OVERWORK INDUCED Nervous Prostration Complete Becovai7 by tha Use of yefs sarsaparassa " Some years so, -s a result of too close attention to business, iny health failed I bccnnio weak, nervous, was unable to lotk after my interests, ami manifested all the symptom, of a tlo- line. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to iuipnvu at ouee. unci gradually increased my weight from ono hundred and twenty-live to two hundred pounds. Since then. T and my family- have used this medieine whi n needed, and we are all in the best of health, a fact v.-hieh we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilia. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless to-ilny "had it not been for Ayer's Sarsanariila, of which preparation I cannot fay Joo much." IT. O. Hrxsox, Tostr-iaster and rianter, Kinard's, S. C. Ayer's sSarsapi ariisa flECEIVIffS MlOAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills. The Trades CarniTal. Following is the program for the Trades Carnival, at Armory hall, Friday and Saturday evening, Nov. 22nd and 23d, at 7 :30 p. m : FRIDAY KVKNING. Piano Solo. Grand March, by over 50 characters represent ing tne prominent Dusiness men ot me city. Kecitation "Maa Amnony's cnarge. George Earnest Stewart. Music "Mandolin and Guitar," and Ketta Stone. Misses Myrtle Becitation -"8111y Billy," (by.request,) George .earnest tsiewars. 80I0 Miss Myrtle Michell. Recitation Miss Martba Schooling. Solo with guitar accom'p, Mr. Harry Esping. Becitation "Dream of Eugene Aram," George earnest Stewart. Solo Mr. Hendershot. Becitation "The Old Man Goes to Town,' George Earnest Stewart. Fancy Drill By the characters' " SATURDAY EVENING. Piano Solo Mrs Collins. Grand March (By the characters representing ver fiftv nrominent business men of thecitv.) Becitation "How we Hunted a Mouse,' (by request,) George Ernest btsnart. Solo Mr. Harrv Esninz. Recitation "King Canute," George Earnest ; Stewart. Quartette Dr. Doane, Mr. Crandall, Mrs. IHuntington and Mrs. Price. Kecitation Miss Jennie Russell. Music "Mandolin and Guitur," Misses Myrtle and Ketta stone. Recitation "Mrs. Byrode and the Masons,' George Earnest Stewart. - Solo "Guitar and Manlolin." Mrs. Varney. Becitation, with piano accompaniment "The TlrAwninff Sin.r " llwtr.. Rnrii(wt KfAivnrt. Fancy Drill By characters. Admission 'J5cta, children under 12, 15 cents. AdTertlsed Letters. Following i9 the list of letters remain ing in the postoflice at The Dalles un called for Nov. 23, 1895. "i Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Allen, Mias Mable 2 Bookman, Wm Blum, Louis Clowen, Barney Cook, MrdRG Desmond, Mr Durga, M B flash man, Aug Hijlier, Dave Johnson, Chas Larson, L Martin, Prof Mitchell, Chas Muir, James Sadler, J L 7 Dpsbro, A DTI, F Eubanks, Mrs Graves, Mrs E Jones, W D Jones, G W PG Martin, Wm Menns, Miss Miller, J D Katnins, J E Smith, Wm Anna Wood worth, G D W vont. Mies Minnie Williams, Miss Minnie J. A. Crossen, P. M. To Volley Holders. X have a proposition to make to policy holders of the State Insurance Company of Salem, which will reimburse them for money they have paid out, and afford them absolute protection against loss by fire. Call at my office within the next five days, if you desire to take advantage of this offer. " Open evenings until 10 o'clock. Fred. D. Hill, Successor to Dufur & Hill, agents of Aetna Insurance Company,' Room 12, Chapman block. n21-23. Acts at once, never fails. One Min ute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and that feverish condition which ac companies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that produces imme diate results. Our winter blooming Chrysanthemums are now in full bloom. The public is cordially invited to come to cur green house, on Eight and Liberty and see them. ' : .-.!--.r---,--- u20 3t The Stublino Gbeknhotjse. " fiWi id 'SgSI PERSONAL. MENTION. Ex-Governor Z. F. Moody is in tho city. . Hon. Robert Mays is in from the conutry. Dr. Hugh Lozan returned home on today's local. I. H. Taffe, Celilo's chief of police, is in tLe city. Mr. A.- Gehres returned" home today from an extended vieit in California. Mr. Georea A. Thomas, a well-known resident of White Salmon, is in the city. W. C. Wills, of Crook county, a mem ber of the state board of equalization, is in the city. Miss Jeancette Williams came up on I the Regulator last evening -to visit her sister, Mrs. II. W. .trench. Mr. Grant Mays left on the afternoon train for San Francisco. He will only I make a brief visit. Miss Jeanette Meredith of Salem, who has been visiting relatives in the city for several weeks, leit for borne oil the after noon train. There is nothing that causes women ereater discomfort and misery than the constantly recurring Headache. Men Buffer less with Headache. "My wife's health was very indifferent having ! Headache continually, and just two packages of Simmons Liver Regulator released her from all Headache and gave tone and vigor to her whole system. I have never regretted it's use." M. B.I DeCord, Mt. Vernon, Ky. Blakeley & Houghton, the druggists. will tell you that no one ia better quali fled to judge of the merits of an article than the dealer, because he bases his opinion on the experience of all who use it. For this reason' they wish us to publish the remarks of other dealers about an article which the' handle Messrs. C. F. Moore & Co., Newberg, Ore., say: "We eell more of Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy than all others put together, and it alwajs gives good satisfaction." Mr. J. F. Allen, Fox, Or. says : "I believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be the best I have handled." HT- V IT U:Knnl, rl Wool. 1 1M.I. t I . ill A I (VUbUVB , UV1UIU VUO, ROW., says: "Uhatnberlain's Cough Kemedy sells well and is highly praised by all who use it." Klectrlc Blttera. Electric Bitters is a medicine euited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed in Spring, when the languid exeaueted feeling prevails, when liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alternate is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. JSo medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the malarial poison. Headache, lnd igestion, Ccr.sli patiou, Dizziness yield to Electric Bit ters. Only fifty cents per bottle at I Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Oar winter blooming bulbs have just arrived direct from Holland, and it is now time to pot your lillies, hyacinths, tulipr, snow-drops, jonquils and nareis- us for in-door flowering. This is also the season to plant them in the garden to secure early large blooms. We wish to call special attention to the new narcis- us called the Irish King. n20-3t The Stubling Greenhouse. Ruelclen'a Arinca elalve. The best salve in the world for cutp, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi lively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Blakeley & HoughtOD, druggists. It's just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as anything elee. It's easi- to cure a severe cough or cold with it. Let your next purchase for a cough be One Mtuute Cough Cure. Better medi cine; better results ; better try it. There are many good reasons why you should use One Minute Cough Cure. Thftrft flrft nn rAfifinivfl vhv von fitinnlrl not, if in need of help. Tho only harm- less remedv that produces loimediate results. Notice. All warrants outstanding Against Dalles City are now due and payable at my office. Interest ceases on and Hfter this date. C. J. Cbakdau., July 15th, 1895. Citv Treas. 1 ,000,000 People Wear IWIflouglas Shoes HAND t """TmO sewed ? 5ri 'BEST IN THE PROCESS. a ORLD. $5.00 3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.75 For Botj For Men aciYon'Jis Wear W. L. Donarlma shoe, and mmw front I.M ta aZ.OO m Mir. All Mt. Ia ami widtlu. The advance In leather has increased iha jT.;& "X $2.50 $25e0AS price or other makes, but the quality and prices of Mr. . Doetsrlata altoea r&nmtm the ane. Take no substitute ; Me that name and price Is stamped 0o sole. W. a ltouglaa, Bkocktox, Mass. Sold ay CHAS; F. STEPHENS. your child You note the difference in children. Some have nearly every ailment, even with the best of care. Others far more exposed pass through unharmed. Weak children will have continuous colds in winter, poor digestion in summer. They are with out power to resist disease, they have -' no reserve strength. 3cott s bmulsion of cod-liver-oil, with hypo- phosphites, is cod-liver oil partly digested and adapted to the weaker digestions of children. Scott St Bownb , Chemists, New York. ;e. and $i.oo Who IV ants Money? All county warrants registered prior to Mar. 1st, 1892, will bo paid if presented at my office, corner 3d and Washington streets, The Dalles, Or. Interest ceases after IN ov. 14, 1895. WM. MlCHELIi, County Treasurer. Tlos. F. Oa'ses, Henry C Payne, RECEIVE K8- Henry c. Bouse flORTHERN r J a PACIFIC R. R. n s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars- EleSTeilt "to" - Tourist Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS . DULUTII FARGO GRAND FOBF CROOK8TON WINNIPEG HELENA Mud BUTTE TO Thfoagfa Tickets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA "KV YORK BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST and SOCTH For information, time cards, maps and tickets. call on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon, A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.. 255, Morrison, Cor. Third, Portland, Oregon EK'S.TI GIYE3 THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA.- I Spokane Denver Minneapolis Omaha St. Paul Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. CBAN STEAMERS Leave Portland Ererr Five Days fur SAN" FRANCISCO, CAL For full details call on O. R. & Co.'s Agent at The Dalles, or address W, H. HOKLBURT. Gen. Pass. Asrt. - Portland, Oregon, House Moving I Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. . lias the largest house moving outfit in Kastern Oregon. Vddress P.O.Box 181 .The Dalles PIPE TOBACCO. Nbw Arrivals. A Fall Line of Bayle's Specialties. Salted Peanuts in small car- - toons. Toasted Butter Corn in small cartoons. Baj'le's celebrated Clam Broth Bayle's English Sandwich Mustard. Bayle's Extract of Beef. -ittle German Pretzels. Saratoga Chipped. Potatoes. The above are very fine goods and per-1 fectly fresh. It will be a pleasure to show them to y.ou. J. B. CROSSEN, The Grocer. Ask Central for 62. Snipes-Kinersly Drog Co. Drugs, Paints, Paper, Glass. Etc. 129 Second St., THE DALLES, OR RIPANS The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Harry Liebe, i PRACTICAL Watclimakeri Jeweler All work promptly attended to, ' and warranted. Can street. now be found at 162 Second ft Calcacater'a EnsUa Diamond Braa4. EfHJYROYAL PILLS Original suid Only veanlne. 8FC, aUwsyi reliable. LADIES &V3E DrucHst for Chichester JBnalUh D(a- J tnomd Brand in ltd avnd Gold metsUliov boxes. atmled with blue ribbon. Take 1 n other, ftrfuae r'vngeroua rubttilu tiona and tmittUiomj. A l DrQXKicta. or uea in atavmpa for particulars, teatiotODlaU and Kuer lor latllesa," m ur, bj iistmn MaUL 10.000 TeatitDODiaU. Am JMper. .louar X' aus 1 anal tulLosftl JOSf Tf tETERi & CO., mm - Telephono Uo. 2S. When the Train stops at TEE DALLES, get off on the Sooth Side , . AT THE JiEW COmJpBlfl HOTEL. This targe and popular House and is Trera area to lurmsn House In the city, and at toe $100 perDay- First Office for all Stagje Lines points In Kastern Oregon In this Hotel. Corner of Front and Union St. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER- Successor to Chrism an & Corson. i FULL LIN STAPLE and FANCY GROCE Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to see all iny former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. THE CELEBRHTED COIiUCQlBR AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and he market. i PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. And the Most Complete and WALL PAPER. PRACTICAL PAINTER and PAPER HANGER. None but the best brands of J. W. MASURY'S PAINTS used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chem icel combination or soap mixture- A first-class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shoo corner Third and 1 Titer e is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flood leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closing Out Sale of at CRANDALL & BURG ET'S, Who are selling these MTCHELBACH New England Marble ? Granite Works Calvin H. Weeks, Proprietor. -WHOLESALE AND Monumental Woi Imported MuafiJ. Do not order Monumental Work until you obtain our figures. You will find that, for good work, our charges are always the lowest. Cash or time settlement, fas preferred can be arranged for at greatly reduced figures. Send address for de-- signs and prices. Second and Third-street cars pass our salesrooms. . 720 Front Street, opp. the Failing School, PORTLAND, OR CLOSING OUT SALE of i li v t it it n CLOTHIITG, FURNISHING- GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS. These Goods Must Be Sold Less Than Cost. 1 MATERIALS AND - does the principal hotel business. ine Best Accommoaauons oi any low rate of . Qass 25 cets leavlnr The Dalles for all and Kast.rn Washington, : "JT. T. NICHOLAS, Propr. OF ES. BHELaEHY, turning out the best Beer and Porter ony the first-class article will be placed On -DEALER IN- Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. Washington Sts.. The Dalles, Oreoa Furniture and Carpets goods out at greatly-reduced rates. BRICK. - - UNION ST. RETAIL DEALER IN- is J. P. McINERNY.