The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 04, 1895, Image 3

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Pink Beans per pound, lfc, or 55 lbs for $1.00
Large WhiteBeans.. ....:.V:.per pound, lfc, or 55 lbs for 1.00
Small White Beans;...;.....v.. ;......;;per pound, 2Jc, or 40 lbs for 1.00
Lima Beans.. ..?....per pound, 4c, or 25 lbs for 1.00
Schepp's Shredded. Cocoanut....; per pound .25
Rice, best' Japan ......'....per pound, 4c, or 25 lbs for 1.00
Yoe's Pure Maple Syrup, 1 gallon cans .... 100
'. " " i gallon cans Z '.60
This Syrup is guaranteed to be strictly pare and is the best that can be had,
no matter what price is paid. .'
Grandpa's Wonder Soap ..; ...per bar .06
Ivory Soap ; ; : -..per bar .07
tow or Arm and Hammer Soda : per pound J06
9ur entire stock of Tray Cloths, Stand Covers, Doylies, Bureau Scarfs and
Splashers, as well as our stock of Brown Linens, will be sold this week at one
half their marked price. -'-A - -
Oak Tood, per cord, $4.50 delivered.
This Wood is brought from White Salmon on the Columbia river by boat
and is first quality. '
Free Delivery Within City Limits.
: The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
nrered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon
il Ctuw per line for first luaenion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long timo notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
will appear the following flay. '
Leaves From the Notebook of Chronicle
At the Baldwin
'Little Coquette"
The Regulator left the Cascades at
3 p. tn.
Jos. T. Peters & Co. are selling good
oak wood at $4.50 per cord, delivered.
Remember the Athletic Social Club
meeting in the council chambers this
; Lost Last Sunday, a watch charm,
gold mounted, containing a K. of P. em
blem. Finder will be rewarded by leav
ing it at this office.
Collections yesterday were reported
very good. Money 6eemed easy and
there was a lessened amount of "stand
ing off" than has been noticed for some
Mrs. J. M. Filloon has some very
creditable works of art on display in the
Snipes-Kinersly. drug store. One of
them is a picture of an old man indulg
ing in retrospection, whish took a pre
mium at the late fair.
A gentleman who came in from Sher
man county yesterday eays that in the
country near the railroad about the
eame amount of enow has fallen as here.
It is melting and tha soil is being moist
ened for a 'considerable depth.
Chrisman Bros, have re-purchased the
meat market at the corner of Court and
rjird street, and will continue the busi
ness at the old stand, where they hope
to renew old acquaintances and make
new ones by fair dealing. d2 3t
The Hook and Ladder Company will
hold a meeting in the recorder's office
this evening. Members are 'requested
to be promptly on hand at 8 o'clock, so
that the necessary business can be trans
acted and an opportunity given of at-
icuuiug me atnieuc cluo meeting.
Another large audience greeted the
Chase Stock Company in their perform
.auceof 4,A Kentucky Thorough bred"at
the Baldwin last night. The piece was
of a kind far more attractive than the
one of the preceding night, and proved
very acceptable to the audience. The
actors took their parts well, while the
stage effects and scenery were very at
tractive. The horse race on the stage
was very realistic, and the specialty
work was neatly done. Tonight the
charming play, "Little Coquette," will
be put upon the boards.
In the show window of Blakeley &
Houghton is displayed a work of art by
Miss Holcomb which Is attracting atten
tion. It is a copy of Rosa Bonheur'a
"Horse Fair" and shows , much artistic
meit. The picture will be disposed of
by raffle unless a rmrchaser is found.
Miss Holcomb has done some clever
work with her brush, but this is one of
her best.
Word was received over the Oresron
Telephone wires this morning that the
Citizens' ticket was successful in the
city election at Hood River yesterday.
This ticket is as follows: Mayor. L. N.
Blowers; recorder, Geo. T. Prather;
treasurer, M. H. Nickelsen : marshal.
E. S. dinger; councilmen, S. E.Bart
mess, Lucas Henry, H. F. Davidson, J.
ii-. juuKes, ij. Morse and J. P. Wat
son. The election was warmly con
tested, and the town considerably interested.
The Athletic Social Club will hold
meeting tonight in the council chambers.
llie business to be transatted will ha of
importance as it relates to the formation
of the club, election of officers, selection
of a building for the club and other
matters of interest to the welfare of the
new organization. All the gentlemen
who have signed the roll and any who
are interested in the project are asked
to be present. This organization can be
made to be of great benefit and if nrnn.
erly managed, will be the means of
affording much pleasure to those asso
ciated with it.
The officers of the Third
have decided to open the armory hall
with a erand ball on some evnninc. nsm-
Christmas. For some time this idp has
been thought of in military circles, and
now the announcement is made nuhlir.-
The committee of arrangements which '
nas been appointed is already at work
upon tnedetaiis.and has determined that.
the event will be a dazzling one. The
Orchestra Union has been engaged for
that occasion.- The laree hall will h
appropriately decorated, and neither
labor nor expense will be soared tn
make the evening, a delightful one, "A
guard mount will be one of the pleasant
features on the program. Further de
tails will be announced later.
C P. Laaer Klectecl Cirancnm.n ...
i . ir jueetlug Held Last Night-
List ol Bills Allowed.
The city council met in regular
monthly session last night at - which
the following officers were present:
Mayor Frank Menefee, Councilmen M.
T. Nolan, A. R. Thompson, 8. S. Johns,
G. C. Eshelman, George Ross, R. E.
Saltmarshe, L. E. Crowe and T. F.
Wood. After the reading and approval
of the minutes of the preceding regular
and special meetings, the council settled
down to work. r .. .-.
The petition of Stubling & Williams
for a license to sell spirituous malt and
vinous liquors, was read and on motion
the license was ordered issued.
The petition of J. M. Huntington and
others for an alleyway near Ninth street
was the next matter called before the
council and on motion of Mr. Crowe,
seconded by Mr. Nolan, action was in
definitely postponed.
The case of . Mrs. Obarr against the
city for damages growing out of the late
Bmallpox scare, next came ud for con.
sideration and Mr. Thompson reported
that the pleadings In the case had been
filed, but that Mrs. Obarr is willing to
settle the case for $200. - On motion of
Mr. Nolan seconded bv Dr. hel man .
the attorney for the city was authorized
to settle on that basis and that a warrant
for $200 should be drawn whenever called
for by the city's attorney, A. 6. Bennett.
xne monthly reports of the recorder,
marshal and treasurer were received and
placed on file. The claims of Messrs.
Brown and Malonev were allowed at the,
rate of $2 per day, according to the
marshal's report.
The following bills were allowed ?
James H Blakeney, marshal . . 75 00
nm T 11 r., a j . - - r
O J Lrandall, treasurer ". .' 20 00
AT.. fy .
uruwe, 2 15
Dalles El Lt, Tel and P Co, light
ing fit rppta i an nr
Dalles El Lt, Tel &'p Co, lighting
uuicea 5 40 1
F G ConnAllv. nioritwaVimBn t.r nn
Dalles El Lt Co, lights fire dept. 6 40
Columbia Hotel, feeding prisnrs 17 00
W R Brown,. working prisoners. 1 00
xmn aiaioney, working prisoners
streets , t 9 00
M T Nolan, mdse. ...:...!!!!!!.' 2 25
Chronicle Pub Co, printing .". . ".' 12 35
S "I Crandall, making estimate. . 5 00
C J Crandall, cash advanced for
telegram . . .... . . 2 65
On motion of Dr. Eshelman, seconded
by Mr. Thompson, the resignation of R.
B. Hood which had la'n over from last
meeting, was accepted and following this
action came the election of C. F. Lauer to
fill the vacancy." Mr. Lauer has served a
Nolan's Book Store now located at
No. 54 Second Street, near Union.
The Strongest Proof-
Of the superiority of'
Charter Oak Stoves Ranges
come and gone, but the CHARTER OAK is still with
ns, d more popular than ever. ..
We have a full line of Heatihg Stoves and "Red Hot"
Prices. ; Come and see them. Sole Agents for the
. Celebrated ..... - .
Richardson & Boynton Furnaces.
The TyRlt Val
ley Creamery
Ask Vanbibber & Worsley for .it..
. Every Square is Full Weight.
Tygh Valley
A. A. B.
term' in the1' council. The resigna
tion of Mr; Hood can sed a necessary re
arrangement of the committees, which
Mayor Menefee announced as follows :
Judiciary Thompson, Johns, Salt
marshe. Finance Nolan, Crowe, Lauer.
Streets Johns. 'Nolan, Wood. Fire
Saltmarshe, Lauer, Ross. Health
Eshelman, Wood, Crowe.
On motion of Mr. Nolan it was ordered
that a warrant be drawn on the general
fund in favor of the city treasurer to
balance interest payment.
The recorder was instructed to publish
a notice requiring certain crosswalks to
be repaired.
Complaint having been made concern
ing the sewer on Washington street, the
street commissioner on motion of Mr. ,
Nolan, seconded by Dr. Eshelman, was
instructed to repair it. -
This completed the business before the
meeting and so the council adjourned.
' Guilty of Manslaughter.
Your Panel
Shows your taste and betrays character.
After being out but twenty minutes
the jury' in the case of the State vs. Lee
Ching agreed upon a verdict of man
slaughter. Ching was being tried for
being an accomplice in the killing of
Lock Wo upon an indictment charging
him with murder in the first degree.
The arguments began last evening when
the prosecuting attorney made the open
ing argument for the state. He was
followed by H. S. Wilson for the defense.
This morning B. S. Huntington con
cluded tbe plea for the defendant and A,
F. Sears, jr., closed for the state. All
the arguments were able and held the
closest attention of the jury and spec
tators. At 11 :30 the court gave instruc
tions to the jurymen who immediately
retired for deliberation. Three ballots
were taken to determine what verdict
should be rendered : on the first the vote
stood manslaughter seven, eniltv as
charged two, not gnilty three. The
second ballot was ten for manslauehter
and on the third the jury agreed upon
the verdict. It is not known when the
defendants will be sentenced.
While attending the theater last
night, a pocket book, containing $31.50.
The finder will be liberally rewarded if
he return the pocket book and its con
tents to this office. - : Dec3J3t
Mays & Crowe have just received a car
load of oak wood, which they will sell at
$4.25 per cerd. dec2tf.
Don't Use
Fuzzy Note Paper,
When we offer so great a variety of good
papers. Our box of paper and envelopes
is one kind that pleases many.
Sample Box, 25c, at
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.,
162 Second Street.
On and after Dec. 2, 1895, the undersigned will sell his stock of
Hay, Grain, Feed, Flour and Groceries,
No goods sold unless paid for. We are selling goods very close, and we must have
the cash down. Wo will make it to vour interest to get the cash.
j. H. CROSS.
All goods delivered to the boat, railroad depot or any part of the city free of cost.
Every Day '
a . . . . '
Red Letter Day
Honest Values
for tHe Monev. -
Look over .our offerings. See them for yourself .
Prices can give you no conception of the sterlin g
values in every, line. .