The Dalles Daily Cteniele. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. T KAIL, rBKFAID, HI ADVANCB. Weekly, 1 year. " 6 months... " 8 '..., 1 year. " 6 months " per " I 1 SO .... 0 75 .... 0 50 6 00 8 00 0 SO Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. MONDAYi - - ---- DECEMBER 9, 1895 As an example of a fiend incarnate, Harry Hay ward, the condemned mnrder in Minneapolis is a shining -one. Al though charged with a heinous crime, lie stoutly maintained his innocence till a verdict of guilty and no hope of higher intervention has caused him to practi cally admit the crime. His brother tes tified against him at tt.e trial and visited Mm in prison.. Ilvrc :a the philippic which the coiiili . nned man hurled at one of his flesh and kin. "May the curso of God fail on yon r.nd yours and allow me from the minute I drop fromthe scaffold to haunt you day and night un til -your death. Then I will welcome yon in the brink of hell with a red-hot iron." With his keenness, his nerve and flow of language, Harry Hayward should adopt the profession of a criminal lawyer instead of making business for that individual. .The National Wool Growers Associa tion at its recent convention in Wash ington, adopted a memorial to be pre t en ted to congress. The memorial shows that since the McKinley act ol 1890 was passed prices of wool have de clined in the markets ef the world some four per cent, and that this has created the necessity for protective duties, which did not exist even when the Mc Kinley act was passed. The association further declares that a duty is absolute ly necessary to save the American wool industry from ruin. If President Cleve land is sincere when he says he is ready tp co-operate with congress in providing relief for the treasury, he can show his sincerity by signing a bill restoring du ties on wool. Relief of the people will bring relief to the treasury. The Oregonian and John R. McBride of Spokane are at issue, regarding the attitude of Senator McBride regarding the silver question. The Portland daily has maintained right along that the newly-elected eenator . would, vote with the adherents to sound money prin ciples, now comes Senator McBride's brother who says "Senator McBride is not what you might term a warm friend of silver, but he represents a silver state, the Oregonian to the contrary notwith standing, and he will vote with the silver friend." Taking in view Mr. Mc Bride's well known inclinrtion to be on the winning Jside there is little doubt but what the Oregonian ia the nearer right. : Although but thirteen days a member of the senate, John L. Wilson of WasU ington is pushing a Spokane man for the important position of sergeant-at-arms. Wilson carries the breezy air of the west with him wherever he goes and takes into the senate the prestige of having come out best in a fist fight on the floor of the house of representatives. Wash . ington did not send her best man to the eenate when she sent Wilson, but she Bent her livliest. Eugene is falling into line and is try- ing:to form a commercial club. The ob ject of the promoters is to secure a suite of rooms and equip them as a library, reception room, gymnasium etc , con eumate with the needs of Buch an organi zation. Every city that intends to grow and prosper recognizes the necessity' of business men coming together and dis cussing matters of welfare for their city SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. East Oregonian: The Baker Citv Commercial Club is almost dead. Its inactivity is causing the local newspapers to inquire " w nere is it t ' it a commer cial club is to live it must accomplish sometning ana mate itsell necessary. Exchange: If the people of Oregon would for ; one year only buy Oregon flour. Oregon baking powder, Oregon batter, Oregon cheese, broom?, hams, matches and bacon, Oregon made soap, Oregon made clothing and Oregou lum ber, we would hardly know what to do -with this vast amount of money. It is ontrageous to think of the many mil lions of dollars we each year send out of the state to pay for what we can- just as well produce at home. La; Grande Chronicle : The Torrens system of land transfer is likely to come into popnlar favor with the same degree of rapidity that attended the adoption of the Australian ballot sybtem in the several states of the union. The Tor rens system is intended to simplify the methods of transferring title to real es tate and to do-away with the present tedious and expensive process of ab stracting titles. Like the Australian ballot, also, it is a reform on practical lines,1 and is certain to meet with popu lar favor. ' ' -: " " ' KM Mi B&3T II Hypochondrical, despondent, nerv ous, tired out " . men those who suffer from backa'che , weariness, loss of en ergy, im paired mem- ry, dizzi ness, melan- holy and discourage ment, the re sult of ex hausting, dis eases, or drains upon the system, excesses, or abuses, bad habits, or early vices, are treated through cor respondence at their homes, with uniform success, by the. Specialists of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. A book of 136 large pages, devoted to the consideration of the maladies above hinted at, may be had, mailed se curely sealed from observation; in a plain envelope, by sending 10 cents in one-cent stamps (for postage on Book), to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, at the above mentioned Hotel. ..For more than a quarter of a century, physicians connected with this widely -celebrated Institution, have made the treatment of the delicate diseases above referred to, their sole study and practice. Thousands, have con sulted them. This vast experience has naturally resulted in improved methods and means of cure. The snccess that has attended the use of Dr. J.' H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin iment in the relief of pain and in curing diseases which seemed beyond the reach of medicine, has been truly remarkable. Hundreds supposed to be crippled- for life with arms and legs drawn up crooked or distorted their muscles with ered or contracted by disease have been cared through the use of this remedy. Price 2oc, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. . Coughing irritates the delicate organs and aggravates the disease. Instead of waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at once, making expectoration easy, reduces the soreness and inflama tion. Every one likes it. Snipes.-Kin- ersly Drug Co. Wanted. A girl to do housework. Apply at this office. nz2d3twz. Acts at once, never fails. One Min ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and that feverish ...condition which ae companies a severe cold. The only haimlesa remedy that produces imme diate resnltf". Hot clam broth at 4 o'clock today at J. O. Mack's, 67 Second street. baby growth The baby's mission is growth. To that little bun dle of loveT half trick, half dream, every added ounce of flesh means added hap piness and comfort! Fat is the signal of perfect health, comfort, good nature, baby beauty. Scott's Emulsion, with hypophosphites, "is the eas iest fat-food baby can have, in the easiest, iorm. It sup plies j ust . what . he cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak . places to perfect growth.. . . Scott & Bovraj, Chemists, New York. 50c. and $1.00 1,000,000 People Wear MJouglasSboes sewed $ PROCESS. ).00 Subscribe for The Chsonicle. BEST IN THE ORXD. 3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.T5 For Boys aMYoitls Wear W. lonrlam shoes and from Sl.OO to 83. OO a. pair. All Styles and Widths. Toe advance in leather has Increased the price of other makes, bat the quality and prices of W. I.. lajs?lssaataoe. rmln the .nine. Take tio substitute: soe that name and price is stamped on sole. W. JU. Benglas, liaocKTun, Mass. Sold by CHAS. F. STEPHENS. S5.nni rs. i$ $4.00 $3.50 $2.50 lX-&-$2.25 For Meni r LOST. One cray horse, string halted in both hind legs ; one small gray mare, branded diamond J on shoulder ; one sorrel mare, with small piece out of- one ear. A liberal reward will be paid for informa tion leading to their recovery. AddreSB this office or O. B. Hartley, Hood River, Or. nai-lm, U 1L (T n n n Ire Yesr Kerns ? Pretty Shaky, reat Thsy? ml Is Yosr Oigesllsn? Pretty Poor, Isn't It? W li U Thii ls Yccr EIscd? Ilmsst Like Water, Eh? ONE THING will Make a Whole Man of You That Is DR. HENLEY'S Celery, Beef and Iron Try a ease. It will Make a New" Woman of Yoar Wife And She Won't Want to Vote, Either FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY & HOTJG-HTOIT. f ben ypq mafltto Seed Wheat, Feed "Wheat, Rolled BarleWhoid Barley, Oats, Rye, Brail; Shorts, Or anything in the Feed Line,- go to. the WASCO rwL&MEHOUSE; " Our prices are low and our goods are first-cia-ee. ; i ' Agents for the celebrated WAISTBURG..VPEFRLESS:,' FLOUR. Highest cash price paid for WHEAT, OATS and BARLEY. The Strongest Proof- T " Of the superiority of 7 Charter Oak Stoves Ranges Is their record of nearly half a century. Others have come and gone, but the CHARTER OAK is still with us, at d more popular than ever. We have a full line of Heating Stoves and "Red Hot" Prices.' Come and see them. Sole Agents for the Celebrated ; . ' - . Richardson & Boynton Furnaces. .EIRE'S M GROWR Removal Notice. j. o. MKGK. -DEALER' IN- pine Urines &i IiifcldMt Domesticand Rt-West blgafs,-; i . - - ? i . f . . ' t r f;-,: ' .1.".. v",,- . ' St. Louis and Milwaukee Botlled Beer. Columbia Brewery Beer on Dra THE OLD ORG FINO STAN O, 67 Second St., - - - The Dalles, Oregon. The Ger mariia STUBLING & WILLIAMS, Props. FINE WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS. All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of CALIFORNIA - WINES - AND - BRANDIES Twelve-yearold Whiskey," strictly purej for medicinal purposes. Best Malt Liquor. Colombia Brewery, lieer on .Draught. Agents for the Celebrated fabst Milwaukee Beer. No. 94 Second Street, THE DALLES, OR JOS. T. PETERS & CO., -DEALERS IN- Bit DING : 1 MTERIALS AND- Telephone ITXTo. BO GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Chrisman & Coreob. . - mi FULL LIN OF Staple and fancy groce es. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. "Tiere is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jftooa leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale i Furniture and at CRANDALL &. BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MTCTn?J,BACH BRICK. - ITNIOJS ST. - RUPERT Wholesale and retail manufaietarers and dealers in :. ; Harness, Saddles, Bridlesij Collar TENTS. and Wagon COVERS. BEPAIEING PROMPTLY DOSE. Adjoining E. J. Collins & Co.'s Stor Nolan's Book Store now located at No. 54 Second Street, near Union. When tho f ram stops at THE MLp get off on fte Scath Side ......iTiHi ..... . : - . This larjre and popular House aoes the principal hotel business, . and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of an; House in the city, and at tne low rate oi $i.oo per Day. ' - firfc CJass jteals, 25 CeQts Office for all. Stags Lines leavlna; The Dalles Tor all points In Eastern Oregon and Kastern tVasnington. ' In this Hotel. . . - , T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. Corner of Front and Union Bts. New Odors o Pi o Only a few names as a "persuader. .. 3 rr. w My : ri CO .3 'JT : tr in 5 G N H B a J3 D ' to a 'c .9 o CO o o a a o s a Just received, a new and elegant bulk of Handkerchief Extracts and Sachet's, principally "Lundborgs," at . Deutsefae Hpotheke. Stove. Telephone Jio. is. THE CELEBRATED COIilimiBR S tECdEY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. . This well-known Brewery is now turning oui ths best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and ony the first-class article will be placed oa he market. . 33 - "VST". 17" -"O" -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and DeBigns in ; . . WALL, PAPER. W Alula PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER-HANGER. None but the best brands of 3.' W. MASURY'S : PAINT8 used in all our work, and none ' bnt the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination-or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. . . , , Store and Paint Shou corner Third and "Washington Bts., The Dalles, Oregon Tl ley e TygH Val- Q I I I B Creamery ff Is Dellelons. Ask Vanbib"ber & Worsley for it. Every Square is Frill Weight. CREAMERY Tygh Valley A. A. B. TELEPSOISTB 80. CLOSING OUT SALE Of CLOTHIrTG-. TOirmra, GOODS, BOOTS, SHOHS,; HATSHBLnd CAPS These Gobys Must Be :Sbid less Triarv jCost. dry noons