The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 06, 1895, Image 1

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" """ Regular; Special:
Child's Kid Button Shoe, spring heel, patent tip, size 6 to 1 $1.25 $ .85
Child's Kid Button Shoe, spring heel, patent tip, size 8 to 10 ...................... 1.50 1.00
Misses' Kid Button Shoe, spring heel, patent tip, size 11 to 2 1.90 1.35
Child's Grain Button Shoe, spring heel, sole leather tip, size 8 to .......... 1.35 .85
Misses' Grain Button Shoe, spring heel, sole leather tip, size 11 1.85 1.35
Child's Grain and Calf Button Shoe, spring heel, "Young America," 5 to 8. 1.25 1.00
Child's Pebble Calf " " spring heel, sole leather tip, 7 to 10 .-. 1.50 .95
Misses' Kangaroo Calf " " spring heel, plain toe, size 8 to 10J 1.50 7 : ; : 1.00
Ladies Oxfords in kid and calf,
WORD The abo-e lines
Sale Now On.
His Address Before the Sen
ate Today.
Senator Mitchell Btarts an Inquiry Into
the Delay In Constructing Pub
lic Buildings, Already Au
thorised, In Portland.
Washington, Dec' 3. There was a
good attendance when the senate met at
noon today.
The first bill introduced was one by
Senator Mills, of Texas, for the coinage
of the silver in the treaeury.
The bill introduced by Chandler, of
New Hampshire, for the coinage of sil
ver at a ratio of 154 to 1, the bill to be
come operative when England, Germany
and France paes similar laws, was list
ened to with great attention by members
of the senate.' '" k
Petitions from Florida for the recogni
tion for Cuba and from the legislature of
Montana, against the farther issuance of
bouds, were presented.
The resolution offered by Call, of Flor
ida, was adopted, calling upon the sec
retary of state to Bend to the senate the
correspondence relating of the case of
General Sanguilly, an American citizen-,
sentenced to life imprisonment for al
leged complicity in' the Cuban revolu
tion, and directing him to procure a
copy of the record in the case it it is not
on file at the department. ... '
GalliDger, of New Hampehire, intro
duced a resolution declaring it as the
eense ot the senate that it was un
wise and inexpedient to retire green
backs. ' '. ' ' .
Mitchell, of Oregon, introduced a res
olution, which was agreed to, calling on
the secretary of the treasury to inform
. the eenate why the construction of the
public building at Portland," Or., for
which an : appropriation was' made by
the last cangress, was -not preceeded
Call, of Florida, addressed the senate
in advocacy 'of his" resolutions for the
recognition of his resolution tor the rec
ognition of the belligerent Cuban insur
gents, and for strict neutrality by . ihe
h. Highest of all in Leavening Power.
VV I w vt
To give those who haven't had the opportunity of visiting:' our Shoe Department an idea of
the wonderful bargains offered during- this sale, we will make a few quotations, which it
will benent you to carelully consider:.
case and turn soles, etc., choice of lot ....$1.00 per pair
are all superior goods, guaranteed just as represented, and below the present values of these goods at first
United States in the war.
Senator Cal! drew a graphic picture of
the ruin, misgovernmeut and barbarous
cruelty against which the Cubans were
contending and their long struggle for
freedom. He described the former reso
lutions, and declared that the progress
against "tyranny made by the native
Cubans, who maintained, as we had
maintained in 1776, that a just' govern
ment must derive its authority from the
consent of the governed, entitled them
to recognition as belligerents and the
neutrality of other nations. He consid
ered it an outrage that the United
States should not hold oat an encourag
ing hand to those struggling for inde
pendence. Instead of speeding Cubans
on their course, he insisted that this
government was actually retarding the
revolution, in fact, furnishing aid to
Spanish tyranny.
"This government," said Call emphat
ically, "is responsible for many out
rages that have been committed."; I do
not mean to say that the president and
his cabinet are responsible, but the' atti
tude of this government by not recogniz
ing the revolutionists as belligerents
in our ports and territory is maintain-'
ing today the power of Spain in the is
land of Cuba."
In conclusion he described Cuba as
the queen of the Antilles, the future
center of a confederate republic that
would include ' all the islands of - the
West Indies, and called upon the com
mittees on foreign affairs to consider his
resolution in the spirit ot "our fore--fathers
and report it favorably tit early
day. "'
At 1 :20 the senate' went into execu
tive session, and at 1 :35 p. m. adjourned
until Monday.
The senate in executive session con
firmed Matt W. Ransom as minister to
Mexico. - '
From Washington City.
Washington, Dec. " 5. Speaker Eeed
has begun for the first time to definitely
outline his list of committees on paper.
After receiving the "members of the
house all day yesterday, he sat don at
9 o'clock and worked uutil a late hour
putting on paper the assignments he
bad decided upon up to that time. To
day he gave more interviews to members
and listened to a presentation of their
claims. Probably the strongest pressure
being brought to bear upon the speaker
comes from the various candidates for
the committees on Ways and Means.
The republicans will be entitled to
eleven places in this body, if the party
proportion of last congress is maintained
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 u . tonti'.ff lna-
For shortening never, use more
man two-tmwis ss mnrh fnttn.
lene as von would of lard. When
frying with Cottolene always put
it in a cold pan, heating it 'with
the pan. Cottolene produces the
best results when very hot, but as
it readies the cooking point much
sooner than lard, care should be
taken not to let it burn when hot
i enough, it wilf delicately brown
M a bit of bread in half a minute.
Follow these directions in using
Cottolene and ' lard will never
again be permitted in your kitch
er or in .your food.
Genuine Cottolene is sold every
where in tins with trade-mark9
"Cottolene" and steer's head in
cotton-plant wreath on every tin.
Made only by' v -THE
.HMaifa, awn rrniirMco, rmouHi urrgoo.
and seven of the eleven will be new
men. The influence of business inter
ests of every class and section has been
invoked, and the many letters and peti
tious are pouring in. Next to Ways and
Means in their desirability, from the
standpoint of members are the commit
tees on appropriations, of rivers and
harbors, the two bodies which have
charge of the distribution of the largest
sums of money.
There is nothing that causes women
greater discomfort and misery than the
constantly recurring Headache. Men
Buffer less with Headache. "My wife's
health was very indifferent having
Headactie continually, and just two
packages of Simmons Liver Regulator
released her from all Headache and gave
tone and vigor to her whole ay stem. I
have never reeretted it's use.'' M. B.
DeCord, Mt. Vernon, Ky.v
Bucklen't Armca salTe.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands,: chilblains,
oorns, and aU skin eruptions, and posi
tively" cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price- 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, drugg'sts.
- B
for using
...... 1.., . . " ' Regular. Special.
An assorted lot of Child's Shoes, kid arid grain . 75c and $1.00 $ .50
Ladies' Kangaroo Calf, button, patent tip, size 2 to 7 2.50 1.75
Ladies' Seal Calf Button Shoe, dull tip, size 2 to 7... 2.75 1.75
Ladies' Kid Calf Button Shoe, patent tip, size 2$ to 7..:.. 3.00 1.75
Ladies' French Kid Button Shoe, hand-turn sole, size to 7 5.00 2,50
Ladies' American Kid Calf Button Shoe, plain or patent tip . 3.00 1.60
Gentlemen's Fine Dress Shoe, lace or congress, tipped, all warranted 4.00 2.75
" " " , cordovan stock, Goodyear welt . 5.50 , 3.90
" " " dongola, congress, plain toe 3.00 ' 2.35
" v.- "i vici kid, congress only 2.50 ' 1.75
Gents' Fine EmbroideredPlush Slippers reduced to $1.00 and $1.25
' Acts at once, never fails. One Min
ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma,
and that feverish condition which ac
companies ..a severe, cold. The only
harmless - remedy that produces imme
diate results.
ior Infanta and Children.
. Cartoria promotes Pig tlon, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, . Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
H Castoria to so well adapted to children Chat
I recommend it aa superior to any prescription
.tnown to me." H. A. Archkb. M. D.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
" For several years I hare recommedued your
'Castoria, and ahall always continue to do so.
as it has invariably produced beneficial remits."
Edwib F. Pardbk. M. D.,
125lh Street and 7th Ave New York City.
"The use of 'Castoria is so universal and
ICS merits fo well known that it menu a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
witiua easy reach."
Carlos SLubttw, D.D.,
New York City.
Tks Ckhxutb CoKPAwr, 77 Hurray Street, N. Y.
Dressmaking Parlors
Are now opened .
over Pease & Mays' Store.
Miss St. John.
Mrs. Manns.
lent s
Purther testimonials have been xeceived, as to
the excellent durability; of q-ar FOOT WEAK. .
New Arrivals.
: A Full Line of
Bayle's Specialties.
Salted Peanuts in small car
toons. . 1
Toasted Butter Corn in small
- cartioons.
Bayle's celebrated Clam Broth
Bayle's English Sandwich
Bayle's Extract of Beef.
Little German Pretzels.
Saratoga Chipped Potatoes.
The above are very fine goods and per
fectly fresh. -
It will be a pleasure to show them to
you. . .. : : .
The Grocer.
Ask Central for 62.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to, .
- and warranted.
Can now be found at 162 Second
0 daks
NO.: 28 6
. : SmNGLES,
. FIR? bliAY,
LIME and
n and
Picture Moulding'.
House ;
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in bis line at :
reasonable figures. . ' Has the
" largest house moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Add ress P.O.Box 181 .The Dal les
Dry Good s Importer.
and 0