C3J rv rv WILL COMMENCE jh Mum 9 hi Mil 3 y y lis La To afford an opportunity for the re-marking of bur goods, OUR STOE WAS GLiOSED OH POHDMV, DEGv The price of every article will be greatly reduced, and many lines will be closed out at Our stock is larger and more complete than ever before, and offers a far better assortment. THIS SALE IS WITHOUT And. Iriciudes Every Department.-. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE The Dalles Daily Chfoniele. ntered a the Fob to dice at Hie Dalles, Oregon as second-class matter. : . 10 Conui yvt line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents per line lor each subsequent insertion. 8pecial rates for long time notices. AU local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear the following day. TUESDAY,- - DECEMBER 10, 1895 St. Lonla Wins. St. Louis was chosen on the 4th ballot as the place for holding the National Republic Convention. First and second ballots etood San Francisco 19, St. Louis 16, Chicago 8, New York 1, Pittsburg 6. On the 4th ballot St. Louis 29, and San Francisco 16. i . . . . r , BRIEF MENTION. Leaves From tbe Notebook of Chronicle Keporters. Remember the meeting tonight in the council chambers. A car load of hogs and a car load of cattle were the 6tock shipments last evening. A right of way deed from J. A Man- day to the O. R. & N. Co. was filed for record today. The Regulator took down a. load of wheat this morning. Shipments have begun again, after a short cessation. The M. E. Sunday school board will meet at the residence of Mrs. S. French on Wednesday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. The rainy weather of the last few davs has wet the , ground . so that the farmers in many localities aro engaged in plowing. There will be no militia drill tomorrow evening in order to give the boys an op portunity to attend tne Home Dramatic performance. An experienced dressmaker. Will go out by the day. Call . at Mrs.. F. M. Hendershott's dressmaking parlor, No. 20, Second street. Every business roan should be present tonight at the council chambers to give the new Commercial and Athletic asso ciation a good start. v Mrs. Obarr today purchased from B. F. Laughlin the lot on Second Street upon which the Farmers Hotel stands. The price paid was 2000. Just received at the Wasco Warehouse a carload of "Byers BeEt" Pendleton flour. This flour has no superior on the Pacific coast. Try it. d7-tf ; The Home Dramatic Club will hold a dresa rehearsal tonight. ; Tomorrow evening occurs the performance of ."A Night Off," a rollickying comedy in four acts. "News has jufet been, received of the robbery of W. Bolton & Co.'s store at Antelope . Monday morning. . Over f500 in cash was taken. There ia uo clue to the perpetrators. It waa rumored this afternoon that Thomas Lewis had made a confession that he set fire to Phil Brogan's hay, but the report could not be substan tiated, This morning Lewis received a sentence of three years in the penitentiary. Sheriff Driver, assisted by Thomas Haslam as guard, started for Salem to day with Lee Ching, who goes to serve a five year sentence for complicity in the murder of Lock' Wo. This is the wind up of the Chinese murder case, as far as the offenders are concerned. The tax payers have yet to foot the bill. Sheriff Driver returned Sunday from Salem, where he took Lee Git, who en ters the penitentiary for life. , Git has come to the conclusion that he has a dreary prospect before him and just be fore leaving the jail said he would as leave be hanged as go to the penitentiary for life. He would probably change his mind, however, when put to the test. Tonight the Woodmen will give a smoker" at their lodge room In Frater nity hall. A large number of guests have been invited to. spend a pleaeant evening with the Woodmen. This lodge is making sociability a feature in its or ganization and is doing laudable work in making the members better ac quainted with one another. Word is received from Dnfur that Mr, C. P. Balch, the well-known druggist at that place, ia lying very ill. He was in The Dalles about a week ago and was taken sick soon after returning home. For some time Mr. Balcb has. teen in poor Lealth, and the present attack was not unexpected. His friends hope to hear of his early convaleae'nco. G. C. Mosier and M. C. Wright of Portland will visit The Dalles Council, No..l9. Junior of United American Me chanics, next Tbnrsday evening at K, of P. hall, and will exdain the aims and objects of the order. Mr. Mosier is said to be a fine speaker. All friends of our country are cordially invited by the council to meet with them at K. of P. hall Dec. 12th at 7 :30 p. m. The O. R. & N. Co. are building a sidewalk on the soutb Bide of the bridge leading to the railroad shops. This is an improvement long needed, as the the lack of suitable protection has cauBed several serious accident to hap pen by . people falling off the bridge. Like all improvements made by the rail road company the works being done in substantial manner. . The streets and crosswalks are in abominable condition. With the ex- ception of. one or two crosswalke, where adjacent owners have swept them off.the crossings are a diegrace to the city. In muddy weather there may be some ex cuse for the streets to be in the condi tion they are but some, one whosever duty it is should see that the cross walks are kept clean. A great many complaints regarding this matter are heard every day. We hope tomorrow to notice an improvement. A Klgnt Off." Tomorrow evening occurs the perform ance of the Home Dramatic Club at the Baldwin theatre. The play, which will be produced, is the popular comedy "A Night Off." . The piece is an extremely accusing one, consisting of a clever plot, bright dialogue and amusing situations. The scene is laid in England and the piece tells of the trials, tribulations and troubles of a well meaning but unfortun ate professor who commits tbo unpardon able act of writing a Roman tragedy, which is produced by a travelling com pany of barn stormers, to the great dis comfiture of the professor, and almost causes annihilation of family relations. Everything turns out all right at last, however, for everybody except the pro fessor, whose pride in his ability as a playwrightreceives a crushing blow. The Home Dramatic Company has been hard at work practicing for some time, and the play will undoubtedly be satisfac torily produced. The cast is as follows : Justinian Babbit K. H. Lonsdale ( Professor of History in uomDton university.) Marcus Brutus Snao . .. N. J. Binnott (In pursuit of fame and fortune.uuder various Dr. Harry Damask K. Sinnott Jack Mulberrv John Hampshire (In pursuit of fortune under the name of Montgomery.) . Lord Mulberry ....... F. W. Wilson - m pursuit oi jack.; Mrs. Xantippa Habbit. Mrs. G. C. Blakeley (Professor of conjugal happiness In the Babbit Household.) - ' - Nitbe. MIfs Rose Michell Youngest Imp of the household.) Angelica Damask Miss Myrtle Michell line eiueat.j Susan Mrs. A. N. Varney line brassiest. Act 1 Professor's Home. The ser pent enters. Act The result of too much Balsac. Act 3 The conspirators succeed in getting a night off. Act 4 Xantippa removes her picture, and everybody packs up. Knlgbts of l'ytbias Social. ary and musical program closed witli some remarks by Hon. John Michell on on the "Rathborie Sisters." The speak er's1 remarks were very fitting and in structive. . After this, portion of the evening was concluded the members and guests were served with bounteous refreshments, and then the floor was cleared for danc ing. Till a late hour the dancers kept time to the music. The occasion proved a most delightful one, and those who were present last night will be eager to attend the next social of the Knights of Pythias. It ia the intention to have such affairs one evening in each month. Next Friday and Saturday Evenings. Your Pap er Get ready to attend the bazaar to be given by the ladies of the Congregational church next Friday and Saturday in the armory. The preparations are being on an elaborate scale, and the bazaar will be one of the finest ever given in The Dalles. Among the features of the evening will be a Japanese booth, where all kinds' of pretty things, saitablo for Christmas gifts will be for sale; booth where fruit, cake and pie will be found in abundance ; . a Gypsy baoth where the Goddess of Future will tell the fortunes of all inquiring people ; a De cember booth where all 6hapes and varieties of dolls will be displayed ; a re freshment, booth where each evening de licious refreshments' will be; Eerved; a paper booth and fish' .pond for children will' be among the attractions of tne bazaar. Esch evening an interesting program will be given, in which will ap pear some of the . city's local favorites! The proceeds of tho bazaar will go to a worthy cause arid the ladies hope to s.ee the" armory crowded each evening. The admission is placed at the nominal eum of 10 cents. . Stubling & Williams announce that they .' have opened a . wholesale and re tail liquor house in the' building former ly occupied by J. O. Mack. The first of a series of socials was given last night by the Knights of Py thias lodge. Only the members and their families were present to partake of the evening's pleasant entertainment. The Knights had made ample prepara tions for the event, and everything passed off in a most satisfactory manner, The program Opened with a song by Miss Myrtle Michell,. which was re ceiyed with the expression of pleasure that always follows any .of .this, young lady's efforts. Hon. W. H. Wilson had been asked to take a place on the pro- giam, and made a short address on Py thianism, which was listened to with close attention. Mr. Wilson reviewed some of the principles upon which the order was founded, and extolled the aims and practices of ' Knigbts of Py thias. J. he address contained many good thougnte, and was delivered im pressively. A musical selection by the Misses Stone proved one of the most pleasing numbers on the program. A piano solo by Mrs, Tolmie waa rendered in an artistic manner that showed to good advantage the lady s musical ac complisbment8. Prof. Gavin favored the andience with a well-rendered reef tation, after rrhich Mr. H. M. Esping sang a solo very acceptably. The liter Shows your taste and betrays character. Don't Use Shabby, Fuzzy Note Paper, When we offer so great a variety of good papers. Our box of paper and envelopes is one kind that pleases many. Sample Box, 25c, at Jacobsen Book & Music Co., r 162 Second Street. Baby Snow. All mothers are cordially invited to bring their little ones to a baby Ehow in! Armory Hall next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Prizes are offered for the beat baby less than bh'eyear old ; for the best baby between one and two years old, and fur the best twins. Per order of committee. Seventh Annual Ball, GIVEJf BY THE After a long period of quietness, the justice court bristles with excitement to day. There is war among the Indians, and, as a result, a complaint was sworn out bv a squaw against Louie Brown, a well-known character - around town, charging him with assault and battery. The woman makes various other charges against Brown, which will not be af fected by, the ' complaint in this case. The examination ia being held this afternoon. The a P. & A. N. Co.'e steamer, Dalles City, has resumed her run oa the Portland-Cascade route, after a lay-off, during which some necessary repairs were made. Piles of peoples have piles, but De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When promptly applied it cures scalds burns without the slightest pain. Snipes- Kinersly Drng Co. Gesang Verein Harmonie, AT THE Baldwin Opera House, Saturday, Dec. 2 1 1895. HANS. HANSEN, COMMITTEE OP ARRANGEMENTS. WM. BIRGFELD, K. GOTTFRIED. E. RECEPTION COMMITTEE. SCHANNO, ' I. C. NICKELSEN, JOS. N1TSCHKE, H. J. MAIER, G. WALTHER, H. C. LIEBE. C. WIGLE, E. JACOBSEN, FLOOR COMMITTEE. J. WIGLE, R. RORDEN, F. WIGLE. TICKETS $1.00; Music furnished by the Orchestra Union. Grand march at 8:45, p. m.