The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. - -BY POBTAGB i-BSFXID, IK ADTAKCK. Weekly, 1 year. f 1 50 " 6 mouths 0 75 s " 0 60 D&ll.lyear 6 00 " 6 months : 8 00 - " per " 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHBOJf C01," The Dalles, Oregon. TU E3DAY. , - .DECEMBER AO, 1895 WELL DONE. The showing made by the committee of Ue commercaland athletic club at the close of its labors yesterday was a most gratifying one. Iu a period of lees thai three hours $750 had been collected for tlje starting of the new organization, which will fitf :i warn long noticed in the commercial . :int). social life of The Hallos. The remainder will be forth coming today, and in all probability more than the original cne thousand dollars ask?d or will be obtained. The tjearty spirit with which the project has been taken hold of speaks volumes for the enterprise, push and discernment of business men whose interests in the advancement are identical. While it is true that the social and athletic features of the organization have to many been the attractive,, sides, yet the idea con veyed by the commercial part has been the means of attracting 'as signers the men of wealth, prominence and ability, who unanimously have hastened to ap prove the plan. ;To those whQ have given any thought to. ;the subject-the formation of this or ganization of business men call it. .by whatever name. you wish will . mark the beginning of a new era in the busi ness life of this city. The men who epend the days and evenings in' their Stores and offices, getting their , only, ac quaintance wth "one another from a casual conversation n6w and then, or on collection day, will learn more of each Other's good noints.and social intercourse Will provoke a kindly leelirii', which Will do much tO soften the friction of busi ness life. By thus making it known that all our interests are in common and what is good for one is good for the mul titude, the petty factions which in a loosely organized community are always prevalent, will be lessened and the good of the city advanced. The Dalles has long needed just what it is going to get. Long life to the new Commercial and Athletic club and may it accomplish nU the good that is wished for it. tirely unnecessary, since if Dnnraven had any complaint to make, he should have m add, it while in this country v will probably only add more to his lord ship's discomfiture by showing how baseless the accusations are.. After being given up for lost, the steamer Strahneves has been heard from. She is drifting helplessly 800 miles from Victoria. Although the num ber of passengers is not large, yet the list of wrecks this year, even .on the placid Pacific, is already too largo for any more to be added. COMMENT ON VARIOUS TOPICS. Portland Argus : Judge Murphy- has denied,W. H. r.Durran.t, the San Fran cisco murderer, a new , trial. The court held that he had watched the case close ly, and was satisfied that there was no error committed in the conduct of the trial. The case ought to be disposed of as soon as possible, so that the mystery of the horrible murder of . Miss Williams can be cleaied up. jThere is not the slightest doubt but that Durrant .killed both girls, and their blood criee out for vengeance, Fairfield Observer : The citizens of Spokane do not wait for prosperity to come, but force it to come. It was not the location nor the country immediate ly surrounding it, but will power that built Spokane determined citizens sur mounted all- obstacles, allowed nothing to daunt their courage or dim their hopes they went at everything poker and tongs and took all kinds of chances, and as a result of their truly western enterprise they have a city that is des tined to become the metropolis of the Northwest, v. . . ' Walla Walla Statesman : This is the traditional policy of the United States. There shall be no cession of Cuba by Spain' to any other European power. As long as Spain can maintain control the United States will not interfere to im pair its possession.- - The first treaty be tween Spain and the United States, ne gotiated in 1795, and described in its title as: "a treaty of friendship, limits and navigation," says that "there shall be a firm and inviolable peace between his Catholic majesty, his successors, srl subjects and the United States and their oitigena v;thoqt exception qf persons or I -. t - Denton Jury Disagrees. SOME GOOD POINTS. Take pride in your town. Be public spirited. If there is a project on foot to im prove the town help it along with your money, if you can; tut anyway by your good words. jno matter how "one-norse" vouii town may be, be thankful it isn't a one-jackass town, and put forward your best efforts to make it a two-horee city. There is lots of capital waiting for in vestment today. Possibly eome of it could be used advantageously in ybur town, but it the town is full of croakers none of that capital will go there. Ex. Tremendous efforts are being made by parties in Colorado Springs and Denvclt to create a boom - io gold mining stocks. It is stated that a number of English men are living ut . Colorado Springs on account of their health and that they, profiting by the experience of their friends at home in the "Kaffir Circus'' craze, have established and have under full headway a boom in Colorado gold mining stocks. The product of gold in Colorado amounts to about $1,000,000 a month from the Cripple Creek mines, the total number of gold-producing mines being limited to probably four or five, all of which are closely held and are not a subject of speculation. The stocks being boomed are of wild-cat companies, the stocks selling from' 1 cent a share upward. All of the old familiar devices are being brought into play to influence Eastern people to send their money West for lhe purchase of. the wild-cat shares. Undoubtedly ... many Eastern peopre. will; do this, and probably to their damage. . Those who are wise will prefer to keep their money in saving banks drawing 4 per cent interest rather than to trust it in the hands of the Colorado boomers. " .T Don Carae'on, one of Pennsylvania's political bosses, and one of her senators, has. announced that: he will not be a candidate for re-election. Cameron has probably heard of Brice and Gormen and the catastrophes that hava over taken them, and can read the writing on the wall. Cameron's refusal to run for the senate is another good 'result of the recent election. The-jury in the .Denton case is still out. and there is little prospect that an agreement will be reached. This morn ing the jurymen came into court and asked that the instructions be re-read to them'. -. When this was done they re tired, seemingly with no better success than before. Early in the afternoon the jury again came, in and. announced that they were unable to agree. The iudge sent theni back and told them to try a while longer. The members of the jury have - had . nothing to eat since 6 o'clock this , morning. Later. The judge discharged the jury as agreement was impossible. At the close they stood six to six, though previous ballots varied. A man named Hawkins got into a row with some parties on the hiil today aril during tho melee three pistol shots we e fired. It was claimed Hawkins was about to commit act of depredation wbf i John Crate appeared upon the see e d a ecnffla ensued; Hawkins, who 5a a brother of the Hawkins who com it "led a murder on White river soire , srs ago and served a term in the pen itentiary, denies the charge .that he. was intending any wrong. He was arrested and placed in the city jail awaiting ex- pitiation. ' An event which will be welcomed by their many friends, will be the seventh annual ball given by the German Sing ing Society Harmony. The members of the club will epare no pains nor money to mi'ke the affair a pleasant one. The full orchestra of the Orchestra Union has been engaged Jor the occasion and the ball will be given at -the Baldwin opera bouse on Saturday, Dec. 21st. Notice. All members of the Odd Fellows lodge B-e requested to be pn-eent next Friday e;eninif, as business of importance will come tip for consideration. H. Clough, decO 3t Secretary. The New York Yacht Club has be gun to .investigate the charges which in a vague way the defeated Dun raven preferred. This action, while it is en- sxowt The baby's mission, is growth'. . To that little bun dle of love, half trick, half dream, every xidded ounce of flesh means added hap piness and comfort ! Fat is the signal of perfect health, comfort, good nature, baby beauty.- ,vr : Scott's Emulsion, with hvpoohosohites . is "the eas iest fat-food baby can have, iri the easiest form. It sup plies just what he cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth. Scott & Bo wm, Chmlt, Ntw York, 50c and Si.o JLre Yesr Nerves ? Pretty Shaky, rsat They? Is Yssir Oigsstlsa? .. Prsily Pssr, Isn't It? x fhii is Ysur Elgcd 1 . isnasi Ltks Water, Eh ? ONE THING will Make a YYhoie F.Ian of You That Is DR. HENLEY'S Celery, Beef and Iron Try a Case. It will Make a New" Woman of Your Wife And S&fr Won't Want to' VMe, Either ti FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. Wheii you ttiaDt to Seed Wheat, Fem wi&t; Rolled BarlelI Oats, Rye, Brainy SlSofis Or anything in the Feed Line; go to the A I lJ r I m . A i ; The Strongest Proof- Of the superiority of Charter Dak Stoves Ranges Is their record of nearlv half a century. Others have coine aud gone, but the CHARTER O'AK is still with U9, ar d more popular than ever. We have a full line of HeaUhg Stoves and.VRed Hot''. Prices. Come and Eee them. Sole Agents for the , , Celebrated Richardson & Boynton Furnaces. -"EflLELITS C5H.OW; oval Notice. ' ' ' : .? iy t:i -. r . Oar prices are low and our goods are first-claps; H'" v:v ' ' "Agents for the celebrated WAISTRURaiPEFSLESS' FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHE;A.T, ATS and BARLEY.;' J. O. 7VYMgKv -DEALER. IN- Firie CUincs . and JSitiiiSMi Domestic and Kay West Cigars, St. Lords and Milwaukee Bottled Eeer. . ColTimlDia Brewery Beer on Draugnt; '7,,V:!;., ,., THE OLD ORO FINO ND 67 Second st, " , PjPBtSiik Nolan's Book Store ribW located at No. 54 Second Street near Union. '0 Hay On and after Dec. 2, 1895, the undersigned Will 8ell'hi8&etock of 1 he Ixermama. w : STUBLING & WILLIAMS, Props. FINE WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS. All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, . and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of CALIFORNIA - WINES - AND - BRANDIES Twelvo-year-old Whiskey; strictly pnre, for medicinal purposes. ISest Malt Liquor. Columbia Brewery lieer on Draoght. - , - - Ageuta for the Celebrated fajiat Milwaukee Beer. , No. 94 Second Street, THE DALLES, OR JOS. T. PETERS & CO., -DEALERS IN- MM : MATERIALS -AND- Telephone KTp- SC. GEORGE JRUCH Successor to Cbrisman & Corsob. r "v.-: rfwamrm. ' FULL LIN OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCE ES. Again in business at the old etand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. TO GET READY for a LARGE SPRING STOC I am now selling Men's and Boys' Clothing, Fancy and Dress Goods, Cloaks, Capes, Shoes, and everything else found m a first-class dry goods store. . . . - G. F. STEPHENS. ASk , FOR v PRICES. RUPERT & G ABEL, Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, BridleSj C61lar4 TENTS and WAGON COVERS. REPAIRING PEOMPTLY DOSE. Adjoining E. J. Collina & Co.'a Stor FOR ABSOLUTE CASBT . OR PRODtTCE. No goods' sold unless paid for. 1 We- are selling goods very close, and we mast have the cash down, we will make it to your interest to, get the cash. J. H. GROSS. All good 3 delivered to. the boat, railroad depot or any part of the city free of cost. New Odors pi .a o Only a few names , as a "persuader.' p-i 8 O i-3 3 t4 H P P o x 3 o c -a u o a ex O .. Just received, a new and elegant bulk of Handkerchief Extracts and Sachets, principally "Lnndborg8," at . Deutsehie BLpotlieke. Tclcpiibnc fio. 15. THE CELEBRATED AUGUST BUCHLER, Prbp'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer arid Porter east of the Cascades. The .lateet apxliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-clasa article will be placed ob be market. ' ' ''XPtr.iJPSTrlSLTT- , -DEALER IX PAINTS, O I LS AN D GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns. and Designs in . , mj WALiti PPfiR. WAXiIj PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but. the best brands of 1. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the. most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem ical combination or eoap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to.. Store and Paint Ston corner Third and Washington StB., The Dalles, Ore-on ley Creamery la Delicious. Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Full Weight. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A; A. B. TELEPHOlsrB 3STO- SO. CLOSING OUT SALE of -CIiOl'HnsrG-, TORNTB3NG-vaOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Spiel Less Than Cost. j.1p. IIcIlrny: :