The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 10, 1895, Image 1

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    CI 1
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NO. 289
Chief Interest in the Senate
Morgan's Speech.
-Canning Much Speculation Among
Representatives Livingstone's
Proposed Resolution Peck
ham for Justice.
Washington, Dec. 9. Chief interest
in the senate proceedings today' centered
iu the speech of Senator Morgan, of
Alabama, chairman of the committee on
foreign affairs, on the Behring 6ea
Senator Caffery, re-elected at the ex-
piration of a short term for a full term of
six years, was sworn in.
The first bill of the season to be passed
was one granting the state of Pennsyl
vania permission to occupy the United
States' court rooms at Scranton and
Williamsport during certain months.
Culloa gave notice that he would ad
dress the senate tomorrow on the Mon
roe doctrine.' '
Among the bills introduced was one
by Voorhees, of Indiana, granting a pen
sion of $200 per month to the widow of
the late Secretary of State Gresham.
In the Bouse.
Washington, Dec. 9. A bill by Hop
kins of Illinois was passed to amend the
statute fixing the customs dietnct of
Chicago so that the district would em
brace all of the states of Illinois and In
diana. Hopkins explained that the bill
was in the interest of the smelters of
Aurora, who desired to be able to pay
duties on Canadian ores at the port of
The oath of office was then adminis
tered to Prince of Louisiana. .
The memorial adopted by the National
Woolgrowers' Association last Saturday,
calling for higher duties, was presented
by Danforth, but Crisp objected to its
reception. Crisp also objected to the
resolution by Cannon, calling on Secre
tary Hoke Smith for his authority for
the order suspending all operations of
the land office by which settlers on the
Pacific railroad grant lands in Utah and
Nebraska could perfect their titles.
At 1 :10 the house adjourned until to
Representative Livingstone Anxious to
Learn Its Contents.
Washington, Dec. 9. The Venezue
lan question divided with the committee
appointments, the interest of the house
today. Talk was created by a statement
that Livingtone of Georgia, thinking
that congress should not be kept waiting
until Cleveland's return to be informed
of the contests of Lord Salisbury's reply
would introduce a resolution calling up
on Olney for the correspondence. As
this would be rather an unusual mode of
procedure, several influential members,
both republicans and democrats, eug
gested to Livingstone that euch a resolu
tion might be construed' as an act of 3ia
courtesy to the president. If Living
stone finds this opinion general he will
abandon his intentions.
. be
Premier tireen way Says 'Aiere "W 111
no Compromise.
Winnipeg, Dec. 9. Speculation has
been rife lately regarding the probable
action of the .Manitoba government in
respect to the federal order-in-council
inviting Premier Green way and his col
laague9 to remove the alleged grievances
of the Roman Catholic ministry in this
province in relation to education. This
order-in-council was received in July
last, and up to this moment no answer
has been given, and the ministers have
maintained a profound silence. This
has given rise to rumors that a com pro
mise settlement was contemplated, and
the friends of the Ottawa government
were beginning to congratulate them-'
selves on an easy escape for their party
from the self-imposed pledge of remedial
legislation which has been promised as
theact or the parliament which assem
bles next month. But Premier? Green
way made a statement this morning
which will take the wind out of their
sails.' This is the first official statement
made by any member of the government
since, the last session 61 the legislature.
The premier says; --
"The government has had under con
sideration the whole subject at various
times since the receipt of the order-in-
council of the Dominion government
July 3 last, with the result that it has
become rather clear to us that no con
cession by the legislature, as a solution
of the difficulty, or as removing the al
leged.'grievances, unless such concession
admits the principle and re-established
state-aided separate schools. The re-establishment
ofeparate schools by the
government will be no compromise.,
Feckham Will Bo Confirmed.
Washington," Dec. 9. The senate ju
diciary committee has reported the nom
ination of Eufus W. Peckham, of New
York, as accociate justice cf the supren e
court favorably, which insures his con
firmation. The judiciary committee has
also agreed to report iavorably the nom
ination of Judges Springer, Kilgore and
Does Not Wish Ite-electlon.
Washington, Dec. 9. Senator Don
Cameron today announced formally that
he would not ho a candidate under any
circumstances for re-election.
To All. Whom it May Concern :
By order of the Common Conncil of
Dalles City, made on the 31 day of Decem
ber 1895, and entered of record in the rec
ords of Dalles City on the 4th day of
December, 1895, notice is hereby given
that the crosswalks on the following
strets have been declared dangerous by
said council, on said 3d dav of Decem
ber, and the said Common Council, will
proceed to make the improvements as
hereinafter stated, on said streets or
parts of streets so declared dangerous,
after fourteen days from the first publi
cation of -this notice, to-wit, December
10, 1895 ; and the cost of such improve
ments of all crosswalks, and of each of
them, will be charged and levied npon
the corner lots cornering upon the street
or streets intersected by such cross
walks, and upon all lots or parts thereof,
to the center of each block coming
upon such intersection, each lot to pay
that portion of the entire cost that its
street frontage upon the intersecting
streets beats to street frontage of all lots
to be assessed upon such streets, as by
charter provided. The cross walks de
clared dangerous and about to be re
paired and built are as follows, towit :
1. To build a cross walk on the west
side of Laughliu street, across Second
street. ,
2. To build a cross walk on the west
side of Jefferson street, across Second
3. To build a cross walk on east side
of Jefferson street, across Second street.
4. To build a cross walk on the west"
side of Madison street, across Second
5. To build a cross walk on the east
sida of Madison street, across Second
6. To build a cross walk on the weet
side of Monroe Btreet, across Second
7. To build a cross walk on the north
side of Second street, across Washington
8. To build a cross walk on the south
side of Second street, across Federal
9. To build a cross walk on the north
side of Third street, across Union street.
All of said cross walks will be built
and constructed in accordance with the
provisions of the charter and ordinances
oi Dalles Ulty.
Dated this 10th day of December, 1895.
decl0-14t Recorder of Dalles City.
, Wno Wants Money? '
All county warrants registered prior to
Mar. 1st, 1892, will be paid if presented
at my office, corner 3d and Washington
streets, The Dalles, Or. Interest -ceases
after Nov. 14, 1895.
. Wh. Michell,
County Treasurer.
Qjfev to
Fro h
- V -: -
Fry everythiner from potato
chips to doughnuts in Cotto-
m lene. Put Cottolene in a cold
El nan rinfr if- drrarl-o- nnfil it
r -- j .,
will delicately brown a bit of H
(-.1 1 it..- . uy
m Dreaa in nan a minute, j. nen
j put in your food. It will pay
you to try Cottolene just this
1 way see how delicious and
M t,i 1 .. r j
3 IMthAMnntM mnlA impini I.. ......
3 three, and five round tins, with trail.
M marks" Cottolene" and neer'i head in coU
ion-tMmi tvreamoa every on.
, - .
, S. BCHfcNK,
J. M. Patterson.
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to bight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day ot collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
iv ew York, ban i-rancisco and Port
land. . 2
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck.
Ed. M. Williak3, Geo. A. Likbb.
H. M. Bbaj.1i.
Dressmaking Parlors
Are now opened
over Pease & Mays' Store.
Miss St. John.
Mrs. Manns.
Hot clam broth at 4 o'clock today at J.
O. Mack's, 67 Second street.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gvt Report
Mrs. W. B. Meek, who resides - at
Camptonville, Cal., says her daughter
was for several years troubled at times
with severe cramps in the stomach, and
would ' e in tnnh agony that it was nec
essary to call in n physician. ' Having
read about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy she concluded to
try it. She found that it always gave
prompt relief. It was seldom necessary
to give the 6econd dose. "It has not
only saved us lots of worry and time,"
she says, "but also doctor bills. It is
my opinion that every family should
have a bottle of this remedy in the
house." For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton, Druggists.
There is nothing that causes womeu
greater discomfort nl misery than the
constantly recurring Headche. Men I
suffer less with Headache. "My wife's
health was very indifferent having
Headache continually, an i just two
packages of Simmons Liver .Regulator
released her from all Headache and gave
tone and vigor to her whole system. I
have never regretted it's nee." M. B.
DeCord, Mt. Vernon, Ky.
Blakeley & Houghton, the druggists,
will tell tou that no one is better quali
fied to judge of the merits of an article
than the dealer, because he bases bis
opinion on the experience of all who use
it. For this reason they wish us to
publish the remarks of other dealers
aoou't an ar tide which they handle
Messrs. C. F. Moore & Co., Newberg,
Ore., say: "We sell more of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy than all others
put together, and it alwaje gives good
satisfaction." Mr. J. F. Allen, Fox, Or.,
says: "I believe Chamberlain's Congh
Remedy to be the best I bavo handled."
Mr. W. H. Hitchcock, Columbus, Wnsh.,
savs: "Chamberlain's Couzh Remedy
sells well and Is highly praised by all
e""' sssisS iBW.
Tliis -week -we -will run our entire stock of over eighty
Child's Boys' Cape Overcoats
i . . . . ..... .
'ef' the. very iatest cloths and cut, at the following reductions:, ; " . . i '
Boys' Dress Overcoat,
:'-vOi-' . ...
Sizes 4 to 14. Regular $1.50, with'cape.
Regalar $1.80 and $2.00 without cape.-
' Special .'..$i.6(
Boy's Checked Overcoat,
With Cape. Sizes 7 to 13, a good buy at
" $2.50, -
Special........... ...$2.00
Boy's Fancy Plaid Overcoat,
With Cape, in Brown Scotch Tweed, wry
dressy. Sizes 8 to 14j reg $4.50,
Special $3.60
Boy's G-rey Mixed Broken Plaid
Cape Coat, - .
.' are of the neatest Coats in stock. All
' " sizes, regular $5.50,
Boy's Heavy All-Wool Twill
G-rey Mixed Cape Coat,
Sizes 8 to 12, regular $4.00,
Special... ...$2 95
Boy's Navy Boucle Cape Overcoat, 7
Very handsome. One that will suit one
and all. Regular $6X0,
Special .... $4.65
If you wish to please your boy, invest in something useful, and
save money on the investment. Patronize our sale.
Special Shoe Sale still on. . - .
See our Ladies' $1.75 American Kid Button Shoe.
For Infants and Children. :
Castoria promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and 'Feveriahnesa.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It aa superior to any prescription
nown to me." H. A. Axchis, M. I.,
Ill South Oxford St-, Brooklyn, N.Y.
M For several years I have recommedHed your
Castoria, and shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial results.'
Edwim F. Pardee. M. D.,
125th Street and 7th Ave., New Yoik City.
"The nse of Castoria Is so universal and
its merits so well known that it teems a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in.
telliprent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
CahIOS Martttc, D. D
Kew York City.
Thx Ckhtatjh Oohpast; 7T Murray Street, N.Y.
New Arrivals.
A. Full Line of
Bayle's Specialties.
Salted Peanuts in small car
toons. Toasted Butter Corn in small
Bayle's celebrated Clam Broth
Bayle's English Sandwich
Bayle's Extract of Beef.
Little German Pretzels.
Saratoga Chipped Potatoes.
,The above are very fine goods and per
fectly freeh. .
It will be a pleasure to show them to
you. .
The Grooer.
Ask Central for 62.
LIME and
Picture Moulding.
nor to Retiring from Business,
I -will, on December 11th, commence a
Senuine Closing Out Sale.
We have a large stock of Dry Goods, Blankets, Ladies Coats, Capes, Hats,
Wrappers, Underwear and Mackintoshes. Gents Clothing, Underwear, Fur
nishings, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Telescopes, Valises, etc., which
will "be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash.
Dry Goods Importer.
who use it." .