CZ The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. T It All., POSTAQK fKXPAIO, IH ADVAXCB. Wekly, 1 year i SO o moiuu, u 70 " 8 " 0 60 Dall, 1 year. 6 00 " 6 months 8 00 . per " 0 SO Addresfl all commnnlcation to " THS CHRON- vjusi, - ine Dalies, Oregon. WEDNESDAY, - DECEMBER 4, 1895 THE INDIAN CITIZEN. However correct, from a legal stand point, the decision of Judge Bellinger, which fretd the Indian from his tribal restraint and gave to him greater liber ties, may have been, it is doubtful if the granting of these privileges will inure either to the benefit of the Redman or his neighbors of hitpr hue. The In dian, in many inst ii.cea, - has made praiseworthy progress towards a better condition of living, and was showing himself gradually coming under the in fluence of a gentler civilization. Upon tne reservation the tepee was giving way to the four-walled house, and tilled fields gave evidence of a willingness to to work at farming. A spring wagon drawn by harnessed horses, instead of the patient cay use bending under a donble burden showed that the Indian was susceptible to demands of comfort and the influence of environment. The work done by the government schools has demonstrated that the children of a savage ancestry have in them element? , which go to make up character, and the .record of the Indian boys and girls who have attended Hampton Institute and the Carlisle school give much in the way of encouragement. These and other evidences show that the Indian is becoming less of a savage and more like what the white mail is supposed to be. -But by' no means do they prove that he is ready for the privi leges and rights of citizenship. This honor has come too soon, and the with drawal of the restraint which in the past has been found so necessary for the proper guidance of tho Indian, is apt to undo the work which many years of patient endeavor have accomplished. Since the allotment of lands in severalty and the consequent coming of citizen ship, which by Judge Bellinger's deci-J sion followed, the Indian has thought it necessary, or at least pleasing, to adopt all the customs of white men, and the result is anything but satisfactory. Some testimony upon this point comes from Agent Brentano, of the Grand jRonde reservation, who in his report to the government says that all control of the agent over, the reservation Indian is gone, and the latter proceeds to get drunk, gamble and break laws with im punity. Ten years more of education and discipline, while it would not have made the Indians eafe from the tempta tions which beset all men, yet it would havo made him wiser and more capable of resisting tbe power of his appetites the inheritance of savagry. The republican party will not be in power till March 4, 1897. Althougk possessing a majority in the house of representatives and a plurality in the senate, President Cleveland stands as the great obstacle to desired reforms. Although the last congressional election was a repudiation of democratic legisla tion, yet the country will have to wait a weary year or more before the ends for which the people voted can bo attained. land over which it railroads itself, and it forms a practical illustration of the perfect feasibility of the scheme. Portland Telegram : The commercial travelers having set themselves a task of no mean proportions, are setting about earnestly . to further the work which they think ia not being sufficient' ly pushed bv the government. The last congress, through ex-Senator Dolph, ap propriated $100,000 for a survey of the upper uoiumoia, over wnicn it. was de sirable to have a boat railway. In a resolution passed by the Commercial Travelers' Association it is eta led that even if begun at once, with the usual preliminaries and red-tape proceedings in Euch an undertaking, - the present generation would hardly see its' comple tion, xne projectors are going to pro ceed in a thoroughly practical manner with this private enterprise. After the conference between the committees a mass meeting will be held. With a nucleus in some bank for a etarter tbt. farmers will be invited to lend a help ing hand by subscribing 100 to 500 bushels of wheat. Colonel James B. Eddy, a member of the board of railroad, commissioners, re turned Sunday night from Omaha, where he attended the eighth annual session of the trans-Mississippi congress. One of the great fights which Colonel Eddy made in tbe congress was for the boat railway at The Dalles. This nroD- osition was vigorously fought by several members of the committee to which it had been referred, but the ex-journalist of Pendleton overcame all - opposition and the congress unanimously passed a resolution favoring the appropriation by the government of a sufficient sum to construct the . boat railway. Pendleton Tribune. ' PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. P. TC Mioholt rt fV.1 i. visiting relatives and friends in the city. Messrs. Kmnlr unH TV TTiiUnn rf Rivera are in the city, having driven some stock 10 (own. Mrs. Lena Bradburv. who has been in The Dalles tor several months, left last night for Walla Walla. Mr. E. M. Aldrich of Cascade Locks is in th city today. Mr. Aldrich is master mechanic for the Day Bros. Mr. F. M. Sullivan of Portland. rep resenting the in the citv on business connected with that pa pet. Crasd Opening; Tonight. There will be a grand opening of the Keystone ealoon corner of Front and Court streets this evening. Everybody is invited. Howe & Bailey, Props. Hot clam broth at 4 o'clock today at J. O. Mack't?, 67 Second street. - , Becember 2cL HETTIE Headed by tlie Peerless Comedienne E.";: In a Six Nights' Engagement. BERNMR l? kM a'r'-r TONIGHT. - The TJp-to-Date Comedy, J-. lalTTIaB COQUETTE." The Latest Songs, Dances and Specialties introduced during the performance. Change of Programme Every Night. Admission, 10c, 20c and 30c. ' Reserved Seats now on sale ." & Houghton's Drugstore. at Blakeley. I5N'T Your Wife! 'Weaker than' she -was when you married her ? She shows lack of energy, lack of vitality, poor digestion, and suffers from ills common to women ? - Have you ever tried to help her? If so, you haven't gone the right way about it, if you haven't got a case of ' - DR. HENLEY'S CELERY, BEEF AND IRON for her. . - That will make her strong and well, and bring back the roses to her cheeks; and the bright happy look to her eyes. Don't waste a moment. Get it for her to-day. FOR SALE BY BLAKELEY-& HOTJGHTON. J. O. 7VT7CK. The monthly statement issued by the treasury department shows during No vember t ie public debt increased $2.C46.- 503. The deficit for the five months of this fiscal year is $15,869,327. It is for tunate for the country that not much more than a year will elapse before men with better business methods will be placed at the head of government. baby growt The babv's mission is growth. To that little bun dle of love, half trick, half dream, every added ounce of flesh means added hap piness and comfort ! Fat is the signal of rerfect health. comfort, good nature, baby Deauty. bcott's Emulsion, with hypophosnhites. "is the eas iest fat-food baby can have, m xne easiest iorm. it sup plies just what he cannot get m his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth. Scott & Bowke, Chemists, New York. 50c and $ 1 ,000,000 People Wear W.LDouglasSlioes Speaker Heed made a trite saying when he declared that "thoee who have acted with wisdom' heretofore .may be fairly expected to act with wisdom here after." The republican party has brought the country through times more troublous than its present predica ment, and it can safely be trusted with leadership again. ' at Some idea ot the late political land slide may be obtained when' it is noticed that in seating the members of the house of representatives the first and last two on the democratic side were al lotted to the republicans, in addition to the seats commonly theirs." CONCERNING A BOAT RAILWAY. Albany Herald : For a number of years tne theory of a ship railway has been under discussion, with many able acd eminent engineers as its advocators. It remained, however, for an obscure Swedish mechanic to put the idea into actual practice and construct a vessel which runs in the water and propels it self on the ordinary rails of a railroad by land. It is used as a passenger boat j ' on two Jakes separated by a etrip of ss. crwi 1 '- - rnuwi. $5.oo $4.oo $3.50 $2.50 $2.25 For Men Wear TV. I Daatlas (hoes and um from 81. OO t4 es.OO m pair. - All ' Strips and Width.. Tbe advance In leather has Increased tlio Srlce of other makes, bnt the quality and prices of V. I.. Donirlas .hoes remain the une. rake no substitute : soc that name and price ts stnmncd oa sole. W. L. loulu, liaockToK, Mass. Sold hf CHAS. F. STEPHENS. $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $i.75 For Boys lunyontts' -DEALER IN- pine Gttines and Iiiqaois, Domestic and Key West Cigars, r v i ; : -) St. Louis and Milwaukee Bottled Beer. - Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. THE OLD ORO FINO STAND. 67 Second St., - V - - The Dalles, Oregon. The Germania STUBLING & WILLIAMS, Props. FINE WIN ES, LIQUORS CIGARS. All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Genuine Key West Cigars. A Full Line of CALIFORNIA - WINES - AND - BRANDIES ' Twelve-yer-old Whiskey," strictly pure, for medicinal purposes. Best Malt Liquor. Columbia Mrewery llecr on Urauclit. Agents for the Celebrated Pnbftt Milwaukee lleer. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. , r. Successor to Cbrisman & Torsoa. . '1: J - : - FULL LIN OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCE . ES. Again in business at the old etand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get off oa the Sonth Side ......AT THE. .. HEW COLiUjVlBlfl HOTEIi. .. i s-f,- "- " X - -OfO- i ' This laTge and popular Honseaoes the principal hotel business, . nd is prepared to furnish Ihe Best Accommodations ol any House in thw city, aud at tne low rate of ; $1.00 per Day. - pirst Qass Ieals, 25 Ceijts .'; Office for all StaKe Lines leavjiia; The Dalles' for all ' I points in Eattota Oregon and Kastern Waabinetoni In this Hotel. . , Corner of Front and Union Sts. T. T. NICHOLAS. Propr. J New pi o S3 D o ul to O Only a few names as a "persuader. .3 C3 I X! (1) H J3 h Ei o 03 a o Mi o CO o o a a o No. 94 Second Street, THE DAULES, OR Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned hns been duly appointed administratrix oi the citato of I. I. liurcet, deceased, by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for W asco Couu'y: all versons having claims against tho estate of said deceased are herebv uotiiied to pre-ent them wirh the proper vouchers thoefor theuiidersiKiied, ot the " "ice of Unntlngton & WllfO", 1 be Dalle!-. Oregon, within six months from thf date hereof. Dated September 3d. istis. - MRS. A. T. BURGET. Administratrix. IOST. One gray horse, etring halted in both hind legs ; one small gray mare, branded diamond J on shoulder; one sorrel mare, with small , piece ont of one ear. A liberal reward will be paid for informa tion leading to their recoverv. Address this office or O. B. Ilartlev. 'Hood River, Or. , B20-lm. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. Jnst received, a new and elegant bulk of Handkerchief Extracts and Sachets, principally "LundborgB," at iDonncll'js Dtacj Stove. Oeutsehe flpotheke. Telephone Jio. 15. CLOSING OUT SALE DRY GOODS of CXiOTHIN'G, FURITISHIN"Gr QOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost; J; P. McINERNY. MICnHI3ACH BRICK, UNION ST. JOS. T. PETERS & CO., DEAIjEES in- BUILDIIC MATERIALS f Toloplioiio Effo. 2S. " s THE CALIFORNIA WINE HOUSE, -JOBBING AND EETAILING OF Pure CALIFORNIA WINESand BRANDIES At prices lower than ever. Greatest assortment of " . Liaaors. Also Columbia Brewery Beer on draught. CHAS. BECHT, Prop., THE DALLES, OR. RUPERT - Wholesale and retail mannfactnrers and dealers in " v , ; Harness, Saddles,lBridl y ; - . TENTS and WAGON COVERS, r f '" 1:' ' : ' REPAIRING TKOMPTLY DONE. ": ' Adloinine E. J. Collins & Co.'b Slor