The Dalles Daily Chfoniele. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. IT MAIL, rOSTA.SK rUrAID, IK ASVAKCB. ' ' Weekly, 1 year t 1 SO " 6 months. 0 75 8. " 0 W Dail,1 year 6 00 6 mon til. 8 00 " per '" 0 50 Address all communication to " THE CHEON tOL," The Dalles, Oregon. THURSDAY, - - DECEMBER 5. 1895 WHY MARYLAND WENT REPUBLICAN. Senator Gorman hap recovered suffi ciently from the rude awakening wbicb the late elections caused, to offer some explanation of why Maryland went republican.- German flfers the correct reason when he attributes the landslide to the sympathy which the people of Maryland li ivj i-ir protection. That state is becoming more and more desir ous of obtaining a leading position in the manufacturing world, and the policy of the democratic party offered them no good prospects for such a condition. While Mr. Gorman has overlooked the fact that his own misdeeds have con tributed -in no small measure to demo cratic success, yet Maryland would have gone republican this year if Gorman had never lived or been a etatesman of unblemished reputation. The same causes that made Maryland republican this year will operate to the same effect next fall. Here is Gorman's explana tion. "The slate (Maryland) went republi can because the republican vote has largely increased, a very obvious and somewhat significant reason. lue republican vote a year ogo throughout the state was 3000 larger than the democratic vote, and nobody . pretended to assert then that the result was due to any personal causes or to op position to any one man. The fact is that the protection sentiment iu the state ha9 largely incrsased. In my own county, for example, we have a number of woolen mills. Until very recently they have been' run upon a rough and cheap class of goods. In the last two or three years, however,, they have under taken a higher grade of work, and in order to do it tney have been obliged to import a large number of skilled labor ers from Massachusetts and other New England states. Moet of these men are republicans. A like condition of affairs exists in other counties of the stale, and here we haye a very considerable in crease in the republican vote accounted for. There has been a change, too, among democrats who are naturally in clined toward protection, and who be lieve that republican supremacy will more certainly insure a permanent pro tective policy. There is no question that the protection santiment among all classes is now very strong,- and many who believe in the doctrine have been disgusted by the business depression of the last two years. Naturally they turn to the party which is not in power for relief, especially in view of the fact that that party has a consistent protection record." There has been a good deal of grumbl ing on the part of patrons of sleeping cars, some well lonnded and some not. Mr. J. R. Wood, the general passenger agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, recognizing that some of the complaints were worthy of attention, has addressed a circular letter to all of the general passenger agents of roads using the Pullman cars, asking them to join with him in a request to the Pull man company to reduce the price of upper berths. It is proposed to ask a reduction of twenty-five per cent in favor of upper berths. The present rate for a sleeping; berth from New York to Chicago is five dollars, for either upper or lower. Nearly all people prefer a lower berth, but if an upper could be had for $3.75 many would be glad to avail themselves of it and save $1.25, leaving more space for those who are willing to pay . the regular price for a "lower berth. Twenty-one of the presidents of the United States are dead. They all lie buried in nine states. Virginia holds five Washington at Mt. Vernon, Thom as Jefferson at Morrticello, James Madi son at Montpelier, and Jame9 Monroe and John Tyler at Richmond. . In New York lie Van Burcn at Kinderhook, Fillmore at Buffalo, Grant at Riverside Park and Arthur at Albany. In . Ohio are William Henry Harrison at North bend, Hayes at Columbus, and Garfield at Cleveland. In Tennessee are An drew Jackson near Nashville, Polk at Nashville, and Andrew Johnson at Greenville. The two Adamses are luricd at Quincy, Mass., and Taylor, Pierce, Buchanan and Lincoln are buried respectively at Louisville, Ky., Cor cord, N. H., Lancaster, Penn., and Springfield, III. There is but one ex- president of the United States alive at the preterit time, Benjamin Harrison. Judge Ricks, of the United States cir cuit court of - Ohio, has decided that the comptroller of the currency can make an assessment on stockholders of in sol vent national banks, and that the as sessment can be recovered by a suit at law. The decision is a most important one. 1 HE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Spokesman Review: The single re deeming feature of the message is its strong reassert ion of the Monroe doc trine. While in all other respects the president advances no foreign policy, it is a pleasure to note that respecting Venezuela and England's interference there be speaks with vigor and patriot ism. In other respects the message is hardly worth a busy man's time for reading. It does not tven possess tbe merit of giving the country a concise re view of the various affairs of the gov ernment. Evening Telegram : In his message to congress President Cleveland made no allusion whatever to the Nicaragua, canal. That the omission was accidental must be doubted in view of the numer ous matters of comparatively minor im portance which were generously treated to language. The countrv is very anx ious to learn just how Mr. Cleveland stands on the canal question, and the best and quickest . way to ascertain his attitude is by sending to him for signa ture a bill authorizing this government to assume control of the canal and com plete its construction. Pendleton East Oregonian : In every part the message is a dignified recital of all our relations at home and abroad, and this in a spirit of the utmost fair ness, the broadest treatment and with full consideration of every individual's rights, no matter his position or stand ing among his fellowmen. It is needless to eay that the president's message is a business man's document as weil as the utterances of a statesman and American. There is none of the virus and bluster of the jingoist about it. There Is no "bad blood" shown against other countries and governments, but a- determination to preserve and uphold the right that is refreshing. - Wanted. . A girl to do housework, office. Applv at this . n22."!3t w2. WE GIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets To any one sending name and address to us on a postal card. ONCE USED THEY ARB ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Hence, our object in 'sending them out broadcast m ON TRIAL - They absolutely cure Sick Headache, BilJ iousness. Constipation. Coated Tongne, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred derange ments of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Don't accept some substitute said to be "just as good." The substitute costs the dealer less. . It costs you ABOUT the same. HIS projit is in the" just as good." WHERE IS YOURS? Address for Free Sample, World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Atala St. BUFFALO. N. K 1 ,000,000 People Wear WUouglasSlioes HAND SEWED PROCESS BEST IN THE ORLD. 3.00 $2.50 ; $ mm $2.00 $ For Men For Bots laniYoiiuis Wear W. I.- Dona-laa tioe and from si.ou to s.vo m pair. All Mtylra and Widths. The advance In leather lias Increased l lie price of other makes, bnt the quality and prices of W. I.. Ionarlaa shoes Maala the same. .Take no substitute ; see that name and price Is stamped Bn sole. W. I. .Douglas, liitocKTox,llA8s. Sold Ur . CHAS. F. STEPHENS. LOST. One gray horse, t-tring baited in both hind legs ; one small gray mare, branded diamond J on shoulder; one sorrel mare, with small piece ont of one ear. A liberal reward will be paid for informa tion leading to their recoverv. Address this office or O. B. Uartlev, Hood River. Or. n20-lm. OPERK HOUSE , December 2d. Gnase Stock GompsinV Headed by the Peerless Comedienne, H ETT I O ' BER N M RD CH HS9 In a Six Nights' Engagement. TONIGHT. The G-reat Romantic Play, "THE TWO ORPHANS." The Latest Songs, Dances and Specia'ties introduced during the performance. Change of Programme Every Night. Admission, 10c, 20c and 30c. Reserved Seats now on sale a JBlakeley & Houghton's Drugstore. Mire Your Nerves? Pretty Shaky, Aren't They? is .lour ingestion rretty Fcor, isn t It 7 Thin Is Your Blood? Almost Like Water, Eh? ONE THING will Make a Whole Man of You That is DR. HENLEY'S Celery, Beef and Iron Try a Case. It will Make a "New" Woman of Your Wife And She Won't Want to Vote, Either FOR SALE BY BtAEELEY & HOUGHTON. J. O. MH0K, -DEALER JN- pine Lllines and Ltiquotfs, ' Domestic and Key West Cigars, - - St. Louis and Milwaukee Bottled Beer. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Cbrlsman & Corson. Win FULL LIN OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCE ES. Again ia business at the old stand. . I would bo pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part ol town. When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off on the South" Side - . . AT THE TiEW COLiTJjVlBlfl. HOTEli. . . -of o- This large and popular House ooes the principal hotel business, and is prepared to furnish the Best Accommodations of any House in tho city, and at toe low rate of Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught.! fo.OO per Day. - pirst QaSS Teals, 25 CeitS THE OLD ORO FINO STAND. 67 Second St., The Dalles, Oregon. The Germania STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Props. FI NE WIN ES. LIQUORS ; -CIGARS. All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of CALIFORNIA - WINES - AND - BRANDIES Twelve-year-old Whiskey, strictly pure, for medicinal purposes. Best Malt Liquor. OolambU Urecrery Betr on Drancht. Agents for the Celebrated fabtt Milwaukee Beer. Office for all Stage Lines lea-rlns; The Dalles for all points In Kastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington, in this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union Sts. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. New Odors Only a few names as a "persuader.' pi .3 s m S r-1 rH tV o CO o m Ml a o c-o s o a a o S3 No. 94 Second Street, THE DALLES, OR "There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its flooa ' ' leads on to fortune." ' . The poet -unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MTCHELBACH BRICK, - - UNION ST. JOS. T. PETERS & CO. -DEALERS IN- BUILDING : MATERIALS -AND- Tolopliono UNTo. 25. Just received, a new and elegant bulk of Handkerchief Extracts and Sachets, principally "Lundborgs," at Donnell's Dmg Store. Deutsche Hpotheke. Telephone flo. 15. CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY noons CLOTHDTG, FTJRNTSHIITGr GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost. J P. McINERNY. THE CALIFORNIA WINE HOUSE, , JOBBING AND RETAILING OF Pure CALIFORNIA WINES and At prices lower than ever. - Greatest assortment of -Liquors. Also Columbia Brewery Beer off draught. - .. CHAS. BECHT, Prop., THE DALLES, OR RUPERT & GAB EL - Wholesale and retail manufacturers and dealers in ..... Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collar! TENTS and WAGON COVERS. " ' REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOSE. Adjoinine E. J. Collins & Co.'B 8 tor