VOL. VIII Rt OPER PRIESMEYER, GIESEGKE-- Sale tow On. CRISIS EXPECTED SOON Situation in Turkey Very Critical. PROMISED FIRMANS NOT GRANTED A.- British Onnboat Heading for tlie - Dardanelles Attempt to Se cure Its Kecall. Constantinople, Nov. 28, via Sofia. Bulgaria, Nov. 29. The political situa tion is critical, and a crisis may be ex pected within the, ensuing 24 honra. The saltan, who is once more thorough ly under the influence of the palace party, led by Izzel Bey, still declines to grant the firmans applied for by repre sentatives of Great Britain, Russia, Ita ly and Austria, for the passage of the extra guard ships through the Straits of Dardanelles. This is extraordinary, as on Tuesday Tewfik Pasha, the Turkish minister of foreign affairs, personally assured Sir Philip Carrie that the porte had detei mined to grant the permission required. It would .thus seem that while the Tur kish ministers are apparently in favor of granting the firmans, the palace party, priests, chamberlains and others, who are the real advisers of Abdul Hamid, are opposed to it as calculated to lower the dignity of the sultan. Meantime the Mussulmans are' growing uneasy looking upon the threatening advent of the extra guard ships as nothing lees than warlike demonstrations before Constantinople. Sir Philip Currie, when assured by Twefik Pasha that the firmans would be forth-coming immediately telegraphed to the admiral in command of the Brit " ish Mediterranean squadron instructing him to diBpatch a gunboat to the Darda nelles to be. used in the BoBphorous as an extra guard. The twin-screw torpe do gunboat Oriad, carrying four seven Inch and four eix-pounoer quick-firing guns, is expected to arrive at Cbanakkai today and pass right on to the Bospho rus. The sultan is known to be in a state of tha greatest agitation at the news that an extra British gunboat is heading 'or the Dardanelles. - The minister of foreign affairs was sent for at midnight and an exciting in Highest of all in Leavening Power. Of the pIEItD FOH A Line of Shoes that are Walter H. terview took place between him and the sultan, during which the latter bitterly and tearfully reproached Tewfik Pasha for his action. The pasha tried to justify himself by recalling that the granting of the firmans had been agreed to in sub stance by the sultan. The sultan insist ed that it was impossible to issue tha fir mans, as that would cause rioting in Constantinople, and that the powers should be content with the measures taken by the government to maintain order. The sultan then instructed Tew fik Pasha to do everything possible to induce the British ambassador to count ermand his order for a gunboat" Sir Philip refused, saying he was tired of being trifled with, and reminding him that Great Britain was rcting fairly within her treaty rights. Tewfik Pasha returned to the palace in a very unenviable frame of mind, with the failure of his mission. The sultan, frantic with rage, drove him from his presence with fierce revilings, and the president of the state counsel, Said Pasha, who is supposed to have some influence with Sir Philip Currie, .was sent for. The sultan eagerly besought him to go immediately to the British ambassador and spare no effort to induce him to order the recall of the Driad. Sir Philip finally consented to place the whole matter once more before bis gov ernment and awaft further instructions. DOUBLE ACTION RULE. Beets Hake Whisky and Whisky Hakes Beats. Omaha, Nov. 29. The vast yield of sugar beets in Nebraska and the inabil ity of the farmers to dispose of the enor mous quantity as rapidly as convenient, has provoked some peculiar violations, of the revenue laws. A still has been captured in Sherman county from which whisky was being manufactured from beets. - Republicans to Organise. Washington, Nov. 29. There is a growing probability tbat the republicans at their caucus on next Monday will de cide to attempt to reorganize the senate on republican lines, and that the candi date for president pro tern will then be decided upon. Quite a number of re publican senators, including three mem bers of the steering committee, wera at the capitol today and au informal ex change of views among them resulted in a general adoption of this conclusion. There is a difference of opinion as to the wisdom of attempting' more than the election of the presiding officer in the beginning, but the preponderance of Latest U. S. Gov't Report THE DALLES, OREGON, Late Firm of Celebrated for their Tenney, RESULATQRi VwvwsgjVaVjtlr GOOD FOR EVERYBODY Almost everybody takes some laxative medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative arid tonic that purifies the blood and strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active and healthy, and when the Liver is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, ' Biliousness, . Indigestion, Sick- Headache and Constipation, and rid of that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver is properly at work. If troubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER KEGULATOR. l he K.ing or Liver Medi cines, and Better than fills. EVERY PACKAGE- Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper. J. H. ZeUin & Co., liila, Pa opinion is tbat the action at tbat time will be confined to this. If the republi can candidates succeed in this contest, the republicans will then place candi dates in the field for other elective offices. The Durrant Trial. ' San Fbancisco, Nov. 29. General Dickinson continued reading his affida vits lor a motion for a new trial in the case of Theodore Durrant this morning. Dickidson complained that although the witnesses had been excluded from the courtroom during the trial the news papers had persisted in publishing the testimony. He was still reading his affidavits at 2 o'clock this afternoon. There is nothing tbat causes women greater discomfort and mieery than the constantly recurring Headiche. Men suffer less with Headacbe. "My wife's health was very indifferent having Headache continually, and just two packages of Simmons Liver Regulator released her from all Headache and gave tone and vigor to her whole system . I have never regretted it's use." M. B. DeCord, Mt. Vernon, Ky. One Vessel Bought. - Nbw YoBKi Nov. 29. A local paper says : The steamer State of California, which has been running between this port and the Clyde for the Allan state line, has been sold to the Japanese gov ernment and will be converted into a cruiser. - . : - " -"- ' Subscribe for The Chronicle. SATURDAY,' NOVEMBER STONEMAN GfllMS If Excellence and durability, made by sucli as Wright Acts at once, never fails. One Min ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and that feverish condition which ac companies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy tbat produces imme diate results. For Tnfanta and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion,: and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour Stomach,, Diarrhoea, ' and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its . sleep natural. Castorla contains no Morphine or other narcotic property. - " Castorla Is o well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription .'known, to me." H. A. Aecheb, M. D., Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, H. Y. " For several years I hare recommedaed your Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so. as it has invariably produced beneficial remits." Edwiw F. Pardee. M. D., 135th Street and 7th Ave,, New York City. "The nse of 'Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it pee ma a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the in telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cxauoe Mabttw. D. D., -. New York City. Thjc Cxhtaijr Compajtt, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. Dressmaking'Parlors Are now opened over Pease & Mays' Store. Miss St. John. Mrs. Manns. The best of all. Men's Overcoats and Ulsters, which fasten the immediate attention of men wanting a warm, serviceable garment Men's Suits. The consideration of profit is Worth every cent of $7 Our Men's Underwear, Four lines to select from. We expect io : ; sell ont these lines daring this week. Worth every cent of 75 cents . Now 50 Cents 30. L895. & FIEGE. SEflSOflfiBliE GOODS. & Richards, and others. New Arrivals. A Full Line of Bayle's Specialties. Salted Peanuts in small car - toons. : " - -Toasted Butter Corn in small ' cartoons. Bayle's celebrated Clam Broth Bayle's English Sandwich . Mustard. Bayle's Extract of Beef. Little German Pretzels. Saratoga Chipped Potatoes. The above arc very fine goods and per fectly fresh. It will be a pleasure to show them to you. J. B. CROSSEN, The Grocer. Ask Central for 62. Harry-Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker t Jeweler . AU work promptly attended to, and warranted. - 1 Can now be found at 162 Second street. - Th Peopl From $5.75 up. Men's Suits. abandoned. price, $5.50. M HOWYWILL NO 281 01 s St Co . DOORS, WINDOWS, - SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ZE3I. GhLZEisriisr. House Moving. Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at ' reasonable figures. Has the largest honsa moving outfit -in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles Q are with us Men's ITeck-wear. We have just opened up several boxes of new neckwear, all the latest' patterns. You've often paid 50 cents for the same -qualitv. We only ask 25 Cents. Men's Hats. Right to the main point, atonco. Hats without natters' profits. That's 'the way -we sell 'am. Just received a case of men's Fedoras, newest shapes, of course. You would say they were worth $3. TTow our price is $2.50. We want to ilispoee'of our stock ot Teles copes, Valises and lanie Trunks. Special prices, 15 per cent, discount. . BOSS CASH STORE. Dry Goods Importer.