The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 03, 1895, Image 1

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    CI J
vol: viii
NO. 29
To give those who haven't had the opportunity of visiting our Shoe Department an idea of
the wonderful bargains offered during this sale, we will make a few quotations, which it
win Denent you to careiuiiy consider:
Regular. Special.
Child's Kid Button Shoe, spring heel, patent tip, size 6 to 7 $1.25 $ .83
Child's Kid Button Shoe, spring heel, patent tip, size 8 to 10 1.50 1.00
Misses' Kid Button Shoe, spring heel, patent tip, size 11 to 2 1.90 . 1.35
Child's Grain Button Shoe, spring heel, sole leather tip, size 8 to 10 1.35 .85
Misses' Grain Button Shoe, spring heel, sole leather tip, size 11 J 1.85- 1.35
Child's Grain and Calf Button Shoe, spring heel, "Young America," 5. to 8. 1.25 1.00
Child's Pebble Calf " " spring heel, sole leather tip, 7 to 10 .. 1.50 ' .95
Misses' Kangaroo Calf " " spring heel, plain toe,, size 8 to 10 .... 1.50 1.00
Ladies-' Oxfords in kid and calf, case and turn soles, etc., choice of lot :...$1.00 per pair
A WORD The above lines are all superior goods, guaranteed just as represented, and below the present values of these goods at first price
An assorted lot of Child's Shoes, kid and grain ............. ........75c and $1.00
Ladies'. Kangaroo Calf, button, patent tip, size 2 to 7.... 2!50
Ladies' Seal Calf Button Shoe, dull ;tip, size 2 to 7...... ! 2J75
Ladies' Kid Calf Button Shoe, patent tip, size 2 to 7 3.00
Ladies' French Kid Button Shoe, hand-turn sole, size 2 to 7 '."'...'.'.'. 5.00
Ladies' American Kid Calf Button Shoe, plain or patent tip .. 3.00
Gentlemen's Fine Dress Shoe, lace or congress, tipped, all warranted .. 400
cordovan stock, Goodyear welt............... .. .. 5.50
" ' i" dongola, congress, plain toe ............................. 3.00
" ' vici kid. consrress onlv... ...... 9. fn
Gents' Fine Embroidered Plush Slippers reduced to .......$1.00
$ .50
and $1.25
Sale Now On.
The Fifty-fourth Congress
; Met Yesterday.
, Republican Cancua Nominees for
Baua Offlor Elected No Action
'- Taken by Kepnbllcan Senator
Towards Reorganization.
Washington, Dec. 2. All Washington
hies to the big capitol building on open
ing days, and today there was an added
interest on account of the changes in
volved and the large influx of new blood
It was an orderly crowd which came
throngh the rain in private conveyances,
in street cars and on foot. By 10 :30
o'clock, an hoar and a half before the
time of meeting, the public galleries of
both houses were filled and the eager
crowd had overflowed into the outer cor
ridors. The senate was called to order prompt
ly at noon. The vice-president admin
istered the oath to the senators elect,
and the nsnal formal resolutions were
At 1 :30 it was announced that the pre
sident's message would not be submitted
today, and the senate adjourned.
QThe republican senators caucused half
an hour, but adjourned until Wedneeday
.without taking action on reorganization.
The 54th house of representatives was
called to order at noon by Clerk Kerr.
The roll was called and the clerk an
nounced 341 of the 350 members preeent
and that no credentials had been re
ceived from tenth New York and first
Nevada districts.
Kerr then called for nominations for
speaker. No nominating speeches were
made, but Grosvenor of Ohio, named
Reed, Sayres of Texas, Crisp, and Kern
. of Nebraska, Bell of Colorado.
The result of the vote for speaker was :
Reed, 234; Crisp, 95: Bell, 6; Cuberson,
(dem.) 1. Total 236. The announce
ment of Reed's election was greeted with
great applause, which was continued
when he ascended the rostrum, and his
speech was also punctuated with ap
plause. It was as follows:'
'It will not bj unbecoming in roe, I
hope, if I acknowledge to this assembly
that it is very agreeable to me to stand
once more in the place I left four years
ago. Of the past,' however, I ehall not
speak, for the past speaks for itself in
terms more tilting and appropriate than
any words which could come from my
lips. JNor shall I speak of the future,
for' we are not putting off the harness,
but putting it on. Yet, I think I can
venture to say of the future, in the light
of the past, that if we do something
which for the moment seems inadequate,
it may be that timewhich has justified
it for us on many occasions, may do so
again. Those who" have acted with wis
dom heretofore may be fairly expected
to act with wisdom hereafter. I am
sorry to say the pleasure associated with
the honor you have bestowed on me, an
honor no American citizen can fail ' to
appreciate and for which I eive thanks.
lasts for but a moment or eo, while the
cares and responsibilities extend over
many days.
"So far as the performance of my
duties affects the whole people of the
United Stat3s I invoke their considerate
judgment. So far as it affects the mem
bers of this honse.I ask from both
chambers that cordial co-operation,
wUhout which I can cannot hope to suc
ceed, aesuring them that no effort on my
part will be spared to "aid them in the
performance of their duties bv "that en
tire impartially which is their just due.,'
The republican caucus nominees for
house officers were promptly elected.
. By unanimous consent Newlands. nf
Nevada, and Cainmings of New York,
whose credentials had-not arrived, were
sworn in with the other members.
The drawing of seats beimr concluded
the bouse adjourned till tomorrow.
Fell Forty Feet Without Inlary.
Independence, Dec. 2. A thrilling
but not fatal accident occured la3t Sat
urday eight miles south of this olace.
William Caster was returning, at 5
o'clock in the morning, from a dance at
buver, driving a horse attached to a doz-
cart. In crosainz the Hfilmifh hriicn
wbich is covered, making it very dark, a
place where two boards are misaine from I
the side of the bridge was evidently mis-
lasen lor the end of the bridge, and
horse, cart, and driver went through
and fell 40 feet into the water below.
The water, seven feet deep, broke the
force of the fall, and neither horse nor
driver was hnrt.
Wanted. ,
A girl to do general turns-wnrW
ing included. Wages $12 per month.
Enquire at corner 8ih and Liberty Sts.
Acta at once, never fails. One Min
ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma,
and that feverish condition which ac
companies a severe cold. The only
harmlees remedy that produces imme
diate results. .
Almost everybody takes some laxative
medicine to cleanse the system and keep the
blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS
Liver Regulator (liquid or powder)
get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant
laxauvc ana ionic mar purities tne Blood
and strengthens the whole system And
more than this : SIMMONS LlVER REGU
LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active
ana neaitny, and when the Liver is In
good condition you find yourself free from
Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick
Headache and Constipation, and rid of
mat worn : out and debilitated feeling.
These are all caused bv a slue-erish Liver.
Good digestion and freedom from stomach
troubles will only be had when the liver
Is properly at work. If troubled with any
ui mcse complaints, try simmoiNS liver
KfctiuLATOR. l fte King of Liver Medl
cines, and better than Fills.
Baa tbe Z Stamp in red on wrapper
o. t. z.eiiiu jc uo., 1'iiila., Pa
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U . S. Gov't Report
r I Y XI V f t. Iff I I . . r
Telepbone Line Betrreen La Grande
and Union Completed.
La Geande, Dec. 2. The Grande Ron
de Telephone Company has completed
us line between this city and Union.
Saturday night the instruments were
put in at La Grande and Union, and
bunday satisfactory tests were" made.
The line will bo open for business in a
few days. Tne line between this citv
and Island Citv was completed today.
The extension from Inland City to Elgin
will be completed Friday, and. when it
is in operation, will form a circuit from
Union through La Grande, Island City.
Summerville, Elgin, Enterprise and
Joseph, the two last named places being
in Wallowa countv.
Union, Dec. 2. The telephone line
between Union and La Grande was com
pleted, and placed in working order to
day. There is nothing that causes women
greater diocomfort ami mirery than the
constantly recurring Headac'if. Men
suffer less with Hendnclie. "My wife's
health was very indifferent having
Headache continually, and just two
packages of Simmons Liver Regulator
released her from all Headache and gave
tone and vigor to her whole ytem. I
have nevt-r regretted it's use." M. B.
DeCord, Mt. Vernon, Ky.
No more BOILS, no more PIMPLES'
Use Kinersly's Iron Tonic. "The Snipes
Kinersly lrng Co. Telephone No. 3.
For Infants and Children. ..
. Caetorla promotes Digestion, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. . Caatorla contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
"Castoria is bo well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
.nown to me." H. A. Abcher, M. D.,
v . Ill Sooth Oxford St., Brooklyn, N.T.
" For several yean I have recommenced your
Castoria,' end shall always continue to do so,
as it has invariably produced beneficial resulta."
Kdwim F. Pahdse, M. D.,
, 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City
' "The nse of Castoria' is so universal and
Its merits eo well known that it reams a work of
supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in
telligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy roach."
Cabins Martyw, D. D.,
... - . New York City.
Thb Ckntaub Company, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
New Arrivals.
A Full Line of
Bayle's Specialties.
Salted Peanuts in small car
toons. '
Toasted Butter Corn in small
Bayle's celebrated Clam Broth
Bayle's English Sandwich
Bayle's Extract of Beef.
Little German Pretzels.
Saratoga Chipped Potatoes.
Dressmaking Parlors
Are now opened -
over Pease & Mays' Store.
Miss St. John.
Mrs. Manns.
The above are very fine goods and per
fectly fresh.
It will be a pleasure to show them to
you. .
The Grocer.
Ask Central for 62.
Harry I jrrf
LIME and
Picture Moulding.
Watchmaker? Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Can now be found at 162 Second
street. '
Moving I
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at .
reasonable figures. Has the
largest hotise moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181. The bailed
e yioa
: : . : i ALL SIZES IN : : : :
Further testiinonials haye been received as to
the excellent durability of our FOOTWEAR.
Dry Goods Importer.