OVERWORK INDUCED Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery 07 the TJso of yer's Sarsaparsfla " Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to business, iny health failed. . I became weak, nervous, was unalilc to look after my intercuts, ami manifested ail the symptoms of a de cline. I took throe bottles of Aycr's Sarsaparilla, bcun to impijovu at ouce. AL pz & anil gradually incTcnsed mv weight frr.m one hundred and twei.ry-live to two hundred pounds. Since- then. T and my f.i:ni!y have u;;sl this ii!cdi ine v. ik :i needed, and wo are ni! in the best i.f health, a fact which we attribute In Aycr's Snrsnparilhi. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless lo-ilny had it. not been fur Aycr's Sarsaparilhi, of which preparation I cannot say too jiuicli." IT. O. ITixaox. I'ostniasler and Planter, Kimml's, S. V. Ayer'sffi Sarsaparilla RECEiYiSG Sb'.EOAL ftT WORLD'S FAiH. AVER'S Pills Save Doctor's Eilis. Iilst of Examination Questions. Following are the questions in geog raphy and theory and practice asked at the teachers' examination last week: GEOGRAPHY. 1 What is the second city in size in the United States? Name tonr causes that have contributed to give it Us pres ent prominence among our American cities. 2. How could you illustrate to a class why our part of the earth becomes warmer in summer? 3. Describe the physical features of Oregon, naming the principal etreams in the drainage system. 4. What and where is each of the following : Baikal, Corea, Maderia, Tas mania, Hecla. 5. What determines the position of the tropics and polar circles? Give name, width and location of each zone. 6. What place in Europe would yon visit to see watches manufactured, car pets manufactured, salt mines, art schools, olives prow? Locate each place you have named. 7. What is climate? Name the four agencies which tend to modify climate. 8. Define delta, estuary, orbit, water shed, elneier. 9. Name the five etates which touch the western bank of the Mississippi river, giving the largest city of tach state. 10. Info what do the following rivers flow: Potomac, Merrimac, John Day, Elbe, Niger. THEORY AND PRACTICE. 1. w hat are three characteristics of a tfood question? 2. What objection is there to allow ing one recitation to trespass UDon the time of another in yonr daily recitations? 6. What 13 the chief aim of all school uirui pi ; lie r 4. Name five efficient teacher? "" Tit o tfni-. .tl. a n,! 1,: s. 10 Classfy your i.,Tv. 1 -c ' J usas a oasis for eu.i loiucanon ; tiive your answer. t. v hat is the theory" and "art plain briefly (ho imno.tancA r,f What moral princinlea thnnM v. 1 11 everv flebonl ? u.,.o cat is the text-books? dJn- T' do JO" consider esssrj tor the teacher? 7. taoht characteristics of an reason for difference between in teachins? V.-r- prorer function of nec rose en masse and yelled, umbrellas and hats tossing m air, Eugene's yellow flags waving and Portland's cardinal etreamers flapping. Old men yelled till they were purple in the face, and professors of both universities, forgetting dignity, thought they were kids. They slapped each other on the back till I was afraid they would knock their wind clean out. We were seated immediately behind the organized gang of P. TJ. yellers and it was deafening. - The law school, which ia part of the state uni versity, had a very taking yell. It be gan, "Blackstone, Blackstone, Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! We ate University School of Law." They ftave it often and with great enthusiasm. The medical echool call was not so striking and I couldn't catch the words. Clyde Bonney was one of the Eugene men and we watched him with interest. Ed Lyons sat rear us. Beside him was an elderly gentle man, who, during a breathless pause, while people were waiting to know whether to ehout or groan, turned to Mr. Lyons and said : "Is this baseball, did you say?" No wonder Mr. Lyons turned pale. Many students ; wore mortar boards. We saw Frank French and Will Crossen at the came, but as they were shouting for Portland Uni versity the outcome was not pleasing to them." The meeting of the whist club last night proved a very pleasant social event. The earlier part of the evening was spent in playing whist. Mrs. Lord won the head prize, while the contest for the booby was a tie between Mr. O. Kinersly and Mr. H. J. Maier. Finally lots were drawn, and Mr. Maier proved the winner. After the whist was over, the guests repaired to the dining par lors below, where a delicious banquet was 6erved, at which there were blight conversation and sallies of wit, for which the ladies and gentlemen of the club are famed. After the banquet was through, dancing was indulged in till a late hour. Besides the regular members of the club, there were present as invited guests, Mr and Mrs A S Mac Allister, Mr and Mrs H J Maier, Mr and Mrs H L Knck, Mrs Thornbury, Miss Lay, Miss Michel!, Miss Marden, Mrs C W Taylor, Dr Sutherland, Mr R H LoasJale and Mr Victor Marden. The electric lights played a joke upon the people .by going out last night just at 10 o'clock. The cause was the melt ing of the babbit metal in the main bearing of the engine... Electrician Mc Arthur, who was attending the theater, hurried to the works, where it was soon determined there would be dark ness till morning-. The damage is n t costly, but exceedingly inconvenient, as it will take considerable" time to make necessary repairs. The going out of the lights happened at a very incon venient hour. The carnival was in progress at tke armory ; the theater in fall blast at the Baldwin, and the whist club was in eession at Fraternity hall. There was a hurrying and scur rying after lamps and candles, and soon the daikness gave way to liht. Mr. McArthur says he hopes to have the lights burning all right this evening. BOBN. To the wife of C. C. English, on the 21st hist, a girl. Tnu Chronicle extends it? congratu lations to the father on his first born, as we had looked upon his declining years with hope hut solicitude. Our winter blooming Chrysanthemums are now in fall bloom. The public is cordially invited to come to cur green house, on Eight and Liberty arid see them. n20 3t The STufiiiXa GtiEfiXlloUSE. There are many good reasons why yon should use One Minute Cough Cure. There are no reasons why yon ehctild not, if in need of help. The only harm less remedy that produces immediate results. All neoorlptlou of tli e Football Game lias A ladv in TKn T 1 1 . f. ;. . ""le8 "a8 received " '"f-n.i who is vieitim? in Portland, but whose -home is lath's city, a letter which contains a graphic descni.tion of . ...... . f "r'IC ...i, luoc-oau game me University of Oregon club cieven jrom Portland tt: Buy. mime of the interest Notice, warrants Gttlslatuiin" ninof Dal.es City are now due nnd payable at my office. Interest ceases on and after July loth, 1895. GitvTrens. Subscrib your child You note the difference in children. Some have nearly every ailment, even with the best of care. Others far more exposed pass through unnarmed. Weak children 'ii i j it win. nave continuous colas in winter, poor dig-estion in summer. They are with out power to resist disease, they have no reserve strength. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, with hypo phosphites, is cod-liver oil partly digested and adapted to the weaker digestions of cnilaren. Scott & Bowmb, Chemists, New York. 50c and$i.oo Who Wants Money? All county warrants registered prior to Mar. 1st, 1892, will he paid if presented at lny office, corner 3d and Washington streets, The Dalles, Or. Interest ceases after Nov. 14, 1895. Wm. Michbi-l, County Treasurer. tigs. F. Oaics. Henry C. Payne, UKCBIVEBS. Henry C. Rons? ORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. n s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Cars ST. fADL HINNE4POLIS DULUIH FARGO . GRAND FORF CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE Ttifpagti Tiekets TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON rnir.AnBLPHU 'E1V HOES BOSTON AND All POINTS EAST and SOUTH For Information, time cards, maps aud tickets, call ou or write to . W.-G. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dulles, Oregon, OR A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.. 255, Morriion, Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon E-RSTI GIVES THE - Choice cf Transcontinental Routes -vi A. Spokane Denver Minneapolis Omaha for The Chkoxi uecwei'n and the passages ver- niay prove " g, and so we re-nrnrti, 2:l.r,Zt':- T" of her V, " " we" own in The Dall, the writer says he has "quite recovon-.!, or nearly eo, from the almost complete loss of his voice. You will be alarme-l to read this, but calm your self. On Saturday evening his voice was m.t far different from a bullfrogs, or wh? Oh! we wpnf .f .i, , ball ,,,.' We had to shout, for Port land TTmyersity students were eo well orsraniz-d.had so many horns and yelled tl.f OMwrBity yell so loud, that we had to help Eugene. It was simply wildly excitinir. Peon! in i, cj . ... v.,w giauu stand St. Paul Kansas City Low Rates to a!! Extern Cities. OCEAN 1 ,000,000 Peonle Wear WlJjouflas Shoes f BEST IN THE VORLD. $3.00 SEWED $ 'OQ $5.00 $4.00 $3.50 $2.50, $2.25 Widths. Ihe adnna STK,th.V ' JP""' ""! CHAS. F. STEPHENS. 1 STKAMlt9 Leave T Hvery Five ZJoy8 fOP rtJaiu S AN PRANCISCO. CAL. ' Tlia Jjalles, or address s Agent at W, H. nUELBCET, Gen. Pass. Agt . Portland, Oregon. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honse moving outfit " uuwirn vregon. Vddress P.O.Box ISKTh Dalles p THE BEST TOBACCO. New Arrivals. A Full Line of Bayle's Specialties. Salted Peanuts in small car toons. Toasted Butter Corn in small cartoons. ' Bayle's celebrated Clam Broth Bayle's English Sandwich Mustard. . Bayle's Extract of Beef. Little German Pretzels. Saratoga Chipped Potatoes. . The above are very fine goods' and per fectly fresh. It will be a pleasure to show them to you.'. J. B. CROSSEN, The G-rocer. Ask Central for 62. Tartars Siupes-Kinersly Drug Co. Drugs, Paints, s. ail Paper, Glass, Etc. JOS. T. PETERS & CO., DEALERS IJS BUILDINC MATERIALS -AND- Tolcplxono 3NTo. 25. 2Sm When ih Train stopsat THE DALLES, get tff on the Sculh Side ' A.T TUB HBW COIiUjVlSlfl HOTELst This lurfre and popular House oocs tbe principal hotel business, nnd Is prepared to furnish the Eest Accommodations ot any House In thn city, and at tne low rate of .., $1.00 per Day. - first Qass Teals, 25 Cerjts Office for all Since T.tne leavlnic The Dallea for all" potnta In Knttoru Oregon and Kalern WuhlnKtan. in this Hotel. e . Corner of Front and Lnlon Sts. T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr, GEORGE RUCH v PIONEER GROCER. Successor to Chrisman & Corson. - - rmim FULL LIN -OF STAPLE and FANCY CROCE ES. Agaiu in bueiness at the old etand. I would be pleased to see all my former patrons. Tree delivery to an part of town. DEALER IN - : PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in . WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used Tn all our work, nnd none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chein icel combination or soap mixture. A first-class article in all colors. All order promptly attended to. Store and Paiat Suod corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, 0re0B " There is a tide in tlie affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Ciosk Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICIIELBACH BRICK. - - UNTON ST. 129 Second St., THE DALMS, - - OR. w England Marble Granite Works T RI-PA-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common e very-day ills of' humanity. jfRRY LlEBE, . PRACTICAL WatchraaiUewelcr Catf street. All work Tro:nnt!r (tv aud nrainCiitea. ntfvt b$ found at K e:idert to, . "2- Second c9 cb & jo m a t & g CIIHTHUTAL 4. s ?.AFEf. rt-Uablo: uSoiti ffV., f " u.u.(u ia itea and Hold metallic Iboxw. TCaloa wi,h bluo ril.bon. S no other, r.rfinr f-. . 7 " ticm cd (mitotic At DrnSii,,orZiiL-. Calvin H. Weeks, Proprietor. 'WHOLESALE XKD RETAIL DEALER IN IiJonumenM Woi1 ImpoPted atuu. Do not order Monumental Work until you obtain our figures. You will find that, for good work, our charges are always the lowest. Cash or thue settlements fas preferred can be arranged for at greatly reduced figures. Send address for de signs and prices. Second and Third-6treet cars pass pur salesrooms. FORTLAISTD, OR 720 Front Street, opp. tho Failing School, THE :CELEBRKTEP : COlAUmiBfl BEaiEHY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cuscadee. The' latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and on.y "the first-class article will be placed oa he market. . . W T CLOSING OUT SALE of DRY GOODS CLOTHITTG-, FURNISHING- GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. SlulL se Goods Must Bet Sold Less Than Cost. :I r J: P. M6IKERNY.