all go to
the St. Vincent Society, a' charitable or
ganization of the Catholic church. The
cast for tonight is as follows:
Justinian Babbit... . B.H.Lonsdale
(Professor of History in Com p ton nniversity.)
Marcus Brutus Snap . r ..N. J. Binnott
(In pursuit of fame and fortune under various
. legitimate aliases.)
Dr. Harry Damaek , ....R. Sinnott
our Annual Fall Sale will appear Tn" this
reduced, and many
Jack Mulberry.... '...'...John Hampshire
(In pursuit of fortune under the name oi
Montgomery.) -
Lorl Mulberry .7....'.. . ... ... ...1'.F. W. Wilson
. Hn pnrsuit of Jaclu)
Mrs. Xantippa Habbtt.-.- . Mrs. G. C. Blakeley
(Professor ot conjugal happiness iu the Babbit
Ni.-be Miss Rose Michell
Youngest Imp of the household.
Angelica Damask Miss Myrtle Michell
The eliest.
Susan ...Mrs. A. N. Vorney
The brassiest.
Act 1 Professor's . Home... The ser
pent enters.
Act 2 The result of too much Balsac.
Act 3 The conspirators succeed in
getting a night off.
Act 4 Xantippa removes her picture,
and everybody packs up.
A Harmonious jU eeting;.
Short but sweet is the characterization
that could be given to the meeting in
the council chambers last evening. . A
large "number of signers' werer present
and showed by their - words and actions
deep interest in 1 the new club. -. Owing'
to the absence of the president, Mr.
Schenck, Vice-President Pease called
the meeting to order and stated that the
object was to choose a name for the club.
Henry Bill arose and in a few words
proposed the name of The Dalles Com
mercial and Athletic' Club, saying that
from conversations ' held with several
members this name seemed the most ac
ceptible. The motion was seconded and
carried unanimously. ' As this com
pleted the business before the meeting a
motion to adjourn was speedily carried.
This leaves in the bands of the trustees
all matters'" pertaining to the club and
they are' em powered to carry out the de
tails of organization. The articles of
incorporation have already been pre
pared and' were ' only; waiting : for1' the
name to de decided upon. ; " ' ;
The work, upon the Grant building
will" be hurried to' early completion.
The trustees have already opened up
correspondence' with representatives of
various athletic houses and have figured
closely on matters of furnishing. The
social rooms will be fitted up in at
tractive manner,' while the reading room
will be furnished with all the leading
periodicals. It is expected that the
rooms will be ready for occupancy by
the first of the year. ' -' -
' Baby Show.
All mothers are cordially invited to
bring their little ones to a baby show in
Armory Hall next Saturday afternoon
at 3 o'clock. Prizes are . offered for the
best balsy less than one year old ; ' for the
best baby between ono and two years
old, and for the best twins. ";
''':''!' i ' Per order of committee.
When Baby was sick, gam her Castorta.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorls.
When she became jiliss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, aho gave them Castorit.
Subscribe for The Chronicle and get
the news. --: ' . . ,'' ,;' ' '
I " - - ' Kit C-
lines will be closed
i.. .,'.' ." r
PEAS:E - -
Your Paper
Shows your taste and betrays character.
Don't Use Shabby,
Fuzzy Note Paper,
"When we offer so great a variety of good
papers. Our box of paper and envelopes
is one kind that pleases many. '
Sample Box, 25c,
Seventh Annual Ball,
Gesang Verein Harmonie,.
Baldwin Opera
..-J. -
Music furnished by the Orchestra
out at
Book & Music Co.
162 Second Street.
lay, Dec. 21, 1895.
.- . '.:. -
Union. Grand march at 8 :45, p. m.