a VOL. VIII m OWH PRIESMEYER, Sale Now On. PORTE WILL REFUSE Gunboats May Not Enter the Bosphorus. REASOxNS FOR THIS ACTION I'nder l'reient Conditions tlie Effect Might lie Disastrous Kealden, They Are Not lte ' quired. m Cosstaktinoplk. Nov, 24., via Sofia, Nov. 25. The main question now being discussed between the porte and repre sentatives of the powers is the demand of Great Britain, Italy, Russia and Aus tria for firming for passage through the Dardanelles of an extra gnnboat to be attached to tneir respective embassies. While admitting that the powers possess the right to have two guard ships each in the Bosphorus, the porte considers that the proposed increase of the num ber of foreign war vessels there under present conditions, might excite the Mussulmans and produce an effect far from the one desired by the powers. In addition the porte points out that in view of the measures taken to preserve order there, an increase in the number of guard ships attached to the embassies is not required. It can be said upon gocd authority that this is the substance of the note the porte has sent the repre sentatives of the powers. " ' J As soon as the notes shall have been received and considered at the British, Russia, Italian and Austrian embassies a conference of the representatives of those' powers will be called arid a" joint reply may be sent the porte. Turkish representatives at London, St. Peters burg. Rome and Vienna will be instruct ed to earnPBtly request the fonr powers not to insist on their demand. In political circles the repugnance of the porte to grant the firming applied for contributes to the belief said to exist among the Turkish ministers that to grant the firmins would be a sad blow to the dignity of the sultan and a direct proof of the lack of confidence upon the part of the powers in His ability to gov ern and maintain order. Behind this, it is claimed, the Turks fear the de manded increase in the number of for eign guard ships in the Bosphorus i6 Highest of all in leavening Power Of the BEM FOR A Line of Shoes that are "Walter ' H. really only a cloak for the intention of the powers to make a naval demonstra tion in Turkish waters in case of re newed disturbances in Asiatic Turkey. "There is no donbt that efforts are be ing made to maintain order in districts where disturbances ero threatened, and to suppress disorders where outbreaks have occurred. All danger is now passed, however. The governor of Had jin, who threatened to burn the convent here, and set fire to the barley fields, has, owing to the strong representations made the porte on the subject by Mr. Terrell, been re-called, and his conduct will be inquired into. In reply to the appeal directed by Baron von Call's, the Austrian ambassa dor, to the Armenian. patriarch to exert bis influence to prevent -another cut break, which it was feared was the pur pose of the demonstration the Armenain central revolutionary committee is al leged to have planned for this city, the patriarch eaya no such demonstration is contemplated, "although," ho ' says, "despair reigns among them, owing to the incessant arrests and exiling of the Armenians." The patriarch says 400 armed Armenians of this vicinity have recently been exiled to Anatolia. Hairinik, the local newspaper, sup pressed last week, because its editor re fused to publish an article sent him by the Turkish authorities, condemning the "intrigues of the Armenians," has been granted permission to resume publica tion. ' r . The absence of news from Zeitoun, whore the Armenians are collecting in strong force, and the failure of the gov ernment to furnish any information re garding the concentration of Turkish troops at Marash for an advance on Zeitoun, are causing, some uneasiness, besides which no news is obtainable con cerning the rising of the Druses against Turkish rule." " One ot the most serious features of the whole situation, the financial situation, continues to hamper the government in its efforts to restore order in Asiatic Turkey, and there does not seem to be any relief. LLOID MONTGOMERY. Breaks Down and Admits the Triple Killing. Albany, Or., Nov. 25. Lloyd Mont gomery, the murderer of his father, mother and Daniel McKercber, near Brownsville Tuesday last, has been un able to endure the weight of the terrible crimes upon his mind, and this evening made a full confession, admitting that Latest U. S. Gov't Report rt THE DALLES, OREGON, Late Firm of BftPGaipiS Ifl Celebrated for their Tenney, he killed all three of them. .The prison had appeared In a very distressed state of mind during the day. ...Late this, ever ing, when visited in his cell, he answ ered several questions, but said his at torneys advised iiini to eay nothing about the murder. However, after some further questioning, he began weeping and said : . r . "Oh, if I only had to do it over again ! I don't know what made me do it I.' "What wore McEercher and " your father talking about as they stood by the picket fence in front of the house, after Edward Gilkey, the"" hopbuyer, drove away, and what was McKercher's Busi ness there?" was asked. "McKercher asked father how be was fixed for. money : that he would like to get a few dollars father owed hiin. They were talking about that, and were speak ing in a friendly manner. McKercber asked for a drick of water, and I got it for him." "How did the shooting begin ; what was the cause of it?" "We were quarreling, father and I. Father commenced getting after me for going away from home and neglecting my work. He had always abused me. McKercber sided in with father while we were quarreling. Father asked me where I had been. I told him I had been hunting. Then he slapped me in the face and told me to go and cut some wood. .This made me so angry that I did not know what I was a doing. I went into the house and got father's rifle. . It was in the bedroom. I came out and stood in the kitchen door. Father and McKercher were still stand ing by the fence talking, and mother was standing near by in the yard.'! '. AMERICAN M19S10NA1RES- A Number nave Safely Arrived St Ain taba Prom Central Tnrlcey. , Constantinople," Nov. . 22. (Copy righted, 1895,'. by Associated Press). -United States Minister Terrell has re ceived a dispatch from Aintaba announc ing the safe arrival there of the Ameri can Missionaries belonging to the Cen tral Turkey Mission.liey are: Dr. and Mrs. Americus Fuller, Rev. Charles S. Sanders, Mrs. A. M. Trowbridge, Miss Ellen Rye and Miss Elizabeth M. Trow bridge, and an English governess, Mies McDonald. The missionaries said full protection was afforded them by . the Turkish authorities when demanded from the porte by Terrell. The latter is now satisfied that the 172 missionaries in Anatolia are safe; The situation here is still grave and more complicated. WANTED AN AGENT , in every section, to canvas, $4.00 to $5.00 a day made, sells at sight ; also a man to sell staple goods to dealers, best side line, $75.00 a month. Salary or large commission made, experience unneces sary. For pealed particulars send stamp. Clifton Soap & Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati!, Ohio. Wanted. A girl to do housework. Applv at'this office. - : , ,.. n22d3tw2. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER STONEMAN Excellence and durability, made by such as Wright Acts at once, never fails. ; One Min ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and that feverish condition which ac companies a severe - cold. The only harmless remedy that produces imme diate results. ., For Infants and Children. Castoria promotes Digestion, and. overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour -j-tomach, .. Diarrhoea, . and Feverishness. Thus the child is rendered healthy and its. sleep natural. Castoria contains no If orpiiine or other narcotic property. 44 Castoria is to well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription .tnown to me." H. A. Archkb. M. D., Ill South Oxford St,, Brooklyn, N. Y. For several years I ham reeommen3ed your . Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwik E. Farms, M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., Now York city. "The use of Castoria' is so universal and Its merits to well known that it neems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the In telligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CASbOS Mabttk, I). V., New York City. Thi Cehtaob Coupamt, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. Dressmaking Parlors Are now opened over Pease & Mays' Store.: Miss St. John. Mrs. Manns. The best of all. R Men's Overcoats and Ulsters, which faBten the immediate attention of men wanting a warm', serviceable garment Men's Suits. ; The consideration of profit is Worth every cent of $7 - Our Men's Underwear, Four lines to select from. We expect Xo , . - sell out these lines during this week. .' i . Worth every cent of 75 cents - Now 50 Cents BOSS CASH STORE. 26, 1895. & FIEGE. SEfiSOflttBItE GOODS. & Richards, and others. New Arrivals. A Full Line of ,: Bayle's Specialties. Salted Peanuts in small car toons. . Toasted Butter Corn in small cartoons. Bayle's celebrated Clam Broth Bayle's English Sandwich Mustard. Bayle's Extract of Beef. Little German Pretzels. Saratoga' Chipped Potatoes. The above are very fine goods and per fectly freeh. It will be a pleasure to show them to you. J. B. CROSSEN, The Grocer. Ask Central for 62. - Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL i All work promptly attended to, ; ; . and warranted. . .. , , . Can1 now -be found ' at 162" "Second streets . " r : : v Jeweler The people Men's Neckwear. From $5.75 up. Men's Suits. Men's Hats. abandoned. price, $5.50. M HON Y WILL, NO 278 s 8t Co. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRECLAY, LIME and CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding'. hi. a-Xj :e :lt nsr . House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all : kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. ' Has the - largest honse moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. - ; Address P.O.Box 18I.The Dalles are with us : We have just opened up several boxes of new neckwear, all the. latest patterns. You've often, paid 50 cents for the same qnalitv. We only ask 25 Cents. Bight to the main 'point at once. lists without tiatterB' profits. That's the way we sell 'am. Just received a case of men's Fedoras, newest shapes, of course. You would eay they were worth 3. Now our price is $2.50. We want to dispose of our stock ot Teles copes, Valises and large Trunks. Special prices, 15 per cent, discount. Dry Goods Importer.