The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 06, 1895, Image 4

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- -I'OKr-
La Grippe, for Golds, Coughs,
" Two years ago, I had tho grippe,
and it left me with a cough which gave
me no rest night or day. My family
physician prescribed for me, changing
the medicine as often as he found tlie
things I had taken were not helping
me, hut, in spite of his attendance, I got
no better. Finally, my husband, read
ing one day of a gentleman who had
bad the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, procured, for
me, a bottle of this medicine, and before
I had taken half of it, I was cured. I
have used the Pectoral for my children
and in my family,-whenever we have
needed it, and have found it a specific
for colds, coughs, and lung troubles."
Emily "Wood, North St., Elkton, Md. -
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Cleanse the System with Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Mobler Breezes.
Mies Nora Hanter has returned home.
Mr. C. T. Bennett came up on a visit,
Mrs. John Evans aud her two daugh
ters have moved on their farm.
We hear that the young people are
havinz a spelling school at Mr. Neathen
Stergess. Good specling and good be'
havior is the report.
The young people of district No. 8
have started a cyphering school. Those
that are interested are cordially invited
Mosier, Dec. 5.
Blakeley & Houghton, the druggists,
will tell you that no one is better quail
fied to judge of the merits of an article
than the dealer, because he bases his
opinion on the experience of all who use
it. For this reason they wish us to
publish the remarks of other dealers
aoout an ar tiete which' they handle
Messrs. C. F. Moore & Co., Newberg,
'Ore., say: "We sell more of Chamber'
Iain's Cough Remedy than all others
put together, and it alwajs gives good
satisfaction. " Mr. J. F. Allen, Fox, Or.,
aye : "I believe Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to be the best I have handled."
Mr. V. H. Hitchcock, Columbus, Wash
eavs: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
sells well and is highly praised by all
who use it."
Limited Did Not Stop at Koneburg.
Eosebaeg, Or., Dec. 5. mTne Shasta,
limited passed here this morning in two'
sections. The custom has been to
change engines here, but thi9 morning
the trains went through, engines having
been Bent to Green's station, six miles
south, where the' change was made.
This was done to prevent people getting
on and off here. One man jumped from
the train a mile south of here, and came
back in a rather dilapidated condition
The other passengers for this place
walked from Green's.
The Oregon Fruit Union here has fin
ished packing its entire stock, eight cars '
o! prunes. Four cars have been shipped
and the others are held for orders.
.' The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to cure in all its stages and that ia
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only poetive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the Bystetn, thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, and giv
ing the patient strength by building up
the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so
much faith in its curative powers, that
they offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of Testimonials. ' Address,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O,
Sold by Druggists, 75c. "
For Sale,
Horse, spring wagon . and harries1-,
cheap. .Will fell all together or single.
Inquire of . Mrs." AJ W. Dorfmeier on
' Brewery hill, the Ooltage'north'of school
bouse. n27- lw.
v.. " ' ?.
Mra. Charles Stabling
went to Port-
land on the noon train. .
Mr. C. II. Mclsaacs, a
business man
of Portland, is in the city
Mr. C. P. Heald, an
attorney from
Hood River, was in the city yesterday;
Mr. Georze A. Young of Ridgeway,
the well-known etockman, is in the city.
Mr. D. A. Kelsay, a well-known reei-
dent of Antelope, is in the city attend
ing court. ; ; . " "
Mr. J. B. Ashby of Antelope came to :
town Yesterday on matters connected
with, court.
Mr. J. E. Hanna. a prominent mer
chant of Hood River, came up from that
thriving town last evening.
Mr. S. D. Fisher, who has been at
tending court as a juryman, left for his
home at Mosier on toaay s local. -
Mr. James B. Cartwright of Hay
Creek, who has been oh a visit to Port
land, returned to The Dalles last
Mr. E. Keisler, book-keeper In French
& Co's bank, is in San Francisco having
been called there by the serious illness
of his mother.
Mr. Truman Butler,' purser of the
steamer Regulator, and Mr., r rank
French, who occupies the same position
on the lower ooat, cnangea places yen.
terdav. and Mr. French visited his par
ents in this citv. ' They resumed their
accustomed runs today.
Marvelous Results.
From a letter written by Rev. J Gun-
derman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are
permitted to make this extract: "I
have no hesitation in recommending Dr.
King's New Discovery, as the results
were almost marvelous :n the case of my
wife, yvniie i was pastor oi tne uaprisv
Church at River Junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia succeed
ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of
coughing would last hours with little in
terruption and it seemed as if she could
not survive them. A friend " recom
mended Dr.- King's New Discovery; it
was quick in its work and highly "satis
factory in results." Trial bottles free at
Blakeley & Houghton, Diuggists.
For the many accidents that occur
about the farm or household, such as
burns scalds, bruises cute, ragged
wounds, bites of animals, moequitos or
insects, galls or chaffed spots, frost bites,
aches and pains oi any part of the body,
or the ailments resulting from exposure,
as neuralgia, rheumatism etc. Dr. J. H.
McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has
proved itself a sovereign remedy. Price
25c, 50 and $1.00 per bottle. Snipes-
Kinersly Drug Co.
Care for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the very
best. It effects a permanent cure and
the most dreaded habitual sick headache
yields to its influence. We urge all who
are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give
this remedy a fair trial. In cases oil
habitual constipation Electric Bitteie
cures by giving a needed tone to the
bowels, and few cases long resist the use
of this medicine. Try it once. Fiftv
cents and $1.00 at Blakeley and Hough
ton's Drug Store.
Coughing irritates the delicate organs
and aggravates the disease. Instead of
waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure,
It helps at once, making expectoration
easv, reduces the soreness and inflama-
tion. Every one likes it. Snipes-Kin-ersly
Drug Co. -:
No excuse for sleepless nights when
you can procure Une Minute uougn
Cure. This will relieve all annoyances,
cure the most severe cough and give you
rest and health. Can you afford to do
without it? Snlpes-Kinei-sly Drug Co.
One Minute- Cough Cure is rightly
named. It affords instant relief from
suffering when afflicted with severe
cough or cold. It acts ,on the throat,
bronchial tubes, and lungs and never
fails to give immediate relfef. Snipes-
Kinersly Drug Co.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she criod for Castoria.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria.
ITfcen she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
Help Wanted.
A man or lady to manage distributing
soap samples, specialties, do correspond
ing. Send Sylvan Co., 727 Woodward,
Detroit, Mich., . 10c for samples soap,
etc , receive outfit order.
Piles of peoples have pile?, but De-
Wiff'a W! f fV T-Taial Sains mill tUam
When promptly applied itcures scalds
burns witbout tne slightest pain
Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co.
Hay and Grain for Sale
Ward, Kerns & Robertson's- Stable,
Corner Fourth and Federal Sts.
deo4-lm '
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic . Pains, . .
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect, Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
AH Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang liniment conquers
Makes flan or Beast well
' . Notice
All warrants outstanding : against
Dalles City are now due and payable at
uiv office, interest ceases on ana alter
this date. C. J. Cbandall,
July 15th, 189o. City Treaa.
SubEcribe for The Chronicle,
Drag Co.
Drugs, Paints,
Wall Paper,
Glass. Etc.
129 Second St.,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight - Exchange' and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on iNew xorK, umcatio
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.'-
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms. . . . .
- : f Succpssor to 8mlth& Wakefield; J j i ;
' , ; AND ,OTHE3' FEED.. , "''
Stall rent free to parties buying Feed
Call and you will come again'. "Feed
yard on'Second etrattj'between Diatuond
Mills and iii. J. Collins & Co. deco
"Ti Reilltor Line
Tha Dalles, Portland and ALtoria
Navigation Co.
Freiout ana Passenpsr Lins
Throusrh Dailv Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalies City leaves Portland
(Oak street dock) at 6. a. m., connect
ing with Steamer. Regulator for The
One way.....
Round trip. . .
Freight Bates Greatly Reduced.,
' All freight, except car lots,
unit be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
:- Shipments for Portland '-' received at
any time day or night. . Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
6 p. m. ijive stock; snipments soiictea.
Call on or address,
General A cent'
lhe above association is
prepared to take a list of all
and any kind of Heal Estate
for sale or exchange, whereby
the sell er will have the undi
vided assistance of the follow
ing Ileal Estate Agents, or
ganized as an association for
the purpose of inducing im
migration to Wasco and Sher
man Counties, and generally
stimulating the sale of prop
erty: ' .
G. E. Bayard, T. A. Hud
son, J. G. Koontz & Co., J. M.
Huntington & Co., N. Wheal
don, Gibons & Marden, G..W.
Address any of the above
well known firms, or
J. M. Huntington, Sec.
. The Dalles, Oregon
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Chichester' EncMfth Diamond Br
. Orlflnai and Only Gen nine.
,N afc, reliable, uoici uk
. nw .orcsnu iu lieu mju uuut unwuw 1
I boxes, settled with blu? ribbon. Take
no other. ficfuM anaerous titbstitit
lions and intitaliom- At DrUKtrista. or send 4e.
In statu pa for particular, testimonial and
Relief for llftdteft." i letter, fa
T MniL 1O.0OO TeslimoDimU. Nam Paper
(lhlnhMtAl-l EAMlMl I anil linnac.
J. S. Fchenk,
J. M. Patterson.
: I ; 1
first Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted !
; Deposits received, subject to bight ,,
' ' Draft or Check. .
Collections made and proceeds promptly
! ; - remitted on day of collection. :
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
Sew xorK, baa rrancisco ana ron
. . : : land. .' r -
b'? P. Thompsoh.' " Jno". S. Schbnck.
V -
Ed. M. WnxtAxi,' Gko. A. Libbk.
H. M. Bkaj.l .
" " V ' '. ."". : ' . -"that
the "Happy Home" one, which
decided success, and she, dear girl,
not averse to his attentions.- -
Look for a Wedding- -
Sold byJPEASE &
South Waucoma Addition
to Hood River.
The owner of this, the most beautiful residence portion
of this beautiful village, has notified us that money must be
had and to cut the prices until they will sell, and so we have
made a slash of from zo to 4U per cent, on everything placed
in our hands. When you realize the fact that the beautiful
hew $9,000 schoolhouse is built in this addition and that
this property surrounds, it, you will know that it is offered
at prices below anj7thing ever known. We have three 5-aere
tracts, two blocks irom new schoolhouse, lor $oU each, or a
rate of 150 per acre. ' No land in this addition has ever sold,
for less than $600 per acre and never will be again. We
have also lots in adjoining block to the schoolhouse ranging
from $75 to $250, according to location and size, no lot less
than 50x100 feet. Now see what you think of this: - We
have an 8-room hard finished house with six lots, the house
cost $1,200, ordinary price of lots in same locality $200; the
former price at which this has been held was $2,oUU. we
now offer this beautiful property at the ridiculous figure of
$1,200. We have an adjoining house of six rooms, hard"
finished, with three lots, the
the city, only $800. It is
property at these prices; but we are helpless and must obey
orders, We have also some choice strawberry and fruit lands
at very low prices. . Now this is an advertisement and gotten
unto sell the land, and is every word true. If you don't
believe it come and see it; we
Heal Estate and Insurance,
' '- This well-known' Brewery is now tnrnihg oat tho best Beer and Porter
east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health
ful Beer have been introdsned, and ony. the firat-class article will be placed on
he market
' - And the Moet Complete and Latest Patterns and Designsjn ,i. -,.'.-"
PRACTICAL. PAINTER and PAPER HANGER.. 'None but the liest brands
of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the
most skilled workmen .employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. " No chem
icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All orders
promptly attended to.- ' '' " .,: ' ' '; "' " ' .r ' ' ' 1 . :' :: "
Store and Paint Shoo oorner Third and Washington Sta.. The Dalles, Ore'oa
Knickerbocker is
"come again.
and this time there are evidences
his suit will succeed. His other suit
he is wearing this evening is
is forced to admit that she is
in the near future......
jyEAYjS Tlie Dalles.
very hnest residence location in
a crying shame to otter this .
will be glad to show it.
Hood River, Or